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Waves of Winter

Page 3

by L. C. Chase

  “What? Never seen rain and snow at the same time before?” Kellan reached out and gently wiped away the raindrop with a gloved finger. Jax froze, mesmerized by the ministration.

  “Hush,” Jax said, his throat thick. “We get heaps of rain down under. It’s just not so bloody cold!”

  Kellan laughed. “You should be acclimated by now after three months snowboarding.”

  “This is a totally different kind of cold.” Jax tugged his scarf a little tighter, righting his mental balance. “Gets right down into your bones.”

  “Welcome to the rain forest, my foreign friend,” Kellan said as they began the easy meandering hike through the majestic woods. “Some of these trees are over eight hundred years old.”

  Jax whistled. The trees towered over them, reminding him just how insignificant they were, how magnificent the world around them was. He felt a little like Alice in Wonderland and laughed.

  “What?” Kellan said over his shoulder.

  “This is amazing.” Jax spread his arms out and turned in a wide circle. “Take me to their leader.”

  Kellan shook his head, his eyes bright with mirth. “And you call us Canucks crazy?”

  They came to a tree that had fallen across the trail, and the obstructing section had been cut out to open the path. Its massive trunk was now part of the forest’s circle of life as ferns and moss flourished on its old bark and small mammals burrowed homes into its crevices. Jax pressed his back flat against the sheared-off end and spread his arms, unable to reach the edges. He looked up, and there was a good three feet above his head, the trunk thicker than he was tall.

  “Take a photo!” he called to Kellan, not breaking his spread-eagle pose. “My mum will trip over this. Phone’s in my left jacket pocket.”

  “You and your mom are pretty close, eh.”

  “We’ve always been tight. Me and Mum against the world.” Jax laughed. He didn’t like when people pitied him for not having grown up with a father, so he never brought it up. His mum had made sure his life was full of wonder and opportunity, and as far as he was concerned, he hadn’t missed a single thing growing up.

  Kellan studied him for a few seconds but didn’t press for more info, only walked in close, his gaze locked intensely on Jax’s. Right then Jax was certain Kellan was going to kiss him. He dropped his eyes to Kellan’s mouth, a mouth Kellan lifted into a grin as he slowly reached his hand into Jax’s pocket. Heat seeped through layers of clothing into the skin just above his hip bone from the gentle pressure of Kellan’s hand. He met Kellan’s eyes again, and Kellan took his time extracting the phone, grinning as he stepped back.

  “Hell, you’re a tease,” Jax said. His words were a hoarse whisper, and his body was about two seconds from cracking an erection.

  Kellan winked. “Say goat cheese.”

  “Shut up,” Jax said playfully and forced himself to think of anything other than how hot Kellan was, how much he wanted to drag him behind one of those monster trees and savor those lush lips. But he wanted to send one of these photos to his mum, after all. The last thing she needed to see was her son’s fatty threatening to pop his zipper. Finally composed, he made a face and stuck out his tongue. That his mum would expect from him.

  Kellan snapped a few more shots, and when he walked forward to return the phone, Jax dropped his arms but didn’t move, wanting to see what Kellan would do. Silently he challenged Kellan to pull him down and deliver the kiss he so desperately wanted now. Man, oh man. He was hot and funny and adventurous, and Jax dropped his gaze to Kellan’s lips. Again. For the millionth time since they met this morning. He lifted his eyes to find Kellan doing the same, looking at his mouth. When Kellan met his gaze again, Jax knew they were going to kiss. Right then and there and oh my God, he didn’t want anything in the world more than feeling those lips on his. He leaned forward to meet Kellan—

  “Look at that one, Mommy!”

  The excited yell of a little girl startled them out of their fugue, and Kellan stepped back, grinning as he hopped and turned away. Disappointed, Jax forced a smile for the kid and her parents as they approached, and then he followed after Kellan. He was going to kiss him before the day ended. There was no way that wasn’t going to happen.

  They walked in silence for a few minutes, the near-kiss moment gone, and then Kellan stopped and pointed. His grin was wide and teasing like he was suppressing laughter. “As requested, I have brought you to their leader. Meet the granddaddy of them all.”

  Jax, who had been so focused on Kellan, hadn’t noticed the tree the width of a house in front of them. He stumbled to a stop, and his jaw dropped. “Whoa! I have never seen anything so big!”

  “That’s what he said,” Kellan said in a sexy, low, teasing voice.

  Jax turned to him and broke into laughter as Kellan wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe I’ll see for myself.”

  “One never knows….” Kellan poked Jax’s side with an elbow and then looked away, pointing to the tree. “That Douglas fir is about thirty feet in diameter.”

  Jax found he couldn’t pull his attention from Kellan’s profile, the grin on his face nearly a permanent fixture by now. But with another elbow-nudging prompt, he turned his attention to the tree. A split at the base of its hollowed-out trunk left a space large enough to park a VW van inside—complete with a stack of surfboards on the roof. Jax was able to step inside and walk around in a small circle without ducking.

  Kellan followed him, and protected by the old tree, shielded from rain and curious eyes, he leaned in close, tipping his head back. “I hope I’m not being overly forward here, but I really want to kiss you.”

  Jax didn’t even bother to answer. Why, when he’d wanted to do the same from the moment he met Kellan? He reached out, placing one hand on Kellan’s hip and the other behind his neck, and pulled him closer until their bodies were flush and heat blasted his insides.

  The kiss was soft, tentative. Kellan’s lips were warm and perfect against his own. He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into Kellan’s mouth to tease and play and taste and savor. Kellan pulled him tighter, and a groan rumbled through his chest, vibrating against Jax’s and echoing in their hollowed coniferous environ. His jeans grew tight as he thrilled at the feel of Kellan’s hardness against his thigh. He rocked them gently, increasing pressure and friction. His need for Kellan ramped up so high the world around them began to fall away. Cocooned in the safety of the tree trunk, Jax let his hand on Kellan’s hip wander down between them until he could cup Kellan, pressing his palm against him, fondling him through his jeans. God, it would feel so good with him, Jax had no doubt. He popped the top button of Kellan’s jeans.

  “Yes,” Kellan gasped into his mouth.

  Jax grabbed the zipper tab and pulled slowly. One tooth, two teeth, three—

  The high-pitched squeal of a child pierced the secluded bubble Jax and Kellan had found. Jax’s heart shot into his throat, and he and Kellan jumped back, looking out toward the trail with wide eyes and rapid breaths. The young girl and her family weren’t in view yet, but too close for them to lose control of their passions here.

  Kellan started laughing. “We’re being cockblocked by a four-year-old.”

  “Kids these days.” Jax leaned in for one more kiss and then grabbed Kellan’s hand. “C’mon. Let’s go find more hollow trees to make out in.”

  They didn’t come across any more suitable make-out trees, and though the rest of the short hike through the ancient forest was awe-inspiring, it was Kellan whom Jax couldn’t keep his eyes off. A scant few hours had passed since he’d noticed the rugged-looking Kellan leaning against the ferry deck railing, since Kellan had turned and met Jax’s eyes, since Jax experienced the strongest wave of connection he’d ever felt in his whole life. There was no way this could turn into any kind of permanent thing, what with him heading home in a week—over twelve thousand kilometers away—but he sure as hell planned on making the most of the time he did have.

  Back at Kellan’s SUV,
Jax hopped into the passenger seat, turning toward Kellan as he buckled his safety belt into place. “How long until we get to your surf shack?”

  Kellan slanted a sideways grin at him, his voice velvet smooth and darkly seductive when he said, “In a hurry to get surfing?”

  Jesus, with a voice like that…. Jax pulled his jacket zipper down and tugged at his shirt collar, in search of a reprieve from the spike of heat filling the confines of the vehicle. “Something like that, yeah.”

  Kellan leaned over and tugged gently on Jax’s jacket, pulling him until they met nose to nose over the center console.

  “Soon,” he whispered. His breath ghosted over Jax’s mouth and sent a shiver of anticipation cascading over his skin before Kellan brushed his lips—warm, soft, and this time sure—over his. The temperature notched up another degree. Or ten. Losing awareness of his surroundings, Jax fell into the kiss, giving back as much as Kellan gave. He leaned closer, stretching against the restraints of his seat belt, and reached out, wanting more. He cupped the side of Kellan’s jaw, slid his hand into soft hair, and groaned. Kellan’s hair felt amazing sliding between his fingers. Just like he knew it would.

  Kellan pulled back, breaking the kiss.

  “Cruel,” Jax teased, but not really.

  He rested his forehead against Kellan’s as they held still. Harsh, rapid breaths slowed as they collected themselves, and the world snapped into sharp focus around them.

  “We should get moving.” Kellan’s voice sounded far away. Muddy somehow. After a few seconds, the words made their way through Jax’s haze, but he didn’t move.

  “Sure. I’m ready.”

  Kellan chuckled softly. “Me too.”

  Jax closed his eyes. He breathed in brine and cedar and male musk. Forget surfing. With a sigh, he straightened up and sat properly in his seat. Face forward. If he looked at Kellan now, he’d drag him into the back of the SUV, and they’d never make it to his surf shack.

  Cool air, fresh and invigorating, crept into the vehicle from the window Kellan opened. Jax had to admit that was a brilliant idea. An impromptu cold shower.

  “Two hours to the island’s west coast,” Kellan said with a touch of strain in his voice.

  Chapter Four

  THE NEXT two hours took them through small fishing towns, rural communities, the Tseshaht First Nations reservation, and along a winding single-lane mountain road densely lined with cedar and fir trees that skirted endless lakes.

  “I had no idea an island could contain so many lakes,” Jax said, still staring out the window. “Which means this island is bigger than I’d realized, or it’s going to sink any day now.” Hopefully it wasn’t the latter. The water on the west coast was way too bloody cold for swimming. And was he seriously thinking about joining this crazy Canuck surfing in it? In winter? He shook his head and grinned. Nothing ventured….

  Kellan laughed beside him in a way that made Jax feel encouraged rather than silly, which…. How was that even possible?

  “It won’t sink,” Kellan assured him. “Well, not unless we get hit by the big one. Then the whole coast is going under from here to California.”

  “The big one?” Jax turned to face Kellan, not sure he wanted to hear what that was.

  “Earthquake.” No hint whatsoever of a tease in Kellan’s voice.

  “You’re serious.”

  “As an earthquake.” Kellan slanted a glance his way and grinned. “But don’t worry, I highly doubt it will happen while you’re here.”

  Jax groaned and looked back out the window.

  “What?” Kellan asked, and now Jax could hear the smile in his voice again.

  “I’m questioning my decision to join you,” Jax deadpanned, earning a hearty laugh from Kellan.

  Before he knew it, they were turning off the highway and into a residential complex, which had to be where Kellan owned his so-called shack. Eighty-foot fir trees surrounded the complex, adding to the ruggedness and remoteness of the area.

  Kellan parked the SUV and, after grabbing their gear, led Jax to his unit. Cool, stale air greeted them when Kellan swung open the door, and Jax wondered why it had been so long since Kellan was here last. If he loved surfing enough to own a place on the beach, surely he’d be there more often?

  Kellan gestured an invitation with a sweeping wave of his arm. “Welcome to my humble surf shack.”

  Jax laughed and stepped over the threshold, taking in his surroundings. The place was anything but a “shack.” Blond hardwood flooring, walls painted bright yellows and blues with accents to match, and surf-shack-chic décor throughout. To the right of the entry was a set of stairs, and to the left were two doorways. One door was closed, probably a mudroom, and the other was open to a bathroom.

  “C’mon in,” Kellan said, dropping his gear just inside the door.

  Jax followed suit, his gear joining Kellan’s in the corner as Kellan closed the door behind them and led him deeper into the quaint house. The main floor opened into an airy kitchen with a large island separating it from a dining room and living room area. On the dining room side was a long table that looked like reclaimed wood, and in the living room sat two extremely comfy-looking red sofas, a large-screen TV mounted on the wall above an electric fireplace, and in the corner, an acoustic guitar on a black metal stand. The whole room was awash with soft winter light from floor-to-ceiling windows and back-entrance sliding doors that led to a small patio and framed dense wilderness beyond its tempered glass.

  Kellan opened the doors and stepped outside. “Check this out.”

  Off the small deck was a worn path in the grass that led to a clearing in the towering trees. Jax heard the oscillating crash of ocean waves breaking beyond the tree line, and a thrill of excitement ballooned in his chest. After sliding the door closed behind him, Jax followed Kellan down the path. Less than fifty yards later, the trees gave way to a vast beach spread out before them. Outcroppings of rock and small islands broke the heavy gray horizon.

  Jax followed Kellan out onto the sandy beach, where he stopped at a log. Jax stopped beside him, pulled his collar up against the wind, and tucked his hands into his pockets. Cold as hell out there, but Jax wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a more gorgeous sight.


  “I know, right,” Kellan said, his voice soft, reverent. A smile stretched his lips and a sparkle lit his eyes. “Welcome to Chesterman Beach. Home to some of the world’s best winter waves.”

  A rush of adrenaline rose in Jax’s blood. There was nothing in the world quite like surfing, the challenge and thrill of catching and riding a ripping wave, the peace and tranquility of being one with the ocean, the humility of knowing he was just a speck in this majestic universe.

  “Right.” Jax nodded. Might be crazy, but he was committed to this now. “Let’s surf.”

  “I knew it!” Kellan laughed and turned back for the house.

  Anticipation continued to rise like a hot air balloon with every step Jax took. He was really going to do this.

  “You hungry?” Kellan asked as he slid the patio door open back at the condo, and Jax followed him inside.

  “I’m good.” Except…. So amazed by the beauty of the beach they’d be surfing from, he’d completely forgotten he came to Vancouver Island to snowboard. “Ah, mate… I don’t have a wet suit.”

  “No worries,” Kellan said. “I’ve got a surf bud down in Cali who comes up often. He keeps his winter kit here, and I keep one of my longboards down at his place. He’s about your height and build, so his suit should fit.”

  Jax rubbed his hands together. “Okay then. Let’s do this before I come to my senses!”

  What Jax thought was a mudroom behind the closed door when they entered the house earlier turned out to be a large gear room. Every available space was packed with athletic equipment from floor to ceiling. A collection of surfboards was stacked on racks lining one wall, beside which several wet suits hung from a short rod. A couple of mountain bikes hung from hooks in th
e ceiling at the back of the room, and shelving on the other side held running, hiking, and biking shoes and a variety of smaller outdoor gear and accessories. Rubber matting covered the floor. There must have been some sort of custom ventilation installed, because the room should have reeked of sweaty, moldy equipment but didn’t offend his senses in any way. All in all, Jax was impressed. Kellan took his outdoor game seriously. He’d thought Kellan an adventurer before, but now…. Jax lived for life outdoors, and it was obvious Kellan did too. Which only served to increase his attraction.

  “You’re like the boy scout of the sports world,” Jax said, still taking in the room from the doorway while Kellan inspected the horizontally stacked row of surfboards in varying sizes and colors.

  Kellan laughed. “I like my toys. What can I say? I spend all day at work in an office, so I need to get as far from that as possible outside of it.” He pulled a short surfboard from the wall rack, half-bright-yellow and half-white in design, and placed it on the mat floor. “You can use this one. Cold wax is on the third shelf there, in the blue box. And—” He turned to card through the wet suits, nodding before pulling one out and laying it on top of the surfboard. “—you can wear this wet suit.”

  “Your mate didn’t piss in this, did he?”

  Kellan laughed. “Probably, but don’t worry. He always cleans it really well.”

  Slightly grossed out, Jax took a quick whiff of the suit and was relieved it smelled of nothing more than neoprene. As excited as he was about going surfing, he’d still happily take any excuse not to brave the cold wet weather out there. Snuggled up on the couch in front of a roaring fire, enjoying a hot drink with Kellan, sounded like a much better plan.


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