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Wulf, Tales of the Chosen

Page 9

by Kayelle Allen

  "I'm sorry, Luc. For everything."

  "Hush." He held Wulf's hand, drew it up to his mouth, and kissed it. "I'll let you make it up to me." He winked and patted the bed.

  Wulf kicked off his shoes. He went around to the other side and climbed onto the bed. He knelt beside Luc, knees wide apart.

  Luc rubbed his lower lip, savoring the appealing pose on more than one level. His cock reacted with equal fervor.

  Wulf's pleased glance said he'd noticed.

  Luc withdrew his mobile from his pocket and flipped it open. "Work. Voice only." The connection activated and seconds later Ms. Mead came on the line.

  "Yes, sir?"

  "I won't be back in the office the rest of the day, Ms. Mead. There are--well, something 'big' has come up."

  Wulf bit a knuckle to keep from laughing, his eyes glittering.

  Luc grinned. "Check my calendar for tomorrow and see what you can push out. Message me with details later."

  "Yes, sir. Is Mr. Gabriel all right?"

  "Yes, he's fine. Thank you for asking."

  "Is there anything you need my help with, sir?"

  "No, no. Thank you, Ms. Mead. I can handle this on my own." Luc reached out and slid his fingers through Wulf's fine hair, rubbing it between fingers and thumb.

  Wulf grinned, his cheeks a dark pink.

  "Very good, sir. I'll be here if you need me."

  Luc closed the mobile.

  McDoth reentered and set down a tray carrying an open decanter, a shot glass, a rubber-sealed bottle and a syringe. He poured from the decanter to the shot glass and handed it to Luc. "Drink this. It's whiskey?"

  "McDoth, how will this help? Whiskey has no effect on me."

  "Will it hurt?"

  Luc tossed it down.

  Wulf clutched his hand. "Focus on me, Luc. Try not to think about it and maybe it won't be so bad."

  "You think so?" He happily paid attention to nothing but Wulf, aware that McDoth was loading a syringe next to him.

  "I know so." Wulf flashed his perfect smile.

  Luc squeezed his hand, eyes shut as the syringe punctured his skin. The triefan stung like fire on entrance, then spread through his foot like a warm gel, soothing in its wake. He let out a sigh.

  McDoth examined him once more. "Already looking better."

  Luc lifted his head. The swelling was fading, his usual dark skin returning as the bruise faded down through the levels of purple, red, orange and brown.

  "Smackers." Wulf stared at his foot. "It looks almost normal already. You really do heal fast."

  "It's the triefan. It accelerates Sempervian healing." Luc shrugged. "Without it, we'd still heal ten times faster than humans, but this gives us a true advantage."

  "Does it work on humans?"

  "About as well as grape juice."

  "Too damn bad. You could make a fortune with this if it did."

  "Don't I know it." Luc punched the pillow behind him. "It comes from the nectar of one particular flower."

  McDoth picked up the tray. "I'd like you to rest for a few hours before you try anything, shall we say..." he glanced from Luc to Wulf, "--strenuous."

  Luc made a short laugh. "Fat chance."

  McDoth hmm'd. "Have you ever noticed, Master Wulf, to humans, a fat chance and a slim chance mean the same thing? I'll check on you in a few hours. Ring if you need me before then." He closed the double doors behind him.

  Wulf stretched out on his stomach, chin propped on his hand. He entwined the fingers of his other hand with Luc's. "Perhaps you should rest awhile."

  "Wulf, my love. I'll decide when I need to rest. Come up here. I want your head on my shoulder."

  Wulf snuggled up beside him as asked, one arm over his chest. "Am I hurting you?"

  "No! Not in the least. You feel wonderful in my arms."

  "Good. I hurt you enough already."

  "Don't give it another thought." Luc kissed his brow. "You were defending yourself. The last thing you expected was for someone to grab you."

  Wulf tilted his head. "Could we not talk about that? I'd rather not think about how badly I hurt you."

  "Shh." He pulled him even closer. Wulf's hair felt like the finest silk. He drew it between fingers and thumb. "Do you know when I fell in love with you?"


  "At your graduation."

  Wulf lifted his head and frowned at him. "College?"


  "But you weren't even there."

  "So sure, are you?" Luc brought up their joined hands and kissed Wulf's fingers. "You were valedictorian. I wasn't about to miss it, even though you didn't want me there at the time."

  "I am so sorry! I sh--"

  Luc touched his mouth. "It's all right, love. I don't hold that against you. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, so I had idBot record it for me live. When you spoke about the future and how the empire was in the hands of the next generation ... that was the moment. You stood there," Luc turned toward him just a bit, "and you were so earnest and open. So convinced that the empire could be a better place."

  His young lover relaxed in his arms, head tilted back. "I still am."

  "I know. It's one of things about you that I find endearing."

  "You don't believe that, do you? That the empire could be better."

  "No, I do. It's one of the things I've always tried to keep in mind. Being a Sempervian allows me to see the overall picture. I saw the empire's birth almost 400 years ago, and I'll likely see it in another 400 years as well. It gives one a different perspective." He brushed back a lock of Wulf's hair. When Wulf yawned, Luc drew him tighter to his side. "I'm boring you."

  "You are not! I'm tired, that's all. It's not every day I wrestle with a Sempervian."

  "Now that you know one of my secrets, Wulf, I want one of yours."

  "What do you have in mind?"

  "Now there's a loaded question."

  Wulf poked him.

  "Ow!" He grabbed his hand. "Poking an injured man. Shame on you."

  Wulf's eyes flashed. "I need every advantage I can get around you."

  "Do you now? We'll see about that." Luc tangled his fingers in Wulf's hair, tilting back the younger man's head so he could enjoy every part of his face. "You have the strongest jaw." He stroked his fingers along one side. "And the most tender mouth."

  Wulf gazed back at him openly, his expression serene.

  "You're beautiful." He cradled Wulf's head in one hand and leaned closer to kiss him.

  Wulf parted his lips and pressed up against his mouth, lifting his arm to encircle Luc's neck. Wulf responded with ardor, arching his body against Luc. He moaned as they kissed deeper.

  Luc swept his tongue inside the sweet mouth to lick and taste.

  "Wulf." Luc drew back enough to study his brown eyes. The glazed dazzle in them told him what he needed to know. With a satisfied smile, Luc sank back against the pillows. "I love you."

  "Do you forgive me?" Wulf touched Luc's mouth. "I need to know. I feel like I wasted so much time being angry with you. I don't want to waste any more looking back at regrets."

  "You're wise for one so young." He savored the feel of Wulf's body against his. The man fit within his arms as if he'd been made for Luc. "There is nothing to forgive. I don't want to waste any more time, either. Not on anything that keeps us apart."

  Wulf snuggled, hugging him. "I fantasize about you in the shower."

  Luc's cock twitched. "You do?"

  "Mmm. That's my secret." He met Luc's eyes. "You wanted a secret. That's mine."

  "Tell me more."

  Wulf pushed himself to a sitting position. "You know, I should call Fee."

  "No fair, changing the subject. And who's Fee?"

  "Feeyona Joie. The friend who was helping me. She'll be worried if I don't call."

  Luc pulled a mobile out of his pocket. "After you talk to her, tell me more about this shower fantasy. Maybe we should act it out." He handed it to him, pleased at the dark blush on Wulf's face.<
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  Wulf keyed in a number. "Voice only."

  Luc held Wulf's hand while he waited. He turned it over and trailed his fingertips along Wulf's palm. Artist's hands, they had wide fingers and manicured, even nails.

  "Fee? It's Wulf. Listen, I'm fine."

  A scrape on Wulf's first finger drew his attention.

  "No, it was all a misunderstanding. I was nev--" Wulf wet his lips, nodding as he listened.

  Wulf's scrape would take days to heal; meanwhile, his own broken foot was almost restored. Luc kissed the scrape.

  Wulf wrinkled his nose at Luc and blew a kiss. "No, listen. I'm fine."

  Luc clasped Wulf's hand tighter. So fragile, humans are.

  Wulf pushed himself back on the bed a little further. "Fee, honey, I swear I'm fine. Let me..." He cast a glance over at Luc.

  So short-lived. I must not waste time with this one. Enjoy him. Savor him. Love him.

  "No, honey, get this. It turns out my agent took out a contract on me. I..." Wulf yanked the device away from his ear.

  Luc could hear her exclamation from where he lay.

  "Listen, Fee, it's all a long story, and I can't go into it right now." He winced and pulled the device away again.

  Luc had to smile. Whoever this woman was, she wasn't afraid to lay into Wulf.

  "I just wanted you to know I'm perfectly safe and that you don't have to worry about me." He glanced at Luc. "I will, love. Call you tomorrow? Sure thing. Kiss."

  Wulf closed the mobile and returned it to Luc.

  He tossed it on the bedside table. "'Kiss'?"

  "Luc, don't tell me you're jealous of a woman."

  "Should I be?"

  "She's like my sister."

  Luc lowered his brows. "That's what they all say."

  "Next to Trink and Yvan, Fee is prolly my best friend." Wulf curled back up beside him and picked at Luc's buttons. "I've never made love to a woman. Kissed plenty, but it's all in greetings and the like." He lifted his head a bit. "You aren't jealous, are you?"

  He growled. "I'll decide that later. I'm very territorial."

  "Father never said anything about this side of your personality."

  He slid down to hold Wulf better. "He wouldn't."

  Wulf rested a hand on Luc's chest. "Did he know you liked men?"

  "He knew everything about me. I like women too. Before he met your mother, your dad and I used to go to this club and--"

  "Oh hell, no!" Wulf made a slicing motion. "Don't even tell me about you and my father partying with wild women. Talk about making me feel like a kid again. I do not want to know anything about that."

  Luc kissed Wulf's brow and drew him closer, smiling. "Deal."

  "Hmm. There was nothing in the Chronicles about it. But I guess there wouldn't be. Apparently they don't keep details about sex."

  "Chronicles?" He pulled back to see better. "What Chronicles?"

  Wulf leaned on one arm as he sat up. "The Gabriel Chronicles. The notes my family kept about you. My mother left me an access key."

  "What!" Luc pushed himself upright and slid back against the pillows. His stomach felt hollow and agitated, as if he'd swallowed an angry ghost. "Your father wrote about me?"

  "Mother too. She was a Chosen, after all."

  He swallowed, ran a hand across his hair. "I had no idea they did that. For how long?"

  "Ever since Father took over as your confidant, I imagine. He recorded the big things, of course. The traditional stuff."

  Sweat trickled down his chest. "Traditional?"

  "Main events. You know. Things the others needed to..." Wulf frowned. "Are you all right?"

  "Do you mean to tell me your grandfather recorded notes, too?"

  Wulf nodded. "You're pale. Maybe I should call McDoth." He reached for the phone.

  Luc clamped a hand over his wrist to stop him. "How many generations of Gabriels kept written notes?"

  "All of them. All the Chosen keep notes on their Sempervians. Father said it was the way we kept track of who's who and who's where. You Sempervians aren't easy to track, you know."

  Luc held his head; his temples throbbed. "All the Chosen keep notes?"

  "Yes. I thought everyone knew." He peered at him, rolled off the bed before Luc could stop him. "I'm getting McDoth."

  "And you all read each other's?"

  "Of course." He frowned. "Why wouldn't we?"


  Hundreds of years of notes written by people who knew all of the Sempervians. One hundred and one had fled the planet Sempervia thousands of years before. The Chosen knew all their names, as well as the names of all the immortals who'd joined them since.

  Luc was half aware of Wulf opening the door and calling for McDoth.

  Why the hell didn't I know about this before? What if the Chosen have figured out the real reason I'm with Pietas? Should I tell Wulf? If Wulf knew the truth about him, and the other Sempervians learned about it--if they found out who Luc was and why he watched over them... He shut out even so much as the notion of hinting the truth to Wulf. No. If Pietas found out he'd destroy Wulf to get to me. Wulf must never learn the truth. Never.

  As if he dreamed it, he became aware of McDoth hovering near him. Luc let the android move him so he lay flat on the bed. He couldn't answer, couldn't speak, exhaustion pinning his eyelids shut.

  If I was lucky, Pietas would only hack me to pieces and burn me.

  He couldn't come back from that kind of death.

  Chapter Ten

  Tarth City, Di Lusso District

  Nizamrak Building, Penthouse Level, "The Loft"

  McDoth had insisted he needed privacy to examine Luc and locked Wulf outside in the hallway. Wulf tried the door for the tenth time. "McDoth! Let me in. Why can't I be in there?" When the door didn't open he beat on it again. "Let me in, damn it! I'm almost his lover!" Wulf slapped himself in the forehead. That sounded brilliant.

  The door opened.

  "About time." Wulf brushed past the android and raced toward the bed. He drew up short. The pillows and blankets seemed as though they'd never been mussed. He turned back to McDoth. "Where is he? Where have you taken him?"

  "I'm right here." Luc exited the lighted bathroom, adjusting his cuffs, dressed for work. "What's wrong?"

  Wulf ran and threw himself into the man's arms.

  "Here, now." Luc rocked him. "What's all this?"

  Wulf held onto him like a child clinging to a favorite toy. "I thought you were dead."

  The man patted him. "Not likely with a Sempervian, Wulf. Come sit down." He drew him toward a low, velvet upholstered bench and sat with him. Arms still around him, Luc stroked his hair. "I had a reaction to the triefan, but I'm fine now. I'm sorry you were worried."

  "You looked like you were going to faint." Wulf drew back. Spreading his hands across Luc's shoulders and down his chest, he examined him. Hard, unyielding muscle and warm skin; Luc's heart beat with a steady rhythm. "You turned pale. It scared me." He bit his lip.

  Despite the black lenses, Luc's eyes revealed kindness and love; no pain evident.

  "Luc, are you sure you're all right?"

  "I'm fine." He bent down and slipped off his right shoe. "I should've made sure you were present when I got dressed. See?" He pulled off his sock and stuck out his foot. "It's fine."

  "Wiggle your toes."

  He did as asked, wagging his foot back and forth as well. "Satisfied?"

  Wulf punched him in the arm. "You scared the hell out of me, Sempervian!"

  "Ow." Luc rubbed his arm, chuckling. "Are you trying to lay me out again?"

  Wulf stood, fists clenched.

  Luc yanked his feet out of the way.

  "Ooh!" Wulf stalked away from him, turned back. "Don't you ever do that to me again."

  Pulling on his sock, Luc looked up. "Do what?"

  "Do what?" He threw out his arms. "McDoth! Tell him. He was pale as a ghost."

  Luc and McDoth both raised eyebrows on that one. Luc finished fastening the s
hoe. He held out one dark-skinned hand and looked at it askance. "As a ghost?" He gestured to himself. "Me?"

  Wulf grunted. "You know what I mean!"

  "McDoth," Luc stood, brushing off his clothes, "I believe our young friend has a temper."

  McDoth set his hands behind him. "Indeed he does, sir."

  "They locked me out of the room the night my father died. I never got to say good-bye. They took him away before I could see him. And then you made me watch--" He bit his lips together.

  "Wulf!" Luc took three big steps and hauled him into his arms, drawing Wulf's head against his shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

  Wulf sucked in a short sobbing breath and clung to him, arms around his waist. He buried his face against the man's shoulder. The feel of Luc's arms around him and the delicious warmth of his body made him woozy. He clung tighter. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

  "Shh. Nothing to be sorry about." Luc rocked him. "I'm the one who should be apologizing."

  McDoth exited the room and Luc drew Wulf back to the bench to sit with him.

  "It was thoughtless of me to exclude you, love. I'm sorry. I promise I won't do that again."

  He lifted his head, blinking his eyes to clear them. "I just want to be with you. Don't shut me out."

  Luc gazed into his eyes--his expression a mix of love and lust that made Wulf shiver. "I will keep you with me from now on. Until we know you're safe, I'll take you everywhere with me. If you won't be safe somewhere, I won't go either."

  "You don't have to do that."

  He set his brow against Wulf's. "Yes, I do."

  "I thought..." Wulf shrugged, unsure whether to speak. He lowered his gaze.

  "You thought what?"

  "That we were going to ... you know." He peeked up to find the black eyes narrowed. "But you're dressed to go out."

  "Mmm." He took Wulf's hand in his. "Sorry about that. Unexpected. We have to go to Kelthia."

  "What? Now?" Wulf rubbed away the dampness at his eyes. "We're leaving the planet?"

  "Yes." He kissed Wulf's hand. "I need you to come with me."

  He stood as Luc did. "What's up? Does it have something to do with Stahlwell?"

  "Your agent? No. This time it's my problem. I have an adopted son..."

  "Senthys. You told me." He tilted his head, trying to understand.

  "Oh. Right. Well then you know he's always into trouble."


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