Executive Desires (The Blake Boys Book 10)

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Executive Desires (The Blake Boys Book 10) Page 7

by Rhonda Laurel

  Both ladies looked elegant when he went to their apartment to pick them up. Once George retrieved his Jaguar, Bo didn’t know which twin would want to sit up front with him, so he held the door open and it was Autumn who jumped in the front seat. He also held the door open for Summer, who was doing her quiet thing again.

  At the concert hall, he spotted Isabelle crouching by the stage talking to Tate. Bo ushered Autumn and Summer down the row.

  “Bo, so glad you could make it.” Isabelle awkwardly leaned over to give him a hug and kiss him on the cheek.

  “Baby, be careful,” Tate mumbled.

  “Oh, he worries about me.” She sighed. “These must be your new neighbors, Autumn and Summer. Thank you for coming to the performance.”

  “Autumn and Summer Waverly, I’d like you to meet my family, Tate and his wife Isabelle.”

  “It’s very nice to meet the two ladies who are spicing up Bo’s social life.” Tate grinned.

  Bo shot him a look. The ladies both looked at him, as if they expected Bo to fill in the details, but he turned his attention to the instruments on the stage. He was going to get Tate for that one.

  “I’m a big fan of yours.” Summer beamed. “I have a CD of you with the symphony in Georgia and I can’t wait for your duet debut with your husband.”

  Isabelle broke out into a grin. “Thank you! You just made my day.”

  “I’m more of a country western fan, Tate’s my favorite,” Autumn said. “But Summer has taught me to appreciate classical music. I think she puts it on when she thinks I need to relax.”

  Summer smiled. “And I hear musical talent runs in the family. Bo played us the video of Matt’s wonderful rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”

  “Wasn’t he adorable? He’s got a great pitch for his age. He’ll be playing the violin in no time.” Isabelle beamed.

  “Baby, you mean the guitar?” Tate gave his wife an expectant look.

  “Why don’t we table the great McGill violin versus guitar debate until after the performance?” Bo interrupted. “I can make a great case as to why he should play the drums.”

  “So you will be joining us for dinner? You didn’t respond to my text the other day,” Isabelle said with an innocent smirk as she stood and smoothed her skirt.

  “We don’t want to intrude,” Bo said.

  “Nonsense, we’d love to get acquainted with Summer and Autumn,” Tate fired back.

  “That settles that.” Isabelle returned to her seat onstage.

  The ladies continued to stand and chat with Tate—no surprise they liked being in his company. Bo held his breath with each question he asked, praying he wouldn’t say something crazy. The cue that the show was about to begin sounded ten minutes later, and as they took their seats, Bo didn’t know what would be the best seating arrangement for the three of them. But the ladies settled it and sat on either side of him. He could see Tate’s smile from the corner of his eye and he wasn’t sure if Isabelle had snapped a picture with her camera phone before she took her seat. He’d never been so happy to see the conductor. The music brought the opera hall to life, and most importantly, no one was talking anymore.

  * * *

  Later that night as he brushed his teeth and took his contacts out, it happened again. He’d grabbed the remote, pulled back the bed sheets, and settled in for the night when his doorbell rang.

  It was too late to put his contacts back in. He raced to the door, ready to tell her a thing or two.

  “What kind of game are you playing?” he grumbled.

  She responded by throwing her arms around his neck and laying a toe-curling kiss on him. Bo closed the door and gripped her waist, pulling him to her. This was insane, he thought. She guided him over to his couch until they toppled onto it. He pulled her shirt over her head and tried to cup her breasts, and that’s when he saw it. She had a small birthmark shaped like a seashell on the lower part of her stomach. She pushed him against the cushions and trailed kisses down his chest. Bo’s breath hitched as she tugged on his shorts and ran her thumb over the tip of his penis. It felt too good for words, the way she took him into her mouth and sucked as she gently caressed his balls. He could feel the sexual tide rising from deep within him as she caressed his shaft. The tortuous pleasure seemed to go on forever, and when he felt he was about to explode, he stopped her.

  “I need to get a condom. Don’t leave,” he breathed.

  She reached in her back pocket and produced one.

  “Thank god.” He laughed.

  He reached for it, but she pushed his hand away. She opened it and took her sweet time sheathing him. He knew she was prolonging it on purpose. The wicked look on her face was a dead giveaway. Finally when she was done, he raised her up and sat her flush on him. Her eyes widened as she adjusted to his girth. He reached between them and stroked her clit, and she clenched his shoulders and began a slow rhythmic motion. Bo matched her timing and soon they were both moaning together. He cupped both her breasts and brought her forward and suckled on one nipple, then gave equal attention to the other. He looked up into her eyes, wondering what she was thinking. Why did she feel the need to hide her identity?

  She leaned in for a kiss. Their tongues met playfully at first, but then he deepened the kiss. It felt like their souls were connecting. She rose up a little bit, then plunged back down on him, making him lose his train of thought. He lifted her up, breaking their connection, only to place her on her back. Bo slid back into her and began manically thrusting into her. She held on to him, still unwilling to say a word. He found her clit again and massaged it with his thumb. She gripped him and he began to spasm. He continued the massage until they were ready to climax together. When they did, he finally closed his eyes, confident he was in way over his head, and he loved it.


  Bo knew he needed help understanding the strong bond between twins, so he called Morgan, the family twin expert. As luck would have it, she and Seth were in town spending a few days on the ranch. Morgan said she would drop by his condo because she was out running errands anyway, so he was expecting her in the next half hour. He was still “dating” both Autumn and Summer. The three of them would go out and have a good time, but he and one of them were pretending they weren’t screwing each other’s brains out in the middle of the night. He’d never had so much fun and confusion in his life. When the doorbell rang he expected to see not only Morgan, but Sam, Isabelle, and all of the Blake children too.

  “Hey, Morgan. Sam. Isabelle. I see you’ve brought your entourage.” He gave them all a kiss on the cheek.

  “I never leave home without them.” She giggled as she plopped the bags she was carrying on a nearby chair.

  “Hey, boys.”

  “Hi, Uncle Bubba.” The boys made a beeline for his latest toy, an arcade-style racing game in the corner.

  “So, that’s how you’ve been giving Tyler a run for the money lately playing those video games. Bo, this is cheating,” Sam mused as she helped Jake get into the driver’s seat.

  “Just a little.” He laughed.

  “Look at all this cool stuff you have. Your home is better than going to an amusement park,” Isabelle said as she peered through his high-powered telescope. “We’ll be back in a few hours. We’re going to have lunch and go shopping.”

  “Have a good time.” Bo did a double take at what she said. “Wait. What? Are you leaving the kids here?”

  “Yes, you wanted the twin experience, you got it. You did a pretty good job taking them to the science center. The other three are just the icing on the cake.” Morgan laughed. “We brought food. Isabelle packed a Cobb salad for you. They’ve had a busy morning, and after lunch you may get a nap out of Jack and Matt. You couldn’t take Jake, Connor, and Colby down with a tranquilizer gun, so don’t bother. But if you put on the DVD in the bag you may be able to get a half hour’s peace.”

  “Ladies, it’s not that I don’t like watching the boys but how is this going to help me with my
problem?” Bo asked.

  Morgan put her hand to her chin. “I could just tell you why, as a mother, I know the signs to look for, but I know you brainy types like applied psychology. After one day with them I’m sure you’ll get answers to your twin dilemma.”

  Bo raised an eyebrow. “And you get a babysitter for the afternoon?”

  “Exactly.” Morgan pinched his cheek.

  * * *

  At first Bo thought he was going to have a panic attack when the ladies left him alone with all five of the kids. But what was he worried about? He’d watched them before. Besides, he was in charge of hundreds of people at work, how hard could it be taking care of five munchkins who barely came up to his waist?

  The question was answered an hour later when the boys had exhausted him with their curious questions and active minds. When they weren’t asking for something to eat, one of them would have to go to the bathroom. He didn’t have a potty chair, so he had to get the stepstool out of his kitchen pantry for the boys to use. They played the racing game for a while, were mesmerized by the plasma ball on the desk in his office, and were ready to watch the DVD, but he decided to feed them first.

  Jake was a great big brother and cousin, assisting Bo with getting everyone situated so they could eat their lunch. It reminded him of the good old days when he and J.J. were in charge of making sure everyone washed their hands before dinner. Once everyone had clean hands and selected what they wanted to eat, Bo opened the fancy dish that contained the salad Isabelle had made for him. His favorite dressing was on the side and he dug in and got messy with the kids. It was fun to hear them laugh, talk about school and their favorite ice cream flavors. Jake said his teacher Ms. Tisdale had asked about him, but Bo almost choked when Jake added that Morgan had told the teacher he’d moved to Alaska. Tate called to check up on everyone and offered to drop by and pitch in, but Bo was confident things were fine.

  Bo watched Connor and Colby intently. As the afternoon wore on, he was beginning to realize he was focusing on the external when it was the internal things about them that set them apart, just like Morgan said. Connor was a ball of energy, while Colby was more relaxed and opted to sit still and play. Connor was left-handed, while Colby used his right. Colby asked if he could call Morgan to say hello, while Connor came in on the tail end of the conversation and yelled a quick greeting to his mom as he went in search of something new to play with.

  Bo had to think of a way to get them all to take a nap so he could recuperate. So he told them they were playing a game where everyone took off their shoes and huddled on the floor in the living room. Matt had already beaten everyone to the punch—he’d preferred to go barefoot ever since he was a baby. Tate was the same way. He was always going without footwear when he wasn’t doing ranch work.

  Bo hit the button to lower the shades in the room and lay on his back. Immediately Jack nestled closer to him, which meant he was moments away from taking a good nap. Fifteen minutes later the boys and Bo were drifting off into a peaceful sleep. That was until the doorbell rang and pulled everyone out of their hazy state.

  “Hi, there. I see you have company.” She waved at the five faces that were standing behind him. It was one of the Waverly sisters. Now was a perfect time to apply what he’d learned this afternoon.

  He could do this. He could see beyond the physical and make an educated guess. Scratch that, he had to listen to his heart. Her smile was bright but a little enigmatic, like she was a million miles away surf gliding or climbing a mountain in her mind. It had to be Summer.

  “Boys, say hello to Ms. Summer. She lives across the hall,” Bo said to the curious brood.

  “All of you are so handsome. Has your Uncle Bo been showing you a good time?”


  “And I see a pair of twins. I’m a twin too.” Summer turned toward her door. “Autumn, come here.”

  Autumn came out of the house dressed in a jade-colored jumper.

  “This is my sister, Autumn.” Summer smiled.

  The boys were gaping at the ladies, but he couldn’t tell if it was because they had never seen another set of twins or because the ladies were just plain beautiful. Bo ushered everyone into the apartment.

  Autumn winked at Bo. “My, my. It’s a heartbreaker’s convention in here.”

  “We were going to take a nap,” Bo said to the ladies.

  “I thought we were playing a game?” Jake said.

  “Uh,” Bo stammered. “We were doing a little bit of both.”

  “Boys, Uncle Bo looks a little tired. How about we play a video game?” Summer said.


  “No worries, it’s called Froggy’s Grand Adventure and it’s suitable for kids two and up,” Summer murmured to Bo as she kept her smile in check.

  “And I can make some popcorn. How does that sound?” Autumn said enthusiastically.

  “They just ate.” Bo laughed.

  “There’s always room for popcorn. Let’s go.” Autumn ushered them over to her place.

  Bo grabbed his phone in case Morgan called. Summer was waiting by the door.

  “I see you’re getting better at telling the difference. I’m impressed.” She smiled.

  There was that smile again and it made him feel warm inside. “Sorry it’s taking so long.”

  “That’s OK. My mom is usually the only person who can tell us apart.”

  “Is that right?” Bo thought of Morgan.

  “Yep,” Summer said as she picked up Jack and gave him a squeeze.

  When she bent down to put him back on the floor, his sneaker got caught on the end of her shirt. As she was untangling, Bo caught a peek at the skin of her stomach. His breath caught in his throat.

  A seashell birthmark. The same birthmark he’d seen on his midnight visitor.

  It was Summer. He could barely contain his delight. But why the hell hadn’t she wanted him to know it was her?

  * * *

  Summer was impressed with the way Bo interacted with the boys. He had all the makings of a good parent. He was attentive, loving, and kind. Jack bumped his knee and it wasn’t anything too serious, but Bo kissed it anyway to make it feel better. Matt sat on his lap and played with his cell phone and he wasn’t fazed by it. They were all great kids who adored their Uncle Bo.

  She was taken aback that he’d known who she was when she’d rung the doorbell. It was nice that he was learning that she and Autumn were obviously two different people. All their lives people treated them as one person split in half instead of looking for their individual attributes.

  The boys were going strong when their mothers came to pick them up. Bo nervously introduced them as if someone was going to say something wacky. She already knew Isabelle and complimented her again on her awesome performance with the symphony. Sam had dropped by the office with literature about Regency and they’d ended up chatting with her for an hour. She was sold on the security firm with its excellent worldwide reputation, but it was the information Sam shared about Bo that was the most interesting.

  She hadn’t met Morgan before, but she felt like she knew her. The wife of Seth Blake made the news periodically and had been featured in a few magazines. It was obvious the women loved Bo and were very protective of him. The boys gave big hugs as they left and promised they would visit again. Once it was just the three of them, she asked Bo if he wanted to stay and hang out, but he declined. His mood had changed dramatically over the course of the afternoon and she couldn’t understand what was wrong.

  “Good thing you baby-proofed the house for Sabrina’s visit with the kids,” Autumn quipped.

  “See, I told you it was a good idea.” She stuck her tongue out at her.

  “Those boys were so cute, it almost made me want to have kids too.”

  “Well, caring for children for one afternoon is a little different from having one full time.”

  Autumn scrunched her nose. “I still think it would be fun.”

  “If you have a partner that’s s
upportive and sharing equally in the parenting.”

  “Bo would make a great father. He has the magic touch with kids. His sexy stock just went up another fifty shares.”

  “I suppose he would. Did you notice a change in his mood?”

  Autumn shrugged. “No, he was the same as always with me.”

  Oh no. He knew. Somehow he knew it was her coming to his condo those late nights. And he apparently he wasn’t happy about it.

  * * *

  Bo purposely worked late hours and even spent time at the ranch, anything to keep from running into Summer and Autumn. Now that he knew it was Summer, he was angry with her for not telling him. She was direct and told it like it was, right? Then why the charade? Maybe it was all just a big game to her, and she didn’t care about him at all. He felt used and foolish. She’d sent him a text asking him if he wanted to demo Corporate Hijack, but he didn’t answer her.

  But he missed her. He had an hour between meetings and it would have been the perfect time to call her and ask her if she wanted to go to the comic book convention. But he decided to catch up with his parents instead. He picked up his office phone and dialed his mom.

  “Hey, Mom, been on any Internet dates lately?”

  “Not a single one, no thanks to you. Every time I send a name to your friend Sam, she rejects it. How am I supposed to get a date?”

  “I’m more concerned with you getting abducted or worse. Sam is very thorough. If she says something’s not right, then it isn’t.” Sam promised she wouldn’t give the all clear to any potential suitor who couldn’t pass the security clearance test to meet the president.

  “I have a feeling you’re behind this. You’re not too old to get put over my knee.”

  “How are things?” It had been a week since he’d talked to his youngest brother.

  “I’ve been helping my friend Maxine redecorate her guest room. She’s having family over and wanted to spruce up the place. Did I mention she had a daughter who’s a dentist?”


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