Book Read Free


Page 25

by L.H. Cosway

  Leave my mark.

  I’d woken in the middle of the night to find her watching me. I didn’t even ask her what she was doing, because I’d been so overcome by a deep and powerful need to have her again. I simply climbed atop her, kissing and licking every inch of her body until we were both breathless and sated.

  When I stepped inside the kitchen, I found her humming along to the radio as she stirred some scrambled eggs in a pan. All she wore was one of my T-shirts. It was so long on her that it might as well have been a dress. Her hair hung like a mess of wavy silk down her back. I stepped close, reaching around her to take the pan off the burner before turning her body and wrapping my arms around her.

  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.

  She startled a little at my sudden appearance, then smiled back.

  “Morning,” I whispered, bending down to steal a kiss.

  “Good m-morning,” she replied, the words a mumbled sigh on my lips.

  I made a humming noise in the back of my throat as I took her in, keeping one hand pressed to the small of her back and lifting the other to slide my fingers through hers. Slowly, I started to dance. Her breath hitched as she stared up at me, neither one of us able to tear our eyes from the other.

  John Lennon singing Jai Guru Deva filled the room. I joined him, singing to Rose that nothing was gonna change my world. I saw her bare skin prickle with goose bumps when she closed her eyes. I continued to serenade her, enjoying the way my voice made her weak.

  After a moment she murmured, “I think this is the first time you’ve ever danced without having to be cajoled.”

  I hummed again, bending to kiss her neck. She shuddered. “I’m feeling unusually agreeable this morning.” She sighed at the pressure of my lips on her skin. I let go of her hand and lowered to my knees. She peered down at me and I returned her gaze hotly.

  Her breathing started to speed up as she asked, “What are you doing?”

  I moved a palm over the outside of her thigh, pushing the hem of the T-shirt up to reveal her lovely bare flesh. “Making you feel good,” I answered before pressing my mouth to her sex. She yelped and gripped my shoulders. I chuckled as her yelp transformed into a moan. I licked at her in long, even strokes, parting her lips and just revelling in her taste. I adored the sounds she was making, little whimpers and sighs.

  “Oh…God…Damon,” she panted, and I moved my eyes to hers. She trembled when our gazes met. I couldn’t look away. I licked and sucked, finally moving to her clit and swirling my tongue around it. It had been so long since I’d done this to a woman, and I thought maybe that was the reason I felt so crazed. I didn’t want to go back to London tomorrow. I wanted to stay here with Rose and make her come for weeks on end.

  I massaged her thigh, moving my hand up until it met her wet heat. I slid two fingers inside her and she cried out, pressing herself to my face as one of her hands went to grip my hair. I loved it. Loved how I could make her lose her mind like that. Loved how she watched me all the while, never closing her eyes. She looked…enthralled.

  I thrust my fingers in and out slowly, matching the movement of my tongue on her clit. She lifted a thigh, as though to grant me more access. I grabbed it and hitched it over my shoulder, finding I could eat at her deeper from this angle. Her entire body trembled at the depth. I could hear Charlie in the hallway, scratching and whining at the door to get in. It made me laugh, and Rose moaned before laughing, too. I was glad I’d had the forethought to close the door, and also that Charlie hadn’t learned how to work the handle on his own yet.

  I ate her out more feverishly then and felt her thighs tensing. She went really, really quiet, so quiet I thought maybe she wasn’t enjoying herself anymore. I was wrong. The next time I circled her clit, she orgasmed with violent intensity right on my mouth. I groaned and continued licking until her tremors subsided and her body went limp.

  I rose, pulling her into my arms as she sighed. “The eggs have probably gone cold.”

  I lifted her onto the counter, pulling her thighs around my waist and taking her mouth in a deep, erotic kiss.

  “They haven’t, but they will.”

  And then I proceeded to make love to her right there in the middle of the kitchen.


  “Wear something warm today,” I told Rose after I re-cooked breakfast and we’d both eaten our fill.

  She cast me a curious glance. “Why?”

  “Because I’m taking you out on my boat.”

  Her mouth fell open. “Your boat?”

  I nodded, enjoying her surprise as I dried the dishes and put them away. “Yes. Remember the one I told you I worked on? I own it.”

  “You never told me that!”

  I smirked. “I’m telling you now.”

  An hour or two later, we’d collected my car from where I’d left it outside the pub the night before, having been too drunk to drive home, and arrived at the harbour. It was a cool day, the air sharp and fresh. Salty sea air would always be something that reminded me of home.

  “Is the fishing industry very big here?” Rose asked as we stepped aboard The Angela.

  “It’s declined a lot in recent years. Things are tough at times, but the men still manage to make a living,” I answered as I led her to a spot near the front of the boat. I caught her elbow when she almost tripped over some netting, smiling because she seemed so out of her depth. Usually with us, I was the one who felt out of my comfort zone. It was a nice change to have the tables turned.

  She glanced up at me with a sheepish grin. “I’ve never been on a boat before.”

  I wrapped my arm around her waist as we started to move off, some of the men calling greetings to us. “In that case, try to focus on the horizon so as not to become seasick.”

  She cast me a curious look. “Does that work?”

  “Aye. It’s a steady point to counteract the constant motion.”

  “Ah, right, that makes sense,” she said, and snuggled close to me. I was on cloud nine having her be so openly affectionate. All those weeks I’d spent pining after her, wishing I could touch her in any small way, suddenly felt like a lifetime ago. With Rose I always felt this instant level of comfort, like she’d always been there.

  I soaked up her reactions, excitement mixed with nerves as we made our way out to sea. She was fascinated by the scenery and by being on the water. I relished every tiny intake of breath or gasp of surprise. After a while, Danny, one of the crewmen, came and asked Rose if she’d like to watch as they hauled in a trap. She nodded eagerly, and we went to the other side of the boat where the men were hard at work. Acting out of instinct, I pitched in, the whole time sensing Rose’s attention on me. When we finally had the trap on board, I stood back and let the crew take over.

  Rose was quiet as I led her back to the spot where we’d been enjoying the view.

  “Are you all right?” I asked, bending to place a kiss on her temple.

  She nodded but didn’t speak for a long moment. “I’m fine, just feeling a little like I want to drag you inside and do some more of the things we’d been doing last night.”

  “And this morning,” I added, grinning like a fool.

  “There’s something strangely arousing about watching you work.”

  “I’m not afraid of getting my hands dirty,” I teased quietly.

  She laughed and shifted in my hold to ponder me curiously. “When did you buy this boat? More to the point, how does an ex-film star Oscar winner get into industrial fishing?”

  I let out a small breath and stared at the water. “I was aimless for the first few months after I came to live with Gran. She had a friend who was a skipper. He had a large crew of men working for him and could always do with the extra help. Gran volunteered me, and at first I hated it, hated the men, the smell, the hard work. I never realised how pampered I was until I actually had to do a real job. After a few months, I started to appreciate the sense of achievement I got from the work. It hardened me, but not in a bad way.
It made me appreciate the value of things. How the vast majority of people in the world have to work day in and day out just to make ends meet. There was a little bit of self-hatred that came with it, too, because I saw just how privileged a life I’d been leading, even if I did have my troubles with Dad. After a while, I wanted to use some of my acting money to buy my own boat, contribute to the local economy and create jobs, so I did.”

  “Seems like a very noble thing to do,” said Rose. “Did you name the boat yourself?”

  “Aye. After Mum.”

  She didn’t say anything then, only laced her fingers with mine and squeezed my hand as we both stared out into the vast and unending waters that surrounded us.

  A couple of hours later, we were home. Danny had saved us a small bag of shellfish that I started preparing for dinner, while Rose played catch with Charlie outside the cottage. I thought that perhaps it wasn’t just I who felt more peaceful here. Rose had seemed even more beautiful to me this last day or two, more at ease, if that was even possible.

  Glancing out the window, I saw Sheila approach. She ruffled Charlie’s fur, then stood talking with Rose for a bit before heading in the direction of the cottage. She stepped in the back door, and I continued de-shelling the fish.

  “Something smells good,” she said, commenting on the broth I had simmering on a low heat.

  “I took Rose out on the boat today. Brought home some produce, if you’d like to stay and eat with us.”

  She smiled and waved me away. “Oh, no. I won’t intrude. I just came to check in and make sure you’re enjoying your weekend.”

  “We are.”

  A moment of quiet ensued as Sheila eyed me. I almost told her to spit it out, but then she spoke, so I didn’t have to.

  “She’s a lovely lass,” she said.

  I grunted and went to pull a dish from the cupboard. “Lovely” was too tame a word to describe Rose. She was stunning, ethereal, incandescent. Now, if only I could tell her all this in words, rather than simply thinking it.

  “You’re smitten.”

  I cast my eyes to the ceiling and shook my head. Sheila had a knack for making me feel like an embarrassed teenager with a crush on a girl at school. We didn’t converse for a while, Sheila watching me work in quiet for a bit.

  “What will happen, though, when you have to leave London?” she asked, voicing a fear I’d been pushing to the back of my mind for a while now.

  I’ll take her with me, I thought. Wherever I go, I’ll always take her with me.

  I tried not to ponder the fact that London was Rose’s home. She’d lived there all her life. She was a dancer, and there weren’t exactly many job opportunities for choreographers here in Skye.

  I met Sheila’s gaze and answered soberly. “We’ll figure something out.” There were lots of things we could do. Spend half our time in the city and half our time on the island, perhaps. I was sure that together we’d figure it out. Really, though, it was too soon to be thinking of these things. Last night was the first time we’d slept together. Everything was new. Fresh. I just wanted to enjoy it for a while.

  Sheila moved to my side, giving my arm a decidedly solid squeeze for a woman of her age and stature. “I just don’t want to see you setting yourself up for a fall, Damon,” she said, her wise old eyes taking me in.

  “I’ll be fine,” I told her gruffly.

  Her gaze went soft. “Yes, I hope so. Anyway, I better be getting home. My Ned will be wondering where his dinner’s gotten to. Like always, I’m only a phone call away if you need me.”

  I waved her goodbye as she went out through the back door again. Rose came inside, Charlie heavy on her heels. Her cheeks were pink and flushed from the outdoor air, and Sheila’s dog seemed to be even more taken with her than I was. She sat by the counter and watched me cook, and afterwards we ate and spoke of our day.

  Later on, as we were lying on the couch by the fire, Rose’s head on my chest and a thick woollen blanket thrown over us, I felt completely at ease in the quiet. I could feel her soft heartbeat where my hand rested just below her collarbone. The longer we stayed like that, the more aroused I became. I was aware of every inhalation and exhalation, how goose pimples rose across the skin of her arms, showing me she was feeling it, too.

  We shared a look.

  I wasn’t quite sure what hers said, but a second later she was moving to straddle me where I lay. I watched her movements with rapt attention, my eyelids at a lazy half-mast. Her hands went to the fly of my jeans, and I sucked in a breath. Christ.

  Rose opened the button and pulled down the zipper, sliding her hand inside and cupping my already hard cock. I groaned and closed my eyes, saying her name like a warning.


  “Just let me,” she murmured, before pulling my cock free and lowering her mouth to it. I’d never experienced anything more erotic or frustrating in my life. She pressed her lips lightly to my tip, and I swore I felt it twitch. My balls drew tight, my cock begging for more. Whatever she planned on doing, I had no intention of stopping her.

  “Take off your top,” I ordered, the command husky. I needed to see her skin.

  Her lips curved in a smile as she obliged me, first lifting off her pale blue shirt, then reaching around to unhook her bra. Her heavy tits fell free and I reached for one, moulding it tenderly with my hand.

  “You’re beautiful,” I told her.

  She blushed, wrapping her arms around her stomach, like she felt self-conscious all of a sudden. I pulled her arms away and brought her hand to my erection. “This is what you do to me. You’re perfect. Never hide.”

  She sighed, her eyes going all big and soft, and I kissed her gently on the lips. She lowered her mouth to my cock again, this time licking up its entire length. I groaned so loudly it was a good thing I didn’t have neighbours close by. And when she took me fully into her mouth, every muscle in my body drew tight. Her sweet, soft, wet little mouth moved up and down. I felt the barest scrape of her teeth, and it was agonisingly sensual. Reaching for her tits again, I took both in my palms, moulding and caressing them, pinching her tight little buds as she continued sucking me off.

  I remembered what it felt like last night, when I sank myself inside her, how hot and slick she’d been, and almost came on the spot. Luckily, I had enough restraint to hold back. I didn’t want this to be over yet. I wanted to savour the feel of her mouth on me for just a little while longer.

  When she cupped my balls, my eyes rolled back in my head. My cock felt so hard right then that it was almost to the point of pain. She moaned around me when I pinched her nipples, and that was my undoing. I came with a low groan, emptying into her mouth as she continued sucking me. I felt satisfied, yet not. Her mouth had been perfect, but it only made me want more of her, and I knew without a doubt I’d be dragging her to my bed before long.

  Rose lay back against me, her soft, lush tits against my chest. She kissed me on the pec, then let out a long, happy little sigh.

  “This day’s been perfect,” I whispered as I pressed my lips to her earlobe, feeling her shudder.

  “Of course it has,” she said, letting out a soft chuckle. “All perfect days end with blowjobs.”

  I pinched her arm gently. “Don’t give me that. Today was perfect, and it was perfect because I got to spend it with you.”

  She shifted to look at me, her eyes flickering back and forth over mine as some indecipherable emotion clouded her features. “I don’t think I ever want to leave this place,” she finally whispered, and I knew the feeling.

  But we did have to leave, and that was the problem.


  We arrived back in London on Monday evening, and by Tuesday morning we’d returned to the theatre for rehearsals. Opening night was on Friday, so everything felt even more of a rush than usual.

  I caught Rose behind a screen that was part of the set and kissed her until her knees buckled. Now that we’d slept together, I felt like I wanted to be touching her constantly, fi
nding new ways to make her burn for me. She giggled when I squeezed her arse, then gave it a light slap just as Jacob entered the theatre. I grinned at her retreating form as she scurried off to run an errand for Iggy.

  Something drew my attention, and I looked up to find Blake staring coldly at me. My grin quickly fell as I held his gaze steadily. Rose was with me. He could try this intimidation tactic all he wanted. I wasn’t backing off. Not now. Not ever. The fucker would just have to deal with it.

  “All right, everyone, in the words of the infinitely wise and fabulous Noel Coward, just say your lines and don’t trip over the furniture. We have three days to get this show polished for a live audience, and I want you all putting your best feet forward,” said Jacob from where he sat in the front row. He now possessed a loudspeaker. A bit obnoxious, but I supposed it made it easier for us all to hear his direction from the stage.

  Today we were running the entire show from start to finish. I wore a white shirt, black slacks, and suspenders. I’d let my stubble grow in a little more than usual over the long weekend, and Jacob was quick to inform me I needed to shave.

  My attention fell on Blake again, and I thought he seemed agitated. He was wearing a tailcoat, trousers and a waistcoat which was his costume for playing the Duke. Despite the debonair attire, there was something off about him. He kept scratching at his jaw, his eyes darting all about. I put it down to him being angry over Rose, but there was something about his twitchiness that rose my hackles.

  He approached me right before we were about to start rehearsing the opening number.

  “Damon. A word,” he said stiffly, nodding to a quiet corner backstage. I schooled my expression, deciding I’d let him say his piece. Really, though, he needed to get it into his head that he and Rose weren’t going to happen.

  I didn’t speak, simply folded my arms and waited for him to say something.

  “Seems like you and Rosie are pretty close these days. I heard you both went away together this weekend.”

  “That’s right,” I answered, expressionless, giving him nothing.

  He stared at me then, and something changed. He no longer looked pissed; now he appeared sympathetic. Towards me. What the fuck?


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