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The Nature Cure

Page 36

by Andreas Michalsen

  pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), 189

  prayer, 18–19, 199–201

  prebiotics, 131–32

  Predimed study, 119, 122, 273

  primrose extract, 234

  probiotics, 264

  ProLon, 97

  proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), 262–63

  Przuntek, Horst, 216

  psyllium husk, 234, 237, 264

  pudding vegetarianism, 146

  pulse diagnosis, 223–24

  pumpkin, 271

  radiation, 14–15

  radioactivity, 3

  radishes, 272

  radon radiation, 16

  rampion, 234, 248

  rasa (nutritive fluid), 210

  reaction/effect and stimulus, relation between. See hormesis

  reflex zones, 38, 39

  reflux, 266

  remembered wellness, 154

  Remer, Thomas, 136–37

  Reston, James, 225

  Resveratrol, 98

  rheumatism, 4, 259–62

  acupuncture and, 262

  Ayurvedic treatment of, 217, 262

  conventional treatment, 259

  cryotherapy and, 261

  elimination of foods causing rheumatic episodes, 260

  exercise and, 152

  fasting and, 66, 68–70, 80–81, 258

  gamma-linolenic acid and, 262

  hormesis principle and, 14–15

  intestinal microbiota and, 131

  lessened sunlight exposure in northern climates and, 5

  medicinal herbs and, 261

  meditation and, 258

  Mediterranean and plant-based diets and, 260

  naturopathic treatment, 260

  omega-3 fatty acids and, 261

  patient case study, 68–70

  radiation treatment, 14–15

  yoga and, 184

  rhizarthritis, leech therapy for, 36


  polished, 124

  whole grain, 123

  Ristow, Michael, 91

  Rolf, Ida, 162

  Rolfing, 162

  rosehip extracts, 237, 248

  Rosenberg, Mark, 218, 219

  roseroot extracts, 252

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 59

  running, 76, 154, 158

  saffron, 237, 274–75

  sage, 234

  Salama, Abdulgabar, 44

  Salonen, J. T., 44

  salt, 7–8, 127–28

  salutogenesis, 19, 20

  saturated fats, 77

  saunas, 11, 53, 54–55

  cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis and, 246

  See also hydrotherapy

  sausages, 75, 128

  Schedlowski, Manfred, 22

  Schlenz, Maria, 11

  Schlenz baths (hyperthermic baths), 11–12

  Schork, Nicholas, 279

  Schroth cure, 101

  Schweninger, Ernst, 151–52

  Science, 172

  Science of Fasting, The (Gilman and Lestrade), 84

  The Science of Yoga: Risks and Rewards (Broad), 186

  Scotch hose therapy, 8, 9, 52, 55, 56, 58. See also hydrotherapy

  seeds, 121, 122

  self-healing, 17–18

  deliberately inducing, 23–24

  fasting and, 86–87

  placebo effect and, 21–23

  sense of coherence and, 18–21

  sense of coherence, 18–21

  comprehensibility criterion, 18

  doctor-patient relationship and, 19–21

  manageability criterion, 18

  meaningfulness criterion, 19

  salutogenesis theory and, 19, 20

  serotonin, 81–82, 95, 253

  Shaw, George Bernard, 61

  Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), 155, 251

  Shirodhara therapy, 211–13

  shivering, 8

  short-chain omega fatty acids, 119

  Shuhbeck, Alfons, 145

  Siddhartha (Hesse), 110

  siesta, 108

  Singh, Rajinder, 198

  sitting, 163

  skin cancer, 4–5


  in cool rooms, 10

  digital screens and, 171

  herbal medicines for sleep disorders, 236

  stress and, 170–71

  warm feet and, 53–54, 58

  smadhi, 189

  snacking, 106–7

  snow treading, 58–59

  soft drinks, 124

  Solomon, George, 180

  sore throats, herbal medicines for, 234

  soy, 121–22, 253

  soybean oil, 118

  soy oil, 245

  spermidine, 79

  spices, 10–11, 121, 209, 274–75. See also specific spices

  spinach, 242, 271

  spirituality, 19

  spirituality, in Ayurvedic medicine, 221

  St. John’s wort, 233

  stagnation, 16

  Stapelfeldt, Elmar, 207, 217, 223

  statins, 147

  stem cells, 93

  Steven, Sarah, 138

  stimulus/dosage, 2–4

  cold and warm stimuli, 7–12

  patient’s physical constitution and, 3–4

  right dosage, determining, 4–6

  stimulus-response principle (See hormesis)

  unspecific stimuli, 2–3

  Stone Age Is in Our Bones, The (Ganten), 72–73

  strength training, 158–59

  stress, 167–78

  body, effects on, 177

  children and, 167

  constant availability and, 171–73

  diseases to which stress contributes, 175–76

  factors determining whether stress is healthy, 168

  fasting stress, 67, 92–93

  fear of, 174

  fight of flight reaction and, 176

  heart disease and; patient case study, 164–65

  hormesis principle and, 15

  lack of control and, 173–75

  lack of sleep as indicator for, 170–71

  meditation and, 194

  physical, from exercise, 16–17

  prevalence of, 167

  risk factors, 167, 178

  symptoms of, 169

  yoga, effect of, 183–84

  stress hormones, 176–77

  cortisol, 173

  fasting and, 81–82, 92–93

  meat consumption and, 143


  bloodletting and, 41, 42

  exercise and, 152

  patient case study, 46–47


  addictive nature of, 126

  bloodletting and, 43

  brain, impact on, 125–27

  cancer and, 75

  sulforaphanes, 231, 272

  Sullivan, Jerome L., 41

  Sundquist, Kristina, 156

  sunlight, 4–6

  sun therapy

  cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis, treatment of, 246

  depression, treatment of, 251

  sweating, 7–8, 103

  T3, 88

  tea, 10, 11, 276. See also specific teas

  Teachings on the Power and Effect of Fresh Water on the Bodies of Humans, Especially the Sick, in Its Internal and External Usage (Hahn), 51

  Techniker Krankenkasse, 167

  Tei, Chuwa, 53

  tendinitis, leech therapy for, 36

  tennis elbow (epicondylitis), leech therapy for, 36

  Thimme, Walter, xii—xiii
r />   thyme, 234

  time-restricted eating, 104–5. See intermittent fasting

  tomatoes, 253, 271

  tongue cleansing, 103

  Topol, Eric J., 243–44

  tormentil, 237

  toxins. See environmental toxins

  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 205, 224–25, 228–30

  acupuncture (See acupuncture)

  connective tissue and, 161

  fasting in, 66

  five elements model, 27

  herbal medicine, 229–30

  kidney warmth, 10–11

  transcendental meditation, 197

  tree bark extracts, 234, 237, 248

  trust, 18–19

  tuna, 137

  turmeric, 2, 14, 220, 237, 261, 264, 274, 275, 276

  Twain, Mark, 137–38

  ulcerative colitis, and intestinal microbiota, 131

  Ulrich, Roger S., 155–56

  unspecific stimuli, 2–3

  Valentin, Karl, 198

  valerian, 232, 236

  vasoconstriction, 9

  vasodilation, 9

  vata, 27, 206, 207, 209, 213

  vegan diet, 143–47, 149

  cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis, treatment of, 244–45

  diabetes, treatment of, 258

  hypertension, treatment of, 241

  vegetable oils, 118

  vegetables, 118, 119, 121, 122, 145, 271–72

  cruciferous vegetables, 272

  leafy greens, 253, 271

  See also specific vegetables

  vegetarian diet, 140–47

  arthrosis, treatment of, 249

  hypertension, treatment of, 241

  vikrti (disturbances), 206

  vinegar, 210, 259

  Vipassana meditation, 196

  Virchow, Rudolf, 28

  vitamins, 90–92

  B12, 145–46

  D, 5–6

  waitlist design, 32

  Walford, Lisa, 71

  Walford, Roy, 70–71

  walking, 154–55, 157–58

  walnut oil, 118

  walnuts, 122, 242, 244, 245, 253, 273

  “A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind” (Killingsworth), 172

  warm foods, 11

  warm stimuli, reaction to. See subhead: cold and warm stimuli, reaction to

  Washington, George, 40–41

  water, 27, 275–76

  water-filtered infrared radiation treatment, 12

  water therapies. See hydrotherapy

  water treading, 54

  weak heart. See cardiac insufficiency (weak heart)

  Weizsäcker, Viktor von, xiii

  wet cupping, 38

  wheat allergy, 129

  Wheat Belly (Davis), 130

  wheat germ oil, 245

  white flour, 124–25

  whole grains, 118, 121, 123–25, 126, 145

  wild chamomile, 235, 237

  Williams, Kim A., 147, 149

  willpower, 83–84

  wine, 11

  withdrawal of the senses (pratyahara), 189

  wolf’s bane, 248

  wood, 27

  Wushi’er Bingfang, Recipes for Fifty-Two Ailments, 229

  yamas (moral basis), 189

  yams, 271

  yoga, 175, 181–91, 268

  as applied anatomy, 190

  back and neck pain, treatment of, 184, 255

  breathing exercises (pranayama), 188–89

  breathing slower as effect of, 199–201

  cancer treatment, as complement to, 185

  cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis, treatment of, 245

  concentration (dharana), 189

  connective tissue and, 160, 162

  defined, 181

  depression, treatment of, 251

  diseases that can be positively influenced by, 184, 185

  effectiveness of, 189–91

  eight steps to, 188–89

  elements of, 187–88

  energy level increase after, 183

  headaches, treatment of, 184

  hypertension, treatment of, 184, 242

  meditation (dhyana), 189

  moral basis (yamas), 189

  pain and, 190–91

  physical poses (asanas), 188

  rheumatism, treatment of, 184

  selection of yoga suitable to yourself, 185–87

  stress, effect on, 183–84

  withdrawal of the senses (pratyahara), 189

  Yoga Alliance, 185

  Yoga for Everyone (Zebroff), 182

  yogurt, 145

  yo-yo effect, 82–83

  Zacharski, Leo, 42, 43, 47–48

  Zebroff, Kareen, 182

  Zen meditation, 193

  Zidek, Walter, 41

  Zinn, Jon Kabat, 193

  zoopharmacognosy, 231


  About the Author

  Andreas Michalsen, MD, PhD is professor of clinical complementary medicine at the Charité University Medical Center Berlin, the largest university hospital in Europe. He is also head of the department of internal and complementary medicine at Immanuel Hospital Berlin. Dr. Michalsen is board-certified in internal medicine, emergency medicine, nutritional medicine, and physical medicine and rehabilitation. He has published over 200 scientific articles in top medical journals and has collaborated with Stanford University, Harvard University, USC, the Mayo Clinic, and many other institutions.

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  ** When the sauna attendant pours water over heated rocks to increase humidity.




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