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Worthy of the Billionaire

Page 6

by Krista Lakes

  “Can’t sleep?” Gregory asked. He slid behind me, wrapping his arms around me, the water bouncing off both of us. His voice had just a hint of sleep still in it, but his body felt solid and strong. I nodded, leaning into him, holding the moveable shower head pointed towards my feet. He kissed my neck, and released me gently, picking up the bottle of shampoo. He poured it into his hands and then began working a rich lather into my hair. It felt so intimate having him wash my hair, his fingers tangled in my soapy tresses massaging my scalp. I moaned a little, leaning into his magical fingers.

  “Careful, moaning like that might give a man ideas...” he whispered taking his hands out of my hair. I felt soapy fingers run down my back, and grab my ass. The soap added a new dimension, slippery and smooth as he worked his fingers into the muscle. I moaned again, and he moved his hands to my front, reaching around and grabbing my breasts. The soap made his fingers slide easily across my firm skin as he played with them, pinching the nipples and then fondling the curves. My body responded instantly to his touch; it felt like an ember deep inside of me was being stirred to life, like he was blowing gently on my coals to get a fire burning.

  I turned around, kissing him deeply, He kept working the shampoo lather into every inch of my skin that he could touch, my body quickly getting slippery against his. He reached down and stole the shower head from my fingers, bringing it up to my hair. He carefully cupped my forehead with one hand and began rinsing the shampoo from my hair and doing his best to keep the soap from my eyes. The tenderness of his face, the gentleness of his hands, and the earnestness that bound it all together made me want to cry with happiness. I suddenly felt very loved and wanted.

  I kissed him softly, our lips meeting sweetly. He lowered the shower head from my now clean hair and spun me around so my back pressed into his body, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. He suddenly put the shower head between my legs, the hot pulsing water pounding into my clit. I cried out at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, grabbing the shower head with both hands.

  He let me take the shower head and I maneuvered it into the perfect spot, the water pulsing across my clit and pouring down my legs, the fire inside of me quickly growing into an inferno. My whimpers of pleasure echoed off the shower walls, mixing with the hum of the water.

  He started grinding into my ass, an erection quickly forming as I worked my pleasure center. His cock was hard against me, his arms keeping me tight against him. The fire inside of me was threatening to explode out of me, only needing a final trigger. He positioned his dick at my opening, and slid into my wet pussy easily.

  The combination of hot water pulsing on my clit with his hot, hard cock questing inside of me quickly made me reach my breaking point. I came hard, every muscle in my body clenching down and spasming, energy flowing through every fiber. I couldn’t breath, my body was so wracked with pleasure. I could only stand their frozen, held standing only by Mr. King’s strong arms, my world a kaleidoscope of heat, sensation, and pleasure.

  I let the shower head fall, water spraying at an angle into the wall, Mr. King’s cock working its way in and out in a glorious pattern. I put my hands out in front of me onto the wall, giving him leverage as I stood up on my tip toes and leaned forward. He released my waist from his arms, and instead grabbed my hips with his strong hands. I could feel him watching himself dive into me, our wet skin making a satisfying slapping noise with every connection. Water poured down both of us, our bodies sliding together in the steamy shower. My body ached for him, wanting him.

  He began to grunt softly and I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. I could feel him swelling inside of me, his urgency increasing. A small groan came from behind me as I felt him release inside of me. A primal happiness filled me as he coated my insides with his seed, his hips bucking into mine in his body’s desperate attempt to completely fill me. I straightened up slowly as he finished, and then picked up the fallen shower head. He took it gently and placed it back in its holder, letting it spray down on us once again. I leaned into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me, protecting me from the water spray.

  “Are you coming back to bed?” he murmured into my ear. I shrugged, unsure if I was going to be able to sleep. He held me closer, his arms tight around me. “I hope you do. I sleep better with you.”

  I closed my eyes, feeling his warmth surround me. It was such a simple statement, but it meant the world to me. I pulled back smiling to look up at him.

  “Alright. I'll try and sleep.” I kissed him, feeling the water splash around us. He held me close for a moment before stepping out of the shower. I hit the dial to turn off the water, the room suddenly quieter as I stepped out. He had a towel waiting for me, and he wrapped it around me enveloping me in its fluffy embrace. I smiled at him and he grinned sleepily back at me. I motioned him with my head towards the door as I picked up a brush to run through my hair.

  I heard him climb into the big bed, and I followed quickly, slipping on an oversized t-shirt before diving under the covers. He had the sheets warmed up and was already half asleep again, but waiting for me to return. He wrapped me up in his arms, his heat soaking through the cooled sheets. It felt marvelous and I could feel my body relaxing enough that I might be able to sleep.

  “Close your eyes, go to sleep,” He whispered into my ear. I could hear his heart beating a lullaby, his breathing soothing as he drifted off into sleep. In a matter of moments, I followed and dreamed of only him.


  “A Cinnamon dolce latte for the lovely lady,” William the butler said as he placed the steaming to go mug on the breakfast table. I thanked him, sipping my sweet caffeinated nectar. Upon learning my weakness for flavored coffee, William surprised me with a new flavored latte every morning. Today’s was especially delicious, the hot liquid waking me up nicely. I thanked him and hurried out to the car, sliding into the back seat with Mr. King. He had a grin on his face as he handed me an embossed card. It was high quality paper, with a small blue cloud design on the front and an account number on the back. I looked up at him quizzically as he began to explain.

  “It's a new cloud storage company we just acquired. We are still working on some of the kinks, but it will be specifically for highly encrypted data or for people who want the convenience of cloud storage, but the security that only King Enterprises can provide.” He sounded just like a salesman.

  “So I can upload files from my computer, they are saved on this online storage system, and then I can access them from any device I want?” I asked as I played with the card.

  “Basically. This one has some extra bells and whistles for security, but I thought you might like to try it out. Let me know what you think. The account is all set up for you, all you have to do is set the security on it."

  I nodded and opened my laptop, balancing it on my knees as I started the log on process for the cloud storage. “Oh, remember that I have to go to my apartment tonight- my landlord called again about the mail.” I told Mr. King.

  “You know I can have someone pick that up for you.” He looked at me over the top of his computer.

  “Then what is the point of having the apartment if I never go there? I might as well just make your house my address then.” The words were out of my mouth before I could think of the implications. Just because he had given me one of the closets for my things and I stayed there most nights didn't mean he wanted me to move in with him.

  He didn't answer me and instead stared at his computer screen. I could tell he wanted to say something, but we were already at work and he was quickly shifting into business mode. He kissed me before exiting the car, finishing his transformation into my boss as we entered the building. He was all business as we began the day, and I found myself wishing it was already time to go home and have my lover back.

  “Ms Vanders, I need this weeks earning reports. I need to know how the new acquisitions are integrating with our company, as well as your normal updates. I specifically want the entire accounting infor
mation for R and D.” He barked at me as we exited the executive elevator. I sighed, heading to my office to prepare for our first morning meeting.

  I sat down and dug into my work, hoping that being busy would make the time go by faster. I pulled up accounts payable and received, going over the expenses for the different departments to report to Mr. King how his company was fairing financially.

  It was easy enough work, but something about the numbers seemed odd to me. I had noticed several irregularities before, but I could never put my finger on them. As I scrolled through the numbers, something in my subconscious screamed that it something wasn't adding up. I felt like I was getting close.

  “Vanders. I sent you the budget proposals last week. What the hell happened to getting back to me on the approvals?” Olivia Roberts glared at me over my desk. She looked like something out of a catalog; She was wearing a pin striped dress suit that accented her petite frame, her long blonde hair hanging perfectly around an ivory skinned face. She would have been pretty, with her perfect pink lips and blue eyes, but she wore a perpetual scowl that sucked the beauty right out of her.

  “I sent you the approvals three days ago, your department was actually one of the last ones in.” I replied sweetly. I was determined not to let her ruin my day. I had asked other departments if she was as evil to them as she was to me, and they always seemed shocked that she could even say a harsh word. I had no idea what I did to make her dislike me so vehemently, but she made it her daily job to try and bring me down. Nothing I did made her happy.

  Olivia was responsible for payroll and her biggest accomplishment was getting nearly the entire company to invest in the retirement plan. She had created the King Enterprises employer matching program, where for every dollar invested by the employee, King Enterprises would match dollar for dollar up to 10% of their pay. I had signed up as soon as I found out about the program, but she still gave me the cold shoulder. If anything, after I signed up she managed to be even chillier.

  “Fine. I didn't get it. Send it again.” She growled as she turned to sashay off. I seriously thought about lobbing my stapler at her head, but I decided that it wouldn't be fair to the stapler. I looked at my computer screen, my concentration completely lost. I thought I had seen something, but her appearance had distracted me enough that I had lost my place. Mean names scorched through my brain as I emailed her the approvals again, and then tried to get back into figuring out the books.


  “Are you sure you want to go to your apartment tonight?” Mr King asked as he checked his briefcase.

  “Yes- I have a couple of things that need doing there. My poor plants are half dead and I need to pick up my mail. My landlord won't stop calling me about it.” If I thought Mr. King could pout, I would have called the expression on his face pouting. Instead he just twisted his mouth like he had eaten something bitter.

  He glanced around the empty office before leaning over and kissing my head. I smiled up at him, earnestly rethinking my need to go to my apartment. I needed to check my mail and pick up some new clothes for the cooler weather. It suddenly struck me that I no longer thought of it as home. It was now “the apartment”; home was the King mansion. Mr. King checked his briefcase one last time, obviously stalling for time while he waited for me to change my mind.

  “Go home! I have a few more things to do here, but I will text you when I get to the apartment.” I bent back towards my computer, trying to ignore him enough that he would leave. He sighed and turned to leave.

  “Claire, I... I'll miss you tonight.” He walked slowly, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. I watched him walk out the door, a gray feeling of melancholy filling my soul. My feet itched to run after him, to make those hazel eyes light up with surprise and happiness, but I had work to do.


  I worked for a few more hours, cross referencing numbers and accounts, tracing payments and practically redoing entire departments accounting records. I made little progress.

  I sighed as I stood up, stretching my hands above my head, working my shoulders in circles. I was always mindful of my posture, but no matter how much I tried, my shoulders always hurt after working on a computer screen for hours.

  An email message popped up on my computer. It was a company wide email from Olivia about the 401K plan. Apparently we were at 95% participation on the matching program. It reminded me to check my balance on my account. I had increased my own input to 10% of my salary and was curious to see if the changes had gone through. I downloaded the 401K file and prepared to go to my apartment.

  I double checked to make sure I had saved all my work, and on a whim, uploaded my files to the secured cloud storage Mr. King had given me. I packed my laptop into my bag, grabbed my coat and keys and headed for the garage. I waved to the security guard as I entered the garage and found my little red car sitting in its spot. It felt strange to be driving myself home alone. I had gotten used to Mr. King or his chauffeur driving.

  I started the car and drove out to the main road. It was a little after midnight, so the normally busy road was quiet and dark. I turned onto it, taking the curve harder than I intended; my phone slid across the passenger seat, just out of reach. I didn't worry about it, turning my radio up as a good song came on, singing along. I sang out loudly (and off-key), the deep bass rattling the windows. A car pulled out behind me, keeping pace. I stopped at a light, still singing along to the radio.

  I turned left onto the next street, the car behind me running the edge of a red light to keep up. Coincidence, I thought. I sped up; the car behind me sped up. I could feel my heart starting to pick up its pace, my nerves starting to take control. I decided to test it and see if the car was really following me or if it was just another lonely driver late at night. At the next stop light I turned right, the car behind mimicking my movement.

  All I could see was the glare of headlights on a dark sedan body. I immediately turned right at the next intersection, the dark car right behind me. At the next intersection, I headed back towards the original road, the car right on my tail. I now had no doubt that they were following me. I reached for my phone, but it was too far out of reach. I took a deep breath, and smacked the radio button off, trying to concentrate only on the road and avoiding my tail. I knew of a police station just a few miles down the road where I would be safe from them.

  The car behind me must have known about the police station as well, because they stopped simply following me and began actively harassing me. The dark sedan surged up into my blind-spot on the left, pushing me towards the edge of the road. My knuckles turned white on the steering wheel as the car's headlights poured into my car. I sped up, trying to get away, but the sedan just kept trying to force me to pull over.

  When I refused to go onto the shoulder, they took a more drastic step, swinging into the side of my bumper. The jolt made me shriek, my back of my car skidding across the road. I sped up, trying desperately to make it to the police station. If I could only make it there, I would be safe; I would make it through this. My little car's engine screamed with effort as I pushed the gas pedal into the floor, trying desperately to pick up speed.

  The car slammed into me again, pushing me into the shoulder of the road. I hit a patch of gravel and felt the steering wheel lurch out of my hands. The headlights blinded me; I felt the car rotate, and suddenly my world was upside down. Everything seemed to move at half speed, my brain registering the smallest details with clarity: the speedometer at 58mph, the gas tank with less than a third left, the dust on the dash, the engine revving, the shadows changing as the car flipped. My world seemed to be made of crystal, delicate and shining. The crystal shattered as the airbags deployed and filled my vision.

  All I could think of was that I hadn't told him I loved him. I knew it deep in my bones and I hadn't said anything yet. I prayed I wouldn't die, my only reason being that I hadn't told him.


  I heard the gravel tearing into the roof of my car, the paint peeli
ng off as I spun like a top across the pavement. The car finally stopped, the slow upside down spin coming to a halt. The seat belt dug into my shoulder, my head pounding as I hung suspended in the air. Time had no meaning as I struggled to breath, struggled to live. My vision was blurry, but I saw a pair of shoes by the passenger side window.

  I tried to call out, my voice not obeying. Nothing in my body seemed to be responding to command as I watched a hand pull out my laptop bag from the broken glass. The shoes retreated, the gravel crunching loud in my ears. I could hear the sedan pull away, its engine purring softly into the night as it left me in silence. The car creaked a low metallic moan into the darkness. Somewhere a siren began its howl towards me.

  I suddenly found my voice, wordless screams pouring from my throat. Flashing lights took control, men in uniforms asking my name as I tried to remember what language I spoke. Everything felt wrong. I let strong hands take me as my world went black and the angry cry of the ambulance wailed into the night.


  I didn't want to open my eyes. If I held perfectly still, I could pretend that nothing hurt and that everything was okay. Unfortunately, my body felt the requirement to breathe. I felt so hazy and tired, like all I wanted to do was sleep but my body couldn't figure out how anymore; I could feel the IV in my arm pushing cold fluid into my veins, the medicine only taking the edge off. I remembered someone saying the words broken ribs- maybe that was why every breath felt like fire. I tried to put the pieces together of what was going on, but everything was so blurry and fragmented.

  “Where is Claire Vanders? Where is she?” I heard Mr. King growl outside my door. He sounded like an angry bear looking for his cub. Someone must have pointed towards my room because I heard the door open. I didn't want to open my eyes, afraid he might not really be there, afraid of the look on his face.

  He paused at the foot of my stretcher, his hand grazing my foot through the blanket. His soft touch didn't hurt; it instead felt so reassuring that I decided that I could open my eyes. It took so much effort to lift them, as if they were made of lead. Even just trying to open them somehow hurt. By the time I managed to get one eye cracked open, Mr. King was sitting by my head, his warm hand gently holding mine.


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