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Heart of the Woolf (Woolf Series)

Page 6

by Kai Andersen

  Her elbow jabbed deliberately hard on his chest. “You were saying?”

  He quickly collected his thoughts. “Yes, as an empath, I can sense feelings, thoughts,” he smiled ruefully. “It has brought me quite a few problems in the past --”


  “Once, I was interviewing this candidate for the post of Marketing Executive. She was obviously under-qualified and didn’t have the necessary experience, but I sensed her desperation for a job. I kept seeing mental images of little children in a small run-down apartment. Apparently, their parents had died in an accident, and she was the sole breadwinner of the family. So, I gave her the job, with the condition that she had to learn all that was required of her within six months or be terminated.”

  Adrienne smiled. Her eyes softened. “You’re a very sensitive man, Jake.”

  “Yeah, Mr. Sensitivity, that’s me,” he said self-deprecatingly.

  “So, uh, you can sense my thoughts?”

  “I know you’ve had the hots for me since, oh, the first day we met.” He leered.

  She grinned, unashamed. “How embarrassing.”

  “Embarrassingly erotic and arousing. There were many times I almost came in my pants, especially when the images were accompanied by particularly strong emotions.” He lifted his head and licked her nose.

  Moving a few inches upward, she reached out with her tongue and dueled with his in the open air. Their tongues still making love play, he reached between their bodies to fondle her pussy, testing her wetness. She was dripping.

  His cock stirred and rose, thumping against her thigh, seeking her molten heat.

  Her eyes darkened as she saw his intent. Her breath quickened.

  He sensed her increasing degree of excitement and caught a fleeting picture of what she was expecting from him. Positioning his engorged cock at the entrance, he surged into her in one sharp move, taking her breast into his mouth at the same time and biting down hard.

  She threw back her head and arched. “Argh!”

  She was so primed that her pussy immediately constricted around him, tightening as her muscles drew him in. Her legs bent around his waist and pulled him closer. The action heightened his urgency. He thrust and plunged, allowing her pussy to milk him until he spewed his load. Through the mind-link, he felt her pleasure spiral, peak and swell, overwhelming him with its force and might.

  They collapsed in each other’s arms, still joined together.

  * * * * *

  He rocked, his half-erect cock pushing slowly into her, massaging her still constricting vagina walls. Though the act was carnal, his gentle rubbing gave her an underlying feeling of being cherished.

  “Since you knew what I was feeling, why didn’t you jump me? Why did you wait so long? Just think of all the time we’ve wasted.”

  “Oh, you mean since I was aware of your lust for me?” He surged into her, whamming her clitoris with his groin. She sucked in her breath. Her heels dug into the soft flesh of his buttocks. “I wanted you to be sure of your feelings before I acted.”

  “But two months?” she asked sharply.

  “Minus nine days, fifteen hours and I don’t know how many minutes and seconds.” He moved to nibble on her neck.

  Her heart soared. “You counted.”

  “Every slow second of it.”

  She hoped that meant something.

  “Oh, it meant something, all right.”

  She jumped. “Don’t do that.”

  He laughed. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “So what did it mean?”

  “It means I was so in lust with you I couldn’t think straight. I had to do something to retain my sanity.”

  She was sure her grin stretched embarrassingly from ear to ear, but anyway, Jake couldn’t see her, with her head resting on his shoulder. “Flatterer.” She changed the subject. “So you’re an empath; does that mean you can hear all my thoughts and feelings?”

  He palmed her breast, using his thumb to soothe the place where he had bitten her earlier. “Not all. You put up a mighty damn good shield.” She felt his cock stirring, becoming harder in the warm cocoon.


  “It’s what empaths do to protect themselves from the cacophony of the emotions around them. If they don’t do it, they’d go mad. Imagine going into a shopping mall with thousands of shoppers, and all their emotions running loose.”

  “So you mean I was able to put up a shield to keep you from reading my thoughts sometimes?”

  “Yes.” As an afterthought, he added, “Though I don’t know how you do it. Unless you’re psychic, too?”

  She snorted. “Not that I know of.” But it was quirky, this talent of hers. How did she know if her shield was up at the right time or not? “Okay, tell me. What am I thinking of now?”

  “Umm ...” He surged suggestively into her. “Another round of sex?”

  She laughed. “No. But it was a very good guess.” She lifted herself a bit and ground down on him. His breath caught, and she smiled. “Does anyone in the office know of your amazing gift?”

  “Only you. Sweetheart, do you mind if we stop talking?”

  “Not at all.”

  * * * * *

  Adrienne turned over in bed. Sunlight hit her closed eyelids. She yawned and smiled.

  Last night was marvelous. They couldn’t get enough of each other, and made love all the way till dawn. Would he come again tonight? Her pulse quickened. They hadn’t said anything on the matter. She’d wait and see, take her cue from him.

  Her eyes opened blearily and focused on the bedside clock. On no, she was late!

  She moved to jump out of bed. Her hand encountered a crumpled piece of paper. She smoothed it against her thigh and read:

  I’ve gone to the office. Sleep in if you wish. I told the boss you’d be late.

  -- Jake

  Adrienne smirked. Shaking her head over his sense of humor, she got out of the bed to prepare for work.

  By the time she reached the office, it was already lunchtime. However, her co-workers were still ensconced in their cubicles and hard at work when she passed by. As she neared her office, she paused and her heart began to pound. Her office door stood half-open, and a light shone from inside.

  Filled with dread, she hung back, remembering yesterday’s unpleasant little surprise. Cautiously, she walked toward the door, expecting the worst. She looked in, then stepped fully inside, her brows raised in surprise. “Marcy, what are you doing at my desk?”

  Marcy looked up, startled. A guilty look came over her face, and her movements became hurried and nervous. She started closing whatever files she had opened on Adrienne’s computer screen, just as Adrienne rounded the desk. “I was, uh, researching something. I promise, I didn’t touch any of your files.”

  “That’s beside the point. What if you had unintentionally downloaded some virus? My files would all have been infected.”

  Marcy stood up, biting her lip. “I’m sorry.” Her librarian-style spectacles sat askew on her pert nose.

  “Why can’t you research at your desk? You have Internet access, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but when I tried to access the URL awhile ago, it wouldn’t respond. It kept throwing up an error page.”

  “But what’s so urgent that you couldn’t wait for me to come in before using my computer?”

  Marcy stiffened. “I already said I was sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Damn right it won’t.” Adrienne said, and then sighed. This was her friend; not just her secretary. Her tone changed. “I’m sorry, Marcy. I’m a bit uptight today; worried about the deal later this afternoon.” She touched Marcy’s arm in a gesture of regret.

  Marcy smiled and patted Adrienne’s hand. “I understand. I was wrong to use your computer without your permission.”

  Adrienne was curious. “What were you researching, anyway?”

  “It’s embarrassing.” Marcy blushed and turned around.

  Adrienne’s c
uriosity peaked. She crossed her arms over her chest. “We’re friends, remember?”

  Marcy glanced back over her shoulder. Indecision crossed her face. “All right. Logan and Kaelyn are getting married.”

  “Oh. That’s too bad, Marcy.”

  “Their engagement party is in two weeks.” Her voice breaking in the middle, Marcy said in a hot rush, “You’re invited too, by the way.”

  “But I don’t even know them!”

  “I’m taking you as my date; I’ll need you for moral support.”

  Poor Marcy. Adrienne attempted to cheer her up. “So, you were looking online for the perfect gown to wear to their wedding, right? One that’ll make Logan regret his decision, dump Kaelyn, and elope with you. Excellent plan; I’ll help you look.”

  Marcy grimaced. “Who says I’m looking for a gown? I’m looking for the perfect poison to send them to oblivion!”

  Adrienne’s mind went blank. “Poison?” Then she cracked up.

  Marcy would be just fine.

  * * * * *

  “What do you think, Jake? Will they buy it?” Adrienne asked.

  They were on their way back to the office after meeting with the representatives of Draycott Technologies. It had been the toughest two hours of her entire career. Draycott’s top management team had been impassive and business-like. Immediately after she’d finished her presentation, the men had bombarded her with grueling questions. She’d thanked her lucky stars Jake had attended the meeting with her; with his charm and diplomatic skills, not to mention his long experience and knowledge of the industry, he had given clear explanations and satisfactory responses, covering for Adrienne’s occasional stumble.

  Jake glanced at her, taking his eyes off the road for a moment. “I don’t know. But we can rest assured we did our best.”

  She drummed her fingers restlessly on her file folder. “They’re tough, aren’t they?”

  “They have to be. The amount they’re investing in the advertising is not exactly chicken feed.” The car slid to a stop in the busy traffic jam. He glanced at her again. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, basically.” Adrienne smiled ruefully. “I’m still running on pure adrenaline, but that’s probably because we didn’t get a quick yes or no. I hate to wait. If they’d given us an instant answer, I’d have a release for all this tension.”

  Jake’s eyes darkened. He placed his warm hand on her thigh and caressed her through her skirt. “You’ll have all the release you need tonight.”

  Her breath caught. Her tension level went even higher, but it was good tension. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Impatient toots sounded from behind. Noticing the car in front of them had already moved a good distance away, Adrienne laughed. Jake squeezed her thigh one last time and returned his attention to driving.

  Adrienne licked her lips, excitedly anticipating the coming evening. But their rendezvous was too far away -- at least three more hours, maybe five if Jake worked overtime. She sighed and shifted, restless and uptight. Surely, all the nervous energy skimming her veins was bad news for her heart. If she could only expend it in some way ... Just thinking about it made her wet.

  “Don’t even try it, Adri.”

  Adrienne jumped. “Jake, would you stop doing that? I haven’t even told you what I was going to do yet.”

  He never took his eyes off the road. “Sure you did. Your thoughts were quite clear.”

  “Which reminds me. Why was I able to feel your pleasure when I don’t have psychic powers?”

  “Hmmm ... Mom said that such a thing happens --”

  Adrienne unbuttoned his shirt and slipped her hand inside, tangling her fingers against the rough strands of his chest hair. She purred.

  “-- only when two people’s emotions for each other are so strong that they overflow into the other.” His words ended on a sharp gasp.

  Adrienne moved her hand south. “Was that what happened last night?”

  He groaned. “I can’t think of any other explanation.”

  “Is your entire family psychic, Jake?”

  “Everyone, except Dad. We got the gift from Mom.”

  She pulled his shirttails out of his trousers for better access to his flesh. Leaning close, she placed a kiss on his chin. The seatbelt ate into her skin, but she hardly noticed. She deliberately lowered her voice, so that it came out husky. “Who is everyone?”

  He quivered like a leaf exposed to the gentle zephyr wind. “Mom, Jared,” he gasped out, “Tracy, Jason, me --”

  She caressed him, quietly listening as he recited the names of his family members.

  He took a deep breath and continued, “What about you? Your file said you weren’t married, but I saw a picture of you hugging a kid on your DVD component system.”

  Her hand stilled.

  Chapter Seven

  “Who is he? Is he your --” He broke off, groaning as she brushed her knuckles against his nipple. “God, Adri. Hmmm ... Do that again.”

  She thumbed his nipple back and forth, further sensitizing the already tight bud, hoping he would lose his train of thought.

  “Is he your son? What’s his name?” he asked, dashing her hopes. “Where was he last night? All these nights?”

  Her tension grew. She hoped her shields were all up. “He -- he doesn’t stay with me,” she said as casually as she could, answering his last question first. “He’s actually my brother.”

  “Your brother? There must be quite an age gap between you two --”

  She cupped his cock. His heat seared through her hand, causing a burning fire to sweep a lustful path within her.

  “Damn it, Adrienne. If you keep this up, we might meet with an accident.”

  Men are so easily distracted, Adrienne thought, smiling inwardly. Despite his protests, he didn’t slap her hand away. Of course, if he did so, he might also inadvertently slap the family jewels. “I have faith in you, Jake.” She unbuckled his belt. She licked her lips, making a loud smacking sound.

  “People will see, Adri.” There was desperation in his voice, but an underlying hint of longing, as well.

  “Oh no, they won’t.” Excitement riding her veins, she unsnapped his pants and slid down the zipper. “They’re too busy battling traffic.”

  “We’ll be hauled in for indecent -- Damn!”

  He whispered the last word in a soft exclamation as her hand brushed over the hard bulge beneath his briefs. She slipped her fingers in between his dark blue underwear and brought out his cock. It stood at attention, bobbing. He released a tortured groan.

  Heat engulfed her. Wetness pooled between her legs. He was so yummy.

  “Adri ...” He tried to dissuade her one more time. “Thank God traffic’s slow, otherwise --”

  “Look at you.” She reached out a tentative hand, brushing daintily against his cock. It jerked. “No wonder you gave me so much pleasure -- so thick and long.” She hiked up her skirt, reached inside her panties and smeared her hand generously with her moisture. “I bet you’re at least seven inches.”

  The car jerked to a stop. The seatbelt saved her from being thrown against the windshield.

  His cock bobbed violently in her direction. Looking up, she saw him watching avidly. His mouth formed a soundless “eight.”

  She reached, hooking an arm around his neck and pulling him down to meet her lips. She engaged him in a passionate kiss. His mouth opened underneath hers, kissing, sucking in an urgent, desperate way. She wrapped her moist hand around his iron-hard cock, rubbing briskly.

  Loud toots pierced her ear, despite the closed windows. Angry voices reached them. Someone rapped on her window pane. Adrienne broke off the kiss and turned toward the sound. The obese man was saying something and gesturing violently toward the empty stretch of road in front of them. His eyes traveled from her hiked-up skirt, to Jack’s lap, where he had an unobstructed view of her hand, still wrapped tightly around Jake’s cock. The irate man’s eyes widened.

  Jake cursed, and in a flurr
y of movement, he drove the car away from the surprised man.

  Adrienne laughed softly. “I bet he’s wishing he was in your shoes.”

  His cock throbbed in her hand. Veins decorated its length, topped by a pearly mushroom head. A drop of pre-cum glistened from the slit, making her cream gush out even more. She was thoroughly wet. “Hmmm ... I’m hungry for you, Jake.”

  Her head dipped, bumping against the steering wheel. Above her, she heard Jake’s feverish mutterings, “Damn ... gotta find some place to park.” Her mouth closed over his cock, tasting his cum, tasting herself on his dick.

  The car jerked, swerving a few inches from side to side. Alarmed horns blared.

  She moaned. “Mmmmm.” She was very hungry; she wanted her orgasm. Her head bobbed up and down on his cock. She stroked him with one hand, following the movement of her mouth. She pushed aside her panties with her other hand and dipped two fingers into her pussy, thrusting and plunging.

  “Mmmmm mmmmm.”

  The car screeched to a halt.

  She gave barely a thought to where Jack had parked them; her world was narrowed to his cock and her pussy, and the eventual satisfaction to be derived.

  He shifted. His cock thrust into her mouth, almost gagging her.

  She adjusted her position, and heard him sigh. Tightening her lips, she gripped him tighter, sucking him harder, deeper. He rewarded her efforts with a low, excited moan.

  His fingers plowed into her hair, holding her head steady as he coordinated her movements. He reached his other hand between her legs and sought out her clitoris. Using light, feathery strokes, he circled the tight bud, heightening her excitement and sending her blood boiling.

  She sucked harder. She slid her hand lower, cupping his balls.

  His fingers plucked her clitoris, pulling it.

  She bucked.

  His palm pressed down.

  She arched, grinding her crotch against the heel of his hand. Her teeth lightly grazed his cock.

  He shouted and thrust in a frenzied rhythm into her mouth. A jet load of cum hit her throat. She swallowed as much as she could, but some dribbled down to land on his lap.


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