Brothers Black 6: Ryan the Joker (Brothers Black Series)

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Brothers Black 6: Ryan the Joker (Brothers Black Series) Page 10

by Blue Saffire

  I’d like to think that I would plan all of these dates for Carmen even if she weren’t my assignment. The fact of the matter is, these dates, hanging with my family, it’s all a part of us working to keep her safe.

  I want my sisters-in-law to like my girl and bring her into the fold, so I asked the guys not to tell them. I want their interaction with Carmen to be real. Well, with the exception of Roni.

  She knows, which is why I was a little annoyed when she offered Carmen that beer. Carmen isn’t like the others, she can’t hold her liquor for shit. Not like Bean and Heather can. Roni seems to be able to hold her own around those two, but I don’t think that will ever be Carmen.

  With Roni, she’s always alert and ready. We don’t have to tell her to be. The beers were left over from my brothers. It’s their weekend off and a few beers wouldn’t have keep them from springing into action if need be.

  My girl did not need that beer. It would have ruined the night and my plans. Tonight feels different for me. I think this will be something special between us.

  “Hey, where are you?” Carmen says, bringing my attention to her as she places her hand on my thigh.

  I glance over to her before training my eyes back on the road. “Thinking.”

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  “Nah, you don’t want those. We’re almost there.”

  “Where is there?” she says excitedly.

  I grin and turn to her once more. She has that gorgeous smile on her face again. I wish I could lean to kiss her. Instead, I focus on the road and feed off her excitement as it fills the car.

  “You’ll see.”

  She huffs. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see she’s pouting with her arms crossed over her chest. I chuckle and hit the signal to turn into our destination.

  “You have your camera, right?”

  “Yeah,” she says.

  The car falls silent until I turn into our destination. Carmen gasps, I turn to glance at her. Her eyes are lit up.

  “The aquarium,” she says softly.


  “But it’s closed. What are we doing here in the middle of the night?”

  I place a hand to my chest to feign shock as I use the other hand to turn into the parking spot. “Babe, do you not know what my last name is? I got connections. There’s no such thing as closed to a Black.”

  She laughs and shakes her head at me. I wink at her before I hop out of the car and head to open her door. I hold out my hand and she places her soft palm in mine. Once she’s out of the car, I tug her in for a quick kiss.

  I release her to grab her camera bag from the back seat. When I close the car door, I take a look around. To anyone else, nothing would seem out of place, other than us going into the aquarium after hours.

  I, on the other hand, see Noah’s truck tucked away, out of plain sight. Brax is walking the grounds in a baseball cap and uniform as if he works at the place. I nod to myself. My girl will be safe here.

  “We’re really going inside?” she asks.

  “Yeah, why not?”

  I tap on the side entrance door. Cornell, an old buddy of mine opens up. He pulls me into a one-armed hug before he turns to give Carmen an appreciative look. I wrap an arm around her waist and tug her into my side possessively.

  Cornell gets the point. Before I break his jaw and black one of his eyes, he turns to lead the way to the setup I have waiting for us. The lights are low, the light from the fish tanks illuminating the way, and causing a romantic ambiance, or at least I hope it is.

  When we reach the table set for two, Carmen stops and looks up at me. The dreamy-eyed look she gives is better than I’d hoped for. She places a hand on my chest and reaches up on her toes to kiss my lips.

  “Thank you, Ryan. Your dates are always perfect.”

  Guilt consumes me. I hate lying to her and the more time that goes by the more I feel like I’m lying. I’m getting sick of this shit. Her father needs to come clean as much as she does.

  I force a smile and kiss her forehead. “Come sit with me.”

  I walk her to the table and pull her chair. She sits and I place her camera bag beside her. I take the seat across from her and watch as she looks around, taking in the Aquarian life that floats all around us.

  We already had dinner. The setup before us is simple. More of a late dessert. Sparkling cider and chocolate covered strawberries.

  Carmen lifts her glass to her lips but frowns after taking a sip. I laugh and she glares at me. I shrug and sit back in my seat.

  “I will not be serving your underaged ass any alcohol,” I tease.

  “Screw you, Ryan.” She pouts.

  “Oh, baby. I plan for you to.”

  She rolls her eyes at me and finishes off the glass of cider. I pick up a strawberry and lift it to her lips. She takes a bite as I keep my eyes fixed on that sensual, sexy mouth of hers.

  “Why here?” she asks after she’s finished chewing.

  I look around and smile. “You asked me for my passion.” I shrug.

  She tilts her head to the side and her brows knit. She’s trying to make the connection. I point to her bag and wave her to follow me as I stand. I lace my fingers through hers and lead her to the shark tanks. I guide her to sit and move to lean against the rail.

  “Take out your camera.”

  She nods and gets the camera out. I wait and watch the excitement that oozes from her. Carmen may think she doesn’t know what she wants to do, but I’ve seen her passion in her eyes for learning about people and figuring out their secrets.

  The camera is her vehicle for that. She made my siblings amazing wedding videos. They tell a story, not just stolen moments of a day.

  “Ready,” she says.

  “You wanted to know what my passion is. I’ve been thinking about it since you asked.”

  “You love sea life?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  Her face crumples. She looks at me in confusion. I’m going to be honest with my girl. I’m going to tell her my truth.

  “I have a passion for the hunt,” I say. “I’m a hunter and protector.”

  Her eyes light up. “Like a shark,” she says, looking down at her camera screen.

  “Exactly. I protect what’s mine and if I need to hunt or protect, I do my job. I’ve never thought twice about working for my dad because it’s in me to do what we do. I thrive off seeing what no one else sees.”

  “None of my brothers have been able to hide their secrets from me. I see it all. It’s a part of the protector in me. I have a passion to take care of and look after those I care about, those in need. I wouldn’t change what I do, because it’s a part of who I am.”

  “I think I get it,” she breathes. “Like that girl and her boyfriend. You didn’t know her but you wanted to protect her.”

  She lifts her gaze to look at the tank behind me. Her thoughts play across her face. I observe her, everything from the slow blink of her eyes and the slow slide of her tongue across her lips. She knits her brows and seconds later they shoot up as if she’s had an epiphany.

  “You have been a protector since the first time I ran into you,” she says, turning her gaze back to me. “I remember you being concerned about my safety and you didn’t even know me.”

  I shrug. “I wouldn’t have wanted to see you lost out there even if I wasn’t instantly attracted to you.” She blushes, making me smile. “I love that shy shit.”

  She laughs and puts her camera aside. Patting the empty space beside her, she nods to it. “Come sit with me.”

  I saunter over and sit next to her. She snuggles into my side. I wrap my arm around her and kiss the top of her head.

  She giggles after a while and I look down at her. She gives me that smile, her eyes twinkling. I lift a brow in question.

  “Between your brothers and your cousins, I can totally see you all as sharks.” She laughs loudly this time and I laugh with her.


You’re a protector because you’re a family man,” she says as if musing.

  She’s right. I am. I’m all about my family. I allow that to sink in and think about it for a bit.

  She turns her face up to look into my eyes. I’ll never get tired of looking into those eyes. I peck her lips.

  “Do you still think we have nothing in common?”

  She searches my face for a moment. “I don’t know. I think I’m still learning about you, Ryan Black. You surprise me every day.”


  That was by far my favorite date so far. Getting to know a part of Ryan I know he hasn’t shared with others made the night incredible. The aquarium, strawberries and the walkthrough we took before calling it a night were just icing on the cake.

  I sigh and lift my hands over my head to stretch as I lie in my bed. I wish Ry were here with me, but a call came in and he had to go. I miss him already.

  A smile comes to my lips as I think of the last month. I want to pinch myself. I’m falling more and more, but I’m too afraid to say the words out loud.

  I turn onto my side and get ready to force myself to sleep. I have finals the day after tomorrow. I actually plan to study all day tomorrow.

  My phone rings and I laugh. It’s Ryan. I know because he programed “Drop It Off” by Little Duval as his ringtone. I totally can’t deal with him.

  “Yes,” I say as I answer the call.

  “Is that any way to answer your future husband?”

  I pause and suck my lip into my mouth. When he used to say things like that I just ignored him. Now when he says stuff like that I start to imagine what it would be like to actually be married to Ryan.

  I shake it off. I know he’s only joking. I release a sigh.

  “Hello, handsome. How can I help you?”

  “Ah, getting there, but I think you can do better.”

  I laugh. “What’s up, Ryan? Did you forget something?”

  “I can’t miss my baby? I wanted to hear your voice. The night came to an end faster than I wanted.”

  My heart stutters as he says he misses me. I turn onto my back and look up at the ceiling. I inhale and smile as his scent fills my nostrils. Most of my things smell like him these days.

  “You do know I’m not a baby?” I say.

  He snorts. “Did you hear the way I had you cooing for me last night? You’re my baby all right.”

  I laugh. “I remember no such thing.”

  “So, you don’t remember when I had your legs pinned back with my face buried in your pussy for like an hour.” I cover my face with one of my hands. “I can still taste you. How many times did you come for me? I think I lost count.”

  “Ry,” I whine and squirm in my bed.

  He chuckles. “Don’t worry. I’ll let you sit on this face tomorrow.”

  Oh God, can tomorrow hurry up? My nipples tighten beneath my T-shirt. A day of studying doesn’t sound like such a good idea anymore.

  “Hey, I have to study for my finals,” I groan.

  “That’s fine. I’ll spend the day cooking for you. Fuel for the brain. I’ll make sure my baby is fed and focused. I’ve got you.”

  I bite my lip. I know I should tell him that I’ll see him in a few days once my finals are over, but I can’t fix my lips to tell him any of that. If I were bolder, I’d pack an overnight bag and head to his place.

  “Are you home?”

  He pauses for a second. “No, on the job.”

  “Oh.” I pout.

  I seriously was going to try to get up the nerve to go to his place. I’m super disappointed. I’m also curious. It’s late. I wonder what kind of case he’s working on.

  “I need to go, baby. Sleep tight. I’ll see you in the morning.”


  “Night, gorgeous.”

  Chapter 15

  Knowing Mommy


  I bend over and pant as sweat drips down my face. Looking up through my lashes, I see my mother is totally unfazed. I can’t believe I’m so winded.

  “What’s going on with you?” she says as she wipes sweat from her face. “You’re tired already? Come on.”

  “Are you serious?” I reply and frown.

  My lungs are burning and I feel like I’ve been jumped. This woman is out to kill me. I know she hasn’t changed a thing about our routine, but for some reason today it feels like she has turned it up a thousand notches.

  “Come on, Nene. You’re so dramatic.”

  I make a sound in the back of my throat and drag my body over to my water bottle and phone. This gym isn’t big enough for the attitude I have right now. I wasn’t looking forward to this visit to begin with.

  Ryan and I had a late date last night since I had a final yesterday morning. He took me to the movies and dinner. According to him, we were celebrating me crushing my finals despite the fact that I’m not done yet.

  He’s so sweet when it comes to things like that. I mean, I’m not nervous about my exams, but he insists on pumping me up and telling me how great I am. It’s an extra boost of confidence that does bring a smile to my face in the middle of exams.

  Ryan has made me feel super special since we’ve been together. I would’ve never thought that he could be so sweet and sensitive. I think my favorite moment was the day he showed up at my class with a dozen roses. I was embarrassed and happily surprised at the same time.

  “What’s that smile about?” my mother asks as I look down at my phone in my hand.

  Ryan has been texting me while I’ve been spending time with her. He is a whole fool and nasty to boot. I tuck the phone behind my back before my mother can see the dirty things my boyfriend sends me.


  “When have I been a fool, eh? I know you and that’s not a nothing smile.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I’ve been in a happy place lately. School is almost over for the semester. I’ll be done for good next year, and I have my life to plan before me.”

  “Hm,” she says, sounding just like my father and sucks her teeth. “You know your father wants you to meet someone. How is that going to go over with your boyfriend?”

  “Oh my God. He’s going to flip out if…” I trail off feeling like a butthead. She got me.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Mommy, I really like him. I think I know how to pick my own boyfriends. You have to tell Daddy that this is something he needs to back down on.”

  She gives me a pointed look. “How many times do I have to tell you to talk to your father yourself? He’ll listen.”

  “No, he won’t,” I huff.

  “Then you don’t want to date this boy you’re with.”

  I roll my eyes and frown. “But you could make this so much easier. He listens to you.”

  My mother is the only person my father listens too. She has this way with him that I’ve never seen anyone else duplicate. My father will walk into a room with a scowl on his face, but as soon as his eyes land on my mother, his entire being lights up.

  She pinches my chin between her fingertips. Her gaze bounces across my face. I don’t know what she’s looking for, but she narrows her eyes as she finds it.

  “Nene. Child, you found your way into something you’re going to have to be an adult about. My words aren’t going to help you.” She clicks her tongue. “You don’t even know, do you?”


  She shakes her head. “Come, let me feed you.”

  Suddenly, food sounds like a great idea. My stomach growls and my mouth waters. I had breakfast. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so hungry.

  We put our things away and head to the kitchen. I sit at the kitchen nook as my mother starts to make us lunch. I nearly leap from my seat when she pulls out roti skins and a stew pot.

  My mother makes the best curry goat and her curry chicken is even better. I don’t know which is in the pot, but I’ll be happy either way. I’m near drooling as the aromas fill the kitchen while she heats it all

  When she brings two piping hot dishes over and places them down, I grin like a little kid on Christmas. Mommy gives me a smile as she watches me dig in. Yes, curry chicken, beans and rice, and steamed vegetables.

  “Ry would love this,” I croon as I chew happily.

  “Ry?” she says and lifts a brow. “Is that the young man’s name.”

  I blush and nod. “Yes, Ryan Black.”

  I swear, a look crosses her features so fast, I have to wonder if I saw it. I’m sure I did though. I place my fork down and stare at my mother.


  “I said nothing.”

  “You didn’t have to. It’s in your face. Just say it, Mommy.”

  She places her elbow on the table and looks at me with a grin. “I remember when I first met your father. He was a fine man even then. I was waiting in a restaurant to meet a friend for lunch.”

  “Your father walked in and he had this authority and power about him. I watched as he started for the other side of the restaurant. I could tell he wasn’t as tall as me but he walked like he was seven feet tall.”

  I giggle. My father isn’t taller than my mother. He is about an inch or two shorter than her six-foot height. She’s right though. To this day, when they stand next to each other, my father holds this presence that would make you think he were the taller one.

  She continues as she smiles at my laughter. “As if he felt my eyes on him, he looked my way. He stopped in his tracks and took me in with those dark assessing eyes.”

  She laughs and sits back in her seat. Her eyes are distant as if she’s there at that table, watching my dad all over again. She tosses her hair over her shoulder and cups the back of her neck before she continues.

  “That look.” She narrows her eyes. “It was so intense. He changed course and headed straight for my table, pulled the chair across from me, opened his suit jacket, flip it behind him and took a seat before me. I lifted a brow as I took him in. He was so smooth.”

  She laughs again. “He leaned into the table and said. I hope you don’t mind if I am so bold. You are stunning. One look at you and I know I have found my wife. Tell me what I shall call you?”


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