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The Gender End

Page 18

by Bella Forrest

  Just when I thought I was going to crack under the pressure of it all, Viggo walked in, and everything just… stopped. It just did.

  He looked amazing, with his crisp, perfect uniform and his long dark hair pulled back. For a second I felt like I couldn’t breathe—couldn’t even think—as I stared at him. Like he’d literally stolen the air straight out of my lungs just with his entrance. It was the traditional entrance for a Matrian wedding: the groom entered while the bride watched. He’d done it for me, without hesitation or any sign of balking, and I loved him all the more for it.

  We stared at each other for a long moment, and then Viggo moved purposefully over toward me, his long legs tearing up the floor to be by my side, reminding me of why the women of Matrus wanted their intended husbands to come to them, instead of the other way around. He walked with purpose and determination, no hesitation, both eager and confident to make his way to his soon-to-be-bride, in a way that made my heart pound heavily against my ribcage. As he moved, a thousand images and memories flooded through my head. All I could think was about was how we met—clutching his waist as I rode with him on his motorcycle through a peaceful Patrus, the long night he’d stayed by my side to nurse me back to health after I’d been bitten by the centipede in The Green, the sight of him when he’d opened the door to rescue me from the torture chamber that Tabitha had imprisoned me in when she’d put the knife through my hand. Those thoughts should’ve assuaged the bats flying around in my stomach, but they didn’t—they just made them swoop harder.

  The only thing that brought me some calm was when Viggo reached out his hand to me. As soon as his hand was in mine, I immediately relaxed, melting under his steady touch. He smiled at me, giving a nervous chuckle, and I realized I hadn’t been the only one feeling that way. Even in separate rooms, across the compound from one another, we’d been having the same anxieties, contemplating this step toward our future together—and I realized that if Viggo and I had gotten through so many horrible things together, we could certainly get through this wonderful one.

  Looking around the room, I confirmed that everyone was there: Tim, Owen, Jay, Quinn, Thomas, Solomon, Cody, Ms. Dale, Henrik, Amber, Logan, Drew, Mags, Morgan, Dr. Tierney, Alejandro, Jenny, Cad, Margot, Henry and Sarah, April, Cruz… the Liberators and refugees who had become close to us… and I couldn’t help but feel incredibly loved. Not just by Viggo, but by all of them. I was closer to some of them than others, and some of the invitations, like Drew, and Logan, if I were being honest, had been political or polite more than anything else, but still… We had fought together and lost people together, and that was not insignificant to me.

  It was so touching to have family there—at a life event I never thought I’d have in a thousand years—and I was surprised to find myself tearing up as I looked at them.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, my voice constricting a little bit. “I’m not even sure why I’m crying.”

  “Because this is your last chance to make the right choice and run for your life,” Amber declared as she stood up and crossed over to me, passing me a handkerchief that I immediately used to dab my eyes. “You really are too good for this Croft fellow—if that is even his real name, after all.”

  Amber’s catty remark made me laugh through the tears, and I continued to dab my eyes and cry, but I felt lighter on the inside than I could even describe. I pulled her in close for a hug, whispering a thank you, but she didn’t reply, just squeezed me a little tighter before letting me go.

  “Not nice, Amberlynn,” Viggo said, emphasizing her name. “I’ll get you for this.”

  She winked at Viggo, and then patted me on the cheek. “You’ll do great at this,” she whispered before slipping back toward her seat in front of Logan. “You and him both.”

  “All right, is everyone here?” asked Morgan, putting down her notebook and dragging my attention over to her. I nodded, and she smiled. “Then we should get started?”

  That earned another nod from me. I was too afraid to open my mouth for fear of shouting “I do!” as loud as possible, just to get it over with.

  Morgan sucked in a deep breath, seeming to take a moment to calm herself, and then stood in front of the group, a little set apart, and began to speak.

  “So… Well, when I was taught this aspect of Matrian duty, there were some specific phrases and terminologies included that I just… I don’t feel capture the relationship between Viggo and Violet at all. Those words were intended for a traditional Matrian/Patrian wedding solution, which I feel doesn’t reflect the nature of the bond you two share. So if you’ll allow me a little leeway, I’m going to change it up a little bit.”

  “No objections from us,” replied Viggo, and Morgan smiled.

  “Excellent.” Thumbing through her notebook, she took one last look at what she had written, and then closed the book. “In a time where chaos and violence are pretty much the economy in the world we live, Viggo Croft and Violet Bates have managed to find each other, defying the obstacles in their paths and pushing forward, for each other and for the people they lead. Their love is like a flame, and we are the moths that are circling above it, trying to warm ourselves on the light they produce in each witty joke and each shared smile. Most of us will never know a love like theirs—not as intimately or passionately.”

  She looked around the room for a moment, her fingers flipping the page, and then she continued.

  “Viggo Croft, do you promise to love Violet Bates? Do you promise to always communicate with her, act as her sword and shield, care for her well-being above your own, and above all, treat her as your partner and equal, for as long as you both shall live?”

  Viggo’s gaze never wavered, but the smile on his lips grew even broader. “I do,” he said, his voice rumbling over me.

  “Violet Bates, do you promise to love Viggo Croft? Do you promise to always communicate with him, act as his sword and shield, care for his well-being above your own, and above all, treat him as your partner and equal, for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do,” I breathed.

  “The rings?” she asked, and I turned to see Tim standing before us, his eyes aglow, the open box in his hands displaying Henrik’s rings. “Viggo, if you have anything you would like to say to Violet as you place the ring on her finger, now is the time.”

  Viggo nodded as he picked up the smaller ring between two fingers. “Violet, before I met you, I… had decided to fade into the background. I already felt desperately alone, so why not at least feel alone in my cabin by the woods? Then you came into my life, and it took me forever to realize that you were the little bit of sunlight I needed to actually find some hope and joy in the world. I am so grateful that you let me find it with you.”

  I was already crying unabashedly by the time Viggo was finished speaking, my fingers trembling as he slipped the ring on my finger. Dabbing my eyes with the handkerchief, I looked over at Morgan.

  “My turn?” I whispered, and she nodded.

  Picking up the ring, I turned to him, a smile on my face. I hadn’t really thought of what I was going to say, but I knew that speaking to Viggo from my heart was always the right way.

  “I won’t say we haven’t had a bumpy road,” I said, and there was a collective chuckle in the room. “Our path has always been filled with obstacles—some set by each other, others set up by the world. And yet the best part about being on this adventure—the only thing that gave me strength day after day after day—was you. With you and me together, I found I could believe you when you said things would get better. You gave me hope, Viggo. You showed me a world that could have hope. And even though we are at the darkest point of our adventures together, with you by my side, I know I can do anything. I love you, Viggo.”

  I slid the ring onto his finger as I neared the end of my speech, having to hurry as more tears leaked from my eyes. I swiped them clean as soon as my hands were free, and I felt Viggo’s arm going around my shoulder, helping me to keep upright. Looking up at h
im, I added, very softly, “And I promise to share my cookies with you. Always.”

  He laughed loudly, and I felt my love for him grow even more—that I could make jokes with him now, on this very day, and get nothing but the gift of his laughter. I sniffled, even more tears spilling hot down my cheeks. I just needed to keep it together for a few more minutes.

  “By the authority of my station alone, as a renegade princess of Matrus, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss… each other.”

  I laughed with joy as Viggo spun me around in his arms and then dipped me low, sealing his mouth to mine in a hungry and possessive kiss that made my head reel and my fingers and toes tingle. As he broke it, I felt a delicious and hungry shudder awaken in me at the ravenous look in his green eyes, already twinkling with the promise of our wedding night.

  And I simply couldn’t wait for it.



  Everyone broke into applause as Viggo kissed me, but I barely registered the crowd. I was lost in the warm glow of happiness as his mouth pressed against mine, his tongue coming out just to tease my upper lip before retreating.

  I opened my eyes, dazed, wondering why he’d stopped, and he flashed me a rakish smile. “You know how everyone here likes to talk,” he whispered, and I felt my smile shift into a grin. We broke apart—reluctantly—but he kept a firm grip on my hand, giving it a little squeeze as we turned to face the group of our friends, family, and comrades-in-arms.

  Amber was already up again and coming toward us, this time with Margot beside her. Margot kissed Viggo on the cheek and embraced me, and then pulled back with a secret smile on her face.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, suddenly curious. Now that I was paying a little more attention, both she and Amber looked like the cats who had gotten into the cream. They exchanged glances, their smiles growing wider, and then Amber spoke.

  “We have a surprise for you,” she announced. “Well, for you and for everyone else. It’s waiting for you in Command.”

  “A surprise?” I looked up at Viggo, who gave me a bewildered look and a shrug. “What kind of surprise?”

  Amber rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand. “Don’t get boring on me, Bates, just come and see.”

  Then she was dragging me forward, not even giving me a chance to protest. I laughed, caught up with the joy of just… everything, and Amber slowed down long enough for me to get my feet under me, then started propelling me forward again.

  “The boys can take you, Mr. Bates!” she called over her shoulder to Viggo, and I laughed again, mostly at Viggo’s squint-eyed look as he watched Amber and me leave, Margot on our heels.

  She led me down the hall and up the stairs, and I paused at the sight before me. The conference room had been… decorated? Well, an attempt at decorating had been made, at least, with toilet paper streamers and a big paper sign that had Congratulations Viggo and Violet emblazoned on it in red paint, which still looked a little damp. Desks had been pushed aside, and smaller tables brought in, all with cloths draped over them in a semblance of tablecloths, with candles lighting them. Music piped through some speakers overhead, light and filled with soft violin sounds. A resplendent bounty of food covered a long table against a wall—real food, not protein rations. My mouth watered when I saw the cake, three-tiered and spotlessly covered in white frosting.

  “What is this?” I breathed, my eyes darting around, trying to take it all in.

  Viggo and the others entered behind us, and I heard Viggo’s surprised “Oh!” just as Margot announced, “It’s your wedding reception.”

  I looked over at her and the dark-skinned woman smiled, the flash of bright white teeth lighting up her already-charming face. “Amber and I thought of it, although Jenny and Cad helped with the cooking. We procured a few things, and we opened it up to everyone who’s on the base—don’t worry, we’re sharing with everyone.”

  I shot her a grateful look. She knew me well enough to know that I wouldn’t be comfortable if she hadn’t invited everybody we’d been working with. Already, people who hadn’t been at our wedding were wandering in. The men were shaking Viggo’s hand as they went by, offering him words of congratulations or advice. I laughed, reaching out to drape my arms over Amber and Margot’s shoulders.

  “You are literally the best,” I breathed, pulling them close to me.

  “Well, to be honest, I think we all needed a party,” Amber said after a moment, pulling back. “There’s been a lot of stuff going on, and I think we could all use just a little piece of normalcy before… whatever happens, happens.”

  “That… is a really good idea,” I said. “And still, you guys did this in two hours?”

  “We did,” Margot beamed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to fetch Henry and Sarah. They’re dying to have some of the cake Jenny made.”

  “And I’ve got you and Viggo sitting over here,” Amber declared, placing a hand on the small of my back as she stepped around me toward a table with some flowers in a vase. They looked suspiciously similar to the flowers still in my hands, and I looked over to see Tim giving me a sweet, smug grin.

  I followed Amber as she sat me down at the table, Viggo holding my chair out and then settling into the chair next to me. “This wasn’t how I imagined our wedding night starting,” he murmured right in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

  I looked over at him, my face flushing beet red, and if anything, it only seemed to make the hunger in Viggo’s eyes grow. “I think I can be patient enough for about an hour,” he added, and I felt my face grow even redder, if that was possible, the heat spreading across my cheeks until I thought they would burst into flames.

  Amber sat something down in front of me, and I looked up, trying to focus on the world that wasn’t just me and Viggo, to see a mug filled with something vaguely resembling urine. I looked up at her, questioningly.

  “Apple cider,” she said. “Still warm and filled with cinnamon. It’s an Ashabee family recipe.”

  I hesitated. “You made this?”

  Amber managed to look wounded as well as affronted. “Hey, I can cook some stuff, you know. Besides, this is from a cask recovered at the house. All I did was heat it up.” She winked, and then moved back to the food table, presumably to grab a plate of food. My stomach growled when I saw a basket of bread rolls, and I turned to Viggo, preparing to ask him what he wanted.

  “Oh no you don’t,” he announced. “I’m now your husband, which means I provide for you. What do you want from the table?”

  “Bread, and whatever that stew is. It smells divine.”

  He leaned forward to drop a kiss on my lips and then pulled back. “Your wish is always my command,” he whispered, standing up.

  I wasn’t left alone long. Owen found me soon, taking a seat at the table, Morgan next to him, looking unsure but excited in the atmosphere of the party. Ms. Dale and Henrik sat down across from me, and Tim took up the seat Viggo had been sitting in, immediately resting his head lightly on my shoulder. I reached over and took his hand, resting my cheek against the top of his head, and he sighed.

  “Different now,” he said, a touch sadly.

  I looked at him, and then adjusted so I could wrap an arm around his shoulder, taking care to share my warmth but only barely brush his skin. “Why do you say that?” I asked, curious.

  He shrugged under my arm, and then smiled up at me, his gray eyes still stormy. “You gone. Married. No room for—”

  “You stop right there, Tim,” said Owen softly. I looked over at him, and he shifted nervously, pulling on the sleeves of his sweater. “I was an older sibling too, and believe me… there’s always room for your brother. Nothing’s going to change. Your sister’s never going to abandon you, and you will always be loved—by her, by Viggo, and by everyone in the room.”

  I heard the pain in his voice as he spoke, and started to reach for his hand, but stopped when I saw Morgan alrea
dy doing so, her hand going over Owen’s and squeezing. The blonde man looked up, his blue eyes rimmed with red, and then slowly pulled his hand out from under hers, standing up.

  “I’m, uh, going to check out the food situation,” he mumbled, before moving off. Morgan followed his movement, her brows furrowing together as her green eyes tracked him, and then she leaned back in the chair with a look of disappointment on her face.

  Ms. Dale and I exchanged looks, and Henrik softly announced that he could also use some food and got up. I looked at Ms. Dale, who gave me a shrug, sipping her own mug of tea, and I sighed. Clearly this was for me to handle.

  But before I could say anything, another voice beat me to it. “You really shouldn’t take it personally, Morgan,” announced Amber, manifesting from seemingly nowhere with a plate filled with—heavens, it was fresh vegetables. My mouth watered when I saw the pile of cherry tomatoes, and I looked up at her questioningly as she sat down in the chair Owen had just evacuated. She nodded, and I grabbed one, popping it between my lips and crunching into it, the fresh, distinctive sweetness almost causing me to moan with happiness.

  Amber watched my display with an odd smile, and then turned back to Morgan. “By the way, since when do you have a crush on Owen? I’ve known you both since I arrived with the Liberators, and I never picked up on that.”

  “Because you never saw us together,” muttered Morgan, picking at some lint on the tablecloth—and I noticed she didn’t try to deny Amber’s realization. “Owen and I never really… got to spend any time together. He was Desmond’s number two, remember?”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t really answer the question, does it?” Amber teased. “Go on, when did you realize you liked him?”

  Morgan shifted slightly in her seat and then gave Amber a direct look. “The first day I met him,” she replied tersely. “The first day I was in the Liberator base. I was scared and… and angry. Desmond didn’t tell me what was going on, I’d been stuck in that stupid workhouse for over a year, and then suddenly I wasn’t anymore. It threw me. Anyway, he was running the training the first day I was there, and I didn’t want anything to do with it, or him. He comes over, and before he can even say anything, I grab him and throw him across the room.”


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