Book Read Free


Page 16

by Tricia Wagner

  Chapter Nineteen


  I look out the window of the plane and I can’t believe we are about to make a landing in our hometown airport. Seriously, a week flew by and poor Adeline has been sick the whole way home. I just want to make her better, but I know it isn’t because she’s sick. I think that’s the hardest part of it all. It’s not like I can give her medicine and next week it will be gone. Thank God she has a sonogram scheduled for tomorrow. I can talk to the doctor about all of this and make sure she’s squared away. I feel her stir beside me and I pray that she isn’t getting sick again. She looks up at me and gives me a small smile. “We’re almost home baby.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “Not your fault please don’t apologize.” She gives me a slight nod and I feel like in the last week and a half she’s lost like ten pounds. I get her off the plane get her home before she can get sick again. We pass the paparazzi, and I’m sure with the email that I just sent Jeff approving a few of our pictures, the press is just going to get worse. I put Adeline to bed and tomorrow morning we’re going to make sure that she is ok. I wake to the alarm clock for the first time in a week. I did not miss this thing. I hit it off and head to the shower. I go through my routine and once I’m done I get Addy up to get herself ready. It doesn’t take long before we are in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. “We need to talk about privacy. They need to know we want their discretion with you being a patient here. The news won’t be released until you are sixteen weeks along.” She gives me a small nod and I turn to her. “What’s wrong baby?” “Nothing, I’m just trying not to get sick.” I give her a nod and shut up. The nurse takes us back to a room with a sonogram machine and we wait for the doctor. “Hi Ms. Granger.” “Actually, it’s Mrs. Bennett.” “Congratulations. That’s wonderful. Are you ready to see the little one? Then we can answer any questions you may have.” “Perfect.” “I understand you had an incident while you were out of town?” “Yes, but I was monitored overnight and they said everything was perfect when we left.” She nods, but she looks quizzically at the picture on the screen. I hear the sound of our baby’s heart fill the room so I know everything is ok. “Doctor, what’s wrong?” “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just, they had you hooked up to a machine overnight?” “Yes, like ten hours.” “Hm.” “Hm. What doc. You’re kinda freakin us out here.” Yea I’m antsy but her face says something is up. “I am just trying to see if, oh there it is. Well, congratulations you’re having twins.” I think that both of our mouths just completely dropped. Two babies. “Two babies?” “Yes, Mrs. Bennett. Two babies. The one must’ve been hiding out for a bit, but there are definitely two in there. Do you see?” She points to the screen and I haven’t said anything. “Preston.” “Yea, baby?” “Look at me.” I snap my head to her and say “This is ok baby. We got this. Just one more than we thought was comin.” Her eyes bug out of her head and I can tell she’s kinda freakin out. Great both of us don’t need to be freakin out at the same time. I squeeze her hand and look at the two babies on the screen when Addy speaks. “I guess that makes sense, I mean my mom was a twin. I never really thought about it as a possibility. It runs on the woman’s side right?” “Yes, Adeline that’s correct. Have you been having any symptoms?” “She’s been extremely sick.” “Oh, we can get you fixed up from that. Especially with double the hormone increase. Let’s get you a prescription and it will help with that almost immediately.” “It’s safe to take it with the babies.” “Absolutely.” I nod as she takes a few measurements and then we head out the door. I don’t speak for a while just trying to process everything. Adeline is quiet too so I take this time just to clear my mind. We drive through the pharmacy and get her prescription picked up. I turn toward the gym and Addy’s office since that was our plan and I park the car. I look over at her and she isn’t saying a word while looking out the window. I walk to her side of the car and open the door for her. She walks with me into the gym and we go straight into my office. “Addy, say something here.” “Preston, two babies are growing inside of me. On one hand I am really excited and on the other I am freaking out.” “Me too. This is what is meant to be though baby. We are meant to have two and they will both be loved equally.” “I’m going to get huge. With one baby I was going to get big, but two? I’m going to be a tank.” “Baby, you won’t be huge you will be carrying our children. That’s nothing short of beautiful in and of itself.” “I need to get to my office and get some stuff taken care of.” I give her a nod and pull her in for a kiss. “Have a good day baby. I’ll see you for lunch.” She nods and with that she was gone.


  I need to get out of here. Oh my goodness, we are having twins. One child was going to be an adjustment, but Preston’s face when they said there were two was unreadable. It sounds like he is ok with it all, and I really meant it when I said I was excited. To go from no babies to two though with our lifestyles is going to be crazy. I thought I was going to get to ease into this whole motherhood thing, but I guess I’m going to have to jump in with both feel and hope that Preston is there with me when I can’t get off the bottom of the pool. I get to my office before Ryleigh does and I get Adrionna on the phone. “Girl, are you finally back? When can I see you before I leave?” “I’m back yes, but I don’t know when you can see me. When do you leave?” “Tomorrow. Is everything ok?” “I think so.” “Girl, what is wrong?” “I’m just going to say it out loud and see what you say to it. Then you can gauge how you think I’m feeling.” “Ok, you’re freaking me out.” “We’re having twins.” Silence, and then “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I get to shop for two nieces or nephews or one of each. Oh my God this is perfect.” I let out a little chuckle as she says “Why are you not ecstatic right now. This is amazing.” “It really is, and I am feeling blessed with it, but seriously two?” “Yes, two. You’re sure there aren’t any more in there right?” “Bite your tongue Adrionna.” “Damn, good thing I decided not to hook up with Gavin. Super sperm probably run in the Bennett family.” I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me. “I really am happy for you Addy girl.” “Thanks Adrionna. I will see you before you leave tomorrow, call me.” “Will do mama.” I sit down behind my desk and jump right into work. I hear a knock at the door and see Ryleigh standing there with a huge smile on her face. “Welcome back boss! Or should I say Mrs. Boss. This is awesome I am so excited for you.” “Thanks Ryleigh. It’s good to be back but I have a ton of work to do.” “I’ll leave you to it I just wanted to see how jealous I had to be of your tan.” “What did you decide?” “I’m probably not speaking to you for a week. You are so dark.” “Yea, for as much sunscreen Preston kept on me I’m surprised the sun even dared kiss my skin.” “Not the sunscreen police!” “The worst!” I stick my tongue out at her and she laughs and walks away. I jump back into the two new books I have to edit and I don’t know how much time passes before I hear another knock at the door. I look up and cannot believe I am staring at my mother standing in the doorway to my office. I don’t say a word, but I subtly grab my phone and call Preston. I don’t know if he will hear his phone and if he doesn’t answer I will call Grant next. “Please leave before I call the police.” “I can’t believe that I gave birth to you.” “I also can’t believe that I came from you either. I am done speaking to you at this point I am calling the police.” “They’re on their way, baby.” I snap my head up and see Preston standing in the doorway covered in sweat. I sigh because I interrupted his training. “Excuse me, Mrs. Granger.” He moves her out of the way and comes to stand behind me. She just stands there for a minute and doesn’t say anything. “I just want you to know before they take me back in that I’m leaving your father.” I snap my eyes to her and I feel Preston’s hand at my shoulder. “I’m going to use this time of him bein locked up to get out. I’m old, I don’t know how to start my life over, but I’m goin to do it.” I always wondered why she stayed. At this point in my life, do I owe this woman anything? The woman who stood aside while my own father beat me almost to
death. Why does my heart ache for something that I never had with her? I never had a mother daughter relationship with her. Why right now when she is telling me this do I feel like I owe her something? At this point, I am not just thinking for me anymore. I am thinking for two innocent lives and for Preston. I can’t surround myself with stress and I feel like a new life for me doesn’t involve the woman who gave birth to me. “I think that is probably the best thing you could ever do. Good luck.” Her mouth dropped open and I feel Preston squeeze my shoulder. “You ain’t even gonna try and help me?” I sigh. Trying to control my blood pressure. “Like you helped me mother?” “Baby, just stop this conversation Grant should be walking through the door any minute.” I know he just doesn’t want me to get upset, but this isn’t helping. “I just have one question.” I look to my mother who gives me a nod. “Did you honestly just come here for a handout?” “Not a handout, but a little help wouldn’t hurt.” “I left your home at eighteen with literally the clothes on my back. I struggled my way through college. Made something of myself. I am now happily married and I have gained a family that has shown me what a real family is supposed to function like. If you need to get away from father, then do it. Don’t expect me to claim you as my mother now when the first eighteen years of my life were spent with me taking beatings so that you wouldn’t have to. When I become a mother, I will be nothing like you. I have Preston’s mother who will be my role model.” “I heard there was an issue.” I look to see Grant is here now. “Yes, I’m sorry Grant.” “Not a problem. She is in violation of the PFA that was on her. Mrs. Granger, you need to come with me.” “I just have one thing to say, I thought lookin at how you are now that you would have more of a heart. There is a hole where your heart is, and when I end up dead because I couldn’t get away from your daddy I want you to know it’s on you.” She sneered at me. She seriously came here looking for me to support her? I don’t say a word I just let Grant turn her around and put her in cuffs. In no time she was gone and Preston was turning to me. Oh my god what if that means I don’t have a heart? What if she is right? The first tear falls before I can catch it and Preston is there and pulling me into his arms. He pulls me away at arms-length and swipes at the tears that fell. I shouldn’t even give her the satisfaction of my tears. I know I have a heart or else I wouldn’t have been considering helping her. “She’s wrong baby. I’m so proud of you. That woman deserves nothing from you and as hard as it was for you to say what you did, she deserved that and more. No more tears remember.” “I can’t help it. What if my father really does kill her?” He closes his eyes and pulls me back into his arms. “I’ll forever feel like it’s my fault if that happens.” “This is not on you. You got out and made something of yourself. I’m sure your mom coming here and seeing that left her feeling like she should’ve gotten out a lot sooner too. I hope she does get away from him, but if she doesn’t that is not on you baby.” “You need to get back to training, Willy is gonna be pissed.” “He knew where I was going and why.” I nod and he stands up. “I’m sorry Preston.” “No apologies. This is not on you.” I give a short nod and let him kiss me. “Are you ok for me to go finish up before we go to lunch.” Like I could eat. “Yea, I’m ok.” He gives me one more kiss and a squeeze as he runs out the door. “Addy, I am so sorry she snuck passed my office when I ran to the restroom. I saw Grant leaving with her before I could even get back here.” The way she says that is like she was more worried about Grant being here instead of him escorting my white trash mom. Great. “Oh, Ryleigh this isn’t your fault. You couldn’t have prevented it.” She gives me a nod and runs to me to give me a big hug. I let out a little laugh as she squeezes me hard. She heads out the door and I try and get myself back into work.

  Chapter Twenty


  Suck it in Addy, squeeze, and button. Oh god. Now stand up. I let out a groan as I get myself to my feet. I see Preston come around the corner as I squat and try to stretch out my stretchiest jeans. He gives me a worried look as I stand up and pop the top button on my jeans. “Do you think anyone would notice if I just wore yoga pants?” “Baby, just please go shopping. You are uncomfortable in everything because you have two babies growing in you and there is finally a little bit of a bump there.” “Preston, it’s too early for me to have this problem.” “Honey, everyone is different. It’s not just one remember, there are two in there.” “Yea, I know. I shouldn’t need bigger clothes yet though. I’m only sixteen weeks.” “Please, put on something comfortable and we will stop at the mall on our way.” I give him a nod and slide out of these jeans. I am not going to cry about this. I head to my drawer and grab yoga’s and my purse and we head out the door. I shouldn’t have even been wearing jeans anyways, but all of my dress pants are too small. I could wear a dress, but I didn’t want to look too dressy. Preston has a press conference today and I have to stand beside him as he answers questions about his career. He said there is a chance that they may say something about me being pregnant and he wants to show everyone that we are in this together, and that we are happy. Mostly I think he doesn’t want anyone to say anything mean about me, so I think he thinks if I’m there that will deter that. I think that me being there is like giving them an open target. His plan, if asked, is to say that we found out right after our honeymoon that we are being blessed with two babies. I just hope that no one takes the opportunity to put us down. The article ran of us on our honeymoon and I have to say that the things that Jeff wrote about us were really nice. I was actually impressed with how it all went down. Now, we pull into the mall and Preston pulls me into Neiman’s. I roll my eyes because my whole life I have been a bargain shopper and Preston insists that I shop somewhere that I can get the best. I still find clearance racks when I come shopping though so take that. He pulls me right over to the dress clothes and I look at the sizes and pick out what I think is right and head to the dressing room. I get a black pair of slacks and a white frilly top that is a little looser. It has a little half jacket with it so I put it altogether and thank God the pants fit. I come out and Preston nods his head. He doesn’t let me get changed he grabs my clothes and takes me to the register. “She will be wearing this out.” The woman looks at Preston like he is going to kill her if she doesn’t cooperate and she takes his card. On the way here Preston told me if I tried to pull out my debit card he would cut it in half, so I thought better of it. She gives me a bag for my other clothes and we head out to the car where my shoes are. I buckle into the small sensible heel and we head to the gym. I guess when doing the press conferences, he does they promote the gym which is really good. We get there with ten minutes to spare and his PR chick is not happy about that. I’m sure that I am a PR nightmare. Preston and I sit down behind a table where there are microphones. Preston turns to me “They shouldn’t direct any questions toward you. If you feel it is directed toward you and you want to answer, feel free to jump in. Be yourself, and you’ll be fine.” I nod my head and he gives me a light kiss on the lips. “Showtime.” This was his Publicist. She shoots me a smile and squeezes my arm. His publicist likes me. The rest of the chicks hate me and I know because his Public Relations manager shoots daggers at me with her eyes. She works with his publicist though and as long as she does her job I don’t care if she hates me. I turn forward and see lots of people standing in front of us with recording devices and cameras. I look to see Jeff standing there with his camera and he gives me a slight smile and nod. I do the same back and I hear a bunch of “Preston, Preston, Preston’s” being shouted. Preston calls on someone and the first question comes as a shock to me, “I hear that you are expecting a new member to the Bennett family. Is it really true that she was inseminated and you’re having quadruplets?” This guy can’t be for real. I probably have a look of shock on my face. Four kids, I was having a hard enough time thinking about two in there. I almost want to laugh, but I know that wouldn’t be appropriate. Preston looks to me and shakes his head as if he knows I want to laugh at this rumor. “As much
as I love children, I think my wife is having a hard enough time wrapping her head around the two that are growing in her let alone thinking about doubling that.” I let out a nervous laugh as the guy continues. “So you’re saying she’s nervous about having your children?” Preston looks at the guy like he wants to snap his neck. “That’s not what I meant. I meant…” “Preston just means that we are extremely excited about our new additions, but I think everyone could agree that going from no children to two is going to be an adjustment for us. We are thrilled that we get to have this adventure together though and I know that with him by my side we will be just fine.” Preston gives my leg a squeeze of approval and I smile. I don’t know where that came from, but I’m sure it’s not good for him to get defensive while on camera. “Well, does that mean that you did go through insemination?” “No, we didn’t do any kind of fertility treatments. Twins actually run on my side of the family. My mother was a twin, so I guess it was just our lucky break that we get two blessings instead of one.” “Speaking of your mother, sources say you are estranged.” Oh god. Why are they looking into my mother? “I think with the reason we are here being Preston, maybe we should focus on him and what he’s doing in his career.” This came from Cassie his publicist and I have never wanted to kiss a woman so much in my life. I give the guy a smile and wait for Preston’s next question. “So, do you think that twins will affect your fighting, or will Adeline be staying at home to take care of the kids?” “I think that having twins is going to affect my lifestyle, but only for the better. As Addy said, we are extremely excited for their arrival and the two of them will have no effect on my fighting. I am always in the game 110% and this won’t change. Adeline loves her job though. I don’t foresee her quitting her job to stay at home with the children. We haven’t really talked that much into it though.” “Don’t you think it would’ve been easier to find a non-career focused woman to end up with Preston?” This came from a guy in the back and I seriously want to throat punch him. “I think that there were a lot of things that were probably easier before I met my wife, but none of them mattered like she does. I don’t really appreciate you saying something as sexist as this though. Women all over the United States have careers and a family. This is not the 18th century. I will support my wife with whatever decision she makes. I know that she will only make a decision that has our family’s best interest in mind.” Wow. That was extremely sweet. I give his leg a little squeeze and I see him start to smile. I see a woman raise her arm in the back and Preston calls her by name. “What I would really like to know is where are you hiding those two babies?” Preston lets out a little laugh I’m sure because of my meltdown this morning. “Don’t worry they’re in there. I’m pretty sure the only things that fit me right now are stretchy pants and this outfit. I didn’t think anyone would want to really see me show up today in a pair of yoga pants” Everyone laughs and I looks to Preston who is shaking his head with a grin. Well it was the truth. I really wish they would stop asking me questions that’s when I hear Preston say Jeff’s name. “It’s safe to say that your next opponent is going to try and use all of this to his benefit. How will you be making sure you aren’t getting distracted?” “Oh that’s easy. Adeline is a bigger supporter of me working my ass off then my coach is. You all know Coach, well she rides my ass harder than he does.” Everyone gives out a laugh and I look at him and it was my turn to shake my head at him. “So I’m assuming you aren’t going to be the guy that goes through a sympathy pregnancy.” “Nah, I can’t get a gut right now. Maybe the next go around.” I think my eyes just bugged out of my head. We have not discussed more children. I am still getting used to not throwing up every five seconds. I hurry to hide my reaction so it isn’t as obvious, but I need to remember to yell at him about saying something like that in front of strangers before mentioning it to me? “Did her eyes bug out of her head? I forgot to tell her that this is just the start to our team of fighters.” I shake my head and laugh. “Two more questions.” This was Cassie again. Thank God. “The Snake mentioned something about a rematch. Is this going to happen?” “I haven’t been made aware of a rematch, but if it is going to happen I can assure him he is not going to be happy with the outcome.” “Boomslang is next, how are you preparing for this?” “From one snake to the next, we prepare the same way we always do. We’re ready.” We get a bunch of head nods as Preston thanks everyone for coming and we get up and walk to his office. He turns me around and pulls me in for a hug. “Babe, you did great, but I’m sorry that they discussed your career. We haven’t really talked about that stuff.” “I know; you did great though. I’m sorry I interrupted you in the beginning I thought you were going to flip a lid.” “That’s because I was.” This is when Cassie walks in. “Preston, she’s good for you. I thought you were going to lose it in the beginning. Adeline, thanks for bringing him around.” I smile and give her a nod. “I have never wanted to kiss a woman so much in my life until the moment you redirected their questions away from my mother.” To this Preston throws his head back and laughs and so does Cassie. We all stand there as the door opens and in walks Jerrica his PR bitch. “Good job Preston, watch the attitude though you almost lost it.” “Yea, good thing Adeline jumped in and calmed that shit storm.” Oh I’m sure that Jerrica loved that. “Yea, good thing. We need to avoid conversations about” Her voice gets lower and she whispers “the babies” then continues with “as much as possible. No one wants “The Preacher” their role model of smashing skulls to be a family man.” “Well, that’s unfortunate Jerrica, because I am a family man. I will not hide the fact that I am having children from my public. What would that say to my children?” “Oh I don’t know, that they were an accident?” My mouth drops. It’s like she didn’t mean to say it out loud, but she definitely did. Preston jumps up and opens the door. “You can leave now Jerrica. Cassie, I suspect you can have resumes for me by the end of the day for a new PR assistant?” Jerrica’s face is pure white and I honestly can’t believe she just sabotaged her own career. “Preston, please don’t do this I am so sorry I don’t know what came over me.” “I do; jealousy is never a good look on anyone Jerrica. I see the way you look at Adeline, but did she ever complain? No, she wanted what was best for my career and clearly that isn’t you. I will never make my family feel like they are a burden to me. My career will prosper and do you know why?” “Why?” “Because I am the best out there. I will flourish in my role as long as I keep myself there. People like you can’t stop what is happening around us. Just so you know, and I hope you get this memo, I wanted Adeline pregnant right away. I am ecstatic to be a dad and I am damn proud of the woman that I married, but mostly I thank God every day I didn’t end up with someone like you. You can leave now, and in case you didn’t get the memo from our last conversation you’re fired. I will escort you out of the building.” She stood there with tears welling up in her eyes and I sat and watched the show. I didn’t like her, but I never would’ve stood in the way of her professionally. She made her bed though and she can lie in it. I don’t say anything until she is out the door and being escorted out by Preston. “I really appreciate what he said, but do you need her?” “No, we will find someone else. Adeline you don’t need to worry about this, I will have a pile of applications on Preston’s desk before day’s end.” “I am sorry though. I didn’t want that to happen. Yes, obviously I saw how she looked at me, but I never would’ve said anything to stop Preston’s career from progressing.” “We know. I knew that was bound to happen when she made a comment last week and I had to reprimand her for it. I told her if she wanted to keep her job she needed to keep her feelings for Preston under wraps. It’s hard when someone has been intimate with another person to be able to keep their heart out of it.” What? He slept with Jerrica. This is not real life. My face must show the shock that I feel because Cassie starts to talk, “At least that’s what she said. That is not confirmed. I just assumed if it were true you and Preston would’ve talked about it. I’m sure she made it
up.” I nod and stand to leave. I need to go over to my office and I need to get there before Preston comes back. He slept with her, no freakin wonder she hated me. “I need to get to work. Thanks for today Cassie.” “No problem Addy. I will call when we need some public appearances.” I sigh. “Sounds good.” I walk away and down the stairs where I see Preston stopped to talk to Coach. He luckily doesn’t see me leaving, because I really just need some time away from him. I make it out the door and to my door just in time to let out the breath I was holding. I head straight back to my office with a hello to Ryleigh on my way by. I am sitting there and it probably doesn’t even take twenty minutes before I hear “Addy what the fuck?” I snap my eyes up to him and see he is pissed way the heck off. “What the fuck what?” Yea, he probably wasn’t expecting that. He looks like I slapped him. “You’re pissed? What did I do?” “I don’t know? Maybe the reason that Jerrica hated me and thinks our children were an accident is because you slept with her and she was in love with you.” Well, that shut him up. Oh my God he seriously slept with her. “You think that I slept with that bitch? Adeline, I do not shit where I eat. Ever. I never would sleep with someone I work with.” Well, it seems like he was telling the truth, but why would Cassie say that? “Who told you this shit?” “No one. It was something I came up with on my own.” He shakes his head at me because he knows I’m lying. That’s when I hear “Cassie” muttered under his breath. Shoot. I see him take off without another word so I get up to follow him because I need to make sure Cassie doesn’t get in trouble for any of that. It isn’t her fault. I follow him, but he gets there much quicker because by the time I find him and Cassie she is already getting an ear full. “You will never talk about my personal life to my wife. Not to mention the fact that you were talkin outta school. I never slept with Jerrica and to think that you put that out there to my wife?” He made a scoffing noise and I interrupt. “She didn’t mean anything by it. She was just telling me that she was going to fire Jerrica if something else happened anyways. Justifying Jerrica’s actions by assuming that you slept together when that’s what Jerrica said was only a normal conclusion. This is not Cassie’s fault so please stand down. I need a word with you in private.” He gives me a nod and we walk to his office. “Addy I swear I didn’t sleep with her.” “I believe you. This is all unnecessary. First, you know that I saw how Jerrica looked at me. I never personally liked her, but never did I ever tell you that you couldn’t or shouldn’t work with her. You and I both know Cassie is the best at her job and I like Cassie, this is not her fault.” “You know how I feel about rumors. You also know how I feel about my past.” I really did. He told me all the time he wished he could take them all back if it meant having me sooner. It’s sweet to say, but really unnecessary. “Preston, I know. This is all fine. I just don’t understand where all of that hostility came from. Why did Jerrica think she had any right to come in here and talk to you the way she did?” “I don’t know. There was one time back a couple years ago. I was just starting to get a name for myself and she threw herself at me after one of our meetings. I turned her down right away. It never was anything. I knew she liked me, but I had no idea to what extent.” “Well, we know how much infatuation can effect a person. I don’t want to have to deal with something else like that Preston. I have two little ones to protect here. I don’t need her turning into a psycho.” “I know, and she won’t get near you again. I promise.” He pulls me into his arms and I release a breath I was holding. “I hate that you got stressed over this. I don’t want you to have any stress.” “I know you don’t, but Preston life happens. This is all ok. I just needed to chill out for a minute.” “Yea, and please don’t run away again.” Sigh again. “I wasn’t running away. I just needed a minute to myself.” “Then tell me that so I know what you’re doing and where you’re going.” “I’m not a little kid.” “No, but you are a woman who just had a mother and father both released from prison two days ago. I’m not messing around with this shit. I will not have something happen to you and our babies because of them.” Well that was true. I had forgotten that our nuisance could be back. “I take responsibility for that. I forgot completely with everything that was going on that they were released. They should’ve gone straight back home though if they know what’s good for them.” “Baby, I wish that were the case, but we both know better yeah?” I sigh. “Yeah. I think I may go home.” “What’s wrong?” “Nothing, it’s Saturday though and I am all caught up on work.” “I only have one training today. If you want to stay until I’m done, I can take you home and we can spend the day together.” I give a little nod, not really feeling like staying and waiting for him to finish training. I really want to get out of these clothes and curl up with a book by the pool. We walk down the stairs and into his training room. “Willy, one training today? What’s that about?” “We have time before we need to be at it too hard. Ya know Addy, I do know what I’m doin here.” “I know; I know I’m just giving you a hard time.” “Yea, yea. Preston, get your butt in the ring and give me a good three hours.” Ugh. Three hours. What the hell am I going to do? I knew I should’ve just driven separately. Why don’t I ever listen to myself? I head out to grab my bag. If I’m going to be here I am going to be comfortable. I grab my clothes and change before heading back into Preston’s training room. I sit in the corner where I have pillows setup. Yes, I normally end up here so I thought I would make it as comfortable as possible. I pull out my kindle and pull a pillow into my lap. It doesn’t take long before I completely pass out. I feel myself being lifted into the air and I jump a little when I realize that I’m not dreaming. I look up and see Preston carrying me. I couldn’t have been sleeping for three hours. “Pres, what are you doing?” “Jonesy came to pick you up. I’m taking you to the car.” “I can walk ya know? I thought I was waiting for you.” “Babe, if you can get some rest and relax go home and do that. Not here on the gym floor on some pillows.” I shake my head. He worries too much. “If you go outside by the pool take Champ, and make sure you don’t stay in the sun too long.” He sets me down and I salute him in front of the car. He chuckles lightly as he pulls me into his body and gives me a possessive kiss. Damn. I seriously still sometimes forget to breathe.


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