chocolate, 245, 275
cinnamon, 10–11, 274
clay, medicinal, 87
Clinton, Bill, 116
cloves, 10–11, 274
Coca-Cola, 113
cocoa, 253
cocoa beans, 275
coconut oil, 76–77
coffee, 80, 99, 104, 266, 276
cold and warm stimuli, reaction to, 7–12
hyperthermic baths (Schlenz baths) and, 11–12
Kneipp’s therapies and, 8–9, 51–59
life warmth in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, 10–11
saunas and, 11, 53, 54, 55
Scotch hose therapy and, 8, 9, 52, 55, 56, 58
shivering, 8
spices and, 10–11
sweating, 7–8
water-filtered infrared radiation treatment and, 12
See also hydrotherapy
colds, treatment of, 1–2
colon hydrotherapies, 103
comfrey, 248
component view of food (nutritionism), 119–21
comprehensibility, 18
compresses, 1,52, 58, 103, 251, 273
concentration (dharana), 189
connective tissue, 159–63
constitutional types (doshas), 27, 206–11
cool foods, 11
coordination training, 158, 159
coronary heart disease. See cardiovascular diseases
cortisol, 173
cortisone, 259
coughs, herbal medicines for, 234
Cramer, Holger, 185
cranberries/cranberry extracts, 234, 237, 270
cress, 234, 272
Crohn’s disease, 131
CRONERS (Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition), 71
cryotherapy, 261
cucumber, 11
cupping, xviii, 37–40, 65
arthrosis and, 248
back and neck pain, treatment of, 40, 256
carpal tunnel syndrome, treatment of, 38–40, 161–62
connective tissue and, 161–62
dry cupping, 40
historical use of, 37–38
massage cupping therapy, 40
negative pressure as operating principle behind, 38
osteoarthritis of knee, treatment of, 40
reflex zones for, 38, 39
wet cupping, 38
curcumin, 14
cysteine, 75
dairy products, 101, 117, 122, 135, 136, 145, 256, 260, 265, 276
dark chocolate, 245
dates, 253, 275
Davidson, Richard, 173
Davis, William, 130
dehydration, 161
delayed gratification, 61
de Lestrade, Thierry, 84
de Lorgeril, Michel, 118
dementia (early stage), herbal medicines for, 237
dental health, 241, 245, 246
depression, 249–53
author’s treatment recommendations, 250–53
conventional treatment, 249–50
exercise and, 152–53, 248
fasting and, 252
heat therapy and hyperthermia and, 252
herbal medicines for, 236, 252
Kneipp therapy and, 251
light and sun therapy and, 251
massages and, 252
meditation and mindfulness training and, 194, 252
Mediterranean diet and, 253
nature, beneficial health effects of contact with, 156, 251
naturopathic treatment, 250
nutritional therapy, 252–53
St. John’s wort and, 233
stress and, 172
water-filtered infrared radiation treatment and, 12
yoga and, 251
detoxification, 84
Devi, Jalaja, 218, 219
dew cure, 58–59
Dhabhar, Firdaus, 173
DHARA database, 222
dharana (concentration), 189
dhyana (meditation), 189
diabetes, 257–59
author’s recommended treatment, 258–59
Ayurvedic treatment of, 216, 258
bloodletting and, 43, 258
brown fat and, 10
conventional treatment, 257–58
fasting and, 66, 89–90, 138, 139–40, 258
fattening chemicals, avoiding, 259
fructose and, 126–27
ginseng and, 235, 258
herbal medicines for, 237
legumes and, 259
lessened sunlight exposure in northern climates and, 5
naturopathic treatment, 258
nuts and, 258
oatmeal and, 258
olive oil and, 258
patient case study, 139–40
snacking and, 106, 107
vegan diet, 258
vinegar and, 259
diaphragmatic hernia, 263
Diclofenac, 247, 249
alkaline diet, 101
Atkins diet, 114
blue zone diets, common factors in, 121–22
Buchinger’s diet, 99
Every-Other-Day Diet, 71–72
fasting distinguished, 67, 82–83
fasting-mimicking diet, 97–98
FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols), 265
gluten-free diet, 129–30
ketogenic diet, 76, 94–95
lacto-vegetarian diet, 145
Mayr’s diet, 99–101
Mediterranean diet (See Mediterranean diet)
nutrition, weight loss diets improperly equated with, 114–15
Ornish diet, 116–17, 117
Paleo diet, 141
Schroth cure, 101
vegan diet (See vegan diet)
vegetarian diet (See vegetarian diet)
yo-yo effect and, 82–83
See also nutrition
differential stress resistance, 72
digestive fire (agni), 10–11, 209
dioxin, 87
disturbances (vikrti), 206
Dobos, Gustav, 37, 81
doctor-patient relationship, 19–21
placebo effect and, 21–23
self-healing, inducing, 23–24
DONALD study, 136
dosage. See stimulus/dosage
doshas (constitutional types), 27, 206–11
drainage therapies
in antiquity, 27
leech therapy (See leeches/leech therapy)
dried figs, 275
dried fruit, 127
dry cupping, 40
earth, 27
eggs, 122, 135, 142, 146, 249, 253, 260
elderberry tea, 2
Emile, or On Education (Rousseau), 59
eminence-based medicine, xii
Empagliflozin, 257
endorphins, 96
endurance training, 17, 158, 159, 199
enemas, 102–3
enteropathies, and fasting, 66
environmental toxins, 84–85
fasting and, 85, 87
sequestration of, 87
enzymatic proteins (CYP), 231
epicondylitis (tennis elbow), leech therapy for, 36
epilepsy, 95
Epsom salts, 102
eurythmy, 255
Every-Other-Day Diet, 71–72
evidence-based medicine, xii
exercise, 16–17, 151–65, 268
arthrosis and, 152, 248
BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), increase in, 96
e tissue, strengthening, 159–63
coordination training, 158
depression, treatment of, 152–53, 248
diseases that can be positively influenced by, 152–53
endurance training, 17, 158, 159, 199
exercise and, 248
during fasting, 101
forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku), 155
hypertension and, 242, 245
ideal amount of, 153
interval training, 159
ketone metabolism and, 76
nature, beneficial health effects of contact with, 155–57
running, 158
for sedentary persons, 163
strength training, 158–59
vitamins and, 91
walking, 154–55, 157–58
factory-farmed livestock, 123
faith, 18–19
fakir mats, 255
fast foods, 124–25
fasting, xviii, 63–110
alkaline fasting, 137
in animal kingdom, 64
anti-inflammatory effect of, 89
arthrosis, treatment of, 248
author’s recommendations for, 98–101
autophagy and, 77–79
BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), increase in, 96
Biosphere 2 project, findings form, 70–71
body, impact on, 100
body’s self-repair ability and, 86–87
cancer treatment and, 72–75, 109
cell’s energy balance, strengthening of, 90–93
criticisms of, 82–83
depression, treatment of, 252
detoxification and, 84–85
diabetes, treatment of, 66, 89–90, 138, 139–40, 258
dieting, distinguished, 67, 82–83
in disparate cultures, 65–66
duration of, 80, 104–5, 109
emotional contentedness and, 81–82, 95–96
endogenous antioxidant capacities, stimulation of, 90–91
enemas as element of, 102–3
Every-Other-Day Diet, 71–72
evolutionary history and, 72–73
excess food, harm caused by, 63–65
exercise during, 101
fast-breaking, 66–67
fasting-mimicking diet, 97–98
healing effect of, 71–72
high blood pressure and, 88–89, 242
immune system, strengthening of, 65–66
intermittent fasting, 71–72, 78–79
intestinal microbiota and, 93–94
ketone metabolism, 76–77, 94–95
liver compresses supplementing, 103
lunch as optimal largest meal, 108
medical supervision for, 84
metabolism, regulation of, 88
number of meals, 105–6
patient case study; rheumatism, 68–70
as religious practice, 64
rheumatism, treatment of, 66, 68–70, 80–81, 258
self-efficacy and, 110
snacking and, 106–7
stress hormones and, 81–82, 92–93
sweating in sauna/steam room supplementing, 103
timing of meals, 79–80
tongue cleansing and, 103
transitioning into, proper method for, 66
willpower and, 83–84
yo-yo effect and, 82–83
fasting-mimicking diet, 97–98
in Atkins diet, 114
in blue zone diets, 121
low-fat diet for heart patients (Ornish diet), 116–17
plant-based versus animal-based, 121–22, 123
saturated fats, 77
fatty liver, 121
bloodletting and, 45
fasting and, 89
fennel, 237, 264
fenugreek applications, 249
ferritin levels, and bloodletting, 42–45
fever, 2–3
fibromyalgia, 4
exercise and, 153
hyperthermia and, 15–16
patient case study, 12–14
water-filtered infrared radiation treatment and, 12
fight of flight reaction, 176
fire, 27
fish, 118–19, 122, 123, 135, 137, 249, 253, 256, 261
five elements model, 27
flavone, 14
flax, 122
flaxseed, 242, 245, 253, 272–73
flaxseed gruel, 266, 272
flaxseed oil, 118, 245, 253, 272–73
Flöel, Agnes, 86
FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols), 265
Fontana, Luigi, 71–72
food labeling, recommendations and production, changes needed in, 282–83
forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku), 155, 251
four fluids model, 27
free radicals, 90, 91
fructose (fruit sugars), 126–27, 265, 271
fruits, 66, 92, 99, 117, 118, 121, 122, 127, 135, 253, 256, 265, 271
fruit sugars (fructose), 126–27, 265, 271
Full Catastrophe Living (Kabat-Zinn), 195
Furst, Daniel, 217
future of medicine
food labeling, recommendations and production, changes needed in, 282–83
funding for naturopathy, need for, 280–81
medication intake, reduction of, 281–82
motivating people to live healthier lives, medicine’s role in, 283–84
naturopathy as complementary to conventional medicine, 284
personal responsibility for healthy lifestyle, 283
prevention, focus on, 280
traditional medicines and healing methods, preserving, 282
Galen, 26, 41
gamma-linolenic acid, 262
Ganten, Detlev, 72–73
gardening, 251
Garland, Cedric, 5
garlic, 11, 14, 245, 274, 275
gastrocolic reflex, 102
gastrointestinal disease, 262–66
author’s recommended treatments, 264–66
conventional treatment, 262–64
heartburn and reflux, treatment of, 266
inflammatory bowel disease, yoga for, 184
irritable bowel syndrome (See irritable bowel syndrome)
naturopathic treatment, 264
gastrointestinal system, 79–80
Geißen Whole-Food Nutrition, 123
GEO, 190
German Medical Association journal (Deutsches Äerzteblatt), 36
ghee, medicinal, 87
Gill, Shubhroz, 106–7
Gilman, Sylvie, 84
ginger, 2, 10–11, 54, 245, 251, 256, 274, 276
ginger tea, 11, 209
ginkgo, 229, 237
ginseng, 229, 235, 237, 258
ginseng extracts, 252
Glauber salts, 102
gluten, 128–31
gluten-free diet, 129–30
gluten intolerance, 129, 131
glycogen, 76, 94
goji berries, 270
Goldhamer, Alan, 88–89
Gøtzsche, Peter, 250
grains, 117, 118, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 131, 135, 136–37 144, 145
green tea, 242, 276
Greger, Michael, 141
gua sha, 162
Gutenbrunner, Christoph, 57
gynecological hormonal discomforts, herbal medicines for, 235
Hahn, Johann Siegmund, 51
Hahn, Siegmund, 51
Halle, Martin, 153
hawthorn, 235, 237, 244
hay fever, acupuncture treatment of, 228r />
hazelnuts, 273
herbal medicines for, 237
yoga and, 184
Head’s zones, 226–27
healthy living, strategies for, 267–77
heart attacks
bloodletting and, 41, 42
exercise and, 152
lessened sunlight exposure in northern climates and, 5
stress and, 174–75
heartburn, 235, 266
heat, 7–8
heat therapy. See hyperthermia
heavy metals, in Ayurvedic medicine, 222
heliotherapy. See sun bathing
hemochromatosis gene, 43
herbal medicine. See pharmacology and phytotherapy
Hesse, Hermann, 110
hibiscus tea, 242
high blood pressure (hypertension), 240–43
author’s treatment recommendations, 241–43
bloodletting as treatment for, 41–42, 44–45, 242
conventional medical treatment, 240–41
exercise and, 242
fasting and, 66, 88–89, 242
hydrotherapy for, 57, 242–43
meditation and, 242
nature, beneficial health effects of contact with, 156
naturopathic treatment, 241
olive oils and, 242
superfoods/superdrinks for, 242
vegetarian or vegan diet for, 241
yoga and tai chi/qigong and, 184, 242
high fructose corn syrup, 127
Hildegard von Bingen, 204–5
Hildmann, Attila, 145
Hippocrates, 65, 115
hirudin, 29–30
homeodynamics, 16
homeopathy, xvi
honey, 11, 127, 275
hope, 21
hops, 236
cause and effect principle in research, 14–15
cold and warm stimuli, reaction to, 7–12
colds, treatment of, 1–2
evolutionary connection between human body and natural world, 7
homeodynamics and, 12
immune system balance, and seasonal influences, 7
living in harmony with nature, 6–8
right stimulus at right intensity, importance of, 2–3
stress example, 15
stress factors and protective reactions, balance between, 7
sunlight, exposure to, 4–6, 6
horseradish, 234, 237, 272
housekeeper effect, 80
humoral pathology, 27
hunger metabolism, 82
Hüther, Gerald, 81, 92, 95
hyaluronidase, 30
hydrotherapy, 49–59
cardiac insufficiency (weak heart), treatment of, 52–53
colon hydrotherapies, 103
compresses, 52, 58
daily routine, integrating treatments into, 57–59
dew cure, 58–59
high blood pressure, treatment of, 57
historical use of, 50–51
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