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Balsamo, the Magician; or, The Memoirs of a Physician

Page 49

by Alexandre Dumas


  Any of the Books on this List will be mailed postpaid to any address onreceipt of price by J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Company, 57 Rose Street,New York.

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  =ALBUM WRITER'S FRIEND (THE).=--Compiled by J. S. Ogilvie, 16mo, 128pages. Paper cover, 15 cents; cloth 30 cents.

  This is a new and choice selection of gems of Prose and Poetry,comprising over seven hundred selections, suitable for writingin Autograph Albums, Valentines, and for Birthday and Weddingcelebrations. It also contains a new and choice collection of versessuitable for Christmas and New-Year Cards. It contains 128 pages, withpaper cover, price 15 cents: bound in cloth, 30 cents.

  =AMATEUR'S GUIDE TO MAGIC AND MYSTERY.=--An entirely new work,containing full and ample instructions on the mysteries of magic,sleight-of-hand tricks, card tricks, etc. The best work on conjuringfor amateurs published. Illustrated. 15 cents.

  =ART OF VENTRILOQUISM.=--Contains simple and full directions by whichany one may acquire the amusing art, with numerous examples forpractice. Also instructions for making the magic whistle, for imitatingbirds, animals, and peculiar sounds of various kinds. Any boy whowishes to obtain an art by which he can develop a wonderful amountof astonishment, mystery, and fun, should learn Ventriloquism, as heeasily can follow the simple secret given in this book. Mailed for 15cents.

  =BAD BOY'S DIARY (A).=--This is one of the most successful humorousbooks of the present day, filled with fun and good humor, and "willdrive the blues out of a bag of indigo." It is printed from new, largetype, and on fine, heavy white paper of a superior finish, and contains280 pages. New, full-page illustrations from unique designs have beenprepared expressly for this edition. Handsome paper cover, 25 cents.

  =BATTLE FOR BREAD (THE).=--This book contains a series of Sermonsby Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, the greatest of living preachers. Everyworkingman and those who employ them should read this book, and thus beinformed of the real solution of the question of the relations of Laborand Capital. 12mo, 125 pages. Paper cover, 25 cents; cloth, 75 cents.

  =BLACK ART EXPOSED (THE).=--This book contains some of the mostmarvelous things in ancient and modern magic, jugglery, etc., everprinted, and has to be seen to be fully appreciated. Suffice it to saythat any boy knowing the secrets it contains will be able to do thingsthat will astonish all. 15 cts.

  =BLUNDERS OF A BASHFUL MAN (THE).=--By the popular author of "A BadBoy's Diary." This is one of the most humorous books ever issued,and has been pronounced _better_ than "A Bad Boy's Diary." 12mo, 160pages. Handsomely illustrated from original designs, including also theportrait and autograph of "The Bashful Man." Price, paper cover, 25cents.

  =BOILER-MAKER'S ASSISTANT (THE)=, and the Theoretical and PracticalBoiler-Maker and Engineer's Reference Book. By Samuel Nicholls, ForemanBoiler-Maker. 1 vol. 12mo, extra cloth, $2.50.

  =COMPLETE FORTUNE TELLER AND DREAM BOOK.=--This book containsa complete Dictionary of Dreams, alphabetically, with a clearinterpretation of each dream, and the lucky numbers that belong to it.It includes Palmistry, or telling fortunes by the lines of the hand;fortune telling by the grounds in a tea or coffee cup; how to read yourfuture life by the white of an egg; tells how to know who your futurehusband will be, and how soon you will be married; fortune-telling bycards; Hymen's lottery; good and bad omens, etc. 25 cents.

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  =COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE=; or, The Mysteries of Making Love FullyExplained.--This is an entirely new work on a most interesting subject.CONTENTS: First steps in courtship; Advice to both parties at theoutset; Introduction to the lady's family; Restrictions imposed byetiquette; What the lady should observe in early courtship; What thesuitor should observe; Etiquette as to presents; The proposal; Modeof refusal when not approved; Conduct to be observed by a rejectedsuitor; Refusal by the lady's parents or guardians; Etiquette of anengagement; Demeanor of the betrothed pair; Should a courtship be longor short; Preliminary etiquette of a wedding; Fixing the day; How tobe married; The trousseau; Duties to be attended to by the bridegroom;Who should be asked to the wedding; Duties of the bridesmaids andgroomsmen; Etiquette of a wedding; Costume of bride, bridesmaids, andbridegroom; Arrival at the church; The marriage ceremonial; Registryof the marriage; Return home, and wedding breakfast; Departure for thehoneymoon; Wedding cards; Modern practice of "No cards;" Reception andreturn of wedding visits; Practical advice to a newly married couple.Price, **** cents.

  ="DON'T MARRY"=--At least until you have read our new book entitled"Don't Marry." Some marry too soon, others wait too long. This bookwill tell you how, when, and whom to marry; besides giving you valuablehints and helps not found in any other book. It contains 112 pages,paper cover, and is worth $10 to any one. Price, 25 cents.

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  This popular book is also issued complete in two volumes in papercovers. Price, per volume, 25 cents.

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  =EDUCATING THE HORSE.=--A new and improved system of Educating theHorse. Also a Treatise on Shoeing, with new and valuable Receipts forDiseases of Horses. CONTENTS: The great secret of Horse-Taming; How tothrow a horse; the wild colts to halter; break a colt; hitching coltin stall; how to handle a colt's feet; breaking and driving colts toharness; objects of fear; to train a horse to stand when getting intoa carriage; balking horses; pulling at halter; to break horses fromjumping; pawing in stall and kicking in harness; the runaway horse;shoeing; corns; to teach a horse to appear intelligent; to teach ahorse how to dance, waltz, kiss you, shake hands, etc., etc.; cure ofsore breasts, big head, big leg, fullness of blood, catarrh; loosebowels, corns, cough, inflammation of eye, brittle feet, sand crackin foot, founder (a sure cure), galled back, grease, inflammation ofkidneys, worms, itch, nasal, gleet, over-reaching, staggers, botts,etc., etc.; concluding with rules and regulations for the government oftrotting and racing. [**right-pointing hand] No man who owns a horsecan afford to do without this book. It is very thorough, complete andreliable, and well worth a dozen times the price asked for it. Itcontains matter not to be found in any other horse book. Price, 15cents.

  =GRAND WONDER COLLECTION.=--A wonderful offer. $3.00 worth of
goodsfor only 50 cents! Everything is now very cheap, and people get a gooddeal more for their money than they used to, but we have no hesitationin saying that never before was so much offered for the money as isoffered in this GRAND WONDER COLLECTION. It could not be done, onlythat we expect to sell thousands of them and are fully satisfied thateach one sold will sell a dozen more.

  The contents of the GRAND WONDER COLLECTION--comprising seven completebooks in one--1. Old Secrets and New Discoveries. 2. Secrets forFarmers. 3. Laughing Gas. 4. The Swindlers of America. 5. Preservingand Manufacturing Secrets. 6. The Housewife's Treasure. 7. FourteenPopular Songs, Words and Music.

  [**right-pointing hand] Any person ordering this collection and notfully satisfied, the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price, 50 cents.

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  Complete illustrated directions accompany each pack. They will bemailed, postpaid, sealed as a letter, for 15 cents a pack.

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  =Baldness.=--It gives ample directions for Restoring Hair on BaldHeads, as well as how to stop Falling of the Hair, how to Curl theHair, etc.

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  Here is family amusement for the million. Here is parlor ordrawing-room entertainment, night after night, for a whole winter. Ayoung man with this volume may render himself the _beau ideal_ of adelightful companion to every party. Price, 25 cents.

  =HOW TO WOO AND HOW TO WIN.=--This interesting work contains full andinteresting rules for the etiquette of courtship, with directionsshowing how to win the favor of the ladies; how to begin and end acourtship; and how love-letters should be written. It not only tellshow to win the favor of the ladies, but how to address a lady; Conducta courtship; "Pop the Question;" Write love-letters; All about themarriage ceremony; Bridal chamber; After marriage, etc. Price, 15 cents.

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  This book is by an old trapper, for many years engaged in trapping inthe Northwest, who has finally consented to publish and disclose thesesecrets. Persons living where wild animals exist, with some traps andthe information contained in this book, can make money faster throughthe trapping season by giving their time and energies to the businessthan they can by seeking their fortunes in the gold regions or in oilspeculations. This is at once the most complete and practical book nowin the market. Price, 15 cents.

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ployment; Letters of congratulation; Letters ofcondolence; Letters of friendship and relationship; Love-letters; Notesof invitation; Letters of favor, of advice, and of excuse, etc., etc.,together with appropriate answers to each. This is an invaluable bookfor those persons who have not had sufficient practice to enable themto write letters without great effort. 15 cents.

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  This handy, compact, and very useful volume contains, in addition tothe foregoing, plans for each floor in each and every dwelling of whichan engraving is given. It has, also, valuable information relativeto building, such as number of shingles required in a roof, quantityof plaster for a house, quantity of materials required for buildinga house, etc., etc., and much other information of permanent andpractical value.

  Any one of the plans is alone worth very much more than the price askedfor the book. It is invaluable to every architect, builder, mason, orcarpenter, and particularly do we urge all who anticipate erecting anew or remodeling an old dwelling to send for a copy, as its fortunatepossessor may save hundreds of dollars by following the suggestions itcontains. 25 cents.

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  =MISS SLIMMENS' WINDOW.=--Complete edition in one volume now ready.16mo, 150 pages. Bound in heavy paper covers, with 13 illustrations, 25cents.

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  No more valuable books have ever been offered containing so muchinformation of practical value in everyday life.

  =OLD SECRETS AND NEW DISCOVERIES.=--Containing Information of RareValue for all Classes, in all Conditions of Society.

  =It Tells= all about _Electrical Psychology_, showing how you canbiologize any person, and, while under the influence, he will doanything you may wish him, no matter how ridiculous it may be, and hecannot help doing it.

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  =It Tells= how you can charm those you meet and make them love you,whether they will or not.

  =It Tells= how Spiritualists and others can make writing appear on thearm in blood characters, as performed by Foster and all noted magicians.

  =It Tells= how to make a cheap Galvanic Battery; how to plate and gildwithout a battery; how to make a candle burn all night, how to makea clock for 25 cents; how to detect counterfeit money; how to banishand prevent mosquitoes from biting; how to make yellow butter inwinter; Circassian curling fluid; Sympathetic or Secret Writing Ink;Cologne Water; Artificial honey; Stammering; how to make large nosessmall; to cure drunkenness; to copy letters without a press; to obtainfresh-blown flowers in winter; to make good burning candles from lard.

  =It Tells= how to make a horse appear as though he was badly foundered;to make a horse temporarily lame; how to make him stand by his foodand not eat it; how to cure a horse from the crib or sucking wind;how to put a young countenance on the horse; how to cover up theheaves; how to make him appear as if he had the glanders; how to makea true-pulling horse balk: how to nerve a horse that is lame, etc.,etc.--These horse secrets being continually sold at one dollar each.

  =It Tells= how to make the Eggs of Pharo's Serpents, which whenlighted, though but the size of a pea, there issues from it a coiling,hissing serpent, wonderful in length and similarity to a genuineserpent.

  =It Tells= how to make gold and silver from block tin (the least saidabout which the better). Also how to take impressions from coins. Alsohow to imitate gold and silver.

  =It Tells= of a simple and ingenious method of copying any kind ofdrawing or picture. Also, more wonderful still, how to print picturesfrom the print itself.

  =It Tells= how to perform the Davenport Brothers' "Spirit Mysteries."So that any person can astonish an audience, as they have done. Alsoscores of other wonderful things which there is no room to mention.

  =Old Secrets and New Discoveries= is worth $5 to any person; but itwill be mailed to any address on receipt of only 25 cents.

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  We take pleasure in offering the strictly moral and very amusingtemperance drama entitled, "Out in the Streets," to all entertainmentcommittees as one that will give entire satisfaction. The parts aretaken by six male and six female characters.

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  This book contains 104 pages, 11x14 inches in size, and consists oflarge 9x12 plate pages giving plans, elevations, perspective views,descriptions, owners' names, actual cost of construction, no guesswork, and instructions HOW TO BUILD 70 Cottages, Villas, Double Houses,Brick Block Houses, suitable for city suburbs, town and country,houses for the farm and workingmen's homes for all sections of thecountry, and costing from $300 to $4,500; also Barns, Stables, SchoolHouse, Town Hall, Churches and other public buildings, together withspecifications, form of contract, etc., etc., and a large amount ofinformation on the erection of buildings, selection of site, employmentof Architects, etc., etc.

  This book of 104 pages, as described above, will be sent by mail,postpaid to any address on receipt of price. Price, heavy paper cover,$1; handsomely bound in cloth, $2.

  =SECRETS FOR FARMERS.=--This book tells how to restore rancid butterto its original flavor and purity; a new way of coloring butter; howlargely to increase the milk of cows; a sure cure for kicking cows; howto make Thorley'e celebrated condimental food for cattle; how to makehens lay every day in the year; it gives an effectual remedy for theCanada thistle; to save mice-girdled trees; a certain plan to destroythe curculio and peach-borer; how to convert dead animals and bonesinto manure; Barnet's certain preventive for the potato rot, worth $50to any farmer; remedy for smut in wheat; to cure blight in fruit trees;to destroy potato bug; to prevent mildew and rust in wheat; to destroythe cutworm; home-made stump machine, as good as any sold; to keepcellars from freezing, etc., etc.

  It is impossible to give the full contents of this valuable book here;space will not allow. Price, 25 cents.

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  A collection of Yankee, Dutch, French, Irish and Ethiopian StumpSpeeches and Recitations, Burlesque Orations, Laughable Scenes,Humorous Lectures, Button-bursting Witticisms, Ridiculous Drolleries,Funny Stories, etc., etc.

  =SUNNYSIDE COLLECTION OF READINGS AND RECITATIONS, NO 1.=--Compiledby J. S. Ogilvie. 12mo, 192 pages, paper cover, 25 cents. This bookcontains a choice collection of Readings and Recitations, which havebeen selected with great care, and are especially adapted for Dayand Sabbath Schools, all adult and juvenile Organizations, YoungPeople's Associations, Reading Clubs, Temperance Societies, and ParlorEntertainments. They comprise Prose and Poetry--Serious, Humorous,Pathetic, Comic, Temperance, Patriotic. All those who are interested inproviding an entertainment should have this collection.

  =THE SUNNYSIDE COOK BOOK.=--12mo, 250 pages. Paper cover, 25 cents;bound in cloth, 75 cents. This book is offered as one of the best andmost complete books of the kind published. Not only are all the recipespractical, but they are economical and such as come within the reachof families of moderate income. It also contains valuable informationin relation to home matters not found in any other publication. Italso gives plain and easily understood directions for preparing andcooking, with the greatest economy, every kind of dish, with completeinstruction for serving the same. This book is just the thing for ayoung housekeeper.

  =HOW TO GET MARRIED ALTHOUGH A WOMAN=; or, THE ART OF PLEASING MEN. By"A Young Widow." A new book that every woman will buy! The followingtable of contents indicates the character of the work and will alsoinsure a large demand for it: Girls and Matrimony, The Girls Whom MenLike, The Girl Who Wins, The Girl Who Fails, Some Unfailing Methods,A Word of Warning, The Secret of the Widow's Power, Lady Beauty, TheLoved Wife, etc., etc.

  Every unmarried woman, and, indeed, every woman, will be interested inreading this book. It will be sent by mail, postpaid, to any address onreceipt of 25 cents.

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  This is a book that every one that wishes to know what is going tohappen ought to buy. It will be sent by mail, postpaid, to any addresson receipt of 25 cents.

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