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Demon VII: Disciples of Darkness (Mike Rawlins and Demon the Dog Book 7)

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by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  At the Kentucky Fried Chicken place, the usual crowd of malcontents protested their dismissal from the now completely automated fast food service. When the minimum wage went to ten dollars an hour, KFC automated nearly everything. It was no longer feasible to pay supposedly entry level workers so much that they would lose their business. Mike and his crew had been through the mob before. They pepper sprayed Mike for no reason, which led to an attitude adjustment by Mongo and Demon pitching in with Mike.

  “Take no prisoners to get our chicken, brother,” Demon stated.

  “No one is going to pepper spray me,” Mike replied. “The one who attempts it will be with the Servants of Sauron. I will mind wipe them into Middle Earth.”

  “Maybe I should get the order, Mike,” Sandy offered.

  Mike hesitated. “How the hell do these jerks get to disrupt a business like this. They’re responsible for what happened. They can’t retire as chicken fryers, so they plague our damn chicken depot. Yeah… go ahead, Sandy. Denny already texted in the order. Here.”

  Sandy accepted the money from Mike. “I’ll be right back.”

  Sandy exited the Buick, which Mike parked away from the protestors of which there were over a dozen. Mike leaned out the window as Sandy walked determinately towards the entrance. When one of the protesters yelled at her and walked towards the hurrying Sandy, Mike sent the tendrils of darkness out to smash the guy to the parking lot cement. Sandy turned and smiled with a wave. Everyone in the Buick enjoyed Mike’s flattening of the man. Mike began systematically whacking protestors with their own signs until a melee broke out amongst them. Demon’s Muttley snicker enhanced the others’ loud amusement. Sandy exited the KFC building with order in hand, shying away from the battle going on. Demon leaped through the open rear passenger side window to escort her to the Buick.

  “Get in the Buick, kid,” Demon ordered. “I’m going to run alongside until we reach Demon Inc. Otherwise, I may rip everyone’s throat out trying to get the chicken.”

  Sandy laughed and gave Mongo the bags. “You sit by the window, D. Mongo will guard the chicken. We have enough for an army. You won’t be shorted.”

  “Well… okay.” Demon did as Sandy suggested. “Hurry up and get going, Ripper. I need freshly arriving air on my face or I go to the mattresses.”

  “By your command, Demon the Magnificent.” Mike drove toward Demon Inc at the upper allowable parameter of the speed limit.

  “I will protect the dead chicken parts at all cost, El Capitan Darkness,” Mongo stated. “The Bad Bluto will not have them.”

  “Thanks, Mongo.”

  Denny texted ahead so the gate opened the moment they stopped in front of it. Mike drove directly to the entrance and parked. Mongo streaked out of the vehicle, shifting to his true Haunt self. The entrance door opened, and Mongo flew by Stan. Demon launched through the open window, hot on the trail of dead chicken parts.

  “I think we need to consider stocking munchies in here to appease the Demon monster until we can deliver dinner,” Mike said.

  “I don’t know if it would work, Mike,” Denny replied. “The smell of KFC drives D nuts. What the heck could we stock in here to harness him?”

  “We at least need to consider it,” Mike replied.

  “I see Mary’s car, Mike,” Sandy said. “Oooh… I sense a sleepover.”

  “Oooh… I sense a naked zombie cheerleader episode in front of Demon Inc,” Mike retorted.

  “I…I was kidding,” Sandy gripped Nazer’s hand.

  “So was I…I think,” Mike replied, winking back at Nazer. “Let’s go get this movie night started.”

  By the time they arrived inside their entertainment room, the long serving table was up and stocked with veggie plates, chips and beverages. Mongo appeased the voracious Demon with a plate of stripped chicken meat, mashed potatoes and gravy. When Demon went into a chicken frenzy, Mongo fed him in the far corner of the room to the amusement of the Demon Inc crew. They knew better than to interrupt Demon the Magnificent in his chicken hunger state.

  “Your adventures in the hospital made the news front everywhere,” Mary Ansel told Mike as she gripped his hand, holding on with willpower to not launch on her young lover with abandon. Between the natural attraction and the one-time pheromone exchange, their relationship flamed at a heat range only his cohorts understood.

  Mike stroked Mary’s face, his intense attraction for her having slowly increased since their decision to be together. Mary wore an off the shoulder, tightly fitting burgundy dress that highlighted every curve in her body. “We did good today. You look wonderful.”

  “Break it up, you two,” Janis ordered. “Get your plates made and get sat down at the table so we can hear the details of the revenge raid video Denny sent us from the Drusilla elimination.”

  The two outsiders at the party were Gail’s boyfriend, Grant Thorvald and Laura’s husband, Tom Metger. They knew the secrets of Demon Inc but did not participate in anything relating to the team. Mike kissed Mary lightly and went with her to get a plate of food. After the group sat together with Motown music playing in the background, Denny explained the hospital drama and assault on the witch Drusilla’s house.

  “We barbequed her.” Denny finished the story with Mike’s sister Joanie next to him. “You all saw the things she conjured. I searched everywhere in her house. I couldn’t find anything that would have given her the power to do what she did. It’s possible she was the real deal as far as witches go.”

  Demon joined them with Mongo bringing his drink bowl. “Poor old Drusilla, too bad, so sad. Mike smacked around some protestors at the KFC. That was hilarious. Did you get the video on that, Frodo?”

  “Yes.” Denny activated his iPhone remote app, turning on the widescreen TV and streaming the KFC incident to the screen with audio.

  “Wow… you bunch don’t fool around,” Grant said. “I-”

  Gail elbowed him. “Don’t talk compassion and crap in here. Some of us have become the Disciples of Darkness, never to be challenged, no matter what gets done to people.”

  “I think I liked you better when you were a pole dancer, Unholy Grail,” Demon verbally knifed her to stifled amusement from the others. “As for you, newbie, some of what we do here is beyond your paygrade. We’re not the police. When we arrive on scene, we confront the bad people in the act. We don’t deal with gray areas, because for us, there aren’t any. Drusilla had to go bye/bye because she attacked a little boy and conjured monsters. The KFC protestors were about to attack Sandy. No one touches one of ours.”

  “Sorry, D,” Grant said. “My bad. Gail was just trying to keep me out of trouble. I admire your results. I know your team stopped terrorist bombings and domestic riots. You’ve defeated a world ending attack by Haunts from another dimension, stopped vicious gangs, saved kids and killed serial killers. Sometimes… I…I have a little trouble processing it all in real time.”

  Mike nodded. “We understand, Grant. I saved the best for last. We can’t even get groceries without an incident. We’re blessed our two San Leandro Police officers had the night shift.”

  Mike explained the Safeway grocery store incident in detail. “Tom will call me tomorrow with an update. The hostages are all well.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t vacuum all of the hostage takers into the Radalia Hell Dimension like Drusilla,” Gail said, throwing down her third whiskey.

  “That’s enough, Unholy Grail.” Demon pointed a paw at her. “The hostages survived, although the robbers planned to kill them. The robbers survived, although the Radalia Hell Dimension probably should have been their ultimate destination. That was your third whiskey. You know what to do Mongo.”

  “Sorry, Gail… you’re cut off,” Mongo stated.

  “What for? I have a designated driver. Grant’s not drinking.”

  “You’re turning septic,” Demon replied. “Mongo and I call the shots on booze intake. Eat some food and enjoy the movie.”

  “Screw this! Let’s go
, Grant.” Gail strode toward the door, pausing to jab a finger in Mike’s chest as he sat next to Mary. Grant hurriedly retrieved their belongings. “You need to control your paranormal puppets! They’re out of control!”

  “As Demon stated, he and Mongo decide who has had enough to drink. If you’re unhappy with us this evening, fine… no hard feelings. No one’s telling you to leave. You’re both welcome to stay, eat, and watch movies with us.”

  “I don’t know why I bother coming over here for anything other than the combat. I’ll see you all the next time a real challenge confronts Demon Inc. These gettogethers are childish.”

  “Yeah… we’re the ones throwing tantrums and walking out,” Janis retorted.

  Gail began to respond; but saw the looks on everyone else’s faces, and decided to leave with a universal gesture, one finger salute. Grant waved goodbye and kept his mouth shut.

  “Wow… I thought Gail was on the mend,” Connie said. “She seemed back to normal when we took on the Radalia and FBI Servants of Sauron.”

  “She was doing better,” Janis agreed. “You thought so too, right Laura?”

  Laura shifted baby Mike on her lap while picking at her food. She shrugged. “Gail always seemed on edge to me. After the Radalia confrontation, the combat did quiet her a bit. She didn’t give me a chance to brief everyone on a few cases directed toward us. With Halloween only weeks away, I know we need a winner to interest the SyFy Channel to consider.”

  “Eat and take it slow, Laura,” Mike replied. “Denny told us you might have a few cases for us besides lost dogs and keys.”

  The crew of Demon Inc munched while Laura took her time outlining the potential cases. “Alisha called me directly. Although the FBI doesn’t want anything to do with it, they have a haunting reported at the Pantoll Campground near Stinson Beach. They’ve closed the campground and only allow day trips for the time being. Marin County Sheriff’s Department controls the area. They asked the FBI if they would have a look. Alisha said Colemeyer thought of us right away. He only half-jokingly referred to us as the X-Files Department.”

  “Why would the Sheriff’s Department call in the FBI for a haunting?” Demon poked his head up over the table. “I thought they flagged ghost sightings, told a few hook-hand stories around the campfire, and used the ghosts to entertain visiting tourists.”

  “Eight people are missing,” Laura answered. “They were single incidents of hikers on known trails over a relatively short time period. The Sheriff’s Department called in search and rescue teams, including helicopters and patrol boats along the coastline. The dogs they used could not get a scent of anything. It’s as if they vanished.”

  “Now you’re talkin’! We need to get in on that one, Ripper,” Demon said.

  “Eight people vanishing, and this is the first we’ve heard of it,” Mike asked. “The FBI handles exactly this kind of case. It requires intense screening of the missing persons for anything connecting them. Secondly, the trails the hikers disappeared from needs to be plotted, in case a center can be found. Why would this not be leading every newscast?”

  “The missing people did make the news, but the disappearances happened over the course of a year. Alisha thinks the vanishings may only be people reported missing. There may be more not reported. The last one reported was a woman two weeks ago on a Saturday.”

  “So far, that one seems first on the list. Denny and Naz can begin doing the detailing as to identities, timing, trails, and connecting threads. We need to investigate it this weekend. We all have school on Monday. What else have you got?”

  “Anne Whittier called from Alameda County Sheriff’s Department. They’re asking for help on a string of home invasions in the San Lorenzo area around Arroyo High School. The invasions started two weeks ago. Their detectives are getting nowhere. The invaders hit selected high-end houses with the people at home, between the hours of 2 am and 3 am. They have an expert with them. Every house hit had an alarm system, but it was disabled remotely. You’ve read about those neat systems working on all devices wirelessly. Well… these guys hack the network, turn them off, break in, and swarm the occupants. They duct tape them all, adults and kids. The home owner gives them everything to keep the loved ones safe. Anne called because she’s had enough of it. They duct taped a baby’s mouth on their last job and killed the little guy by suffocation.”

  “We’ll send Mongo on night patrol,” Mike stated. “Once he finds them, we’ll wait until they come out. I don’t want anyone hurt during a battle inside the house. Mongo can follow them anywhere. He’ll lead, find their base of operations, and we’ll disable them.”

  “They killed a baby, Mike,” Laura said, with the others voicing disgust at the incident.

  “Everything will be on the table. We need to get them quickly. I’d bet money it’s a team of professionals who will only stay in an area so long, and then move on to another city, or state for that matter.”

  “I’ll check for similar outbreaks,” Denny said. “There may be a pattern they’re adhering to. It would explain them hitting unincorporated areas like San Lorenzo, where a County Sheriff’s Department enforces the law. They’re usually spread thin.”

  “We’ll help with that, Denny,” Connie said. “We can each take a different section of the country using our FBI clearance. They won’t stay much longer than a few weeks in any area.”

  “We need to stay busy. The Frog Brothers work now for the time when we can relax, go to college, fight the bad guys, and retire from football,” Stan said. “Jer and I want our lives back. Playing football after all the combat with monsters just seems like playing kids’ games. Now, we’re hearing grumblings about guys on the team wanting to kneel during the anthem like those NFL crybabies. They don’t know why, other than the lies they’ve been told.”

  “They want us to join in tomorrow. We told them hell no,” Jerry added. “We’re not quitters, but this is our last season. Whatever Demon Inc does, count us in.”

  Mike nodded. “I understand completely. Denny, Naz, and I still like the MMA workouts. Maybe you guys can get into that a little. All of us should go through some training because of the variety of cases we handle, and the goofy junk happening in our country.”

  “Count us in,” Stan said. “You guys only do it two or three times a week. How about it, babe?”

  “Sounds good,” Connie replied. “What do you think, Jan?”

  “We don’t get knocked around, do we,” Janis asked.

  “Listen Brandy,” Demon knifed in, “the way you’re inhaling the chicken, you need the gym if you want to avoid being a float in the Thanksgiving Day Parade.”

  “If it wasn’t for you running around here at paranormal central, torturing everyone, you’d be a blimp by now, Fluffy,” Janis countered.

  “Babe… we’ve talked about this,” Jerry whispered. “Getting into verbal battles with Demon the Magnificent does not bode well for the rest of movie night. Truce, D?”

  Demon waved a paw. “Truce. We need to watch a couple good flicks and call it a night. Mike’s going to the game tomorrow. I bet your teammates won’t kneel tomorrow.”

  “I can stay away if you guys would rather, but otherwise everyone on the sidelines will be standing with their hand over heart for the anthem,” Mike said.

  “Oh yeah!” Stan bumped fists with Jerry. “That would be very cool, Mike.”

  “Consider it done. What do we have for movies tonight?”

  “Thor: Ragnarok and the girls want to watch ‘Groundhog Day’,” Stan answered Mike. “I thought that was pretty cool.”

  “I’ve never seen ‘Groundhog Day’,” Demon said. “This better not be another eye-rolling snoozer.”

  “I want to watch this ‘Groundhog Day’, Bluto,” Mongo stated. “We should watch it first before the special effects blast of that Thor movie. I saw the trailer. It is very violent.”

  “You got it, brother. Bring me another drink and beer though.”

  “As you wish, Dark Bluto.�

  “Let me finish the briefing though.” Laura smiled. “Rayden Kirk returned. I’ve been watching our thread Denny built into the network, following his name, facial recognition, or movements. Rayden’s getting the band back together. He has three of his base supporters from before with him again. They’re busily recruiting with Rayden conjuring demons again.”

  “I knew I should have let the Radalia entertain the conjurer,” Mike replied. “Where’s he operating out of now?”

  “San Jose. The illegal alien thugs down there appear to be a welcoming bunch if you can conjure. He also owns a base of operations in the North Bay I haven’t tracked down yet,” Laura answered. Little Mike awoke, looked around the room in furrowed brow form.


  Little Mike’s one word calling sent the room into open amusement for many moments with Mongo changing instantly into Baby Groot, dancing around to the Motown music while Little Mike cried out in hand clapping frenzy.

  “Groot… Groot!”

  Laura pointed at the smirking Janis. “Don’t even say it, girlfriend. No… he still hasn’t said mom or momma. He says ‘no’ and ‘Groot’.”

  They adjourned to seating for ‘Groundhog Day’ when the gate alarm sounded. Demon followed Denny to the monitor. “I am going to get my munch on! Show me the way, Frodo!”

  Denny widened the picture at the gate onto the big screen. A gang of angry, bearded guys were banging on the gate with lighted movie cameras recording it all. With them were screaming twits with full burka slave costumes on.

  “Oh good… offended Moslems with slaves banging on the gate… it must be Friday,” Demon muttered. “What the hell did we do lately to bring the Islamic zombie horde to our gate, Frodo?”

  Denny shrugged. “I don’t know. They protested at the high school for halal meals. One of them tried to stroke Joanie when we passed their congregation. I…I punched him in the nuts… and…and… well, ah-”

  Demon head butted Denny’s leg. “I get it. The Ripper handled the idiot follow-up. Why is this the first we’ve heard of the school incident?”


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