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His Judgement

Page 4

by Piper Stone

  As she sauntered into the restaurant, searching for Miranda, she shook away her kinky thoughts. This was all about girl time.

  “About time you slipped out of the courtroom and into the real world.”

  “Hey, I’m here,” Joelle cooed as she eased onto a tall stool.

  “Uh-huh. Thought I was going to have to call in the cavalry. I ordered you a martini. Couldn’t wait,” Miranda said as she gave her BFF a dour look.

  She cupped the base of her martini glass, crossed and re-crossed her legs, then gave her best friend Miranda a high saluting middle finger. “In my world, I’m all powerful.”

  “In your world you eat, drink and sleep with criminals.”

  Miranda’s laughter floated throughout the neon infused café, one they’d been frequenting for years. Unfortunately, the last time she’d been able to enjoy a night out with her girlfriend had been… Hell, she couldn’t even remember.

  “Look girl, I’m only ribbing you because I love ya.” Winking, Miranda swirled her drink before taking a sip. She sat back and rested her elbow on the back of the bar stool, her eyes sweeping the perimeter. “There are some fine-looking men in here this evening.”

  “I’m not looking, remember? I’m far too busy.”

  “Honey, you know what?”

  Joelle wasn’t certain she wanted to ask. “Should I be scared?”

  “Absolutely. You need a hard fuck, one that will leave you panting, sweaty and begging for more. Throw in a hefty round of domination, a well-deserved spanking and I daresay you’ll be a new woman,” Miranda purred, each word louder than the one before.

  The blip in the music was mortifying.

  The way several men looked in their direction was terrifying.

  The way her pussy clenched was delicious.

  “I don’t need a man in my life,” Joelle insisted. “I simply need—”

  “A hard fuck,” Miranda interrupted. “Rough sex always does a woman some good. You know that.”

  “Rough sex.” Now goose bumps popped out over every inch of her exposed skin. As Joelle took another sip, she allowed a look around the crowded bar. Miranda was right. The men were hot as hell, but way too young for her. Then again, what could be terrible about fucking a twenty something year old? Everything. She sighed, her heart racing. There was no way she could taste a young blood. Her reputation was at stake. For a few seconds she closed her eyes, imagining being bound, her arms and legs open wide, displayed for the man who was going to use her, whip her. Fuck her. Shivers trickled down her spine.

  “Earth to the prudish woman,” Miranda cooed as she tapped her fingers on top of the table.

  “Prudish? Come on.” Joelle inhaled and hid behind her drink. Yet, she couldn’t help admiring the table full of very professionally dressed men. They no doubt shopped at Joseph A Banks, the fashionable, high dollar men’s clothing store, for all of their attire. Of course they drove a Lexus, one they were hiked to the hilt with by overextending their credit. They probably drank Corona Light, sipped on bourbon when in certain social situations, and they smoked the occasional cigar with their boss. In other words, they were boring. Useless in her mind. She needed a real man, one who didn’t mind getting dirty, filthy. Swallowing hard, a bead of perspiration slithered down the side of her face. Filthy. My, oh my, she would give anything for a hard fuck. Images of the dream floated into her mind. This was getting out of hand. She had to maintain focus. The promotion was everything she’d wanted. Kind of. She rolled her eyes. Second guessing wasn’t in her best interest.

  “You don’t believe me?” Miranda asked as she kicked out her leg, sipped on her drink, and eyeballed the tall blond hunk closest to her.

  Joelle loved the flirtatious girl, the one who could eat four men for breakfast without breaking a sweat. “I’ll have you know I’ve been known to throw down several times in my life.”

  Lime green liquid spewed out Miranda’s mouth as she choked. She slapped a hand over her mouth and doubled over with laughter.

  “What?” Joelle slid her cocktail napkin in Miranda’s direction. A nervous tick appeared in the corner of her mouth. Why were the men so curious about what they were talking about? Because they want to tease you, lick you, and force you to suck their cocks. They’re ready to push you down, shove their dicks into your holes like the whore you are. Why in the world was she thinking this way? She wiggled in her seat as the wafting and very telling scent of her intense desire floated up from her groin. Dear God. Now she was sweating.

  Miranda fumbled to set down her glass, then wiped the liquid from her mouth and arm. “Throw down? Do you have any clue what you’re talking about at all? And, by the way, I doubt you’ve done anything to drag your ass out of the comfort zone.”

  “I’ve done plenty!” Joelle scoffed.

  “Okay, then answer these questions. Do you own a vibrator?”

  “Several.” Take that.

  “Have you used one of them any time in the last decade?” Miranda grinned as she leaned over the table.

  When Joelle hesitated the look in Miranda’s eyes changed. She groaned and gulped the entire rest of her drink. You’re going to die old and very much alone.

  “I thought so. You’re going home tonight and pull that puppy out of its hiding place. Make certain you have plenty of fresh batteries.”

  “There are other things, wicked things I’ve done in my life.”

  “Other things? Like going to a kink club? Like having a man dominate you, own you?” Miranda leaned in her direction.

  The words weren’t said in jest. Joelle was shivering, but her body’s reaction had nothing to do with the wafting breeze in the club. She was tingling because she wanted nothing more than a bad boy to control her. “Well, some. Maybe.”

  “Maybe. Jesus Christ, girl. You really need to get laid. Go over to that table and select one or three. They’ll show you a good time, fuck every hole and in the morning you’ll awaken with a smile on your face.”

  “I can’t do that!” Joelle darted another look. The men were salivating. Could she?

  “That’s what I thought. You’re fifty going on one hundred.”

  “I’m…” How could she even defend herself? She hadn’t had a boyfriend in too many years, preferring to dive into her career versus deal with the emotions of a relationship. What had she achieved? A corner office, a sixty plus hour work week and nothing but time alone at home. Great. She was a pathetic failure.

  “In need. That’s what you are. So go find a guy, fuck him silly and enjoy a single night.” Miranda finished her drink and checked her watch.

  “Hot date?”

  “Exactly. You should try it sometime. Might just rock your world.”

  Joelle wrinkled her nose. “I thought this was girl’s night.”

  “I didn’t expect Todd to call. He’s been hot and bothered all day. I decided he’s worth playing with.”

  “At least someone is having fun.” Feeling sorry for herself wasn’t going to help the situation. Maybe after this case she’d consider dating.

  “At least try a dating service.” Miranda’s eyes twinkled.

  “Not on your life. I don’t want to seem desperate.” But you are. “Can I ask you a question before you go?”

  “Of course. You can ask me anything. I have two sips left of my drink,” Miranda said as she grinned.

  Joelle held her breath as she tried to formulate the question. “Have you ever wanted to have a man really dominate you, take full control? Have you ever wished that you could find a man who saw through your basic bullshit to the woman inside, deflowering every concept of a relationship? Turning to the darker side? Have you ever wanted to be punished for infractions on a regular basis?” She knew the answer by the look of shock on her best friend’s face.

  Miranda sat back in the stool and crossed her legs. She remained unblinking for a full minute. “You’re serious?”

  “I am.”

  “Okay. My honest answer is not really. I’ve enjoyed so
me spanking in the bedroom, but I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about.”

  Joelle shook her head. “BDSM. Domination and submission.”

  “Uh huh. Well, it’s a fascinating lifestyle. You’ve thought about this?”

  “For years.”

  “Then go for it. There’s nothing wrong with veering off course, even for a taste.” Miranda leaned forward and placed her hand over Joelle’s. “Honey, find what you want. You’ve never been happy. In all the years I’ve known you, not a single guy has been worth their salt, according to you. There has to be a reason.”

  “You’re right, but I have no idea where to begin.” Joelle took another gulp. This might be a three martini evening.

  Miranda smiled. “Find your soul mate. Take a chance. That’s my advice.”

  “I want to. I really do.”

  Grabbing her purse, Miranda rose to her feet. “Good, then think about that statement, sunshine. You will know when the right guy comes into the picture and it might be when you least expect it to happen.”

  “Good advice as always.”

  “I’m always good. Sunday, how about brunch?”

  “Sure. Sounds wonderful.” Joelle certainly had nothing else on her calendar, at least not right now.

  “Excellent.” Miranda gave her a look. “I adore you, girl, but you have to get your head out of your ass.”

  “Thanks ever so much.”

  “Just looking out for you, kiddo.”

  Joelle groaned and watched Miranda’s exit. Every red-blooded male in the room was undressing the leggy chocolate-skinned girl, hungering in a way Joelle herself longed for. What the hell was wrong with her? She fiddled with her glass, running her finger around the rim before dipping the tip just inside. She hadn’t realized she was sucking on her finger until three men saddled up close to her at the bar. They were envisioning a hungry cougar no doubt. Not a chance, boys.

  After a few minutes, she grabbed her purse and keys. She had paperwork to finish in preparation of the upcoming trial. Her weekend would be spent honing her prosecution of one very bad man. Bad men. Mmm…

  She laughed as she walked past a table of men, hearing their very blatant words.

  “Hey baby, wanna date?”

  “The things I could do to you.”

  “You’re one hot mama.”

  Yeah, she still was, even at her age. So what? She was still going home very much alone.

  Joelle settled into her BMW, rubbing her hand across the console before revving the engine. The money she made afforded her everything she wanted—except for a man. Maybe she should buy one on the internet. The thought was unsettling but intriguing. Wow. She really did need to get laid. Miranda’s words settled into the back of her mind. Taking a chance wasn’t her style.

  After turning to the Octane station on the satellite radio, she pushed aside her nefarious thoughts, concentrating on the case ahead of her. There were too many loose ends. The man everyone considered a monster had one too many alibis, but the public was demanding a conviction. How she was going to manage when all the evidence was circumstantial would be a miracle. She’d read one newspaper article on her previous win. Now called the ‘Come Back Kid’, she loathed the way she was depicted and made a promise to herself that she was staying away from all forms of the press until this case was over. She imagined there would be a spectacle at some point.

  Joelle hummed along with Hail to the King, her favorite from Avenged Sevenfold, and pulled behind a minivan at the traffic light.

  Baby on board.

  The decal was enough to give her the creeps. Did she want children? She was far too old to conceive now. In truth, her clock had never ticked, but having a family of sorts was something she’d been craving her entire life. When the light turned green, she stepped on the gas and noticed the detour sign. “Great.” The city streets were a pain in the ass already.

  She maneuvered her car, following the long string of vehicles down a series of streets. The businesses turned seedier, the dilapidated brownstones reminding her how riddled Baltimore was with crime. She was the protector. As a prosecutor, her record was stellar. Cleaning up the streets had been a goal since the beginning of her career. Yes indeed, she was damn good at what she did. With her promotion, she could certainly make a huge difference.

  Stuck behind the van, she grew impatient as the line of cars moved forward, barely going five miles an hour. At this rate she’d get home sometime around eight. As if the time mattered. Sulking, her mind drifted, her desire for a hot man, a wild night and complete domination allowing her to go to her very dark place. Whipping and being tied, used like the good little whore she always wanted to be. Wouldn’t her mama be proud?

  She licked her lips as her nipples hardened, pushing against her recently purchased lace bra, one she’d spent way too much money on at Victoria’s Secret. As if any man was going to see her matching crimson undies. She might as well be wearing rags.

  She slapped her hand against the steering wheel and a roaring sound caught her attention. Looking to her right, the man on the Harley gave her an instant series of tremors. Dressed in dark black jeans and a leather jacket, his massive frame was the reflection of a badass biker. Visions of being taken over the Harley, fucked doggy style after a severe whipping left her mouth dry. The line of traffic moved forward just enough she was able to see his profile as he removed his helmet, shaking out his shoulder length blond hair.

  “Fuck me.” Instantly she was turned on and she couldn’t even see his face. She was jittery, her left leg shaking, and she almost ran into the family van. Wouldn’t that bode well? Giggling, her imagination ran wild as he climbed off his bike, securing his helmet and taking a long stride onto the sidewalk. Where was he going?

  Biting her lip, Joelle craned her neck until she could see that there was a bar on the corner. The sign for the establishment was blinking, several of the neon lights flickering, but she could just make out the name. “Biker’s Haven, huh?” Catchy to a point. She looked in her rearview mirror then up ahead at the traffic jam. You’re nuts. What are you thinking? “I’m thinking I need to live a little.” The words said out loud made her feel like a bad girl. She made a quick decision, grabbing the single parking space two car lengths above mystery man’s bike. After parking, she sat in her car, fiddling with her top. “What are you doing?” Taking a chance.

  A chance? Okay. This she could do. She could walk into a bar, order a glass of wine and just see what the guy was like. The thought was ridiculous, insane in fact. Laughing, she cut the engine and took a deep breath. She’d never been afraid of anything in her life. Why this? Because this is very much out of your comfort zone. The thought was true enough, the realization worse. “No pain no gain, right?”

  Just before he went inside he turned.

  “Dear God.” Joelle froze, her heart racing. The man was drop dead gorgeous. Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me.

  He simply looked at his bike, as if to determine if it was secure, then tossed the door open.

  Gulping, Joelle eased out of her car, smoothing down her skirt. She whisked her hand through her long, blond hair and took a few tentative steps forward. When she found herself in front of the entrance to the bar, she held her head high and placed her hand on the doorknob. Going inside seemed to be one of the most difficult things she’d done.

  But she managed.

  The bar wasn’t crowded, but the patrons inside were enjoying the loud sounds of blaring televisions, various sports playing from the multiple sets. She scanned the perimeter. Counting five women inside, she groaned. Without a doubt, she certainly wasn’t dressed the part. No pain no gain. No pain no gain. Swallowing hard, she found herself at the bar without realizing she’d taken any steps.

  “What will you have, honey?”

  She heard the gruff voice, knew she was being asked a question, but she couldn’t help but continue her search for biker man. “Um. Red wine.”

  The bartender chuckled. “I�
��ll see what we have.”

  Joelle couldn’t find Biker Man and she shifted closer to the bar, very aware she was being checked out by several men. A rough and tumble time in bed, huh? Yeah maybe. A full two minutes passed and she grew more and more nervous.

  “Here you go, little lady.”

  “Thanks.” She accepted the wine and held the glass in front of her face. Thoughts raced through her mind. She should leave now. This wasn’t her. This wasn’t her normal behavior or the kind of people she hung around with. This was…

  “To find a lady, a true beauty, inside a biker bar is fascinating.”

  His voice alone sent shivers skating down her spine and directly into her pussy. She sucked in her breath, feeling the heat of his breath against the side of her neck. “I have many sides.”

  “We all do. Exploring the darkness dwelling within us is perhaps the most incredible journey we’ll ever take. That is, if one is willing to let go.”

  “Letting go is something I crave.” Joelle shuddered as he moved closer. Why was she admitting her darkest desire to a stranger?

  “Then you’ve come to the right place. You’ve found the right man. Tell me what you hunger for.”

  When his fingers brushed against her cheek, she gripped the edge of the bar. You can do this. You can. You can. Garnering the last of her courage she turned around.

  “Hello beautiful,” he breathed.

  Shocking blue eyes, the kind she could melt into, were twinkling, even in the dim lighting. The husky voice, sensuous yet gruff as if consuming one too many cigarettes, suited him. Sporting what had to be a three-day shadow, his shaggy hair was as unkempt as the wrinkled shirt he wore under his leather jacket. For about a million reasons she was shocked she was as attracted to him as she was. Her pussy ached, her nipples hard enough the lacey bra was now confining. He stood well over her six foot plus frame in heels. His body muscular in all the right places, her mind reeled with endless and very wicked possibilities. She couldn’t help thinking about him naked, hovering over her as he fucked her hard.

  “Such a pretty lady having such lurid thoughts. I think I just might need a taste of you.”


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