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Blood Descendants (St. Clair Vampires Book 1)

Page 13

by Beverly Toney

  “Cheyenne,” Chloe called from the jet, “come see the island.”

  I had turned to look at Chloe for just long enough for Solomon to disappear with the small woman. Now, Efia and Pleasant were walking about towards our group, still deep in conversation. I wondered what that was all about and went to see what Chloe had wanted to show me.

  I climbed into the jet and walked over to the table where Chloe had an iPad hooked up. She was on Google Earth and had keyed in the latitude and longitude of the island. As the Earth spun around on the screen, the gravity of the distance we had traveled hit me. We were on the other side of the world and still heading farther away. The Earth on the screen stopped spinning and began to zoom in. I could see India and Thailand and then had to take a seat when the island came into view. It was so green and surrounded by light blue waters. It looked so peaceful and exotic that I couldn’t wait to get there.

  Chapter 15

  The next part of the flight lasted 10 long but uneventful hours. We landed on a little airstrip in Port Blair, India and I felt like kissing the ground. Regardless of how luxurious my accommodations had been, 25 hours in a plane was well past my limits of comfort. The small airstrip employed several eager men and women who quickly helped the Stewards load our belongings into three pristine yachts that were docked not far away. The island had no place to land an aircraft, so the only way to reach it was by sea. I wondered how long a 35 mile trip would take; I was ready for a shower and a nap.

  The island was surrounded by a partially submerged coral reef which prevented large ships from getting close while supplying the inhabitants access to fresh fish daily. The interior of the island was a mystery, however, due to the fact that the trees were so densely packed that the satellite could not penetrate the forest canopy. There were also stories of cannibals who would attack anyone in close proximity. Chloe let me think the story came from the island’s connection with Vampires but Tabitha clarified it for me. The original inhabitants of the island were still present. The Fare and Stewards had an understanding with them and for the last 150 years they had lived together rather harmoniously.

  As we sailed closer to the island I could see the hazards from both the reef and the natives. Monstrous waves were crashing into the rocks a few hundred yards in front of our yacht and the men on the shore looked as if they were preparing to shoot arrows at us. Before I could run below deck for cover, Chloe stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. My eyes followed her outstretched hand and we watched the shore as more people came through the curtain of trees onto the beach. These people were dressed in the same uniform that Solomon wore all of the time so I assumed they were Stewards. As the natives noticed that the Stewards were on the beach, they put their bows away and sat down to watch our yachts maneuver the reef.

  Navigating the reef took our captains several hours. The tide was higher than expected at this time of day and we were going to have to be patient if we didn’t want to end up like so many other vessels who had attempted to land on the island. Our yachts made their way to the western-most side of the island where there appeared to be an opening in the reef. More natives appeared on the shore but they were all subdued by the presence of the Stewards. From the right angle I could see a canal cut into the island. It was hard to see if you didn’t know what to look for, but it was clearly there and that was where our captain aimed our yacht.

  The canal was a system of locks like the Panama Canal except on a much smaller level. All three yachts were lowered into an underground docking and receiving area where we were greeted by the Steward Governor. The man was wearing all white and bowed so deeply that he brushed his chin on the ground at Efia’s feet. The top of his bald head was so shiny that I could see Efia’s smile as she extended her hand for him to stand.

  “Welcome, Queen Efia”, the man said., his voice even deeper than Solomon's.

  He reached for and kissed Efia’s hand, careful not to linger too long. His granite gray eyes swept over the rest of our party as he did a quick assessment of who we were. When he released Efia’s hand, he snapped his fingers twice and a number of Stewards sprung into action. Our yachts were unloaded in mere minutes and our belongings were on their way to our accommodations.

  “Ezekiel,” Efia called to the Steward Governor.

  “Yes, Queen Efia?”

  “I’d like you to meet my granddaughters.”

  Ezekiel turned to us then and bowed, not quite as deeply as he did for Efia but adequately enough for me to feel important. He didn’t attempt to kiss our hands but he did give us both a smile that lit up his entire face. Ezekiel was a handsome man yet he reminded me of a billy goat with his gray goatee and playful eyes. His skin was pale, especially for someone who spent all of his life on an island, but extremely clear and smooth looking. I immediately wondered how old he was and made a mental note to ask Solomon later.

  “It is very nice to meet the two of you,” Ezekiel said. “We have quite a treat planned for tomorrow, but tonight we eat."

  “You never fail to amuse, Ezekiel.” Efia had placed her hand in the crook of his arm. “And call me Efia, my friend. We need not be so formal in the presence of family.”

  “You are too kind,” Ezekiel said, as we continued to walk.

  I was less interested in eating than I was in finding somewhere to shower and rest. I had hoped that Ezekiel was taking us to our rooms for room service but I was mistaken. The room that he led us to was anything but restful. What I saw when I looked around was not a soft cozy bed but an arrival party fit for the Queen of England, or Africa since it was Efia that they were fawning over.

  There was strange music and ceremonial dancers with Calla Lily bouquets, corsages and boutonnières all in a variety of colors. In the far corner I saw other flowers being prepared and tried to remember which royal family they were for. I should have done more studying on the plane because I didn’t want to embarrass Efia with my ignorance. After we were all adorned with flowers and well wishes we were whisked into the large banquet hall.

  Saying the room was huge was like saying water was wet. Of course it was huge. There were five large tables on a raised dais at the front of the room. Each table had a large center piece in the middle of it containing the family flower. As Efia and the Governor talked, the rest of us milled around. I was floored by the number of tables in the room and wondered just how many people were expected. The room was at least 100 feet wide and twice as long. There were dozens upon dozens of flowers in the most fascinating colors. the aroma was just short of overpowering.

  I stood near the entrance and took a deep breath. This was too much for me. The reality that this room was soon to be filled with Vampires and their ‘support team’, as I called them, was just unreal. I felt a hand on my elbow and turned to see Solomon standing next to me. He gave me a polite smile and gestured me forward.

  “I know this must seem overwhelming for you, Cheyenne. It is natural to be wary of what you do not understand so I will try to ease your uncertainties.”

  I was beyond relieved to have Solomon as my tour guide because I trusted him. We began at the rear of the room where there were 6 large oval tables. Each table sat 20 people and had a bouquet of Sunflowers at its center. Solomon informed me that, being the seats nearest the entrance doors, these tables were for the Steward Guard. These Stewards were selected for their physical and mental attributes. They would protect any and all Vampires and Fare present; it was their destiny to do so.

  I also noticed that there were other tables throughout the room with Sunflowers on them as well. These were the tables of Steward families with Electus. Electus were the Steward and Fare that had come of age and were ready to be selected into a Vampire family. These were the tables from which Solomon would choose the best Stewards for me and Chloe.

  All of the tables were covered in white lines with matching chairs. The only difference was the centerpieces. We walked through the many tables and admired the floral arrangements. I was awed by the amount of care it m
ust have taken to nurture and grow the many different plants represented here. Nearest the Steward Guard tables, and thus the end of the room, the tables had Daisies at their center. Although the centerpiece was full, there was something subtle that made them seem lesser than the others. I wasn't sure why I felt that way until Solomon pointed out that Fare were to sit in relation to their caste. The highest caste would sit in the front, just beyond the Vampire clan members; their tables had larger and more substantial centerpieces. Centered around bright orange Tiger Lilies was an assortment of baby’s breath, Pincushion Protea and Mokara Orchids. I looked closer at the design and noticed several of the table’s centerpieces had a single large Calla Lily. The flower was a muted orange color and almost indiscernible, but I was sure that it meant something. When I ask Solomon about it, he laughed and said that they were trying to win favor with Efia since the last Fare selected to her family was from the Middle Caste.

  The Middle Caste Fare were smack dab in the middle of the room. Their tables had, you got it, medium sized centerpieces on them. They were no less magnificent with their purple and white Petunias and lush greenery. I searched the centerpieces for the telltale signs of favoritism but did not find a kiss-up in the bunch. Solomon explained that the Middle Caste did not feel the need to pander to any of the clans since they were chosen most often by virtue of the fact that there was less political drama with the selections.

  I let the idea of the caste system sink in as we passed by the Higher Caste tables. I wasn’t sure if the shape of the table had any bearing in the significance of the occupants since the Steward Guards were at oval tables and the Fare would sit around circular ones, but the square tables that we encountered had me wondering. There were 10 centered in pairs in front of 5 long rectangular tables. The square tables would have 8 occupants each and their centerpiece matched the one on the table in front of them. These, Solomon said, were the tables for the members of each clan. I knew that you were not necessarily royalty if you were a member of a clan. Since the clans were separated by virtue of their attributes, most members were not of the royal family at all. Their presence here would signify either their need to select a Fare and/or Steward or their standing with the royal family and the importance of their witnessing the events.

  We had reached the front of the room and the 5 long tables. These tables were on their own individual raised dais' with seating for 10. It didn’t surprise me that the St. Clair table was in the center of the 5 Royal Families since I had just discovered just how powerful Els had the potential to be. The table was topped with several bouquets of white Calla Lilies and minimal garnishments. The arrangements were simply elegant and a perfect representation of Efia. To the right of the St. Clair table was the position of the second most powerful family, the Dewhurst table. Since Tabitha was a Dewhurst I was anxious to meet the family.

  The Dewhurst table had the most gorgeous floral arrangement. Solomon had to tell me that the main flower was called a Narcissus. There was no prominent color as some of the Narcissi were yellow and white and others were a pale pink. The flowers seemed to draw you in as if they had a secret to tell you. The Narcissi, seeming to be just like their name suggested, were so beautiful that I couldn’t stop looking at them. I found myself reaching for a blossom before Solomon took my hand. Apparently it was bad taste to touch a royal table without permission. I looked longingly at the little blossoms as they appeared to pucker up to blow little kisses.

  To the left was the Dubois table, the Oracle clan and their flower, the Ghost Orchid, matched my perception of them. The white flowers were even less adorned than the Lily on the St. Clair table. The Ghost Orchid signifies the mystic of the clan’s attributes. Even though I knew they weren't sentient, I felt as if the flowers were trying to warn me of something bad to come. I didn’t have the slightest urge to touch these flowers and eagerly followed Solomon to the next table.

  The Castellanos, the clan without attributes, was placed on the end of the row. They were set out of the way as if they are insignificant and I could see why that would make them angry and dangerous to be around. I was surprised to see such vibrant colors coming from their table. Their flower was the red Poppy and the centerpieces had red, yellow and orange poppies arranged in them. By far, this table was the most ornate and impressive table of all in the room, as if by virtue of their centerpiece they could gain prestige. I instantly felt sorry for them. I had never considered that beings as powerful as Vampires could be deemed irrelevant in their own society. I had mix feelings of guilt and relief to be a member of the St. Clair family. I guess if I was going to be a Vampire one day, belonging to a powerful family was my best bet.

  Speaking of powerful, I knew that Violeta’s was the most physically powerful family and I wondered why their table was not closer to the center. The Miklos table, in fact, was on the opposite end of the room. Solomon said that, with only two living members of the royal family, even their attribute was not enough to make the family powerful in the political arena. I asked why the table was set for ten like all of the rest. I didn’t like the idea of Violeta and her brother sitting alone with empty chairs reminding them of what they had lost.

  “Efia has suggested that Zander and Jordan join the Miklos’ clan for the duration of the events. It will be symbolic of the pending union of the two families and will show our allegiance to them. Dominic was also able to find five surviving cousins, distant though they may be, who were not present during the raids. They had been in hiding for many years and are now ready to rejoin our society.”

  I loved to listen to Solomon speak. His voice was so deep and smooth that anything he said instantly put me at ease. I would often ask him to say “You’re in good hands with Allstate”; and he would always do it with a smile just to please me. He continued to talk about the numerous options in which the Miklos clan could grow. Obviously they could bred, which would take longer for Violeta than her brother if he chose to have a harem instead of a single mate. They could donate blood to the Castellano clan in the hopes that the attributes would be passed on. There were problems with this, however. The Castellanos were looking to gain power for themselves, not to allow their clan members to join a powerful family. So, getting permission to adopt clan members was nearly impossible. Aside from that, it would be best for the Miklos to adopt infants so that the vampires didn’t retain any familial allegiance. Infant adoption was even rarer in the Castellano clan since some Vampires are born with attributes despite the lack in the parents. Being a Muted Vampire had a diverse set of hardships but rebuilding a once powerful clan seemed unfathomably daunting.

  We reached the Miklos table and I breathed in deeply. There were red Roses in tall glass vases on the table. Most of them were closed and had dew on their petals while just a few had begun to open. Looking at the thorns, the flower obviously represented strength and the ability to protect oneself. It made me wonder how another clan was able to catch them unaware and kill them off. It had to have been an inside job but why would anyone want to massacre their own people? It was a question for another day, however, and Solomon led me through a side door and towards our accommodations.

  Chapter 16

  After a quick shower, I dressed in the clothes that the Stewards laid out for me. The clothes were simple for a person of royal blood, it was Efia’s idea to be understated even in the presence of other clans. Chloe was sitting in my room in an identical outfit; dark purple tunics with loose fitting pants to match. On upper left hand side of the tunic, right over the heart, was a perfect white Calla Lily. I appreciated that the outfit was comfortable and practical. Even in the Bruce Lee type shoes I felt like I could withstand anything that came up.

  We were escorted back to the banquet hall and I wondered where Tabitha was. She had disappeared with Violeta shortly after we arrived and I felt a twinge of jealousy and betrayal. Trying to put those emotions behind me, I concentrated on my posture and entered into the now full room. There was such a difference from the room I was in just
an hour ago. It felt so alive with laughter and conversation. Most of the people had found their tables even though they were not all yet seated.

  We stood at the entrance and watched the Steward Guard socialize. Dressed in black tunics and loose fitting pants, with Sunflowers instead of Calla Lilies. The men and women were happily smiling and laughing amongst each other. Most of them were more than 6 feet tall and all of them looked like they were made for the Guard. Even the women were tall but it didn’t take away from their femininity; although they had broad shoulders, their tapered waists and full hips made it clear that there was a woman underneath the uniform.

  It was obvious that the entire Steward Guard was aware of our presence but very few of them turned to make eye contact. Solomon had said that, even though they were here to provide protection, these events were supposed to be void of all violence or threat of violence. The Guard was under strict orders to appear to be casual and most of them were doing a great job. A few, on the other hand, scrambled to position themselves within our line of view and offered extravagant bows in our direction.

  Solomon stepped out of the crowd, dressed like a Guard but with a Calla Lily icon, and led us through the room. As we passed the tables where the Lower Caste Fare were to sit, I noticed the people lowering their eyes and slightly slouching their shoulders. I was not sure if they were doing so because they thought themselves unworthy of our presence or if they simply felt unworthy, period. I looked at all of them and smiled at the differences; there were red heads with green eyes and dark-haired brown-eyed as well as blond hair with blue eyes and brown haired with pale eyes. One common thread that ran through all of them was the image of health that came from each and every one them.

  As the assembled masses became aware of our presence in the room, a hush came over the crowd. They whispered as we passed because Efia's newest blood descendant was the hot topic. One by one people who were sitting stood and bowed, while others bowed where they stood. I noticed that the Lower Caste Fare bowed the lowest and held it for the longest and anger welled up in my throat when I remembered the stories of discrimination and bullying that Lucinda had to endure as a child. The pompous and pious High Caste Fare were undoubtedly the cause of her childhood insecurities and tears. Anger must have been radiating off of me because Chloe grabbed my elbow and gave me a hard look.


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