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A Deadly Duet: Spellsinger: Book 6

Page 18

by Amy Sumida

  “Just do me one favor, Faenestra,” Gage asked.


  “Consider how Elaria would view your actions,” he said grimly. “Would she stand beside you? Or would she fight against you?”

  Gage strode out of the room.

  Chapter Forty-One

  “Stand beside me or fight against me,” I huffed as I crossed my arms and stared out across the sea. “How many times do I have to tell them that we are the same being?”

  A horrible shivering took hold of my body, and I lurched forward. My Fire started to rise with a blustering wind, but I pushed it down with a soft humming and a focused thought on who I was. I was the Light; the First Flame and the Screeching Wind. I did not temper my actions with thoughts for those beneath me. I did as I knew best, and if some little part of me disagreed, she could kiss our ass.

  “Faenestra?” Banning came into the bedroom.

  I lifted a brow at him. What now?

  “Don't look at me like that,” Banning said as he came out onto the balcony. “I was just wondering if I could steal you away for dinner.”

  “Dinner?” I asked in surprise.

  “Everyone's upset about the thing with your parents,” he said in a tone that suggested he wasn't. “I told them that it might be a good idea to take you around other people Elaria knew and cared for. They totally fell for it. Darc said he'd be fine with me taking you to the Crouching Lion. What do you say; wanna blow these jerks off for awhile?”

  I smiled as I stood. “You know what, Banning? Yes; I do. I'm a little disappointed in the others; especially Darcraxis. I thought he understood me.”

  “Cut them some slack,” he said casually. “They're adjusting to a new you; it can be difficult. I've already gone through this with you, so I'm adjusting a little faster than they are.”

  “You are?” I looked him over.

  “Fortune, Elaria, Faenestra; they're all you.” Banning shrugged. “I love you; whatever name you wish to go by, and whatever aspect of yourself you wish to show. You've gained magic and strength, and that's a good thing. Let's go celebrate it.”

  “You're right,” I agreed. “We should celebrate.”

  I took Banning's arm as he pulled out his traveling stone. He smiled at me and took us to Kansas. We arrived in his bedroom on the second story of The Crouching Lion Country Club. It was early evening there, but all of his blooders were immune to the sun so it wouldn't have mattered if it had been midday; there still would have been members of his gura walking the grounds.

  “Come with me, Goddess of Light,” Banning purred as he led me out of the bedroom. “I'll show you around our club.”

  “Our club?” I asked in surprise.

  “What's mine is yours, sweetheart,” he said casually. “Would you like something to drink while we stroll?”

  “Some...” I considered what the appropriate human drink for celebrating would be. “Champagne.”

  “Excellent choice,” Banning said. He stopped a blooder who was passing us to ask, “Clara, can you fetch us some champagne, please?”

  “Of course, Gheara,” the woman said, and then smiled at me. “Hey, Elaria, how are you?”

  “Elaria would prefer to be called Faenestra now,” Banning said before I could reprimand her. “She's a goddess, remember? Please let the others know.”

  Clara's eyes went wide as she looked from me to Banning, and then she nodded. “Sure. I hope you're having a nice evening, Faenestra.”

  “I am. Thank you, Clara,” I said regally.

  Clara's eyes widened further as she ran off to grab our drinks.

  “I think I remember her,” I mused. “A sweet girl with a strong sword arm.”

  “Yes; Clara's lovely. I chose each member of my gura carefully; they're all like family to me,” Banning said. “Let's have our champagne out on the deck, shall we?”

  Banning led me through the club's reception room and into a grand dining room. We strolled beneath dramatic chandeliers and past elegant dining tables on our way out to a wooden deck that jutted out above the golf course on stilts. The umbrellas set in the center of each outdoor dining table were folded away for the night; allowing the stringed lights above us to reach the iron seating. Banning led me to a table along the deck's railing and held out a chair for me. I slipped in and tucked my train around me before taking a deep breath of cool, night air.

  “How strange to go from sunlight to darkness,” I murmured.

  “Would you care for more light?” Banning asked courteously.

  “No.” I smiled softly. “I love the dark nearly as much as the light.”

  “I suppose you would,” he murmured.

  “Are you jealous?” I asked with some surprise and a little fascination.

  “Of course, I am, darling.” Banning took my hand and kissed it grandly. “I burn with jealousy, but I love the heat.”

  “I love it too,” I whispered as I leaned forward and kissed him. “You've surprised me, Banning. I didn't expect you to be the one to embrace this so wholeheartedly.”

  “As I said; I'm very flexible.” He smirked at me.

  “Really?” I asked with a lifted brow.

  “Your champagne,” Clara said as she brought over an ice bucket with a bottle in it.

  Another woman carried over a tray with two glasses and a charcuterie platter. The women nodded respectfully to us as they set everything down on the table and then left.

  “Try this one, my love,” Banning picked up a piece of fruit covered in honey and held it out to me.

  I leaned forward and took my time sucking it from Banning's fingers, and his eyes brightened. The taste of honey and fig burst over my tongue, and I sighed.

  “Now, the champagne.” Banning poured me a glass and handed it to me.

  I drank a sip and the bubbles brought out new depths of richness in the fruit. I licked my lips and took another drink.

  “Good?” Banning asked.

  “Very,” I said as I looked him over. “You appear a little peckish too, Ban. How long has it been since you've had a real drink?”

  “The cave,” he whispered. “When Gage helped me out.”

  “No one else?”

  “I wanted to save my hunger for you,” Banning said with a voice gone low and deep.

  I rubbed my calves together in anticipation and then slipped off my high heel and slid my foot up his leg.

  “Help yourself, lover,” I said as I rubbed my foot over his tightening crotch.

  Banning groaned and pushed the iron table aside as if it were cardboard. I smiled wickedly at him as he lifted my leg and knelt before me; pushing my skirts up my thigh as he did. Banning hooked my knee over his shoulder and turned his face toward it as he held my gaze. I sucked in a delighted breath when he bit me in the fleshy bit just beside my knee. Pleasure jolted up from his bite and slicked my sex; setting my leg to trembling. I leaned my head back on the cool iron behind me and enjoyed the tingling sensations as he drank. Banning rubbed my thigh as he held it, but other than that, he didn't touch me. He just gazed at me as if I were the most magnificent thing he'd ever seen. It satisfied me on so many levels. So much so that I was inclined to be generous and give him even more than blood.

  As Banning drew back and licked the wound languorously, I spread my legs wider; laying them over the armrests of my chair. His stare heated as I picked up a knife from the table and lowered it between my legs. With two quick flicks of the blade, I sliced the straps of my panties. The silk slid down to drape over my seat like a luxurious path leading him home.

  “There's more for you to taste,” I purred.

  Banning growled and started to move forward, but then caught himself. He grinned devilishly at me as he picked up another honey-covered fig and laid it against my intimate flesh. I sucked in a breath as he rubbed it over me and then watched in shocked delight as he slipped the fruit inside me. He eased it out again and lifted it to his mouth; holding my gaze as he savored his treat.

ious,” he murmured before licking his fingers.

  I felt a flush rise to my cheeks as Banning buried his face between my thighs and proceeded to clean the honey from me. His strong hands glided back to my hips and then around my ass to pull me to the edge of my seat as his tongue shot into me. I ran my hands over his shoulders; feeling the power of my blood coursing just beneath his skin. Banning had drunk from a spellsinger, two shining one kings, and a griffin, but this had been his first taste of goddess blood. His body was thickening before me, his hair starting to gleam even brighter than it already did, and his hands tightened on me as his attention became more eager. I rolled my hips in his grip as his enlarging muscles burst the seams of his clothing, and he growled savagely as I leaned forward to pull the remnants of his shirt off him.

  I ran my hands through Banning's silken hair as he feasted on me; delighting in every swipe of his hot tongue. And then I slipped my skirt over his head and casually leaned back in my chair. With a satisfied smile, I picked up my champagne glass and took a languid sip. I stared across the manicured beauty of the golf course and delighted in the way the quiet evening allowed me to hear the sweet sounds of Banning's mouth on me.

  One of the waitresses came up behind me to check on us, and I lifted my glass for more champagne. As she filled it, she glanced down at the bulge of Banning beneath my skirts and inhaled sharply. I lifted a brow at her, and she blushed hotly before scurrying away. I laughed low in my throat as I watched her flee.

  “That's it, Banning.” I lifted my skirts to watch him. “Now, with your fingers. Show me what you've learned in your extended lifetime.” I moaned as he did just that. “Excellent. Now, you may use your teeth. Drink up. I want you to grow big and strong. When your body is finished thickening, you may apply your manhood to the task.”

  Banning bit, and I cried out in ecstasy.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  I got out of Banning's bed as the sun rose and slipped into his velvet robe. After a quick, affectionate look his way, I crept out to the balcony. Ban was nearly Torin's size now; a good four inches taller than he'd been and an inch thicker all over. His blooders had gawked at him the night before as he carried me upstairs in his shredded pants. Then they had transferred their amazed stares to me. Why couldn't my children view me with such awe and respect?

  I leaned against the cool, metal railing; the condensation of morning seeping through the velvet robe to remind me of my husband. It had been the first night we'd spent apart since I had healed my soul. I felt guilty and wrong but also free. If Darc didn't support me in the way I wished for him to, what would stop me from finding a new husband?

  Elaria—that annoying inner voice—thought that this was disloyal and cruel. But I ignored her. Because it didn't matter; I loved Darcraxis and nothing could take me from him. Not even his own poor judgment. This interlude with Banning made me feel powerful and free—able to walk away from anything and anyone—but the truth was that I didn't want to be free of Darc. I didn't want to be free of any of them. Darcraxis had said that I would have all that I desired, and I expected to fulfill his promise.

  I sighed and looked down at the stretch of grass below me. The iron lampposts scattered across the grounds gave an Old World feel to the modern, manicured grass and hedges. It reminded me of my life as Fortune, and I frowned as I remembered how weak I'd been. But then the sun rose over the horizon; tinting the expanse of green with russet and umber. A memory rose in my mind with it; walls of flames encircling screaming men and women—blooders. A song rose in my head, and I started humming it. It was fast and fierce, and it made my heart start pounding with excitement.

  “You sang that song the first time you saved my life,” Banning murmured as he came up behind me.

  Ban slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. He felt strange now; the curves of his muscles bulkier than they'd been before. My body didn't recognize his anymore. But I was looking forward to learning his shape all over again.

  “The first time?” I looked over my shoulder at him.

  “You save me every day,” he whispered against my neck. “You keep the pain away.”

  “The pain?”

  “Of not having you.” Banning lifted his face to kiss me.

  We stood within the warming, morning light; lost in our kiss. But within me, the memory started again; this time from the beginning. I saw myself driving up the road in a red sports car; radio blasting as my magic lifted inside my throat. I felt a jolt of adrenaline as I leapt out of the car and jumped onto the hood. Then I unleashed my song upon the horde of blooders that had been sent to kill Banning and his young gura. I saw the fire leap up around them and then strike them down. I felt so alive and heroic; the cheers of the blooders behind me urging me on. I had saved them from a terrible and grossly-unjust death.

  When I eased away from Banning's kiss, I was disturbed. What had Gage said about Elaria's opinion? Something about whether she'd fight with me or against me. I frowned as a fluttering ache filled my belly, but then I pushed the feeling away. It didn't matter what Elaria thought; her thoughts would mesh with mine eventually. She'd understand in the end.

  “Faenestra?” Banning asked.

  “I remember fighting a battle here,” I whispered.

  “You were magnificent,” Ban said as he leaned against the railing. “You pretended to be so cold and tough, but I could see the compassion in you. You never took jobs indiscriminately; you only helped people who you thought were deserving.”

  “And I thought you were deserving?” I lifted a brow at him.

  “No.” Banning laughed. “You helped me because I was friends with Cerberus. You trusted him, and he vouched for me.”

  “Cerberus,” I murmured.

  “Don't worry about Cer; he may growl a bit, but he loves you,” Banning said. “You two have been through all sorts of shit together; you'll get through this too.”

  “I don't know,” I said as I looked toward the rising sun. “I think the sun may have set on our friendship.”

  “Don't say that,” Banning implored. “You and Cerberus are good together; you temper him and he spurs you on.”

  “I can't be stirred up anymore, Banning,” I said. “You know what will happen.”

  Banning frowned in consideration and then nodded. “Perhaps it would be better for you to stay away from Cerberus for now. But we'll find a way to work this out, Faenestra, and then you can be friends again.”

  “All right, Ban,” I whispered, but I knew it was a lie.

  I was telling a lot of those lately; most of them to myself.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Banning and I walked into one of the airy sitting rooms in my palace on Ildathach. The other men were having some coffee and conversation. Darcraxis sat in the center of them with a pensive look on his face as the others gestured emphatically. But Darc brightened when we walked in. The other men noticed his expression and then noticed me. They turned to greet me eagerly, but then they saw Banning.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Gage asked as he looked over Ban. “You take some super steroids while you were gone?”

  “In a way,” Banning said with a grin in my direction. “I drank Faenestra's blood.”

  “Great gems,” Torin whispered with wide eyes.

  “Fascinating,” Darc said as he stood and strode over to inspect Banning. “I assume you're stronger as well?”

  “I am,” Banning confirmed. “And I require less sleep.”

  “So, your recovery time is faster,” Darc murmured.

  Then Darcraxis punched Banning so hard that he flew out through the doorway.

  “What the fuck, Darc?” I huffed in a very Elaria way.

  Darc lifted a brow at me as everyone else went tense. As we faced off, Banning got to his feet and came back into the room. He was bleeding from his nose and mouth but as he walked, the bleeding stopped.

  “I was testing a theory,” Darc said with a wave at Banning. “That is incredibly fast

  “It is,” Banning said as he wiped away the blood to reveal perfect skin beneath. “It doesn't even sting anymore.”

  I scowled from Banning to Darcraxis. “You could have simply pricked his finger.”

  “But where would the fun be in that?” Darc asked with a gleam in his eyes.

  I grimaced at him.

  “It's fine,” Banning said with a slap on Darc's arm. “I'm fine.”

  “You're both missing the important conclusion,” Darc said with a shake of his head.

  “Which is?” I asked.

  “If Banning gained these abilities from drinking your blood, then your body must be more resilient as well,” Torin surmised.

  “Well done.” Darc nodded to Torin before looking back at me. “We were focusing on the negatives of what your goddess magic is doing to your physical body. But what if there are positives?”

  “Of course, there are positives,” I huffed. “I'm myself again; that alone is a positive.”

  “How fast did Elaria heal?” Darc asked me.

  “A little faster than a human,” I said. “But not much.”

  Darc held up his hand and manifested a silver pin. He smiled at me as he held it out to me. “Would you humor me, my love?”

  I sighed and tapped the pin with my finger like Sleeping Beauty and her spindle. I didn't bleed so I tapped it again. I felt the point go through my skin, but again, there was no blood.

  “I think you need a more substantial tool.” Declan smirked at Darcraxis as he stepped forward and pulled a dagger from his belt. “Faenestra, would you mind holding out your hand?”

  I eyed the dagger and then Declan.

  “Don't you trust me, sweetheart?” Declan asked in surprise.

  I held out my hand grudgingly, and Declan smiled softly. He held my gaze as he quickly sliced my palm with his blade. I hissed and drew back; closing my hand protectively. But the pain was gone nearly as soon as it came, and when I opened my hand, I watched the wound close itself and become smooth skin again.


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