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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 153

by Altonya Washington

  Taurus held a hand to his brow and bit his lip on the need surging through him at the vision of the cream leather suit that looked as if it had been poured over Nile’s svelte frame. The upsweep of her onyx tresses accentuated the short breast hugging blazer and diamond choker at her neck.

  Fernando’s translucent stare raked Contessa wearing a scrap of clothing that could hardly pass for a dress. The yellow daisy coloring of the garment brought increased richness to the already alluring tone of her honey skin. The dress itself appeared to be simply a mass of straps-some a tad thicker than others. Fernando celebrated the fact that the widest scraps of material covered (barely) her bosom and behind. He muttered a curse at every step she took for the action strained the material across every covered attribute that was inches from being revealed.

  “Where the fuck is she going in that?” He hissed.

  Moses shook his head and continued to ravage Johari by the sheer intensity of his stare. “I’m guessing they’ve already been.” He told his brother.

  “And look at this shit.” Quay muttered, watching as several men left their tables to approach the eight beauties at the bar.

  Whatever conversations on tap for the evening’s agenda were completely forgotten as all attention focused on the Lair’s new arrivals.

  It didn’t take long for the eight ladies to dash the hopes of the gentlemen whose propositions ranged from the sweet and suave to the seductive and downright X-rated. The defeated men took it all in stride as though deep down they knew they didn’t stand a chance. Unfortunately, the speediness of their departures in no way quelled the agitation of the only men in the Lair who’d decided not to approach the bar.

  The girls enjoyed their drinks and a bit more conversation before making their exit. Once they were gone, the Ramsey/ DeBurgh/McPhereson party decided another round of hard liquor was definitely needed.


  Following a virtual battle with Sabra; in which she emerged the victor, the guys found someone to bribe for info on the location of the Warren bachelorette party. For an extra $50 bucks, they scored a room key to the split level suite on the other end of the executive offices.

  It was easy to guess at some of what was going on inside. The music pounded and caused the heavy pine door to vibrate a little. When Fernando inserted the key and pushed open the door, his companion’s mouths fell open at the visions before their eyes.

  Fernando spotted Contessa at the wall which housed an impressive sound system. With drinks in hand, she, Nile and Dena danced energetically to the Mary Jane Girls’ “Candy Man”. The song filled the room with its affective beat and lyrics. Though the music effectively drowned their voices, it didn’t stop the threesome from singing their hearts out. Taurus and Carlos shifted their stances to obtain a better look at their wives and loved everything they saw.

  Michaela and Melina occupied the sofa and coffee table respectively. Both stood on their chosen furnishings and gyrated to the beat of the song as they too sang with all the gumption they could muster.

  Quest folded his arms over the navy shirt hanging outside his jeans and smiled. He didn’t think he’d ever tire of just happening upon one of his wife’s dance sessions.

  Yohan; on the other hand, rarely caught his wife offering such a show. Like the rest of his cohorts, he stood open mouthed and staring.

  Along the staircase, Tykira’s, Johari’s and Darby’s faces were hidden amidst a wealth of tresses flying about them in a sandy red, onyx and honey blonde blur.

  Moses, Quay and Kraven simply relaxed against a wall and took in the enticing show which heated up when the Mary Jane Girls’ tune faded into the sultry reggae groove of Mad Cobra’s “Flex”. Appreciative smiles curved their mouths in unison and the guys were on another level of heaven.

  That is, until Quay felt a punch in his bicep. Turning, he found his cousin fuming in the doorway. Sabra’s immediate ranting was greatly muted by the music but that didn’t stop her from strolling in and giving them all a piece of her mind.

  Of course none of the guys looked too kindly upon having their entertainment interrupted. The Mad Cobra tune was fading into Hall and Oates’ “I Can’t Go For That” when they all slanted Quay a knowing look.

  Quaysar began walking forward as the smooth grooves of the song started to vibrate the door again. Sabra didn’t realize she’d been backed out into the corridor until Quay leaned close to kiss her cheek.

  “Good Night,” he said.

  “Dammit Quay I wanna know what the hell y’all are gonna do?”

  Quay’s grin sparked his striking right dimple. “Ah, ah, ah Sabra. What happens in Vegas…” he sang and shut the door in his cousin’s frowning face.


  Thursday~ Chicago…

  Mid morning found the bride and groom in slight debate over the guys invasion of the bachelorette party the night before.

  “I mean, at least me and my girls were decent enough not to barge in on your party.”

  “Mmm hmm,” Fernando grunted while securing the clasp on his watch. “What do you call that stunt in the bar?”

  Contessa didn’t fake confusion. “We had no idea y’all were there.”

  “Come off it.”

  County walked on ahead of him down the stairway. “My fiancés’ a jerk,” she sang.

  Fernando caught the edge of her white T-shirt before she took the last step. County refused to acknowledge the bumps of anticipation riddling her skin when he trapped her against the banister and trailed his nose along her jaw.

  “Are any of you really that upset over what went on in that suite once the lights went out?”

  She rolled her eyes and tried to angle her face away from his touch. A meaningful tingle stirred someplace at the mention of the completely scandalous events that occurred on each level and over every square foot of the elaborate suite. Contessa knew it’d be a long time before she stopped blushing over memories of Prince’s sexy crooning and the moans filling the darkened suite with sounds of desire.

  The bell rang and County flashed Fernando a scathing look as she headed to answer the door.

  “That’s what I thought,” he murmured, a smile curving his mouth as he leaned on the banister.

  County pulled open the front door and found herself staring into her mirror image. Neena Warren stood on the other side and uttered an excited shriek in unison with her daughter. They fell into hugs and laughter seconds later.

  “Hey Ms. Neena,” Fernando was saying when he leaned in for his hug and kiss.

  “Baby,” Neena relished the embrace then bit her lip like a school girl as she watched her soon-to-be son-in-law make his exit. “Have I told you how incredible he is?” Neena whispered.

  County shrugged. “’Bout a million times. But I swear he can be aggravating as hell sometimes.”

  Neena fell in step with her daughter as they strolled the foyer. “Well that can’t be too hard to accept once you get down to the uh…meat of the matter.”

  Sending her mother a sly look, County nudged her shoulder. “You’re a dirty lady, Neena Warren.”

  Neena shrugged. “Getting older’s gotta have some perks.”

  “Seriously Bunny,” Neena said once their laughter mellowed. “I apologize for being a day early.”

  “I had a feeling you would be after our talk.”

  “Actually it was the call from your Aunt Corinth that did it.”

  County muttered a curse. “They had it comin’.” She said in reference to Corinth’s daughters Monique and Trenique.

  “Baby was it really necessary in front of Mick and the rest of your soon to be family?”

  “Yes it was.” County hung her mother’s coat and slammed the closet door. “I hope the bitches told everybody else in their sorry family!”


  “I don’t want ‘em here, Mama!”

  Neena fidgeted with the diamond pin adorning her gray silk blouse. “Not even your father, baby? Not even on your wedding day?”
/>   “Especially not him and especially not on my wedding day.” County studied the chic press and curl style that flattered her mother’s lovely face, and then she frowned. “How could you push for this after what he did? I just can’t understand that, Mama.”

  “Oh Baby,” Neena drew her daughter close and kissed her cheek. “Have you told Fernando?”

  “No,” County pulled away and rubbed her arms to ward off a sudden chill. “He never needs to know that.”

  “He could easily find out, you know?” Neena trailed her fingers through County’s short, dark crop. “I’m surprised Monique and Tren didn’t say it just to hurt you when they were here.”

  “Well they aren’t gonna have another chance. Security will be tight and they’ll know that nobody with the last name Samuels gets past the front gate.”

  Neena shook her head and watched her hot-tempered daughter stomp on ahead.


  The remainder of the day brought the arrival of the Ramsey elders. Though several wouldn’t show up at Mick’s house until the day of the wedding; a few dropped in for hellos and to bestow best wishes on the happy couple.

  “You two look very at ease to say you’ve had two boys and a baby girl to take care of for the better part of a week.” Mick was saying as she hugged her in-laws.

  Damon squeezed her closer before pressing a kiss to her temple and pulling back to flash his striking double dimpled grin.

  “Those three are a piece of cake compared to their dads.” He spoke in reference to Quest and Quay.

  Catrina nudged Mick’s shoulder and winked. “At least we can give back those three once the fun is over.”

  Nile arrived with Quincee while Michaela, Damon and Catrina were still laughing.

  “She’s a doll.” Nile marveled and kissed Damon and Catrina.

  Someone called the elder Ramseys who excused themselves. It didn’t take long for Mick’s sharp perceptive skills to notice the apprehension filling her sister’s gaze.

  “Tell me,” Mick urged.

  Nile bounced Quincee and smiled when the child laughed. “I was just wondering if you’d ever consider visiting our family- your family in California?”

  The apprehension took residence in Michaela’s amber stare then. Sighing, she stepped close and began to fidget with the pink frills on Quincee’s dress. “I prayed for such a day and now that it’s here…I’m scared as hell.” She winced and looked up at Nile. “Does that make sense?”

  “Perfect sense,” Nile laughed when Quincee tugged at the collar of her polo top. “But there’s something else you should keep in mind. I’ll be with you all the way.”

  Mick laughed as though it were a fact she should never have forgotten. With Quincee between them, they shared a hug.


  Damon and Catrina sought a moment of refuge on a remote sofa in the sitting room.

  “What’s up?” Damon murmured, kissing his wife’s forehead when she rested her face in the crook of her neck.

  “Just never thought we’d live to see Quest and Quay both fathers, both in happy marriages with women they adore…”

  “Yeah,” Damon snuggled down a bit on the sofa and drew his wife closer, “it was touch and go there for a while, wasn’t it?”

  The couple shared a hearty chuckle over Damon’s suggestive yet accurate choice of words.

  “And the rest of the boys,” Catrina mused curling her trouser-clad legs beneath her. “It’s just really wonderful how everything turned out despite the forces trying to ruin it all.”

  “And no one’s heard a peep out of Marc,” Damon sighed.

  “What do you think about that?”

  “I try not to think about that.”

  Catrina propped her chin on his shoulder. “And everyone else?”

  “Carmen and Georgia could care less- same goes for West. I don’t think any of ‘em care one way or another what’s happening to the man.”

  Catrina curled closer to her husband. “Your brother’s a sleeping dog best left lying.”

  Damon closed his eyes. “And I hope he stays that way.”


  Dinner was a hearty conversation rich affair. The Ramsey elders who’d arrived that day, stayed on hand for the catered feast. Neena Warren was embraced by the older set like they’d all been friends for ages.

  Contessa was thrilled by the progression of events since none of her father’s family showed their faces at the dinner. Laughter and boisterous toasts were the order of the evening of course. Westin Ramsey however brought the night’s festivities back to order with his special toast to the bride and groom.

  As the eldest Ramsey son, West spoke to Fernando in the manner of a father. He relayed words of pride to the younger man as well as words of admiration for the type of man Fernando had become in the face of many obstacles.

  “Hold fast and communicate with your husband Contessa.” Westin said. “You’ll never go wrong if you stay true to those things. Fern, treasure your wife and draw strength from your union. View her as your equal in all things and your bond will span decades.”

  Fernando and Contessa linked hands from their place at the long table.

  “To the bride and groom!” Westin bellowed.

  Glasses raised and caught the twinkle of the candlelight glowing in the room.

  “To the bride and groom!” Everyone cheered.


  Following the feast of roasted chicken quarters, wild rice, broccoli and mushroom sauté, corn muffins with honey butter and key lime pie, the group adjourned to the living room for coffee and drinks.

  Briselle Ramsey caught her sister-in-law’s eye across the room and pointed.

  “Let’s go while Georgia’s occupied.” Bri said to Carmen and joined in when the woman laughed.

  “You’re looking happier than I’ve ever seen you. Care to share?” Briselle asked while they walked toward the den.

  “Life is good.” Carmen Ramsey almost purred with a sun-bright smile.

  “And Marc’s missing.” Briselle noted with a saucy tilt of her head.

  Carmen hugged her petite frame. “That makes it even better. I hope he’s rotting.”

  “Carmen,” Briselle waited until they were behind the closed doors of the den. “Did you have anything to do with that?”

  “Why Bri how in the world would I know about doing something like that? Why in the world would I care?” She added while pulling invisible lint from her fitted lavender suit coat.

  “It’s all we’ve talked about lately, remember?” Briselle’s sparkling stare was sharp. “At first I thought it was all a tease- outrageous fantasizing…” she stepped closer and clutched Carmen’s arm. “Now I’m getting the feeling that somewhere along the line it became real for you.”

  Carmen suddenly turned the tables and gripped Briselle’s arm. “It was always real for me.” Her stony expression vanished as quickly as it had emerged. She kissed Briselle’s cheek and left the den.


  County had been looking for her mother and was told by Crane and Josephine that Neena had been called out to the foyer. County went to investigate, turning livid and more than a little nervous at the sight of the woman talking and laughing with Lincoln Samuels.

  “What the hell’s he doin’ here?” County’s eyes threw daggers toward her father.


  “Hey Babylove,” Lincoln interrupted his ex-wife and approached his daughter.

  County bristled and rolled her eyes. “Mama when you’re done here, I need you in the living room.”

  “Alright County that’s it!” Neena snapped. “I’ve had about all I can stand of this nastiness!”

  “Oh Mama that can’t be. I don’t think you’ve had nearly enough not when you’re being stupid enough to stand here and listen to this fool’s excuses!”

  “Alright Conty, no more!” Lincoln blared, his handsome round face tight with tension. “You may hate me, but I won’t stand quiet and watch you be cruel to your mama!�

  “Oh please!” County was beyond caring. “Cruel? Did you say cruel?” She propped fists to her hips and glared. “Cruel…what the hell could be more cruel that leaving your wife for another man?!”

  Silence came down across the foyer like an anvil. As if she were snapping from a trance, County covered her mouth behind both hands stunned that she’d finally spoken the words she’d longed to say to her father. Then, her lashes fluttered and she realized she wasn’t alone with her parents. A crowd had filled the space.

  “God,” she croaked and raced up the stairs.



  The bedroom door locked behind Contessa following her outburst the night before. The guys had to practically sit on Fernando to keep him from kicking down the door to get to County. She would only whisper through the door to Michaela that she couldn’t face anyone that night and would be okay by morning.

  Mick was knocking by eight a.m. on Friday. She gave the thumbs up sign to everyone hovering on the second floor landing, when the locks clicked.

  “What’s up?” Mick looked around the room for any sign of broken vases or other fragile items.

  County barely grunted a greeting and trudged back to the rumpled bed where she’d tossed frantically the night before.

  Mick lay next to her against the pillow-lined headboard and trailed her fingers through County’s unkempt hair.

  “They gone?” County’s voice was half muffled in a pillow.

  Mick smiled. “Josephine and Crane asked Ms. Neena to stay with them-there’s an extra room out in the guest house. Your dad left right after you…went upstairs.”

  County groaned suddenly and clutched hair between her fingers. “Will that man ever stop humiliating me?”

  “Honey, shh…”


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