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Page 10

by Tricia Wagner


  I can’t wait to make all the finalizing on our wedding. I am so excited to be your wife.

   Addy.

  God I love her. I shoot her a text to let her know I have training with Coach downstairs for three hours. We will all meet for dinner tonight. Coach is whipping my ass and I realize that my three hours has flown. “So, are you ready for tomorrow?” “Yea, coach I’m ready. He won’t know what hit him.” “I meant when you get to marry that wonderful woman. Although I’m not sure what the rush is.” I give him a smile. “Have you seen her?” “Ok, ok. I have to say though, I wasn’t expecting all of this, but you couldn’t have picked better.” “Ya know, everyone keeps telling me that. As if I would’ve picked poorly?” “Well, it was touch and go there for a little while.” I let out a laugh as I head for the showers. Once dressed I head back to our room and find another note from Adeline.


  Meet us at the hotel restaurant. We will be waiting patiently.

   Love Addy.

  I hurry and change into my dress clothes and make my way back downstairs. I turn the corner and see my family all sitting there with Addy. This is what bliss actually feels like. She fits in with my family perfectly. “Hey Gavin, wanna let me sit by my fiancé?” “I think you just like to say the word fiancé.” “So? I only have a little while longer to say it. Then I can say the word wife all the time.” They all shake their head at me as Gavin moves out of my seat. I sit down and pull Addy into me and give her an unforgiving kiss. She hates when I do that. I give her my cockiest grin as she pulls away with her cheeks reddening. That’s when Grant decides to speak. “Don’t worry Addy, I think he just embarrassed us all with that display of affection.” I throw my napkin holder at him and hit him in the chest. I look to Addy and she says “Normally, I hate that, but today I missed you. I have something I need to tell you.” I look to her and I’m sure my face grew concerned. “Are you ok?” She smiles instantly, “Yea, of course. All good. But, after dinner tonight I won’t be seeing you until the ceremony.” To this I laugh. She’s gotta be joking. “That’s a joke right?” “No, your mom is insisting.” Of course, my head snaps to my mom who gives me a sheepish grin. “It’s bad luck, son.” “Can you excuse us really quickly?” I don’t wait for an answer I just grab Addy’s hand and walk out of the restaurant. I walk her out the front door and to the fountain in the front. “I don’t think I can sleep without you.” “I won’t be able to sleep either, honey. I’m mortified to get sick in front of your mom though. They’re going to realize what’s going on the more time I spend with them.” “I can fight this. I’m a grown man, my mom can’t make you sleep there.” “I know, but it’s one night. I don’t want to disappoint your mom.” I sigh and pull her into my arms. “We have the rest of our lives right?” “Yea, baby. It all starts tomorrow. Did you at least make it a really early ceremony?” This got me a brilliant smile. “I made it for 8AM because of your fight tomorrow. I wanted you to have plenty of time to get in the zone.” “Thank Christ for that. Not the part about me getting in the zone. I just seriously can’t wait for you to be my wife. If Adrionna could’ve been here tonight, you know we would be getting married right now.” She shakes her head at me. “You’re crazy Preston Bennett.” I let out a little yell as I stand up and pull her up off the ledge of the fountain. We walk back into the restaurant hand in hand and sit back down. “Everything ok, kids?” I go to answer, but Addy beats me to it with, “Perfect.” I smile and let that be my answer. We eat dinner and I walk Addy up to our room to get everything she needs for the night and tomorrow morning. Once she has everything ready I walk her down to my parent’s room. I kiss her goodnight and head back up to my room. Waiting for me there is both of my brothers. I shake my head at them. “We figured you wouldn’t be sleeping with Addy, so we thought we’d have a sleepover.” I shake my head at the childish term, but open the door and we go in and grab a couple of beers. “I can’t believe you’re getting married tomorrow. I thought for sure Grant would be the first.” I hear Grant snort loudly and we all start laughing. “I don’t think any of us really thought that we would be getting married anytime soon. I can be the first to admit that I am shocked just as much as you guys. But, Addy is it for me. There really isn’t anything else to it.” “We see it bro. We really do. On top of that we love her.” I give them a swift nod as I pour out some tequila shots. I really shouldn’t be drinking the night before a fight, but what Coach doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

  Chapter Thirteen


  You would think that staying with your to be in laws the night before your wedding would be awkward, but for me, it felt right. I was actually excited when his mom suggested it. “Sandra, thank you so much for letting me stay with you guys.” “Oh, Addy. I felt like if I had a daughter I would want to spend the night before her wedding with her. That’s how I feel about you. I honestly can tell you that my son could not have picked a better partner for life. You compliment him along with complementing our entire family.” Wow. I was definitely going to cry. Yep. Here they come. “I’m sorry. That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thinking about this day tomorrow I was terrified that you guys would realize that I’m not bringing anything to this relationship. You have completely accepted me as a part of your family and I can’t ever thank you enough for your kindness and your love. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.” To this she also starts to cry as I hear Asher enter the room. “Oh, for Pete’s sake. Crying again?” “Sorry Asher.” “Oh hush. No apologizing for showing emotion. Asher we were having a moment here.” “Well, I came in to say goodnight. Tomorrow I’m gaining a daughter. There is nothing to be sad about. A mighty fine daughter if I may add. We couldn’t be happier for our son.” Yep. More tears. “This is another moment isn’t it?” We both nod as we wipe away the tears. “Asher?” “Yea Adeline?” “W-w-would you walk me down the aisle tomorrow?” To this the air in the room changed. I looked up and I could see moisture in his eyes. Oh for the love of God I was never going to stop crying. “I would be honored baby girl.” “I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else.” He nods his head kisses my forehead and walks out the door without another word. Sandra gets up and does the same, but says goodnight before leaving. I lay there thinking about the things in my life that are going right. Nothing could mess tomorrow up for us. Preston is a heavy favorite in his fight and I get to marry the man of my dreams. Literally. Because I told you before Preston was never the type of guy I was supposed to fall for. He was always in a whole other league. A league that I am quickly finding, everyone around me thinks I belong in. To be honest, I’m starting to believe them. With this thought I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Addy. Oh Addy. Girl, wake up you’re getting married today!” I wake with a smile on my face because who else, but my best friend could wake me like this. I knew if I didn’t move, any second she would… “Oooommph” Yep. Knocked the wind right outta me with that landing. “Adrionna! What are you doing?” “I’m sorry I’m just so excited.” “Yea, but it’s 5AM.” “Time to start your hair! The stylist is waiting for you! Have I mentioned again how excited I am?” “You may have mentioned it.” I’m still trying to find my bearings here. I know that I need to sit up easily or I will probably get sick. It’s earlier than what I’ve been getting sick, but I’m sure it won’t take much to trigger it at this point. “What do you want? Coffee? Tea?” “Orange juice please.” I can’t drink tea or coffee now. Which if you know me at all coffee is a must. “Are you ok?” “What do you mean?” “You’re not drinking coffee. What’s wrong?” “Nothing’s wrong I just really want OJ.” She gives me a nod and walks away. I pull myself together and throw some water on my face. I come back into the room and Adrionna is standing there with a weird look on her face. “What is it? What’s wrong?” “Nothing. Someone just dropped this off. I think it’s from Preston. Why is he up so early?” Oh
. Smile. “He’s always up early.” I take the box from her and open the card first. It says “On your wedding Day.” Thinking that was funny. It should say on “our” wedding day right? I open the card and on the inside in bright red sharpie it’s written. “You will never get your happily ever after. Don’t marry him or you’ll be sorry.” I stare at it as my hands start shaking. How could anyone know that we were getting married except our immediate family? “Addy, what is it?” I don’t say anything I just hand her the note. I crumble to the floor and just sit there staring at the box. “I’m not opening that. Someone get Asher or Grant. Whatever you do, do not tell Preston. Please.” She doesn’t say anything, but she does walk out of the room. I know she must’ve listened because Asher and Sandra appeared not long after. I looked up at them and that is when I finally lost it. “How could he know where I was? I’m supposed to be in Preston’s room. I’m not even registered here. Unless he was here and watched me come in here he would have no idea where to find me. Oh my God. He’s here and watching.” “Addy. Stand up for me please.” This was Asher and even though he was being polite, his tone left no room for argument. I stand up and he wrapped his arms around me. “You do not need to worry about this. You have a wedding to get ready for. You’re surrounded by a heavyweight champion, a detective, a decorated police officer, and a bounty hunter. No one will get to you.” Well, he had a point. If I was going to be anywhere I’m much better off exactly where I am. “Now, Adrionna said something about not telling Preston. I have to tell you, normally I would understand your concern, but today I’m sorry I can’t respect that.” “B-b-but he has so much on his plate. This is supposed to be a happy day. He has a huge fight tonight, and needs to be concentrating on everything else. Not this.” “Do you know what he would do when he found out that we all kept this from him? He would think we are questioning his ability to be a husband and a fighter. On the first day of the rest of your lives together, is that how you want to start it?” “No.” This came out as a whisper. “But, you need to tell him he still can’t see me. He’s going to try and come in here and that’s bad luck.” “That’s my girl.” He squeezes me tight and lets me go as I turn to see the stylist standing there. “Girl, are you ready to get started.” I start to nod right before the nausea hits me. I throw up my hand and run to the bathroom as I empty what little contents I had in my stomach. Great. Just great. I come back out and Adrionna is standing there with a worried look on her face. “I’m ok. Just…well…everything.” I leave it at that and I think she buys it because she gives me a nod. I wish I could tell my best friend what was really going on, but I know Preston would want me to wait. I walk back out and see the stylist waiting. I didn’t even realize they were coming to the suite. “I thought I was supposed to come to you.” “You were, but then I found out who you really are my dear. Preston called and wanted to make sure you went all out for your big day.” To this I shake my head. That was sweet of him. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that. I give her a nod and sit down in the chair she is indicating. “The rest of the team will be here in five. Let’s get started on your hair and they will do everything else while you relax. Adrionna hands me a glass with OJ in it and I take a sip, but promptly spit it out. “What’s in this?” “It’s a mimosa. You love them?” Oh Lord. “Yea, sorry I just wasn’t expecting that at all. Did you get me any plain OJ? With my stomach being upset I don’t want to drink anything. Besides, it’s 5AM.” “That never stopped you before. Relationship and married Addy are already more boring.” I shake my head at her as she pours me a plain glass of orange juice. I cannot believe she seriously just handed me alcohol. This is not going to end well. That is when there is a knock and I hear the Bennett Brigade at the door. Adrionna runs off to make sure Preston isn’t with them. She comes back and says “Preston wants to talk to you. He won’t take no for an answer. I told him he could sit on the other end of the door and we would put you on this side. That way you aren’t ruining anything.” I look to the stylist who says, “By all means.” I stand up and head to the door. “Pres.” “Adeline. Are you ok, baby?” “Well, I wish I could say yes. I’m freaked out.” I hear him sigh. “I wish I could hold you and tell you this is all going to be ok.” “I know. But, this is our wedding day. I don’t want to start it off on a bad note.” “I know, that’s why I didn’t bust down the door. I’m sorry this is happening, but I need you to know we’re handling this. We were already having security at the ceremony, it’s now tripled. Nothing is going to happen to us, honey.” And when he says us I know he means the three of us. I nod my head like an idiot because he can’t see me. “Addy?” “Sorry, I nodded. Obviously, you couldn’t see that.” To this he lightly chuckles. “I love you Preston, I just want to be your wife. Is that a crime?” “Christ, I hope not. I want that more than anything, baby.” I let out a little chuckle myself, “Pres, what was in the box?” There was a long pause. To the point where I thought he was gone. “Pres?” “I’m here. I’m fighting with myself. I don’t think it’s necessary for you to know, honey.” “But, my curiosity is going to make my imagination run wild with that. I’m sure it won’t be half as bad as what I come up with in my mind. Please, Pres.” “There was a picture of you and me from last night sitting at the fountain. My head is cut out of the picture, and there is a picture of James’ head in its place.” I shake my head. Well, now we know for sure that it’s him. Why is he so crazy? “Baby, say something.” “I just have no words for how insane this whole thing is.” “I know, but we got this, yeah?” “Yea.” I sit in a little more silence before I hear the stylist clear her throat. “Can you send someone in with some type of game plan to keep me in the loop? The stylist you sent up here needs me or we won’t finish in time.” “Yea, I’ll send in Grant or Gavin. They’ll get you all up to speed. I love you Adeline.” “I love you.” With that we were done. I turn around and Adrionna comes back to my side of the room. “Girl, he has it so bad for you. I am so happy that you found someone to love you like-” She stops in the middle of her thought and I snap my head around to see Gavin standing there. I let out a little snicker because of the look on her face. To say that the Bennett boys are all good looking is an understatement. And in ways that Preston is the bad boy, Gavin is the one who has danger written all over him. I guess in his profession you kind of need that though. “Adrionna, this is Preston’s brother Gavin. Gavin, this is my best friend Adrionna.” He walks over as he takes in all that is Adrionna and her “Barbie” good looks. The stylist lets out a little laugh as I look to her and shake my head. “Pres said you want read in on what’s happening.” “Yes, please.” “It’s really not something you need to be worried about.” “Yes, I understand that, but I got a threatening letter this morning and I want to know what is happening.” “If you were my woman, I would not be reading you in.” “But, I’m not your woman. I’m your brother’s woman. Does that mean you’re going to read me in?” “Some.” I shake my head at him. “Excuse me, Mr. Badass? Could you please just tell my best friend what she wants to know? This day has been stressful enough already.” Yep. Adrionna was not in the mood to mess around. I try not to laugh at her “Mr. Badass” comment and fail. Big time. I can see Gavin’s mouth tip up at the side as he bites back a smile. Apparently, he found that amusing too. “All right, Feisty. Don’t jump on me, I’m just sayin. It’s being taken care of you don’t really need to know the details. You and Preston will be happily married. We tripled the security which I think Preston already told you.” “That’s it? No big plan?” I jump out of the chair and scare the stylist. “He knows where I am Gavin. He was watching us last night. And for all I know he’s outside right now waiting for us to leave here. Preston has a lot on his plate today. This fight tonight is huge. Let’s not add insult to injury here.” “We have a plan for all of this. That is between me and my team though. All you need to know is there is going to be five guys on you until James is found. No fighting me on that either. One of those men will either be me or Grant. Preston obvious
ly will be with you after you’re married and my mother has her way with this “don’t see the bride before the wedding” bullshit.” “It’s not bullshit. It’s bad luck for the bride to see the groom on their wedding day. So, like I said Mr. Badass, is there anything else we need to know?” “No, Feisty. It’ll all be taken care of. Don’t leave this room without me knowin Adeline. I mean it.” “Like she would do that.” “That goes for you too. If he wants to get to them he will use people close to them. So please, find me if you need to go anywhere.” To this I almost burst out laughing. He didn’t give her a chance to reply he just walked out of the room. That is when I hear Adrionna. “I think I just had an orgasm.” “I know I did.” This came from the stylist. I burst out laughing. “Why didn’t you warn me that the Bennett’s were all that good looking?” “I didn’t really think about it.” She shakes her head at me and downs her mimosa. The stylist gets to work on finishing my hair as an entire team burst through the door. Makeup, nails, pedicures, and really anything you could think of. I had a massage before they finished everything off, and I needed to remember to thank Preston later for all of this. Adrionna got the same deal and finally it was time to get dressed. Thank God I made it an early ceremony we will have all day to celebrate. I get into my dress as a knock comes at the door. “It’s Gavin.” “Come in.” He walks in and does a double take. “Sis, you look beautiful. My brother is a lucky bastard.” I smile up at him. “This is from him. I promise, it’s actually from Preston.” I nod as I take the three boxes out of his hand. It came with a short, classic Preston note that said:


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