Executive Desires (The Blake Boys Book 10)

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Executive Desires (The Blake Boys Book 10) Page 6

by Rhonda Laurel

  * * *

  Bo couldn’t believe they’d played most of games in the NuWave catalog, including a heated dance off in Ballerina Battle. He knew she was surprised at his skills; he was doing his best to impress her. She even shared an idea for a new game. The premise of Corporate Hijack was that a businessman starts a normal day heading to work and mistakenly gets kidnapped. He’d have to escape and navigate his way through the mean streets of a criminal enterprise to get back to his office. The concept sounded wonky until she described the scenarios he’d be put through before the game could be won. Then it sounded like fun, and by the end of the minipitch he was hooked. He offered to help her test it if it ever went into production.

  He turned to see Autumn standing by a table. She seemed a little pissed that she’d missed out on the fun but said the night had been a huge success. The ladies were ready to leave around midnight. By the time they made it back home, Summer had retreated back to her distant self and Autumn was talking a mile a minute. The chattier sister asked him in for a nightcap but he declined. They each gave him a kiss on the cheek and bade him a good night.

  Bo looked at his phone, which he’d put on silent mode when he was in the private gaming room with Summer, to find he had a few missed calls and text messages. There was one from Wyatt. He didn’t want anything specific, but it was nice that he’d reached out.

  He’d had fun tonight. He washed his face and changed into a T-shirt and pajama bottoms, looking forward to getting some rest. Tomorrow was Saturday and he was hanging out at the ranch. It was two in the morning when his body was finally relaxed enough to fall asleep. He was drifting off when he thought he heard his doorbell. When the ding-dong sounded again, he got out of bed, hoping everything was OK. Who on earth was visiting at this hour? Nothing good ever happened in the middle of the night.

  He opened his door to find one of the ladies standing there, dressed in a T-shirt and a pair shorts. Both of them had curly hairdos this evening, but the woman before him had her hair in a ponytail. It was late and his brain couldn’t process the subtle differences he was beginning to learn about them. She stood there and didn’t say a word.

  “Is something wrong?” He reached up and touched her face.

  No, something was definitely right. Bo braced himself when she reached up and grabbed his hair to bring him closer to her and kissed him. He put his hands on her waist, pulled her inside the apartment, and shut the door. Their tongues met playfully at first, but she kissed him with such ferocity he thought she was going to devour him. Bo backed her against the wall and reached under her shirt to caress her breasts, the lacy fabric of the bra was soft but not as soft as her skin. She returned the sentiment by pulling his T-shirt over his head, throwing it on the floor, and caressing his pecs. His cock got hard and his breath hitched when she pushed him against the wall and kissed him on the face and nipped his ear and along his jawline. When she rubbed him through the thin material of his pajama bottoms, he grasped her butt and pulled her flush against his erection. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned when he sucked on her nipple through the material of her T-shirt. He didn’t want to stop, but he had to get to the condoms quick. They were in his bedroom, so he started walking, with her legs still locked around his, down the hallway.

  Suddenly she broke away from him, opened his door, and fled back into her own apartment. He made sure she was safe inside before he closed his door and banged his head against it.

  He wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight.

  * * *

  Bo thought he’d dreamed last night, but it had felt too damn good for it not to have been real. When he’d answered the door, that was the last thing he’d expected to happen, but he was glad it had. The electricity between them had sizzled as they’d explored each other; he’d never experienced a connection like that with a woman. The only thing left to do was find out which sister came over to his apartment last night. He took a quick shower, threw on some clothes, and walked across the hall. Here goes nothing. He knocked lightly on the door and the sister that answered was wearing yoga pants and a T-shirt and had a pedometer strapped to her arm. It had to be Summer.

  “Good morning, Summer. Late night, eh?” He searched her face for a reaction.

  “Good morning, Bo. I didn’t think you’d be up this early.” She motioned him into the apartment.

  Yes! He got her name right on the first try, but she didn’t move one facial muscle at the late night crack. He made a mental note never to play poker with her.

  “I feel like I could run a marathon.” He smiled.

  She smiled back. “You gave me the workout of my life. We’ll have to do it again.”

  Ah ha! He was positive it had been Summer until Autumn appeared.

  “I can’t believe you bored him to death last night with virtual dancing.” Autumn sauntered into the room wearing short shorts and a tank top with a bowl of cereal in her hand. “There are better ways to pass the time with a man.”

  Bo swallowed the huge lump lodged in his throat. Why did he think getting to the bottom of this erotic dilemma would be a breeze? Ok, he’d take another tack. He’d simply throw out an invitation to the symphony. Isabelle was performing next Saturday and he’d already told her he’d attend. The sister who visited him last night would surely accept the invitation.

  “I was wondering since we had such a great time last night, maybe we can do it again. Would you like to join me next Saturday night at the symphony? Tate’s wife, Isabelle, is a violinist, and I have tickets to her performance. We can make a night of it. There’s a really nice restaurant inside the concert hall; we could have dinner afterward. So what do you say?”

  It looked as if Autumn was about to say something, but she clammed up. Summer was fidgeting with the pedometer and wouldn’t make eye contact. Then suddenly it happened. It was as if they were talking to each other through telekinesis. The sisters nodded at each other then looked at Bo.

  “Sure.” The sisters said in unison.

  “Great. Uh… It’s a date.” Bo’s heart thudded against his chest as he went back to his place. Well, that worked like a charm, he was right back where he started. Considering his options, it wasn’t really a predicament. Spending time with both of them was the only way to get closer to the truth. Because of one of was dangerously close to capturing his heart.

  * * *

  Bo Senior sent a text asking him to pick up a special hot sauce he liked at a store in Dallas before he came to the ranch. He missed him and couldn’t wait to drop off the present his mom made for his father at the pottery class.

  Bo made his trek out to the ranch in record time. He rode by the construction sites for the houses and was pleased with the progress. It reminded him of the summer Bo Senior had wanted to add a room to the house and recruited the boys to do it. At first he thought his dad was nuts to want his non-mechanically-inclined son to build anything. But he’d learned so much about construction and the materials, and it had been fun hanging out with the guys who had designated him project manager. His father didn’t fuss that it took them all summer to complete it. He had a feeling there was a hidden lesson in there.

  “Hey, Dad.” Bo stepped over Rowdy, who was taking a nap in the kitchen doorway.

  “Well, if it isn’t my son the stud.” Bo chuckled as he dissected a fish with a boning knife.

  “I see you did some actual fishing in between poker hands.”

  “A real man can do both. So how was Albuquerque?”

  “Still in New Mexico. Mom sent you a present.” Bo pulled the decorative vase out of the gift bag and placed it on the counter. His father’s eyes lit up at first, but then he went back to cleaning their dinner.

  “That’s nice. How is she?”

  “She’s still a fireball with her projects and fundraisers. She took me to a pottery class, that’s where she made the vase. She asked about you.”

  “Did she want to know if I was dead?” Bo Senior grinned.

  Bo raised an ey
ebrow. “She wanted to know if you were seeing anybody.”

  “As if she cares. Is she on marriage number four yet?”

  “No, as a matter-of-fact she’s taking a break from finding her next husband. Why do ask? You gonna stop the next wedding at the altar?” He shook his head. For two divorced people, they sure liked keeping tabs on each other.

  The front door opened. “Bubba, you here?”

  It was Channing and Tyler.

  “Just follow the smell of fish guts,” he yelled back.

  “Bo, Daddy said he’s gonna start grilling in an hour, so you better get a move on with the main course.” Channing opened the fridge, looking for something to drink.

  “So how was your date last night?” Tyler asked.

  “I had a good time.” Both father and son said in unison.

  “You had a date?” Bo eyed his father.

  “You first,” Bo Senior countered.

  “Tyler told me you had a date with Autumn,” Channing said. “She’s the hot, fun twin that looks like she stepped off the cover of a magazine, right?”

  “Well, turns out I had a date with Autumn and Summer. I took both of them to the party,” Bo replied.

  At first he was flattered that he’d managed to render three very chatty men speechless, but after a few moments it became insulting.

  “Somebody say something,” he grumbled. “It’s not like I caught Big Foot.”

  Channing smirked. “It’s just a little surprising, is all.”

  “But it is possible,” Bo replied.

  “Sure it is.” Bo Senior snickered. “Did I ever tell you boys about the time—”

  “Dad, you’ve done enough sharing for two lifetimes these last few weeks. Why don’t you take a break today?” Bo turned to Tyler. “I think you’d be proud of me, Ty. I did learn from the master.”

  “Ah, the challenge of dating twins. Brings back fond memories of a dalliance I had in Cabo with the Poole triplets. That was a fun long weekend.” Tyler sighed.

  “The bad old days before Michelle saved your wretched behind from pointless encounters.” Bo Senior threw another gutted fish onto the pile.

  “Who would have thought our resident nerd would blossom into a ladies’ man. You dog.” Channing held up his hand for a high five, which Bo reciprocated.

  “The pupil becomes the teacher. My work is done.” Tyler did an exaggerated bow.

  “Channing Blake, did you just high five Bo for dating twins?”

  The men all jumped and turned around to find Cassidy standing in the doorway.

  “Cassie, when did you get here?” Channing gulped.

  Cassidy folded her arms over her chest. “Just in time, it seems. A messenger came by the house with the updated floor plans from Jared. I was headed to the construction site when I saw your truck parked outside.”

  “Bubba, you should be ashamed of yourself,” Tyler said loudly and looked past Cassidy.

  “Save it Tyler, Michelle is back at the house. I wonder if she’s ever heard the story about the Poole triplets,” Cassidy quipped.

  “I said giblets,” Tyler croaked. “I was telling the fellas about the time I had giblets for lunch. It’s a real delicacy.”

  “Baby”—Channing caressed her arms—“we were just congratulating Bo on stepping out of his comfort zone and—”

  “How is Bo going to find a nice woman if you men encourage deviant behavior? Clearly he needs some guidance.” She went over and gave Bo a hug. “Bo, after dinner the ladies and I will be happy to give you pointers on romance.”

  “Thanks, Cassidy. I could use some good advice.” Bo embraced her and widened his eyes as the men looked on in amazement.

  “We’ll talk later.” She smiled at him but gave both Channing and Tyler a slap on the arm as she exited the house.

  “How does he come off smelling like a rose?” Tyler said.

  “Better not tell the ladies you fooled around with one of the twins last night,” Bo Senior said.

  “How on earth do you know that?” Bo stammered.

  “You have some slight bruising just behind your ear.” Bo Senior pointed to the spot. “If you weren’t with a woman, we need to have a talk about the proper way to use a vacuum.”

  “So, you and Autumn are starting off hot and heavy, eh?” Channing asked.

  “Actually, I don’t know which sister came over after the party last night.” Bo sighed.

  “How the hell don’t you know?” Tyler scratched his temple.

  He shrugged. “My doorbell rang in the middle of the night. I answered it and before I knew it, one of them was all over me.”

  “Come on, Bubba, they’re identical twins, but surely they have obvious differences,” Channing replied.

  “How long was it before we could distinguish Connor from Colby if Seth and Morgan weren’t around?” He gave Channing an expectant look.

  “Fun times.” Tyler nodded. “I don’t see why Morgan was against a small brand on the bottom of the boys’ feet so we could tell them apart.”

  “You had a brand on your forehead for a few weeks after she hit you with that lemon for making the suggestion,” Channing countered.

  “And I guess asking for a name would have ruined the moment?” Bo Senior chuckled.

  “I kind of assumed it was Autumn, the invite to the party came from her. I went over there this morning, but she wasn’t acting like we’d,” Bo waggled his eyebrows, “you know, shared a special moment, so then I got to thinking maybe it wasn’t her. And Summer was being a lot nicer than usual. So I threw out an invite to see Isabelle perform with the symphony next Saturday and they both said yes.”

  They heard the front door open, this time they waited to see who it was before they continued talking. It was Tate.

  “Bubba, I hear you had an interesting night.” Tate rubbed a now awake Rowdy under his chin.

  “He was just telling us about his women troubles, if you can call it that,” Channing replied.

  “I guess he left out the part where he decked some soccer player at the party for being a jerk.” Tate grinned.

  Bo turned his head. He was going to leave out that part of the story. “Who told you about that?”

  “I just came from J.J.’s house. Kendrick reported the evening’s events to Sam.”

  “Aren’t you full of surprises? Dating two women like you’re some kind of playboy and punching out sports stars.” Bo Senior shook his head.

  Tyler grinned. “I think I created a monster.”

  * * *

  By the time the brainstorming session with her design team for Corporate Hijack ended, Summer was very optimistic that she had a hit on her hands. Running her ideas by Bo that night at the party was very helpful. He’d even given her some clues that she could incorporate into the game. It was a tangible reality and she loved it when random thoughts manifested into awesome products. Since the meeting disbanded earlier than she expected, she was going to do something she hadn’t done in an awfully long time. She was going shopping for a dress to wear to the symphony.

  “Tom, I’m going out to run a few errands. I should be back in two hours.” Summer waved to her assistant as she walked past his desk.

  “You’re going out?”

  “Am I not allowed?” She squinted her eyes at him.

  “Of course you are. I can’t remember that last time you ran errands. Did I screw something up the last time you sent me out?”

  “Relax. I’m not trying to downsize you. I was invited to the symphony and I need a dress. I feel like…looking around for the right one.”

  Tom let out a sigh of relief. “Why don’t you hit up Autumn’s closet?”

  “Because it’s time to fill my own.” She stuck her tongue at him.

  “Does this have something to do with that guy that escorted you to the party?”

  “I’ll be back by three.” She waved good-bye.

  Bo’s invitation to the symphony was great, but she knew she didn’t have anything to wear. Sure, she coul
d invade Autumn’s closet, but for the first time in long while she wanted to find something elegant to wear that was her own style. Autumn’s wardrobe consisted of plunging necklines and disappearing hemlines. She wasn’t as bold as her twin, but there were subtle ways to be sexy. Unfortunately Autumn’s fashion approach got the most looks, particularly Bo’s. His eyes locked on her the minute Autumn entered a room.

  She didn’t want to admit that Bo inspired the desire for a change. It felt like it would be too shallow to say the words. She was the head of a thriving software company for heaven’s sake; she didn’t need the attention and validation from a man. But she was growing fond of the smart, handsome guy across the hall who, underneath that sexy façade, was just as geeky as she was and gave her a warm feeling inside.

  Summer shopped for a half hour on her own in the department store and was soon feeling overwhelmed. She found a bubbly sales clerk named Tiffany and gave her the specifics. She wanted something chic and classy with a business edge but with a hint of sexy. If it happened to turn a certain CFO’s head, then that would be a bonus.


  Bo was already antsy about going to the symphony, but the prospect of Summer and Autumn meeting Tate and Isabelle made him downright nervous. When he mentioned to Tate and Isabelle that he would be attending the performance with both women, they insisted on having dinner afterward. He hadn’t seen much of them lately. They were working hard with an upcoming promotion, and Blake Enterprises was working on another huge land deal. He’d had some late nights, and J.J. insisted that he not overwork himself. But the deal was coming together fast, and if one of them was going to work late, Bo preferred it to be him so his friend could get home to Sam and Jack. He also needed some time to figure out his next plan of action. The sisters were tight-lipped and neither said anything that might give him a clue about which one of them had come to his apartment.


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