Book Read Free


Page 14

by Tricia Wagner


  Christ, I didn’t even think about how that would all make her feel. How on earth do I make her feel better about this? “Babe, this is easy. First, I need you to know that I know in my heart that we would’ve gotten married in this timeframe baby or no baby. Second, we tell everyone that your due date is a month later. So, you go a month early and that’s what we will say. This is no one’s business but our own. We’re really only like four and a half weeks off here honey. There really isn’t anyway for anyone to truly know.” “So we can seriously do that? Just everyone close to us would know that we’re having a baby on March 21st. The public would all think it’s April? And it looks like we started trying to have the baby on our honeymoon?” “Exactly.” “Do you think that the reaction I would get would be bad if we just said screw it and didn’t say anything?” “I say fuck the reaction of anyone who doesn’t matter. The only people that matter right now is me, you, and this little one. Everyone else can kiss my heavyweight champion ass.” I give him a little smirk, “Yea, but Pres, what happens when our child grows up and googles us and finds those articles saying we got married because of them. That’s not fair to put our child through.” “I didn’t really think of it like that. I mean, right now I just want a happy healthy wife and baby. Nothing else matters to me. Can we play this by ear?” “Yea, let’s do that.” I pick her up and spin her around in the water. She laughs and I can’t help but laugh along. “Christ, baby it’s good to hear you laugh.” “It’s good to laugh. You make me so happy.” “I’m so glad. I love you Adeline Bennett.” “I love you Preston Bennett.”


  “Oh my God I told you it was him.” This came from behind us. I look around to see three girls standing there in their bikini’s completely taking in all that is Preston. The one girl looked so familiar. This part (if they’re nice) I can handle. It’s when they act like I’m not there that I start to get into a bad mood about. “Hi.” Yep, that was me. I’m so nice. “Hi, we’re really sorry to interrupt, we’re just huge fans. Do you mind if we take a picture?” See, nice. “Sure, I can take it for you.” Preston looks at me like I have two heads. I love catching him off guard. I don’t mind that he has fans! Even if they are as beautiful as these three are. They hand me their phone and give me a smile as Preston starts to talk. “What are your names?” “I’m Tori, this is Bailey, and Kelly. We are huge fans. Seriously, our husbands aren’t goin to believe they missed this.” Husbands. Nice. “Are you here on vacation?” “Yea, we are here through tomorrow night. Our husbands insisted on going surfin today and gave us the day to relax in the sun. I can’t wait to tell them our day was so much better than theirs.” I look to Preston and smile. He is a hot commodity. I hand back the phone and they say “Thank you so much, Adeline.” I look at them completely confused. “How do you know me?” “Are you kiddin? We love you too! Seriously when we see you with Preston you look like the complete opposite of the girls that are normally throwin themselves his way. I love that you ended up together. Did y’all get married yet?” “Actually yes, we got married yesterday! This is the first day of our honeymoon.” “Oh my god Tori, we just interrupted their honeymoon. We are so sorry.” “It’s totally ok. It’s always nice to meet Preston’s fans. Can I ask a question though?” “Yea, of course.” “You’re Tori McNeal right?” “Well yes, Tori Wagner now.” “I thought so. Preston, no offense but we should probably be asking her for her autograph.” “Girl, please. You’ll make me blush.” “Seriously, Preston she is the next big country star. I know you’ve heard me playing her stuff.” “Yea, I’ve heard the name. Did you say it’s Wagner now? I’m pretty sure I was at your husband’s end of the season race last year. He won the points for the dirt late model series right?” “Yep, that’s him.” I hear Bailey and Kelly sigh beside her and smile at the exchange. “Can you excuse us just one minute?” “Sure.” I pull Preston away. “Pres, I know this is our honeymoon, but would you mind if we had dinner with them tonight? They seem like a lot of fun.” “Yea honey whatever you want.” I am so freaking excited. I turn around and the girls are laughing. “Would you want to have dinner with us tonight? Bring your husbands and we can all hang out?” “You’re jokin right? That would be amazin, but it’s your honeymoon.” “Yea, but we just got here and we have all week. It would be nice to have a normal night for once. Although you are Tori Wagner so I don’t know if it will be normal.” They all look to each other and come back with “We are so in.” “Great, we will make reservations at our resort restaurant right here. Meet us around 6:30? Does that give you enough time?” “Yes, oh my god Trey is going to freak out.” We all laugh a little and say our goodbyes. “Since when are you nice to my fans?” “When your fans are nice to me, even though they are clearly more beautiful, I will be nice to them. They acted like I was here and a part of your life, not a nuisance and in the way. Or worse, invisible.” “I see what you mean except for the more beautiful part. Addy seriously have you ever looked in a mirror? I can’t believe we’re having dinner with a country music star and a race car driver on our first night on our honeymoon.” “Is this really ok sweetie? I don’t want to ruin any of your plans.” “No, babe. My plans can still happen later.” He gives me a wink as he picks me up again and twirls me around. We head back to the beach after swimming around a bit in the water. “How are you feeling?” “I’m good. Really good.” “Good.” He lays down on a towel next to me and starts rubbing more sunscreen on me. Seriously? “I’m allowed to get sun Preston.” “I know; I don’t want you to burn.” “I rarely burn. It’s not like I have the whitest skin ever here Pres. I promise I’m good.” He sighs a little and I let out a little laugh. He’s seriously crazy. He does finally put down the sunscreen though and lets me lay there and soak up the sun for about forty-five minutes. Apparently, that’s all I’m going to get. “Babe, we should probably head inside and get ready. I made our reservations and we don’t want to be late.” I give him a nod, but stay still. Maybe he will give me like fifteen more minutes. “Babe, not gonna work. You’ve been in the sun enough. We will be out here all week.” I still don’t move. Apparently he’s done with that game because the next thing I know I am up and in his arms. I let out a little girly scream and he carries me back to our “hut”. He sets me down in the bathroom which apparently means I need to shower. He doesn’t give me long to guess because before I can think he is back in there and undoing the strings on my bikini. Oh God this is hot. He lets it all fall off of me while the water warms up. Then I’m in his arms again and he steps us into the walk in shower. He sets me down but bends so his mouth meets mine. Once it does his hands go right to my booty and I am up in the air. Within seconds he is inside me and I am screaming out at the intrusion. This never gets old. His assault doesn’t stop and he goes long and hard. I feel like I am falling over a cliff over and over again with pleasure. Damn. I moan out his name as I feel Preston come apart with me. He lightly kisses me as my body slides down his and we stand there gathering our breath. “Addy, I love you so much.” “I love you too Preston.” We finish our shower together and get out and start to get ready. Preston walks in the bathroom as I’m putting the finishing touches on my makeup. I turn to look at him and see he is wearing khaki shorts and a white brown and green striped button up. Damn. “You look good baby.” I turn to him and he gives out a little laugh. “We match.” I look down to see I am wearing a green sundress and the green does seriously match the green in his button up.” “I can change.” “Don’t even think about it. You look amazing.” I give him a little nod as he pulls my hair off to the side and kisses the side of my neck. Effectively giving me goosebumps and probably making all the hair grow back on my legs. He lets go and replaces my hair, but pulls a flower out from behind him. A white flower with pink in the middle and he places it behind my ear. Sweet. “Beautiful.” “Thanks Pres.” I give him a smile and we walk out to head to the resort restaurant. We turn the corner to a back private area and I see the six of them already waiting
for us. The girls let out a little shriek and I swear I heard the one guy say “Holy shit, they weren’t lying.” I let out a little laugh as we approach the table. “Hey girls. These must be your husbands?” Tori stands up and so does everyone else. “Yep, this is my husband Collin. Collin this is Addy and Preston Bennett.” Preston puts out his hand first and says “Man, great end to the season last year. Your season this year is lookin awesome too.” “Thanks man. I’m a huge fan. You seriously kick major ass. We were at your fight with the snake and I swear you could smell the fear.” “We’ll have to get you to another fight before the end of the season.” “Yea for sure.” This time Bailey speaks up, “This is my husband Hunter. Hunter, Addy and Preston.” They shake hands and joke about something I didn’t catch while the girls and I were chatting and then Kelly says, “And this is my husband Trey. I apologize if he goes fan girl on you.” To this we all laugh and Trey shakes his head. “Man, seriously, they called me out on it so I probably will. I am seriously 100% your biggest supporter. We try to not miss a fight even if we’re on the road we end up somewhere with a TV or internet connection.” “At the end of the season last year we had to stay an extra night in Toledo because you were goin to be fightin and we couldn’t drive back or we would miss your fight.” To this we laugh and sit down. The waiter comes and takes our drink orders and the girl’s start, “Oh, Addy you have to try one of these girly girl drinks with the umbrellas in them. They are seriously bomb.” This was Kelly, I give her my best smile and say “Oh yea that does sound good. I’ll be right back.” I stand up and Preston grabs my arm. I lean down and whisper in his ear, “I’m just going to tell them to make mine a virgin so that no one knows anything is going on.” He stands up and says “I’ll get it. One sec baby.” He leaves me sitting there with everyone as he goes to do his thing. “You two are seriously so cute.” “Thank you. I am so excited to have normal conversations. We have had a bit of drama the past week so I’m glad that this is all turning out the way it is.” “Hey, I know it’s y’alls honeymoon, but I’m singin at this club in town tomorrow night, if you would wanna come we can get you backstage and you can hang out with us. We totally understand though if you’re busy. I just wanted to throw it out there.” “I’ll ask Preston and let you know!” “Sounds great.” I smile at them and they all jump into light conversation when Preston returns. He gets close to me and starts whispering in my ear. “I got you covered baby. They’ll bring you virgin everything you order. Now smile like I’m saying something dirty to you.” My face automatically turns pink and I smile. He knows I can’t do stuff like that without blushing. He kisses me lightly on the cheek and turns his attention back to a group of people that are all staring at us. “I know that look.” This was Tori and to that Collin gives her a squeeze on her arm and kisses her cheek. We all laugh and once again start talking lightly about anything and everything. By the end of the night I have completely gotten to know all of these girls. We all exchanged numbers and since we don’t live but a state away from each other we plan on staying in contact. From the sounds of it I need to make an appointment at Bailey’s salon. I still have to talk to Preston about tomorrow night and it seems like we will have six more people with us at Preston’s next fight. I start to head back to our hut and Preston pulls me the other way. “Where are we going?” “Let’s walk on the beach.” Sigh. “Ok.” Cue smile. “Are you happy, baby?” “Of course.” “Good.” We walk hand in hand on the beach listening to the wave’s crash on the sand. He stops me at one point and sits down. He pats in between his legs and I sit down on the sand. He holds me tight in his arms and I just breathe in the refreshing air. We sit silently like this for I don’t know how long. The moon is reflecting off the water and I realize we are right in front of our hut. Our own little piece of paradise. I’m surprised there isn’t anyone else walking around. “It’s so peaceful here.” “I love holding you in my arms baby.” “Your arms are the best place to be. Preston my whole life was full of fighting for myself and for life in general, you have made it possible for me to breathe freely and I finally feel like someone has my back. I’m done looking over my shoulder, because I know you’re standing there.” He gives my arms a squeeze and I look up into his eyes. Eyes full of emotion. Oh god I was going to cry. “You’re never alone now baby. I’m always here, no matter what I’ll have your back.” I give him a nod as he catches the first tear that falls from my eyes. “No tears baby.” “Happy tears.” “No more. Give me a kiss baby.” Such a hardship. I sigh as I lean in and give him a long slow kiss. He straightens out his legs and I’m able to straddle him as we sit there and our kiss gets more and more intense. He rubs my nipple from outside of my dress and the friction is amazing. I get his pants unbuttoned and to anyone that might be around us it just looks like we’re kissing. My dress completely covers the part that connects our bodies as one. “Oh god.” I whisper as he takes my mouth again. I move up and down as Preston moves with me. It doesn’t take long before both of our bodies come crashing down together. “Wow.” “I know that was amazing.” We lay there like this for a while as we even out our breathing. Before we know it the water is touching our toes. “We better get up before the water comes crashing over us.” It was like I barely got the sentence out and a huge wave came crashing down on us. Preston jumped up into action and I was up and in his arms laughing hysterically. He manages to get his pants buckled up and we make our way back into the room. I am still laughing, but now so is Preston. The sound is amazing. “Babe, I gotta say this is exactly how I want you for the rest of your life.” “Ummm…sexually content and soaking wet?” To this he laughs, “Well that too, but I meant carefree.” “With you how could I have a care in the world?” “I don’t know how, but I do know I intend to make sure you never do.” I know he means that with everything he has. “Preston, no matter what comes our way, as long as you’re there I will be great.” He pulls me into his arms and we hug it out. We get into dry clothes and I blow out my hair again. “Hey, do you have plans for us for tomorrow night?” “No, honey I didn’t make plans I figured we could just do whatever.” “Well, Tori had mentioned that she is playing tomorrow night in town and invited us backstage.” “Do you want to do something like that?” “Yea, but not if you had something for us planned.” “Nah, let’s do it. Text her tomorrow and tell her we will be there.” “You’re the best.” “I try.” “Good night dear husband. I love you.” He pulls me closer on the bed and kisses my temple. Hand at my stomach. “Good night dear wife. I love you.”


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