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Heart of the Woolf (Woolf Series)

Page 1

by Kai Andersen

  Praise for the writing of Kai Andersen

  Tales of Enchantment 1: The Question of Royalty

  This story was surprisingly hot, enough so that Kai Andersen will be added to my auto-buy erotic list... I'd recommend Tales of Enchantment 1: The Question of Royalty on both the romance and erotic scenes, and especially on how well the relationships were shown between characters.

  -- Tara Black, The Romance Studio

  Ms. Andersen does a fine job in taking the idea of the fairy tale and making it into an erotic tale. She is able to keep the whimsical qualities of a fairy tale and imbue them with the sexy story content that brings it a unique and very readable twist.

  -- Kim, Coffee Time Romance

  Tales of Enchantment 2: The Quest

  I liked this second installment of the story even better than the first. The writing is smooth and literate, neither too spare nor too florid – in fact, it’s just right!

  -- Jean, Fallen Angel Reviews

  The use of family, court politics, enchantment, and beautifully written sex made The Quest an exceptional book, and one I can recommend to anyone.

  -- Anya Khan, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

  The Question of Royalty and The Quest will be re-released soon.

  Heart of the Woolf

  Woolf Series 1

  Kai Andersen

  Copyright 2013 Kai Andersen

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this ebook may be reproduced in any print or electronic form without prior written permission from the publisher, Chained Hearts Publishing. Please respect the hard work of our author.

  Published by Chained Hearts Publishing

  This ebook is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  About the Author

  Kai Andersen has always loved books. Ever since she could remember, stories have always fascinated her. The humdrum of her life forced her to seek the excitement that could be found in books. As Belle had said (in Disney's Beauty and the Beast), "far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise..." fairies, witches, wizards, what-have-you...What can top that?

  Escape from her boring ordinary life doesn't entail shopping-till-I-drop excursions (but this isn't a judgement on those who love these kinds of things!), but journeys into an alternate reality, a fantasy world with kick-ass heroines and warrior-princesses, where women are strong enough to make certain choices and take charge of their destinies, including that scrumptious man they want to spend the rest of their lives with. These are women who do not wait for their 'heroes' and 'princes' to rescue them. They are the ones who save the day! (or try to. )

  But let's not forget the mysterious mage with his strong magic and to-die-for body, or the handsome prince with his white charger and unique fighting abilities. And a wicked sense of humor. That is a must!

  She loves heroes and heroines with whom she can identify with, i.e. characters who are flawed, who have their own sets of strengths and weaknesses, who find love and passion in each other's arms. So, these are the kinds of stories she writes. Or hope to write.

  Chained Hearts Publishing Titles

  Derek by Sienna Matthews

  Passion’s Fire by Jenna Rose Ellis

  Forbidden Desire by Kai Andersen

  Threesome Interlude by Sienna Matthews

  Wedding Party of Three by Sienna Matthews

  Edge of Desire by Crimson Fox

  Threesome Play by Sienna Matthews

  Sun, Sand and Sexy Bodies by Sienna Matthews

  The Lord’s Lover by Jenna Rose Ellis

  Heart of the Woolf by Kai Andersen

  Coming Soon

  Secret of the Wolf by Sienna Matthews

  Threesome for Keeps by Sienna Matthews

  In the Marquess’ Bed by Jenna Rose Ellis

  Table of Contents

  About the Author

  More from Chained Hearts Publishing

  Woolf Series 1: Heart of the Woolf


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve



  Slamming the door behind him, Jake strode into the apartment, discarding his tie and dumping his briefcase on the first available surface. “Lila! Honey, are you ready? We have to go!”


  He walked quickly into the kitchen. “Lila!”

  Damn, where was she? They were cutting it short as it was.

  “Lila!” He threw open the bedroom door and stared in shock.

  The wardrobe doors were open, displaying the empty space where her clothes used to hang. Lila’s myriad bottles and vials, which normally rested on top of the dressing table, were gone, leaving circular imprints in the dust. A small piece of black paper lay in the middle of their double bed, standing out in stark contrast against the white satin sheets.

  He walked toward the bed in a daze, heart pounding. He wanted to run in the opposite direction, but his feet drew him inexorably forward. He picked up the paper. The message, written in silver ink, read:

  Ciao, honey. I’ve decided that living with a werewolf just isn’t my style -- even one with oodles of money such as you have. Have a good life. I intend to.

  -- L

  He crumpled the paper in his hand. Shaking with rage and despair, he balled his hands into tight fists. He turned, punching the wall with such force, his knuckles throbbed, echoing the pain in his heart.

  Closing his eyes, he threw back his head and howled.

  Chapter One

  Close to 3 months later ...

  “It’ll only take me a few minutes to go over the changes we’ve discussed. Why don’t you sit down?” Jake Woolf, head of Creative Minds’ Consumer Business Division, gestured toward the chairs in front of his desk. His gaze lit on her for a second before he looked down, focusing on the file in his hands.

  Adrienne Lee could’ve sworn her boss’s gray-brown eyes had glowed.

  She took one of the proffered seats. Her bearing straight, she sat near the edge of the chair with her hands coolly folded on her lap. She assumed the same pose every time she “visited” her boss in his office, creating a picture of the icy, elegant businesswoman she wanted the world to see.

  That she especially wanted her boss to see.

  In her high stiletto heels and coal-gray blazer with matching skirt, the kind of outfits she termed her “power suits,” Adrienne knew she succeeded in creating the cool image she wanted to project.

  Because there were some things that she wanted to hide ... and bury forever.

  Unbeknownst to him, she harbored a secret crush on her new boss of two months. “Crush” sounded childish, but her crush was accompanied by a lust so intense she dripped with her own juices after every meeting. Nothing childish about that.

  She studied him, as he studied the document. Why the strong attraction? He certainly wasn’t her usual type of man. Maybe it was his head of raven-black, slightly curled hair, giving him a dark, haunted look. Or maybe it was his unusually colored eyes, with their enigmatic expression, hinting at deep secrets. Or his full, kissable lips? His instinctive command of authority?

  Across the
desk, Jake flipped through the final draft of her marketing proposal, his forehead wrinkled in a frown.

  As assistant manager, Adrienne’s usual role was to supervise her team’s marketing efforts and accompany the junior staff on negotiations they wouldn’t be able to handle on their own. Recently though, a potential major -- as in very big, gargantuan and would probably be responsible for their fat bonuses this year -- account landed on their doorstep, and the big bosses sent down a directive stating they must close the deal on this account, or else! Hence, Adrienne was handed a plum account for her personal portfolio ... if she could secure it.

  Jake leaned back in his chair and flipped to the next page. His lips pursed. His pink tongue peeked out from between his teeth.

  Heat hit her low in her belly.

  Damn, but the man, already oozing with sex appeal, got sexier every time she saw him.

  She smiled suddenly, the answer to the question of what attracted her to him becoming clear. His tongue, and the endearing way he held the tip between his lips when he was deep in thought, never failed to affect her.

  Adrienne bit her bottom lip to keep the moan from escaping, but she couldn’t control her eyes, which were riveted on his mouth. Her heart thudded, her pulse in overdrive. Cold sweat lined her forehead, yet a slow burn swept through her, and a surging wetness pooled between her thighs.

  Lust -- old-fashioned, basic, raw lust she kept with extra diligence from her boss.

  Tension pervaded her body. A strong, yet familiar yearning caught hold of her, making her want to ... soar like an eagle with wings spread wide, break free of the restrictions she put on herself, give voice to the passion riding her veins ...

  That pink tongue was really driving her crazy.

  She leaned forward. Her lips caught hold of it, drawing it into her mouth. Wet and rough and sandy, the friction rubbed against the smoothness of the insides of her mouth. So hot, scorching her like the noonday sun. All heat and power and might. She drowned in the strength of his arms and in the hardness of his body. She was surrounded by him, his male scent, his warmth, his virility.

  She wanted him, above her, below her, inside her. Her pussy clenched at the thought of gripping him ... encasing him ... Her panties were soaking from the wetness pooling at her opening.

  Beneath her clothes, her nipples tightened, aching to be touched. His hand brushed against the taut peaks. Electric bolts of desire sizzled through her. She leaned into his hands, yearning for him to cup and squeeze her breasts.

  She sucked on his tongue, loving the rough, warm taste. She gripped the table edge for balance as she leaned closer and their mouths fused in a voracious kiss. So much passion ... What a gad-awful waste of two months! If she had only made her move earlier ...

  “Adrienne ...” His voice seemed to come through a long tunnel.

  “Hmm ... Jake ...”

  “Yes, well ... Adrienne ...” Why did his voice sound hesitant? “Adrienne ... are you okay?”

  Why did he pull away? Was she such a lousy kisser?

  “Okay?” Her eyes focused. She saw the papers in his hand and the confused expression on his face. She snapped to attention. Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God! Cold sweat broke out all over her body. What had happened? Damage control first. Make that disaster recovery. “Of course, I’m okay! How can I not be?” Oops. Enough. There was something about her answer that smacked of “thou doth protest too much.”

  The last vestiges of his stunned expression faded away, to be replaced by a curious little smile that hovered around his lips. He quirked his brow and asked, “Then why are you looming over me?”

  Her full pink lips parted, tempting him to taste her.

  Jake watched in amusement as Adrienne sat back in her seat, semi-gracefully. She had always been a little clumsy -- endearingly so -- especially when she was flustered. Like right now.

  “I, uh, you were taking so long I decided to pressure you into hurrying up. Did I succeed?”

  He almost laughed out loud at the thin excuse, but he decided to play along. “Maybe.” He returned his attention to the marketing proposal, afraid he’d be tempted to turn her thoughts into reality, considering his boxers had suddenly become a bit too tight in the last few minutes.

  If she ached for him to touch her breasts, he was dying to see them, to fondle them. Would her nipples be dark brown or pink? Would her breasts fit his hands? Or would they be too small, too large, too ... right.

  He clenched his fist beneath the table.

  If she yearned to grip him with her sex, he longed to pound into her and be held by her honeyed tightness. If she sashayed past him one more time in those ridiculously crazy high heels, he wouldn’t be responsible for the consequences. His cock was inflamed as it was, aroused to the point of no return. All he needed was another one of her sultry looks, and he’d jump her.

  She wore no perfume, but her scent, uniquely Adrienne, drifted over to him. His half-canine nose greedily sniffed her fragrance.

  As an empath, he usually put up his shield; otherwise he’d go crazy from all the emotions running amok around him. Yet, Adrienne’s desire broke through the barrier and called out to him, with its intoxicating mixture of sweet, wild, and forbidden. He could hear her thoughts and see the images in her mind, learn of her lusty fantasies with the two of them taking center stage.

  He wondered how she’d taste and how she’d look the morning after. Would she still maintain her cool façade and that perfectly coiffed hair, even without her suit and those high heels that had always driven him mad with longing? Or would she be wantonly displayed against satin sheets, with slumberous eyes and lips swollen from kissing?

  He was seriously considering throwing her onto his desk and having his wicked way with her, fucking her until she screamed with pleasure or fainted from exultation. The wolf in him demanded his right to such a succulent morsel, especially one who was ripe for the picking, who wanted him so much she was wet after every meeting with him.

  His cock twitched, hungered to thrust into her wet warmth, to be encased by her hot cocoon ...

  Until thoughts of the past intruded.

  Adrienne groaned inwardly. Oh God, did he know? How much had she given away? For that matter, what had come over her? She had never been so caught up in her fantasies before that she --

  “Adrienne, excellent work as usual! Except for some changes here,” he said, flipping a few pages to the front and scribbling a few lines on the margin of the page, “and here, I think we’ve got it! If you prepare for the presentation tomorrow, do you think you’d be ready to show the client the day after?”

  Boy, he wasn’t giving her much time. She did some mental calculations. She could really use more than a day to prepare for such an important deal, but in the queer way life worked, more time was something they could not afford. They needed to strike while the iron’s hot, so to speak.

  Adrienne nodded. “No problem.”

  “Great!” Jake handed over the sheaf of paper. “I’ll make the appointment with the client then."

  A dismissal.

  She stood to go, but the intense look in his gaze checked her movement. He was practically devouring her with his eyes. For one long, infinite moment, she stayed motionless, like a fly caught in a spider’s web. Was that an appreciative male once-over he was giving her?

  Her breath caught.

  Her boss? Her secret fantasy?

  An answering heat flooded her groin, a heat that never really went away when she was in his presence.

  Naked desire flared in his eyes, and a taut expression stretched across his face. A different alertness emanated from him, like that of a wolf hunting his prey. The atmosphere was fraught with tension. His eyes glowed. He started to stand.

  She blinked.

  Her fantasy image cleared.

  Jake wasn’t standing behind his desk with an expression of raging passion on his face. Instead, he was looking at her with that strange little smile hovering around his lips, his hands arrested over the
telephone. “Yes, Adrienne?”

  She backed toward the door, almost tripping over the leg of the chair she had been sitting on just moments ago. “I, uh, I’ll work on this right away, boss.”

  She slipped out of the room. Walking quickly to her own office, she reached it in a few seconds. Instead of going in, however, she rested her forehead against the wall for awhile, willing her heartbeat to slow. The familiar gray paint was soothing to her disturbed senses.

  Adrienne, you are becoming crazy, a schizophrenic! You can’t even distinguish reality from fantasy anymore --

  Shut up!

  Great, now she was starting to have conversations with herself. Fantasies about her boss were obviously not good for her mental health.

  Marcy’s dark head popped out from behind the half-closed door. “Adri, you’re back!” She dragged Adrienne inside the office. “How was it?”

  Grinning, Adrienne turned to face her. “Great!”

  “Woo hoo!” Marcy’s exuberant hug nearly crushed Adrienne’s ribs. Pushing her favorite librarian-style spectacles -- the ones that gave her an innocent-yet-naughty, sensual look -- up her nose, Marcy pulled back. “You’re made, girl!”

  “Not so fast, friend. The deal’s not closed yet.”

  Marcy waved a negligent hand in the air. “Oh, but --”

  “It’s not a done deal until the contract’s been signed.”

  “Fussy.” Marcy made a face. Then, her light gray eyes twinkled. “Oh, all right. At least you got to have personal time with Mr. Jake Woolf, our dreamboat of a boss.”

  “It’s strictly a business relationship.”

  Marcy sent her a mischievous smile. “I see you don’t deny it. He is dreamy. Have you ever thought of jumping him --”


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