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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 165

by Altonya Washington

  Josephine moved closer then. She clenched her fists in the folds of her robe and waited for more info.

  “I’m not counting on fairy tales.” Fernelle sniffed. “I think he’ll do the right thing though.”

  “Girl, the right thing and Marcus Ramsey don’t even belong in the same sentence.”

  “Amen.” Ross muttered in response to Clea’s observation.

  Fernelle pursed her lips and drew a tuft of her reddish-brown hair behind an ear. “Would either of you be sayin’ that if you were in my place?”

  Ross stood. “Don’t go sittin’ up on some high horse just ‘cause you screwed Marc Ramsey and managed to get pregnant.”

  Josephine gasped her captivating gaze wide and awe-filled as she watched her sister’s stomach. “You’re gonna have a baby?”

  Clea turned, blocking Fernelle’s smiling face. She took Josephine’s arm and dragged her out of the bed room.

  “You speak a word of it and we’ll beat you black and blue- leave you for dead in the woods behind the house, tell Ma some animals must’ve gotten to you.”

  “Clea!” Fernelle called her disapproval while Ross laughed.

  Clea shoved her baby sister into the hall and slammed the door in her face.


  Briselle feared her already large gaze would overtake her face if it widened any more. But this had to be some kind of mistake; she thought when the host behind the podium at Frederique’s Chalet told her she was in the right place. And he said it with a bow, besides- Briselle marveled silently when the man asked her to follow him.


  Westin called the day before and told her to meet him there for dinner. She was sure he’d been mistaken. The only thing black people went to Frederique’s for was to wash the dishes once the white folks were done eating.

  The new Savannah restaurant was the personification of ‘uppity’. There were some whites who hadn’t even been there for a meal. Perhaps Westin had arranged for them to get leftovers to eat in his car, she mused while her lips curved into the beginnings of a smile.

  Wrong again. The host led her to an intimate round table set for two. Westin stood and sent her a wink.

  “Thanks Reese,” he grinned toward the host.

  The man bowed once more and left the job of seating Briselle to Westin.

  “What are you doing?” The flirty flip of her hair slapped her cheeks when she looked back across her shoulder.

  “Helping you into your chair,” his reply sounded innocent enough.


  His mouth was on hers before she could continue. “Sit.” He ordered.

  Briselle tucked the hem of the peppermint green and white trimmed wool dress beneath her and obeyed. For several minutes afterward she stared unseeingly at the menu West placed in her hands.

  “You okay?”


  “How about a dance?”

  “No!” She looked around quickly to see if she’d been overheard. “We shouldn’t be here West.”

  “Why not?”

  Briselle flopped back on the burgundy cushioned chair. “When have you ever seen colored people come in here to eat?”

  “I was hoping it’d be right about now if you’d tell me what you want to order.”

  Briselle was drained of any desire for further conversation as she watched the man she loved.

  At last, Westin showed mercy. “It’s alright, B.”

  The look she shot him was an utter statement of disbelief.

  “We’re gonna dance.”

  Her eyes widened so much then, she had to squeeze them closed against the ache. She felt West’s hand at her shoulder blades. “West please-”

  “Uh-uh,” he patted her back and drew her from the chair in one seamless motion.

  Briselle could’ve torn the worsted fabric of West’s black suit coat as she gripped his sleeve and fought the urge to hide her face against it. Mustering dignity from someplace deep, she kept her head high as they strolled the short distance to the dance floor. Between being a black customer in a whites only establishment and the desire Westin always roused when he drew her close, Bri felt on the verge of a dead faint.

  “You don’t look relaxed enough to suit me,” he murmured, the playful frown on his face adding something adorable to his striking features.

  The next thing Briselle knew, West was plying her with a vigorous kiss. She didn’t think to resist- she never did. Soon she was responding with an equal passion until the tiny stirrings of memory kicked in. She remembered where they were and strained for him to stop.

  “What’s the problem, B?”

  She tugged his lapels. “What is going on? Are you trying to give me a heart attack-kissing me senseless at a place where we could be shot just for looking inside?”

  “Jeez, I never knew you were so paranoid.” He laughed softly when she bristled. “Baby pretty much everybody eating in here works at Ramsey. Or they’re clients- including the owners. There is no reason to be afraid.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Sorry I upset you. I’d never put you in harm’s way- not when I want you in my life forever.”

  “Well why are we here, then?” She loosened her grip on his jacket but continued to hold. “I’d have been happy going to any of our regular places.”

  Silently West acknowledged that. His alluring gaze was ever so flattering as it caressed her delicate honey-kissed features. God, there were so many reasons why he loved her.

  “We’ve been together a long time, you know? I read in one of Georgia’s magazines that men should do things for their women to keep the flames burning.”

  Briselle laughed, her ease slowly yet surely returning. “So that’s what all this is about?”

  “Not exactly.” He felt around in his trouser pocket and retrieved a small box.

  When the gray velvet box opened, Briselle’s gaze returned to its earlier widened state. “But you already gave me a ring.” She said.

  Nodding slow West reached for her hand and kissed the modest piece of jewelry on her finger. “This one says you’re my girl.” He shook the velvet box. “This one says you’re about to be my wife. Marry me, B.”

  She bit a trembling lip to stifle emotion, but of course failed as happy tears filled her eyes.

  “Yes, yes…” she chanted while he eased the sparkling diamond on in front of the first ring.

  The engaged couple kissed. They drew a round of cheer and applause from the rest of the patrons inside Frederique’s Chalet.



  Late Spring 1962~

  Damon had already wasted three of his precious Spring Break days simply watching Catrina Jeffries. How could he blame himself though? He could watch her all day. He smiled, resting his head against one of the leafy mosses lining the street across from her father’s business.

  She’d probably be pretty pissed off to know her dreaded duties of grease dumping and pan scrubbing were things he’d come to love watching her do. But what of talking to her? He wondered. Since that day when they’d talked more about his family than he intended, he’d backed off. He feared that conversation would spark others that would have her guessing he was a Ramsey. Sure he knew she’d find out sooner or later. As always though, he preferred later- much later.

  His head raised a tad from where he leaned against the tree trunk. Curiosity sparked a frown at his brow. Catrina Jeffries’ chore for the day wasn’t one he’d seen her perform before. Pushing off the shady tree, Damon eased both hands into his jean pockets and walked slowly toward the curb. He watched her drag two large suitcases from the back screened porch and down the brick steps. She hoisted one and then another atop identical tree stumps. She pulled open the tops and went about spraying them with one hand while covering her nose and mouth with the other.

  Curiosity won out and he had to know what the hell was going on.

  Catrina’s scream was muffled due to the hand still covering her mouth as she disinfected the rarely used cases. As
usual, seeing Damon filled her with twin emotions of awe and embarrassment.

  “Takin’ a trip?” He tried to sound more playful than curious.

  “You scared me.” She swallowed and managed a smile. “Yeah, yeah I am.”

  The phony playful expression turned sharp with surprise and scant agitation.

  “I go every summer to see cousins in Atlanta.”

  He nodded at the explanation. Unfortunately his scant agitation mounted slightly over the thought of her not being around. “Sounds like fun.” He noted when she quieted.

  Catrina’s excitement barreled through then. “Oh I always have the best time. Most of my other cousins are either too old or too young- these are just my age.”

  Damon had to laugh then. Her excitement was truly contagious. “At least you’ll get away from dumping fish grease for while.”

  Catrina rolled her eyes even as she laughed. “This trip can’t come soon enough. I’m surprised my Mama didn’t call it off once Daddy got the Ramsey wedding.”

  “Ramsey…wedding?” Damon blinked. This was the first he’d heard of Jeffries Catering handling the affair.

  “So um…how long will you be gone?” More intrigued by her trip then, he hoped she wouldn’t make it back in time for the event.

  “Well that wedding is something I wouldn’t mind seeing.” Catrina knocked the spray can against the thigh of her denim pedal pushers. “But I’m still glad to be away two weeks before it and three weeks after.”

  Damon’s relief then was short-lived. The reality of her being gone hit him like a sack of rocks in the face.

  “I’ll come see you when you get back.”

  She smiled at his soft promise. “That’d be nice.”

  Staring took hold for several long moments. When Catrina bit her lip, Damon lost whatever restraint that helped him maintain distance. He bounded over to her, cupping the back of her neck while his other hand folded over her hip and kept her close.

  Catrina wasn’t quite so agile. She was limp, stunned by his nearness and the feel of him touching her. The sound creeping past her throat collided with a shudder as his head tilted and he kissed her.

  As though he’d been doing it all his life, Damon’s kiss began slowly- teasing and gently stroking. His tongue caressed the ridge of her teeth and the roof of her mouth before engaging her tongue in a dance that went from sweet to seductive in seconds.

  Her chest heaving against his almost made him forget where they were. He couldn’t push away though-not yet, not just yet. He indulged in a few more seemingly endless seconds of the enjoyable kiss.

  When at last he pulled away, Damon nudged her nose and helped himself to another peck from her lips. “Enjoy yourself.” He spoke against the corner of her mouth.

  Catrina could barely nod. When he walked away, the strength that left returned to her index finger. She pressed down on the spray tab of the can she still held and Damon’s departing figure was soon hidden behind a cloud of disinfectant.


  Carmen bit down on her lip and looked down at the invitation she worried between her fingers. She knew he’d refuse, but she had to try.

  Why? She blinked when the question flashed on like a bulb in her head.

  Jasper Stone had told her time and time again that it’d never happen between them. Could she even blame him for saying that- it was crazy to say the very least. Sure there was the age difference, but that was easy to overcome. What she couldn’t battle; didn’t stand a chance of winning against, were his feelings of worthlessness. Years of contempt-blatant from Harriett Cade and more subtle by the rest of the community had done its damage. She wondered how much.

  The back door creaked and Carmen gave a start realizing she hadn’t even knocked. Jasper’s expression was a cross between surprise and helplessness as though he’d expected her there and was rattled just the same by her actual presence.

  “Carmen,” he greeted in the usual agitated manner while cupping a hand behind her elbow and pulling her inside. All the while, he studied the backyard to see if anyone had noticed his guest arriving.

  “Why’re you here?” He folded his arms across a worn black shirt.

  “Jasper this is lovely…” she breathed, inspecting the transformed kitchen.

  “Thanks,” the agitation gave way to a fleeting sense of pride over her approval. “Hope it’ll get someone willing to stay on or at least make an offer on the place before I leave.”

  The last caught Carmen’s full attention. The soles of her shoes clattered on the gleaming linoleum when she turned to him.

  “Can’t stay ‘round here anymore Carm.” He didn’t give her the benefit of eye contact.

  He had a list of reasons for leaving, but Carmen wouldn’t cry as he ran them down. No she wouldn’t cry. That’d make her seem like even more of a little girl. “When are you…going? I um, I wanted to invite you to my brother’s wedding.”

  “West?” Jasper guessed, watching her nod. “I always liked him.”

  “So you’ll come?” Her dark eyes were bright then.

  “I hope to be gone by then.” He turned to the sink and made a pretense of wiping down the counter.

  To hell with being a little girl, Carmen thought tossing the invite to the table. She flung herself against his back and wrapped her arms tight about him.

  “Wait, please wait. Do this one thing, please Jasper. Come with me to my brother’s wedding, please. If you feel anything for me could you just give me that little bit of time?”

  Her shudders tore at his heart. He turned quickly keeping her close; watching her as if stunned that she’d think he felt nothing for her.

  “Carmen right now you’re everything to me,” he confessed, clenching his hands about her arms knowing her skin was far softer than the silky blouse covering it. His heart gave a little jerk below his ribs when he saw the light come back to her face.


  “You’re everything to me, but you know why this can’t happen now.” A wince marred his striking features then. “I won’t ask or expect you to put you life on hold until mine is the way I’d have it.”

  Carmen was curious to know what that meant, but more interested then in the discovery that he had feelings for her.

  When she interrupted his words with a kiss, Jasper didn’t think of resisting. The moment in the kitchen was sweetness laced with steam and moved to the hallway, then on to Jasper’s bedroom. There, he treated her to caresses Carmen had only heard about when Georgia cackled with her friends.

  The talk was nothing on the reality of it. She didn’t even feel Jasper unbutton her blouse. Not until she felt his mouth on the lace covering her nipples did she realize. Moaning shamelessly, she arched softly eager for him to add more insistence to the maddeningly gentle swirls of his tongue. Knowing there was more, she boldly tugged aside the fabric, baring herself to the expertise of his lips. His hand had ventured between her thighs and his thumb rubbing the crotch of the cotton slacks, had Carmen grinding down for more.

  Jasper would take it no farther than the intense petting he’d subjected her to.

  “No don’t, I want to…”

  Jasper closed his eyes, calling himself a fool twice over for pulling away when she was so willing. Pulling away was just what he did.

  Her gaze was questioning. “Did I do something wrong? Say something-”

  “No, no Carm you did everything right.” Too right, he said ordering himself to…soften before he left the bed. “I’m not worthy of you Carm-”


  “And I won’t dirty you more than I already have.” He wouldn’t tell her that he intended to come back. He wouldn’t stop until he’d found her again and made her his in every way.

  Carmen saw that nothing she could say would change his mind. She didn’t argue when he helped her from the bed and to the door. She didn’t allow herself to cry until she was well on the path back home.


  Felix gnawed his jaw while debating
, even as he turned the hanging moss tree-lined walk way leading to Lula Mae’s Dress Shop. He’d gone out to the Ramseys looking for Georgia and was told she’d gone to be fitted for her dress for Westin’s wedding.

  Felix massaged the area between his brows and called himself a fool for trying. Georgia had always been up front regarding her feelings for money and his lack of it. The girl would never give up the security of wealth for the comfort of love unless there were significant dollars attached.

  He questioned why he loved her so and knew it was because he did, that he was walking straight into the face of denial again.


  Georgia had been fitted for her dress and was selecting a few additional things for herself. She was trying to decide between two sheath dresses before realizing the only decision was to buy them both. She was laughing over a comment made by one of the sales girls, when her mahogany gaze widened at the sight of Felix walking into the shop.

  The girls; mostly friends of Georgia’s, began to whisper while making themselves scarce. Georgia kept quiet, clutching one of the dresses as she waited.

  “How you doin’ G?”

  The sound of his voice forced her to acknowledge just how much she’d missed him in the months they’d been apart.

  “Are you just getting back?”

  He smiled at her question. “About to go, actually. Had a lot to handle-Mama and all…”

  “How is she?” Georgia’s head tilted at a curious angle when she noticed the grimace curling his mouth.

  “Mama’s gonna be fine. God knows she’s got tons of friends and supporters who’ll see to it.”

  “Felix I’m so sorry,” her voice and stare reflected her love for him, “the way things turned out, I know-”

  “Come with me.”

  Georgia turned away leaving the dress on the corner and going to browse the blouse rack.

  He followed. “Come with me.” He brought a hand down on hers to stop the browsing.

  “I already told you I couldn’t.”

  “Because of money.”

  It was Georgia’s turn to grimace. “It’s an unfortunate necessity.”

  “We won’t be flat broke when we set out, you know?”


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