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Love Runs Deep

Page 2

by Gail Chianese

  So yeah, while he’d started the day out with very few plans, after the guys picked him up at the airport and suggested that they grab a couple of rooms and find a place with cheap drinks and a pool table, he jumped at the chance. He didn’t have to report back into the command until Monday morning. They’d have very little downtime for the next six months once the boat got underway. They’d also have no female companionship either, but he wasn’t looking to get laid. Not that he had anything against sex.

  Then again, if opportunity knocked, it would be hard not to answer.

  After all, this would be their last night out before getting underway in a couple of days and so far they didn’t have any port calls scheduled. One hundred and eighty days of playing hide and seek with the enemy.

  When his buddy, Bryant Gatlin, pointed out the women, Kyle had originally dismissed them, until she turned her head. He wouldn’t describe her as pretty, at least not in the traditional sense. More like striking. Almond eyes, full lush lips, dark slashing brows that didn’t fit with her slim face and creamy pale complexion. She was intriguing; some sort of mixed heritage that took the best of both parents and came out with the perfect package.

  He could have gone on ignoring her too, except for that moment. If he hadn’t looked up and caught the hungry yet wary look in her eyes, seen the flare of attraction when she met his gaze, he could have gone back to his game. Her instant dismissal piqued his curiosity. She dressed like she was heading out for a weekend picnic—flat shoes, short pants and T-shirt that hung loose on her frame, a sort of don’t-see-me vibe, comfortable, casual but not the type to draw attention—rather than a woman on the prowl in a Boston bar. Maybe they had driven in from the Cape for a night of excitement? Yet, by the look of her two friends, who were dressed to impress, that didn’t ring true for him. Curiosity got the best of him. He went against his better judgment and bought a round of drinks for the ladies hoping she’d come over to say thanks.

  The three stopped short of getting in the way of his game and waited. He sunk the eight ball and held out a hand to his buddy, Mace Havers.

  “Ladies, care to join us in a game? Mace, here, is on a losing streak and could use some help.” Kyle pocketed the twenty that had been the wager between the two of them and held out the cue stick.

  “Only if I wanted to make money by betting against myself, but thanks for the offer and the drink.” Nic replied.

  He liked her warm voice and the tilt of her head, confident with a touch of humor flashing in her eyes. This close up he could see she’d barely reach the middle of his chest putting her somewhere around five-four. The pièce de résistance was the sprinkling of freckles across her nose and over her cheeks.

  He’d always been a sucker for freckles.

  “Trust me, you can’t be anywhere as bad as Mace.” He offered up the cue to prove his faith.

  She smiled and shook her head as she slid onto a nearby stool.

  The petite blonde looked to Mace before answering. “I’ve played a little before. I’ll partner with you.”

  “Count me out. I’m more of a darts girl,” the tall black woman said.

  “Well, looks like I’m stuck with Bryant as a partner.” Kyle let out an exasperated sigh. “Guy can’t shoot straight to save his life.”

  The third member of their party walked up in time to hear his comment. “Right, Hutch. Run with that, but we know the truth,” Bryant said.

  “He says that now, but I’m not the one who prematurely shot his last ball.” Kyle winked at the woman before gesturing to Mace to go ahead and rack ‘em.

  “Whatever. I’ll pass on this round. I’m going to see if I can get my ass kicked in darts too, just to round out the weekend humiliation,” Bryant said.

  Kyle’s phone rang. He tossed Mace the stick and told them to start without him as he headed outside to take the call. He hit the Talk button.

  “Mom, is everything okay?”

  He listened to his mom ramble about how much she missed him already, how she wished he would come home to stay but knew his naval career was important to him.

  “Don’t let your father’s words drive you away. You know he doesn’t mean anything he says.”

  “Already forgotten and you’re supposed to be resting. Not stressing about me. Thankfully it was only a mild attack this time. I’ll call you when we return home, but if you need me before then, you’ve got the contact numbers. Love you, Mom.”

  As he headed back inside he put thoughts of his family out of his mind. He’d worry about his mom the whole underway, but he’d left both her and her doctor a list of names of people who could get a message to him in case of an emergency. It was the best he could do for now.

  Mace and the blonde were laughing over something at the pool table, Bryant and the other woman were deep into a game of darts. Still perched on the barstool, sat… Well damn. He hadn’t had a chance to get her name before he’d stepped out and now she wasn’t alone. There went his plans for the night. Not that he’d planned to get laid, but given the option to hang with the guys or a beautiful woman, he’d taken option B every time.

  Guess he’d read her wrong, because he’d sensed a reciprocated interest.

  Based on the way the college boy was all up in her space and she didn’t seem to be putting up a fight, he’d misjudged her interest.

  Looks like it’s just me and my pool stick tonight.

  Not a big deal. He knew he wasn’t God’s gift to women—that would be Bryant—but he was usually good at reading body language and facial cues, especially from the opposite sex. He’d have to brush up on his skills, but for now it didn’t really matter, as he wasn’t looking for a hook-up or a long-term deal. Kyle started to walk past. Then stopped when he noted her rigid posture, clenched jaw, and the defensive position of her hands.

  “Come on baby, just one drink.”

  “Take off. I’m not interested.” She punctuated each word before meeting Kyle’s gaze.

  “You need to loosen up. I got what you need right here.” The college kid grabbed her hand and shoved it against his crotch.

  She ripped her hand away and Kyle stepped up, pushing his way in between the two. “Beat it, pal. The lady said no.”

  The jerk took a step back and eyed Kyle from head to toe before crossing his arms in front of him and sneering. “Yeah, what are you? Her boyfriend or something?”

  “We’ll go with something like a guy who’s had a hard week and wouldn’t mind finding a release.” Kyle stepped in closer, getting in the guy’s face and invading his private space.

  The guy looked him over again, then glanced over his shoulder before bringing his attention back to Kyle. “Hey, if uptight teases are your deal, she’s all yours.”

  Kyle watched as the guy sauntered away and turned around only when the loudmouth had rejoined his buddies at the bar.

  “Thanks for coming to my rescue,” she said.

  “I get the feeling he’s the one who should say thanks.”

  Her smile kicked up a notch. “Really? Why is that?”

  “You might be little, but I think you could have kicked his ass. Then what? The bartender would have had to toss you out and I’d never even get a chance to learn your name.”

  She cocked her head to the side, with a look that said she was debating her options. “I’m a little surprised actually.”


  “Well, I didn’t exactly fall into your arms after you bought me and my friends drinks.”

  “You weren’t obligated to.”

  She swirled the ice around in her glass, studying it, searching for the right words, or deciding on her next move. He let her take her time, all the while fighting the urge to play connect the dots with her freckles.

  Smoldering dark brown eyes with tiny flecks of gold, framed by short black lashes met his gaze. “Most guys who had been turned down would have left me on my own. So either you’re a really nice guy or a serial killer luri
ng me into a false sense of security.”

  “My grandmother would strike me down from the heavens above if I ignored a lady in need.”

  Her tongue swept across her full bottom lip in a nervous gesture before a small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “Well, we wouldn’t want that to happen. I’m Nic, and thank you again.”

  She held out her hand and when he took it in his, a sizzling spark of energy shot through him. He wondered what would happen if she were pressed against him from chest to thigh, skin to skin.

  “Kyle, and you’re welcome. What brings you ladies out tonight? Celebrating or getting away from the kids?”

  She left her hand in his. “Celebrating a work accomplishment. What about you? Escaping the wife and rugrats?”

  He noted her vague response and smiled. “Nope. Unattached. Flew in this evening from the West Coast and blowing off steam after a long, stressful week.”

  “Amen. Had one of those myself.” She raised her glass to him. “Here’s to a night of forgetting about the drudgery of work and having fun.”

  A woman after his own heart. He tipped his bottle to her glass and drank. After the week he had at home dealing with his family, he didn’t want to think about work or anything. Shoot some pool, chill with his boys, and flirt with a pretty woman. Monday would come soon enough and with it, the demands and stress of being an officer on a submarine.

  But what he wanted more than anything else right then was to feel this woman in his arms. The music switched to some slow, sultry old-school ballad.

  “Care to dance?” He held out his hand and waited.

  * * *

  She didn’t make him wait long. Placing her hand in his, she let him lead her to a dark corner on the dance floor. They moved in sync, her body snuggled up against him, causing her heart to stumble and trip over itself as every nerve in her body lit up with excitement.

  It was one dance, so why not, she’d thought. She’d had no idea the minute he took her in his arms her body would come alive and her brain would start to shut down.

  He was big, almost a foot taller than her, and solid muscle as she found out when her hands slid up his chest to land on top of strong shoulders. His hands moved too, from her hips to the small of her back, and down to mold to the curve of her butt.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind a little voice told her she should make him move his hands. Another voice, louder and with a mischievous laugh said to live a little, have some fun.

  His breath—shallow, slow, and warm—tickled the hollow below her ear. He pulled her closer, his hands still cupping her rear and his erection pressed against her. She may have let out a little moan, or that may have been Kyle. Her brain had ceased thinking straight, it was impossible to do more than feel and oh, did it feel wonderful. Clearly she’d lost her mind, but she didn’t care. This man made her feel wicked and wanted.

  Years of self-control and being the good girl slid away like ice cream melting on a hot summer day. Under her palms hard muscle flexed as his hands took a leisurely stroll up and down her backside. When he said her name and dipped his head, she angled hers to meet him halfway.

  The kiss caressed her mouth, leaving her wanting more. Then he swept his tongue across and past her parted lips. He tasted of warm beer and dark desires and sent her head spinning. Never before had one man affected her as intensely or in such a short time. As everything inside of her turned to molten heat, she threw caution to the wind and did something she said she’d never do again.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” she whispered.

  Chapter Two

  Another reason Nic and her friends had chosen the bar: it was next door to their hotel. Not that she had envisioned making a mad dash from one to the other, barely taking the time to tell them where she was going with a guy she’d just met. No, that was lunacy, and if the trip to his room had taken any longer, she might have come to her senses.

  As it was, when Kyle pinned her to the wall inside his room, his mouth devouring hers, all common sense went out the window. Emotions and hormones took control. She tugged his shirt out from his Levi’s, not taking time to unbutton, simply slipped her hands up and inside to trace all those wonderfully sculpted muscles. Kyle’s hands explored as his head dipped down to play with the soft, sensitive area at the base of her throat. Little shivers of pleasure danced across her skin, igniting small fires along their pathway.

  With a hunger like she’d never known before, she stripped away his shirt, as he pulled hers over her head. He was beautiful, chiseled and tan with a light dusting of dark hair on his chest. Abs ripped to perfection and if she weren’t standing there in person, she would have said only Photoshop could have created them. Her breath caught in the back of her throat, followed by a moan as he ran his thumb in circles around her nipple.

  Briefly, she had contemplated saying stop, running back to her friends, or to her room alone, where she would have lain awake all night with her mind racing and her body thrumming with unfulfilled desire. It’d been a long time since she’d given into passion and she was tired of playing it safe.

  Kyle’s other hand slipped her bra strap off her shoulder as his mouth trailed little kisses in its path. Just when she was about to beg for more, he dropped to his knees. Whereas the sweep of his thumb was gentle and slow, the onslaught from his mouth was intense, fast, and furious. He latched on to her breast with a deep pull, then ran his tongue back and forth over the wet cotton material.

  Why didn’t she choose the lace and silk set she’d bought last month? The thought didn’t last long as Kyle’s teeth teased the sensitive bud, sending shivers straight down her back. She dragged her fingers through his hair, urging him with whimpers of pleasure.

  While his mouth worked its magic first on one breast and then the other, his hands slid down her ribcage. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her capris and slipped them off of her.

  She reached for his zipper, but he pulled out of her reach, stood and carried her over to the little desk. The cool of the wood hitting her bare, warm butt had her sitting up straight. With a quick tug, he brought her to the edge and spread her legs apart.

  It was clear by her position what was on his mind. Still, when he swooped in and kissed her, she gasped. He worked his way down, taking a leisurely exploration down her body, only stopping long enough to check out the tattoo on her side. He didn’t comment and she didn’t explain the caged bird or the meaning behind it. Maybe he got it on his own. Most didn’t.

  Sitting, naked on the edge of the desk, one wouldn’t think she could get more exposed. But she could. There were secrets deep down, along with hopes and dreams and while she had no problem sharing her body with Kyle, she had no plans to share more.

  This was simply a night of hot, meaningless sex.

  As his finger slipped inside her, all other thoughts vanished. All except thoughts of him and the night ahead. He knelt before her, gazing at her like a prized gift that he’d savor every minute playing with. Fine with her, if he’d hurry up. With every stroke of his finger she came closer to exploding. His head dipped and he swept his very clever tongue across her nub. She cried out and grasped the edge of the desk to keep from sliding off. Each lash of his tongue was sweet torment and left her panting and begging for more. The grazing of his teeth was more than she could take and shattered her into a million spent pieces.

  She threw her head back, the rapid rise and fall of her chest making it impossible to talk. Kyle kissed his way back up her core, stopping to pay homage to each breast.

  “Ready for round two?” he asked as he nibbled his way up to her earlobe.

  Round two? She was still trying to catch her breath and bring the room back into focus, but somehow she nodded or made some kind of affirmative noise and found herself being lifted again, this time to land on the soft mattress.

  It didn’t take long to get his jeans off. Thankfully, somewhere along the line, he’d removed his shoes. She ran her fing
ertips down from his chest, across his torso and over every indent in his abs. “Are you a professional bodybuilder or something? These could only come from hours in a gym or the depths of my imagination.”

  “I’ll go with or something. Uh, I guess we should have the talk before it goes any further,” his voice came out husky and raw with need.

  “I haven’t been with anyone in over a year, I’m clean and on the pill.”

  “The same here.”

  “Really,” the edges of her mouth lifted as she fought the laugh back.

  “Well, two out of three and I have condoms.”

  He reached over, grabbed his discarded jeans and came out with a handful of Trojans.

  “Looks like we’re ready for round two.” She sat up on her knees and crawled across the king-sized bed. Snatching one of the foil packets out of his hand, she gave him a gentle push and sent him to land on his back.

  She took the lead, and what followed was mind-blowing. Even with her ex, Mark, whom she’d been with for a couple of years, she’d never felt this way before. Burning hot, like a volcano building to an eruption and more. Somehow she felt … cherished. With every stroke, caress and kiss, the pressure built as Kyle alternated between fast and hard to soft and slow. His hands explored, tweaking her nipples, sliding down her ribs to knead her hips and cup the curve of her butt, to back up and tracing the tattoo on her side sending shivers all over.

  And when he took her over the edge again, he swapped positions and built the fire back up. Murmurs, pleas and moans from both of them filled the air. Uncontrollable and insatiable passion consumed them, demanding more as the night wore on. Worshipping her with his mouth, his tongue, his hands, she strained to bring him as much pleasure as he delivered. With every surge of his hips she slipped a little closer until together they both collapsed in spent pleasure.

  Exhausted, she didn’t argue or pull away to leave when Kyle wrapped her in his arms and snuggled up behind her. While her body wanted rest her mind whirled around her actions. It was unarguably the best night of sex she’d ever experienced. Sadly there’d be no repeat performances as she was scheduled to fly out in five days for Georgia where she’d report to her new duty station, the USS Alaska.


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