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Wulf, Tales of the Chosen

Page 14

by Kayelle Allen

  "Has Senthys tried to find him?"

  "I've never mentioned it. No point in raising hopes when the child may already be dead. In any case, they were separated at Senthys' birth, so he has no memory of him."

  "I'd heard rumors that master thieves adopted children and trained them." Wulf pushed himself farther back on the bed. "Is that what they mean by a 'working adoption?'?"


  "But how can you adopt a child and keep him a slave?"

  Luc smiled, his teeth a flash of brilliant white in the dim light. "I'm not heartless, Wulf. There's a reason for everything I do with Senthys. To start with, the law provides that anyone enslaved under age five will be freed at age twenty. And, by keeping him a slave, it ensures he keeps his last name. Should it ever come about that his brother is alive, it may help them find one another."

  Before Wulf could ask more, Senthys appeared in the doorway. "I've thrown everything away, Dad."

  "Good. Come in and sit down."

  "Uh, I'd rather stand, sir." He set both hands behind him.

  Wulf winced, hurting for him. He'd felt the strength in Luc's hands hours before. The Man had held back with him. Senthys hadn't been so lucky.

  "Fine." Luc folded his arms. "Tell me how you found the tripwire in my closet."

  "I didn't go near your closet, sir."

  Luc rose.

  Senthys retreated, hands out behind him, his gaze locked on Luc.

  "I already punished you for coming down here. If you lie to me you'll earn yourself another whipping."

  "I'm telling you the truth. I came down here through the tunnel in the pantry."

  Luc jerked back.

  "You didn't know about that one?" Senthys bounced like a kid proud of a secret, his head nudged a bit higher. "I found it three months ago."

  "I'll be damned." Luc dragged a hand through his hair. "Please tell me it's well hidden."

  "Hell, yeah. I didn't want you finding it." He grinned, a flash of white fangs in the darkness. "Hey. I guess you didn't. How long have you lived here and yet you didn't know it was there?"

  Luc made a grunt. "Longer than you'd believe."

  Senthys shrugged. "I figured I had this place to myself."

  "You didn't wonder about the supplies?"

  "I never touched them."

  "Hmm." Luc paced into an even less well-lit area. His dark skin faded into the darker background, as if he'd become a white shirt with a baritone. "And yet you said nothing, even when you found the Cyr de Tomasson."

  "I wanted to tell you about it, sir, but..."

  The shirt set hands on hips. "But?"

  "But you might beat me."

  "Hmm. Still seems like a good idea to me."

  Wulf stood. "Please. I've had enough family violence for one night."

  "Violence?" The shirt folded its arms. "That was discipline, Wulf. Very different."

  "I see your point, Wulf." Senthys crept closer to him. "I feel the same way."

  "Oh, no you don't." The shirt's arm pointed. "You will not play divide and conquer games with us."

  A distant boom rocked the floor. The single light dimmed. The full force of the explosion's blast wave hit next, right through the stone, knocking them all to the ground.

  Senthys' catlike eyes glowed in the dark next to Wulf. They each scrambled over and clung to Luc.

  "It's all right." Luc hugged them both. "Stay here while I check it out."

  Wulf waited with Senthys, neither of them speaking. Luc walked around the room with the flashlight. At last, he rejoined them, sitting between them both on the floor. He turned off the flashlight.

  "Is everything okay?" Senthys put his shoulder beneath Luc's arm.

  "There's no damage to the vault. We're perfectly safe." Leaning back on the wall, he put his other arm around Wulf and set his mouth against Wulf's ear. "I hope." As a sprinkle of dust rained down from the roof of the cave, the light faded and died.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kelthia, Miraj City, Holding District

  Beneath the Harbinger's home

  Wulf dozed on Luc's right shoulder; Senthys slept on the left, with his head on Luc's lap. How angelic his son seemed when asleep. Luc stroked his left hand through the youth's long hair, tucking a strand behind his ear. From this angle, none of his Kin characteristics showed. At three, Senthys had been full of promise, intelligent and playful, eager to try everything, wanting to take on more, in awe of his new life and all the things Luc taught him.

  That adorable kitten had grown into an independent, spit-and-claw, scratch-your-eyes-out tomcat. Unlike the Sempervians, who could no longer reproduce, growing up was a natural progression for mortals. Every generation clawed its way to freedom at the expense of its forebears. So why did it hurt so much every time he went through it with one of his Chosen? He blew out a long breath and tilted his head back against the wall. Would Senthys ever come to the point where he could be trusted with the Sempervian secret?

  Butt and thighs almost numb from hours of sitting on the floor, Luc shifted position, trying not to wake either Senthys or Wulf. The cave had several cots, but when Senthys had fallen asleep on the floor with his head on Luc's lap, Wulf had refused to leave their side. He and Wulf shared a few kisses, but it soon became apparent that would lead to things they'd rather not share with Senthys in the vicinity.

  Wulf jerked awake and sat up. "What is it?" His whisper sounded loud in the dark.

  "Just wanted to stretch a bit." Luc drew up his right leg.

  Wulf scratched his jaw and yawned. "Take a break." He motioned toward Senthys. "I'll be the pillow."

  Luc worked to change places with Wulf without disturbing Senthys. He supported his son's head while Wulf slid in to take his place. Switch made, Luc stood and stretched both arms over his head, brushing his knuckles against the rock ceiling.

  "I'll be right back." He took the flashlight with him, not turning it on until he'd moved out of the immediate area. The shelter hadn't been touched by the explosion, though the Cyr de Tomasson would never work again. Still, it had done its job. They were alive.

  He brushed his fingers across the metal door. Definitely one of his better inventions.

  There was no longer any doubt in Luc's mind whether someone wanted to kill Wulf. Although Stalkos might have hired hit men, it was Luc they were after. Question is, who hates me enough to blow up my damn house? Stalkos isn't stupid enough to go that far. No, this is starting to feel more and more like another Sempervian messing with me.

  The Empress was his ally in this round of Peril and in an odd sort of way, so was the Sempervian on the rebel side, playing against her. Neither of them had grudges against him. Neither of them wanted him to lose this round. Their wins each depended on his successes.

  Had to be another player in the mix. Luc's mind shied away from the thought of Pietas gaming against him. If the Bringer of Chaos had a hand in this, it could mean almost anything.

  The air worked and the water supply still ran. He used the toilet and returned to Wulf and Senthys.

  His son pushed himself up, stared from Wulf to Luc in surprise, and then got to his feet.

  "Good morning, Senthys. Wulf. Take turns relieving yourselves and then we'll clean up and eat. I know another way out of here, but we're not taking it until twenty-four hours have passed. I don't want anyone waiting for us when we come out."

  "Fuck that." Senthys shoved back his hair. "I'm not sitting around down here wasting my life so you can hide out and play games with your boyfriend."

  Luc drew back his hand, but checked the movement. "Senthys." He took one step toward him, a finger extended. "Do not ever speak to me like that again."

  "Or what?" Senthys closed the gap between them, head tilted back to glare up at him. "You'll hit me? Go ahead. I'm getting used to it. We don't have boxing gloves down here but I doubt that would stop you." He turned his face, showing the cut on his cheek from the night before. "Why don't you make it match?" He turned his face the other way.r />
  Luc unclenched his hands and kept them at his sides. Apparently, the drug he was using no longer had any real affect. Time to switch to something more powerful.

  "Son, you and I are going to have a serious discussions when this is over." He jerked his head toward the door. "Stay out of my sight until I call you."

  Senthys shot Wulf a glare, shouldered past Luc and strode from the room.

  "Wow, what's up with him?" Wulf reached up a hand.

  Luc hauled him to his feet. "I told you. He pushes back every single moment. It's exhausting. I'd thought boxing with him was a good idea." He rubbed his face with both hands. "Apparently not. Sorry, you're stuck with us for the day."

  "Oh joy." Wulf dusted off the seat of his pants. "Quality family time in the Saint-Cyr household. I can hardly wait. Do we get to sing songs?"

  He groaned. "Not you too."

  "Do you at least have some playing cards down here, or books or ... something?"

  "Must you be busy every single moment? Can't you 'be'? Try to relax for a change. Sleep. It wouldn't hurt you to get some extra rest."

  "Are you kidding? Some asshole blew up your house. People are going to think we're dead. That might be something you're used to, but it will have a bad effect on my career. I can't sit down here all day. I vote we leave."

  "You think you have a vote?"

  Wulf lowered his brows, folded his arms. "Damn straight."

  "Is that right?" Luc set one finger in the middle of Wulf's chest and pushed until he'd backed Wulf against the wall.

  Wulf dropped his hands, looking up at him with more than a little fear.

  "You are mine, Wulf. I'm going to protect you by keeping us here." Luc shoved him flat against the wall and leaned into him. "Is that clear?"

  Wulf swallowed, eyes huge and unblinking. He bobbed his head once.

  "Good. I'll hear no more talk about leaving." Luc stroked a finger along Wulf's jaw. "Now, put that mouth of yours to better use and kiss me."

  * * * *

  Wulf turned over on the cot and gazed toward the Cyr de Tomasson. I wonder how it feels to invent something and still be using it centuries later. He turned onto his back and folded hands behind his head.

  Right now, Luc and Senthys were playing a game on one of the other cots, throwing down cards one after another in some kind of bidding war. For once, Senthys wasn't sniping at anyone, though Wulf suspected being the slave/son of a man like Luc Saint-Cyr would be reason enough to drive anyone to sarcasm or frenzy. Maybe both.

  Definitely both.

  What the hell time is it, anyway? How long till we can leave?

  They'd eaten two meals today and spent hours playing some insipid board game requiring players to monopolize on Imperial locations. Senthys had acquired Tarth City and Tarth City Park and charged exorbitant rent every time Wulf and Luc landed on them. Luc owned all the starship lines and Imperinet. All Wulf got was undeveloped property out on New Mjuka, some housing on Kelthia, and he kept landing on the square marked "Tarth City Jail" and losing all his cash. But would the other two let him quit? Of course not. They'd loaned him play money at good interest--NOT--and refused to let him simply watch.

  What the hell is it with these two? As long as they had him to pound between them, they got along fine. The moment he stopped playing, Senthys lost all semblance of patience and ended up picking a fight with Luc that had the two of them all but shouting. And now they were at it again.

  Senthys growled like a big cat. "That was my card! You can't take my card."

  "Yes, I can, son. You lost a turn."

  "No, I didn't! You're always changing the rules! Why can't you play fair?"

  Wulf shut his eyes.

  As if on cue, random tapping sounded.

  Wulf rolled off the cot and onto his feet. Senthys beat him to the center of the vault, his head tilted as he listened. Luc brandished the gun, glancing up and around.

  Wulf edged closer to Luc. "Where's that coming from?"

  "Shh!" He ushered the two of them back to the farthest alcove. "Stay here. We don't know who's out there."

  Three taps came, then two, then three again.

  "What if they're here to rescue us?" Senthys almost bounced, he was so eager. "At least let them know we're alive!"

  "I'll take care of this. You stay here." Luc laid a hand on Senthys' shoulder. "Whatever happens, promise me you'll protect yourself and do what you can to keep Wulf safe."

  Senthys gave Wulf an odd glance, but nodded.

  Luc bent to whisper in Wulf's ear. "If anything happens to me, find McDoth. I'll come back for you." He nudged up Wulf's chin and kissed him. "Take care of Senthys."

  Wulf's heart stuttered at the thought that he could ever lose this man. He grabbed Luc's shirtfront and drew him back for another quick kiss. Then, after wrapping his arms around Senthys from behind, Wulf backed away. Senthys put out his arms protectively.

  Wulf chewed his lip, dying inside to see how matter-of-factly Luc crept toward the vault, away from the door. The man cradled the gun in both hands, the barrel pointing upward near his cheek, black eyes vigilant in the gleaming darkness.

  With a creaking groan, part of the rock wall slid inward.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kelthia, Miraj City, Holding District

  Beneath the Harbinger's home

  Sumertsag 27

  The darkness magnified the false door's screech against gritty sand to a crescendo of eerie squeals. When it ceased, Luc steadied his gun hand, so aware of his own heartbeat he could barely hear anything else.

  A wash of light searched back and forth. "Mr. Saint-Cyr?"

  With a silent prayer of thanks, he put away the gun. "Here, McDoth."

  The small light grew to a wide beam as it illuminated the room. McDoth stepped into view, dressed in a clean white jumpsuit. He lifted an eyebrow. "I told you no good would come of traveling without your valet."

  Luc scratched his scalp. "McDoth, you are totally correct."

  Laughing, Wulf joined him. "Mick-Dee!" He grabbed the android and danced around him. "You don't know how glad I am to see you."

  Senthys eyed the happy reunion, keeping his distance.

  "You seem well, sir. But I had better take a look at Master Wulf's nose." He drew Wulf aside.

  Nudging his chin toward McDoth, Senthys crossed his arms. "Who's the android?"

  "McDoth. My butler on Tarth. Most people can't tell he's not human. What gave him away?"

  "Didn't smell right." Senthys shrugged, rubbing his nose. In the light, a smear of dirt showed on his face. "How soon can we get out of here? I want some clean clothes and decent food instead of the freeze dried crap you keep down here."

  "I'm ready now." Resting an arm across his son's shoulders, Luc hugged him and ruffled his hair. When Senthys smoothed his hair and pouted up at him, Luc ruffled it some more.

  His son pulled away, then took a debit bracelet and ID out of a pocket. "Guess I should give these back to you now."

  Narrowing his eyes, Luc patted his pockets. He snatched the items from his son's hand. He put on the bracelet, and pocketed the ID. But being liberated from the vault had such a positive effect, Luc could not stay angry.

  "You're getting damn good at this, son."

  "What do you mean 'getting'?" Senthys jutted his chin forward. "You're the only person who ever knows I took a thing." He withdrew another bracelet. "This one's his." He nodded toward Wulf.

  Luc started to scold him, but laughed instead. He took it from him. "Well done, Senthys. I'm proud of you."

  "Yeah?" The youth bounced on his feet.

  Luc dragged his son back into his arms for a hug. "Life is so damn good."

  * * * *

  Kelthian orbit, C-1, Luc's private vessel

  Sumertsag 28

  Showered, dressed, fed, his injured nose tended to, Wulf killed time with Senthys while they waited for Luc. The young HalfKin paced around the lounge on the ship, energy apparent in every movement.

t last he faced Wulf and stuck both hands in his pockets. "So, Wulf?"

  Wulf leaned back against the couch, arms spread along the back. "Yeah?"

  "How did you meet the Man?"

  "He was a friend of my father's. I've known him most of my life."

  Senthys plopped onto the couch next to him. "You know he's all the time coming here with some new lover."

  "Last time I checked, Luc Saint-Cyr was an adult. He doesn't answer to me."

  The cornflower blue cat-like eyes darkened as his pupils widened. "So you're content to be one of his toys, is that it? You don't care what he does?"

  What is it Luc keeps accusing Senthys of doing? Oh, yeah--divide and conquer. Damn good at it too. "Are you jealous?"

  "Jealous?" Senthys stared for a moment. "You're kidding, right? Anything that keeps him out of my hair is a good thing. Question is, are you?"

  This kid won't quit. "Keeping him out of your hair? I guess."

  "No." Senthys slapped a hand across Wulf's arm. "Are you jealous?"

  "Let me think about that for a nanosecond." He tapped a finger against his cheek. "Uh ... no."

  Senthys leaned an elbow on one knee and propped his chin on that hand. "It doesn't bother you that he's not even gonna think about being faithful to you?"

  Why do you care? Wulf let that one go. Knowing Senthys, it would start a fight. "Right now, we're not sure where our relationship's going. I'll deal with all those issues as I come to them."

  "I see." Senthys stood. "Is that because you've had so many lovers it doesn't matter?"

  "Are you asking because you're curious, Senthys, or are you hitting on me?"

  The youth wrinkled his nose and sneezed like a cat. With a disdainful snort, he turned his back and stared out the window.

  Wulf closed his eyes. What's taking so long, Luc? The police on Kelthia had arrested two men in association with the attack on the house and the murder of the guards. Luc was answering questions and signing papers while Wulf and Senthys rested.

  Rest? Around Senthys? Hah! Need your wits about you every second. Wulf opened his eyes as he felt Senthys sit down on the couch again.


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