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Waves of Winter

Page 6

by L. C. Chase

  “They are.”

  “I love how they look out for you.” Jax grinned. “Remy is crushing on you.”

  Kellan laughed and shook his head. “Not like that. He just loves surfing and Adam doesn’t, so when I’m in town, Remy is pretty much my shadow. Adam is actually the snowboarder in the family. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to come with us. But if anyone were going to crush on me, it’d be Adam.”

  Jax nodded. “I got that vibe.”

  “We’re basically family, though, and last I heard, there was a boy in his class he was crushing on.”

  “I’m glad he has a good family behind him,” Jax said, settling deeper into the couch.

  “Me too. Did you?” Kellan sat on the couch beside Jax. “I noticed earlier you never mentioned your dad.”

  “My dad was never in the picture,” Jax said. Normally he wouldn’t have said any more than that, but for some reason, he felt he could with Kellan. “He left when I was too young to remember him. My mum filled both shoes on her own and made sure I never wanted for a thing. She’s my best friend.”

  “I’m sorry your dad booked but glad your mom is so amazing,” Kellan leaned a little closer to him. His body heat was like a welcome blanket along Jax’s side. “My parents are still together and have been supportive of me my whole life.”

  “As all should be.”

  “Yes.” Kellan’s voice was softer when he repeated, “As all should be.”

  Silence fell comfortably between them, and the contented feeling threatened to drag Jax into slumber. He rallied himself up, wanting to stay awake all night with Kellan even as his body fought him for sleep. He asked, “How come it’s been so long since you’ve been back here?”

  Kellan sighed. “My ex and I broke up here last year. It wasn’t pretty. Happened right out there on the beach, full audience and all. I guess that’s why Adam especially, reserved as he is anyway, is slow to accept you. Then I kind of let the breakup spoil everything I used to love. This is the first time I’ve been back since.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Jax said and meant it, but a small ember of anger trundled through his chest that someone had hurt Kellan, taken something he clearly loved from him for so long.

  Kellan huffed, the sound soft and self-deprecating. “It is what it is.”

  Silence fell between them again, and Jax looked for a way to fill it, get Kellan back on a happier track. For some reason it felt important to see those hazel eyes sparkling again and make those sexy dimples appear. He cast his gaze about the condo and landed on the acoustic guitar he’d seen in the corner earlier. He nodded toward it. “I’m guessing you play?”

  The slightest hint of a smile touched Kellan’s lips. “Used to. I haven’t played that for a year either.”

  “Did you love it?”

  “I did.”

  Jax shook his head, and that ember of anger burned a little brighter. He’d like to give that ex a good piece of his mind. From what he’d seen and learned in just a day, Kellan was an amazing man and deserved to enjoy all the things he loved. No one, not even Jax, should stop him from expressing his joy and living his passions.

  Jax rose from the couch and picked up the guitar, the weight of it light but solid in his hands. “Then take it back.” He held the instrument out for Kellan, who stared at it for a long moment, then flicked his eyes to Jax before he smiled and shook his head. He reached for the guitar.

  “It’s your ears,” Kellan teased while he settled the guitar in his lap and strummed a few chords, stopping to adjust the tuning a few times before settling into a song. Not something Jax recognized, but with a definite Spanish groove to it, the notes rich and mood playful.

  Jax sat back down beside Kellan and found himself sinking even deeper into the couch almost immediately. Just when did it get so comfortable?

  The song ended, and Kellan flexed his hands.

  “That was gorgeous. I don’t believe it’s been a year since you’ve played,” Jax said.

  A light blush spread over Kellan’s cheeks, but his smile was genuine joy. “It has.”

  “Play me another, Maestro.”

  “Any requests?”

  “Whatever makes you happy.”

  Kellan held Jax’s gaze for a long moment, and it may have only been Jax, but he felt like something had just passed between them—a silent agreement of some sort. Or the subtle locking into place of a friendship that would last longer than this week and a few cards on holidays before the distance between them inevitably became too great and they lost all contact.

  This time Kellan’s smile was soft, wistful, as he resettled his fingers on the strings and began to play again. He effortlessly fell into a classical tune that was soothing and romantic. Jax closed his eyes, rested his head on the back cushion, and sank even deeper into the insanely comfortable couch.

  PLAYING THE guitar again felt so good. With every strum of the strings, with every vibration traveling from his fingertips to his shoulders, to his heart, the light around him seemed brighter somehow. Like weight was slipping from him with every chord.

  He glanced over at Jax and smiled. He looked at home on the couch. Like he belonged there. His eyes were closed, his posture completely relaxed. Kellan took advantage of the moment to study him. His skin was lightly tanned, probably permanently. Long, dark eyelashes fanned half crescents over cheeks rosy from the hours they’d spent outside in the cold elements today. His nose was straight and his lips were a full, healthy pink. Lips he still remembered the feel and taste of from earlier in the evening—and that he wanted to feel again. Soon. And often. Stubble shadowed a strong jawline and square chin. Jax hadn’t taken off the hoodie he’d put on after surfing, and Kellan knew what that fabric hid. How hot that skin beneath it had been.

  “I see you,” Jax said as if knowing Kellan was watching. His tone was playful, eyes still closed, and a grin lit his face. He bumped his knee against Kellan’s. “Keep playing. You’re good.”

  Kellan shook his head, not that Jax could see, and started another song. With the last strains of Weiss’s “Fantasie,” he flexed his fingers again and began Chamonix’s “Leyenda.” With one more look at Jax, he also closed his eyes and fell into the music. From Chamonix to Bach to Handel to more modern music, he completely lost track of time and played until his fingertips hurt and his hands began to cramp. As much as he was enjoying playing again, his strumming fingers were clearly out of shape. He was going to feel this tomorrow.

  He paused, and a soft snuffling sound filled the space left silent from his guitar. Beside him, Jax was sound asleep. Who snored so politely? He laughed quietly to himself and lowered the guitar to the floor. Moving slowly and deliberately so as not to wake Jax, he carefully lifted Jax’s legs and maneuvered him onto the length of the couch. Kellan held still while Jax grunted and shimmied onto his side, curling his hands under his chin. Kellan smiled at the sight, and something in his chest shifted. Warmth radiated outward. He pulled one of the blankets from the back of the couch where they’d tossed them when they came in from the beach, and gently draped it over Jax.

  Ignoring the urge to kiss Jax’s forehead with a shake of his head, Kellan quietly replaced his guitar in its cradle, dimmed the lights, and made his way up the stairs to his room.

  Earlier tonight he had been sure he wouldn’t be crawling into bed alone, but like Jax said when Lacey knocked on the door, they had all week.

  Chapter Seven

  JAX DREAMED about baked apple pie. Which was weird. The low rumbling of his stomach guided him from unconsciousness to wakefulness. Though wakefulness was a pretty loose term for… whatever too-early-in-the-morning time it was. He couldn’t be bothered to open his eyes and check, but the sweet aroma of baking apples dragged him a little farther into the here and now.

  He finally lifted his eyelids and for a few seconds had no idea where he was. Ah, right. Kellan’s surf condo in Tofino. Except why the heck was he on the couch and not in Kellan’s bed? And still fully dres
sed? He replayed the night, and the last thing he remembered was Kellan playing the guitar—beautiful music that lullabied him to sleep like a baby.

  He shifted onto his back and stretched.

  “Good morning,” Kellan said softly, coming into Jax’s line of sight. He placed a steaming coffee cup on the table in front of Jax. “Thought you might like a little morning kick start.”

  “Ohhh, you’re my hero.” Jax sat up and reached for the cup and took a sip. The hot liquid was soothing and jolting at the same time. Just what he needed. He smiled at Kellan. “This is perfect.”

  “Excellent.” Kellan turned back for the kitchen, and Jax tracked his movements.

  “What’s that amazing smell? I was dreaming about baked apple pie,” Jax said.

  Kellan chuckled. “Close. It’s a baked french toast casserole.”

  “You made breakfast?” Jax found himself smiling, unexpectedly touched by the gesture and liking the feeling. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had made him breakfast. His mum, of course, but boyfriends? There were only a couple he’d dated long enough to really consider them boyfriends, but none of them had done anything like this for him.

  Jax stood up, stretching again, and joined Kellan in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around Kellan’s waist and nuzzled the crook of his neck. The food smelled amazing, but Kellan smelled even better. Kellan leaned back into him and angled his head for a kiss. “You sure you want to kiss me before I’ve brushed my teeth?”

  “Good point.” Kellan laughed and instead pulled one of Jax’s hands to his mouth and kissed Jax’s knuckles. “Go so I can kiss you properly, and then we can eat. I’m starving.”

  Jax rushed up the stairs to quickly brush his teeth. He considered changing into fresh clothes, but his stomach rumbled so loud and hard it shook his whole body. Plus he had this weird feeling he was missing valuable time with Kellan every second he spent out of his presence.

  He hurried back downstairs, slowing when he reached the kitchen again, and pulled Kellan away from plating their breakfast. Jax gave him the morning kiss he would have loved to have given earlier… in bed. Kellan didn’t waste any time tangling his tongue with Jax’s, and Jax savored the flavors of Kellan that flooded his mouth: cinnamon and apple and a bitter hint of coffee. Jax’s stomach rumbled again, and Kellan broke their kiss with a hearty laugh.


  “Hell yes.” Jax nodded profusely. “Feed me now before I keel over and croak.”

  “Bit of a drama queen there, aren’t you?” Kellan teased with a smile that made his dimples pop out to say good morning.

  Jax raised his eyebrows and gave Kellan his most innocent look but didn’t say a word, grinning instead. Kellan just shook his head, the smile not leaving his face.


  Jax didn’t hesitate. The table had been set so they’d be perpendicular to each other, and Jax took the seat on the long side, leaving head of the table for Kellan.

  Kellan followed him with their plates, placing Jax’s in front of him and then sitting down with his own. He picked up his utensils and said, “Bon appétit.”

  Jax dug in, and the first bite was like heaven. The top layer of bread was lightly crusted on top with cinnamon and fluffy underneath, and the bottom layer of bread, soaked with the apple and cinnamon, was so moist it melted in his mouth. He closed his eyes and groaned. Heaven.

  “You like?”

  As if Kellan even had to ask. “You don’t even know.”

  “I have an idea.” Kellan winked and dug back in to his breakfast.

  Jax savored another four bites before he could speak again. “I thought you didn’t have any real food in the house? And what time is it?”

  “I don’t. I borrowed a few things from Lacey.” Kellan reached behind him and grabbed his phone off the kitchen bar. “Nine twenty-four, to be precise.”

  “Wow,” Jax said. “I don’t usually sleep that late.”

  “You looked so cute all curled up in the blanket. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Cute?” Jax mocked outrage and received the laugh he wanted from Kellan.

  Comfortable silence fell between them while they finished their breakfast. One of the best Jax had ever had. He pushed his empty plate away first and leaned back, feeling completely content, his hunger pangs pleasantly sated. Suddenly it felt like they had been doing this for a long time, like they were an old married couple.

  The record-screech sound effect in his mind pulled Jax up short. There were no husbands on this trip. There weren’t even boyfriends. Just lovers of the moment, living life to the fullest as paths crossed on this grand planet.

  “So,” Kellan started when he finished his meal. “What do you want to do today?”

  Jax stared at him for a long beat. Live for the moment. “You.”

  A slow smile spread across Kellan’s handsome face, and his hazel-eyed gaze smoldered. His voice low and gruff, he said, “That can be arranged.”

  Holding Jax’s gaze, he stood and held out his hand, beckoning. Jax accepted and rose, pressing his body against Kellan’s. Kellan slid his arms around Jax’s waist, drawing him closer. Anticipation and desire rumbled through him, leaving a burning trail in their path. He worked his fingers through Kellan’s soft locks, cradled the back of his head with one hand, and cupped his jaw with the other. When their mouths met, his whole body shuddered. Kellan smiled against his lips and then sank into a sensual, limb-melting kiss. Without breaking the kiss, Jax nudged Kellan backward, and together they slowly inched toward the stairs. Kellan roamed his hands over Jax’s back, his shoulders, and down to cup his buttcheeks, holding on as Jax guided him through the short hall.

  When they reached the base of the stairs, Kellan reached for Jax’s pants and popped the top button. Then slowly, tooth by tooth, pulled the zipper down, and—

  Knocking on the door sounded more like a battering ram to Jax’s ears. Kellan jumped back, and if the look on his face was anything to go by, the sound had startled him just as much.

  “Really?” Jax shook his head.

  Expression sheepish, Kellan only shrugged. He ran his hands through his hair and adjusted himself, then pointed to Jax’s crotch. With a sigh, Jax set himself to rights and pulled up his zipper. Was he seriously going to get cockblocked again?

  Kellan inhaled sharply, exhaled a long breath, and opened the door.

  “Hey, Remy. Thought you had school today?”

  Remy looked from Kellan to Jax and back and smiled like he knew exactly what had been happening here. Kids grew up too damn fast these days, as far as he was concerned.

  “Mom let me skip today so I could go surfing with you.” Remy smiled. Bright and guileless in a way only youth could do.

  Kellan narrowed his eyes, his tone disbelieving when he said, “For real?”

  “For real.” Remy nodded and bounced at the same time, like he was some kind of pogo stick. “You won’t be here on the weekend, so she said I could take a sick day.”

  “You mean you begged and annoyed her until she gave in.”

  Remy shrugged and smiled. “So? Can we go now? The tide is high.”

  Yep, cockblocked again. Jax knew Kellan wasn’t going to be able to say no when the kid smiled like that. Jax couldn’t. He knew right then they were changing plans and hitting the waves instead of the sheets. Still, Kellan looked at Jax, the question in his eyes, and Jax appreciated that Kellan wanted to make sure he was okay with the change of plans too. Jax nodded.

  Kellan turned back to Remy and said affectionately, “Okay, you little troublemaker. Go have a seat in the living room while we get ready.”

  Remy hooted and did as bid. In the living room he picked up the guitar and started fooling around on the strings. He was no Kellan, but he did seem to have the basics down.

  “Sorry,” Kellan said, his eyes searching. The intensity and focus of that kind stare made Jax want to forgive Kellan anything in the world.

  “’S all good, mate.” He sm
iled bigger than he felt right then and squeezed Kellan’s shoulder as he stepped past him to get the wet suit out of the bathroom. “We have all week, right?”

  “Right.” Kellan nodded. “All week.”

  Something in Kellan’s tone made Jax glance back at him, but Kellan had already turned for the sport room, and his back was to Jax.

  Jax sighed. They wouldn’t be interrupted all week.

  Chapter Eight

  BUT THAT was how it went for the better part of the week in Tofino. Up early for a full day of surfing and hiking or mountain biking—or all of the above—and then bonfire evenings on the beach with Kellan’s friends. By the time they finally called it a night, they were both too exhausted for anything that required more physical exertion.

  Jax rolled over and soaked in Kellan’s features, peaceful in his slumber. At least they’d moved to sleeping in the same bed the second night. It wasn’t completely platonic sharing a bed either. There were amazing kisses, hands roaming warm, bare bodies, and the glorious friction of skin on skin, and there were mornings just like this second-to-last at the surf shack. He’d already stayed in Tofino longer than he’d planned and still hadn’t gone snowboarding but couldn’t bring himself to care or regret it. Not when he got to wake up next to this beautiful man beside him right now. Besides, tomorrow they were heading to Mount Washington for the whole day so he could hit the slopes. Then it was back to Vancouver the following morning and one more night with Kellan before he had to fly back to Australia.

  I want to stay.

  The thought was clear and loud and definite, and his heart clenched, knowing it couldn’t have what it wanted. Not when they lived in opposite hemispheres. But he could make the most of these last few days in Canada.

  He reached out and gently carded his fingers through Kellan’s sleep-mussed hair, loving the feel of his soft hair against his skin. He slid his hand down to trace the line of Kellan’s jaw with his fingertips, and when he reached Kellan’s lips, they twitched. Kellan groaned and stretched before opening heavy-lidded eyes. A small smile lit his face, a dimple peeked out, and Jax’s heart shifted in his chest, spreading warmth and light throughout his body. He was in so much trouble, but he smiled in return. How had Kellan become so important to him in such a short time?


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