Love Runs Deep

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Love Runs Deep Page 16

by Gail Chianese

  “I was coming out of the shower as another woman was coming into the locker room, but I didn’t know that at the time. I was still around the corner in front of the shower stalls with nothing but a towel wrapped around me when I heard Stone’s voice through the open door. I thought he was in the room with me.”

  “Oh, baby.” Kyle slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in tight. A soft kiss on the top of her head made everything inside of her sigh.

  Man, am I going to miss him, she thought. Oh, well, suck it up, buttercup. Such is the life you choose when you signed on the dotted line.

  “Yeah, but here’s the best part. After I got done hyperventilating and peeled myself off the floor, I tore around the corner ready to flay him for crossing a line and entering a space he didn’t belong. I wasn’t afraid to confront him anymore. I may not be one hundred percent, but I’m getting my life back.”

  “I wish you would have called me Wednesday,” he said quietly.

  “There was nothing you could have done. It was over and done with in under thirty seconds, although at the time it seemed a lot longer. Besides, you can’t always be at my side, Kyle. I have to face these fears and get over them on my own.”

  She kept her focus on the cat. Stroking her from her head to the tip of her tail, it was easier than seeing the disappointment in Kyle’s eyes that she’d heard in his voice a minute ago. She understood where he was coming from and she really hoped he did too.

  “I know. Tell me again, why aren’t we out celebrating tonight? Steak. Lobster. Champagne. You deserve all three.”

  She laughed and snagged his beer. “I’ll take this for now. We’ll save the expensive night out for when I can walk into a public facility and not even think about the possibility of having my privacy invaded.”

  That day might never come and it wasn’t just doubting herself either; the counselor had warned her there was no expiration date on trauma. Every person dealt with the damage caused in his or her own way. There was no quick fix. There was no one sure-fire resolution that worked for everyone.

  No way would she say that out loud. Talk about jinxing yourself.

  “Okay, I’ll book a table overlooking the water at Latitude 41 for next week,” Kyle said.

  She turned her head to meet his mouth and kissed him. A quick, playful, loud kiss that made the tension in the air dissipate with their laughter. “Appreciate the vote of confidence. By the way, how are things with you and the mini-me going?”

  He choked on his beer. “Mini-me?”

  “You don’t see it? He’s like you without the mileage, and double the attitude. You’re like Chris and Liam Hemsworth—not quite twins but damn close.”

  “You think I look like Thor?”

  She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. “Not even close. Answer my question.”

  He pulled her onto his lap and held her hands behind her back, forcing her forward until her mouth was mere centimeters from his. “He’s warming up to me.”

  The door slammed, startling Nic so that she fell fully on top of Kyle, knocking their foreheads together. Keith took one look at the two of them, muttered, “Figures,” and headed toward the hall leading to the bedrooms.

  * * *

  “Hey,” Kyle said, “Where have you been all day?”

  Keith turned and leaned his shoulder against the wall, his trusty backpack slung over the opposite shoulder. That thing was like his security blanket, or emergency go-bag, or maybe he had a million dollars stashed in it and was afraid if he sat it down Kyle would discover his dark secrets. Or maybe there were other things in the bag Keith didn’t want Kyle to know about, like things that got Kenny thrown in the slammer. Keith looked at Nic and then to Kyle, boredom radiating off of him in waves.

  “I’d think you’d have better things to do than worry about my whereabouts.”

  “Guess again, kid.” Nic shifted, slid her leg off his and started to rise. Kyle laid his hand on her knee. He could use some backup, a united front, if you will. If he guessed right, his brothers were used to blowing their dad off. When you heard griping twenty-four-seven it all became white noise. Kyle knew firsthand how that went. “Mom called. Said you weren’t answering her calls. She got worried.”

  “Didn’t hear it ring. I’ll go call her now.”

  “Right.” He sat forward, arms resting on his knees. The kid was full of it. “I haven’t seen you without your phone since you got here. Hell, you even take it into the head with you.”

  Kyle did a quick scan. Keith’s pupils weren’t dilated. His coloring was good. Arms weren’t covered up. He didn’t smell any funky smells. Well, except for grease like the kid had been around someone cooking, but otherwise he didn’t look like he was baked or drunk.

  But there were other things he could have been out doing that he shouldn’t have.

  “I know you think you’re an adult and don’t have to answer to me or anyone else, but you’re wrong. This isn’t Citrus Park where they’ll turn a blind eye until you fuck up royally like Kenny. You so much as even look at a beer here and they’ll haul your ass in. You get mixed up with the wrong people like Woody and there won’t be anything I can do for you.”

  “Whatever. I was busy. Now I’m tired. Are you done with the interrogation?”

  “Busy doing what, Keith?”

  Nic nudged him with her knee. “I should go. It’s getting late.”

  “No.” He turned back to his brother. “Well, I’m waiting.”

  Kyle looked around the room quickly and upon only seeing the three of them, wondered how in all of Hades his dad’s voice and words had come out of his mouth. Didn’t you only turn into your parents when you had kids of your own? It was something he swore he’d never do…become like the old man, talking down to everyone around him, treating his family like slave labor and basically acting like a Class-A asshole. He didn’t even talk to his junior sailors that way.

  “I’m going to get something to drink,” Nic picked up his hand and set it back on his leg and stood. “Keith, can I grab you a soda, bottle of water, anything?”

  “I’m good, thanks.” The kid’s smirk spoke volumes.

  He waited until Nic had disappeared around the corner and then walked over to his brother, putting them eye-to-eye. At the last second he sat on the end of the couch thinking standing in front of Keith might be too confrontational.

  “Look, I’m sorry. Mom was freaking out. She’s heard some talk around town about Woody and is convinced you and Kenny are in league with the devil. I guess being away, I forget how fast the tales back home can grow. But you got to cut me some slack, Keith. You’ve hardly said anything to me since you got here. You won’t tell me anything and when I ask you a question, you give me attitude.”

  “Dude, you want me to spill my guts to you? I don’t even know you.”

  “Give me a chance, Keith. I’m trying my best to be here for you.”

  Kyle clamped his hands together at the back of his skull. It was either that or punch a wall. No matter what he did or said, the kid shot him down. Every attempt he’d made to get to know his brother was met with a door slammed in his face—literally and figuratively.

  “Can we do this brother bonding some other time? I’m tired and I have a double shift tomorrow.” Keith picked up the backpack that had slid to the floor.

  “Double shift? You found a job?” Kyle heard the shock in his voice and winced. Way to go, Hutch. Show the kid how much faith you don’t have in him.

  “I got two jobs.” Kyle didn’t miss the stress on those three letters or the exasperated tone and dead-eyed stare. “I’m lifeguarding over at the Y in the morning and then I’ve got the closing shift at Taco Bell, so don’t freak when I’m not home by seven, Dad.”

  Nic’s soft laughter floated across the room and both he and Keith glanced her way. “Impressive. Not even a month and already fully employed. Congrats, Keith. I see you share your brother’s work ethic and sense
of humor.”

  “That’s not all we share.” Without further explanation he disappeared into his room.

  Shaking his head, Kyle held out his hand for her and nodded toward the sliding door to the small balcony. Outside where Keith couldn’t hear, Kyle apologized for the second time. He shouldn’t have put Nic in the middle of the two of them.

  “That’s the most he’s said to me since he arrived,” he said.

  “Baby steps. So what was with his parting comment?” She dropped into one of the two green plastic chairs and propped her feet on the matching plastic table. The day had been hot and humid, a typical July in Connecticut. Now that the sun had set, the breeze off the Thames picked up and cooled her exposed skin from her shorts and T-shirt causing little goose bumps to break out.

  “No freaking clue.”

  He leaned back, planting his butt on the railing, one foot propped on the table next to her pretty toes painted bright red with white spots. Her T-shirt matched her nail polish, which made him wonder if what was under the shirt and shorts matched as well. If baby bro had arrived a few minutes later Kyle would have found out. Maybe it wasn’t too late. The tension from their exchange slipped away and Nic rubbed her foot up against him. A door somewhere inside slammed, followed a few minutes later by another door. Yeah, there was no way they were getting back to their earlier mood.

  “I don’t think he likes me much,” Nic suggested on the third slam.

  “I think he might like you too much.”

  “Kyle.” She sat up suddenly as if a thought had hit her straight between the eyes. “Did you think to ask your mom before she shipped Keith off if he had a girlfriend or not? Maybe that’s what wrong. Maybe my being here is a reminder of what he’s missing.”

  Kyle looked over her head and through the glass door into the empty room. Crap. Why hadn’t he thought of that? He’d make a point to ask Keith the next time he saw him. It could be that he was worried about their brother too; after all, the two hadn’t spent any real time away from each other ever. Now, depending on the judge and evidence, Kenny could be in an eight-by-eight until he was middle-aged.

  He’d call their mom in the morning, let her know Keith was doing great and had two jobs and see if he could get some more info out of her. Maybe then the kid would open up to him.

  Nic nudged him with her foot. “A penny for your thoughts?”

  He reached down to take her bare foot in his hands and began massaging it. “I think we should grab a blanket and head over to Dubois Beach. Everyone will have gone home by now and we’ll have it completely to ourselves. It’s a sure bet to cure a headache.”

  “Really?” Her eyes clouded with indecision. “Didn’t you say I’d have to get naked?”

  “Different cure. Fresh sea air, the sound of waves rolling to the shore, a cool breeze on your face—what every sailor needs.” Slowly, he ran his hand up her bare calf, taking his sweet time before stopping at the hem of her shorts. “We’ll save the Hutchinson Special for another time, when we won’t be interrupted for hours.”

  “Sounds like a perfect plan, on both accounts.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nic had never felt so…so unfeminine before in her life as she did facing the dozen drop-dead gorgeous young women standing before her on the pier, including Miss Connecticut complete with a shiny diamond crown. Even the male photographer looked more feminine than she did in his ripped jeans and plain white, V-neck T-shirt tucked only in the front.

  Quickly she introduced herself and Petty Officer Wu, explaining that before they boarded the boat he needed to go over a few rules for their safety and security. She left Wu in charge and wondered over to the side where Kyle stood, arms crossed over his chest looking way too sexy in his khaki uniform. Really, that color shouldn’t look good on anyone, yet he looked scrumptious. Maybe it was just left over pheromones from the weekend.

  “Did you volunteer for this duty or draw the short straw?” she asked Kyle. She looked down at the gentle waves hitting the column beneath them, not wanting to think about how she compared in his eyes to the women standing before him, who were not only beautiful, but smart and talented.

  “Are you kidding? Volunteered.” He slid a little closer and let his hand drop down to fall in front of her and took her hand. “It was the perfect excuse to see you.”

  She couldn’t help the small smile or ignore the race of her pulse at his words. Nor did she want to examine her reaction too closely. “Why are we giving them a tour of the boat?”

  “Public Relations thought it would be a good chance to restore the image—shine the light on the positive—and the Group agreed.”

  “So I’m to be the poster girl for being all that you can be?”

  “Think that’s for that other branch.”

  She laughed. “So what you’re saying is the admiral’s daughter shouldn’t promote the ground pounders? Someone’s got to be the decoy while we sneak up on the enemy and do the job.”

  “Said like a true Submariner.” He grinned at her and nodded toward the group. “I think Wu’s in Heaven.”

  “Let’s hope Mrs. Wu doesn’t find out how much he enjoyed this assignment. With the exception of those sashes, they’re at least dressed appropriately for climbing down ladders and going through tight spaces.”

  “Yeah. The brunette with the big…blue eyes,” he pointed to one of the three women without a sash who was glued to Miss Connecticut’s side. “We had to take a trip up to the NEX so she could buy a complete outfit. I can’t believe their chaperone, the older woman who could pass as Helen Mirren’s double, let her wear spiked heels and a skirt that barely covered her butt.”

  She’d have to keep her eye on that one.

  “Looks like Wu is ready to head on board. You joining us for the fun and games?” She turned to look at him as she stepped forward, not wanting to let the group see the hope on her face.

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  Nic led the way, making her way swiftly down the ladder and into the control room where they’d start the tour. She moved to the far end of the room, near the hatch as the space swelled to capacity with the contestants, the chaperone, the photographer, and the two extra women whose role she had no clue of. Wu introduced Miss Connecticut, Gabrielle Davis, and then rest of the entourage to the skipper and stepped back to let him take the helm.

  As the Captain had the audience’s attention, Kyle slipped passed the women to stand next to Nic. The spicy scent of him hit her and every molecule of her being came alive. With every nerve, every fiber she craved his touch, his kiss. Giving into that craving would be bad considering where they stood. For now, she’d have to settle with the comfort… but no that wasn’t right, because what she felt when he was near was anything but. No, he knocked her off kilter to where half the time she wasn’t sure if she was coming or going and the other half had her head in the clouds or the gutter.

  Depending on how one looked at it.

  “How many other women besides Lieutenant Riley are stationed on board this submarine?” Miss Connecticut asked as she waited her turn to look through the periscope.

  “At this time, she is the sole female member of our crew,” the Captain replied. “However, female officers began serving on Ohio-class subs in 2011. Now we have enlisted as well, but Lieutenant Riley is a pioneer in the fast attack community and we hope now that she’s breached the walls more will follow.” Pride shone through the skipper’s voice and Nic returned his smile; it was good to know the past few weeks hadn’t spoiled his view.

  “Can’t the Navy just order the women to work on subs?” a petite blonde asked.

  “It takes a special type of person to live on a sub, so service is voluntary,” the Captain answered.

  “Yeah. Crazy ones,” one of the junior guys stage whispered.

  There was no arguing with that statement. The group finished checking out the periscope and the skipper ran them through responsibilities of each person
in the control room. Some looked a little lost, some interested, and a few, like the brunette with the big blue eyes, had their attention on the men, including Kyle.

  “Okay, ladies and gentleman, next we’re moving down a deck to show you where the crew eats and sleeps and the torpedo room. Before we go, any other questions for the skipper or the men in here?” Wu looked around the room and pointed to the brunette. “Yes, Kerry?”

  She flashed him a sweet smile while she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “How can you see where you’re going when there are no windows? Aren’t you afraid you’ll hit something like a boat or a whale or something?”

  Several of the men ducked their heads and Nic knew it was to hide the smirks they sported. Everyone who had been to Disney or saw Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea thought all subs had windows.

  “That’s a good question, Kerry,” Wu replied. “We use multiple tools such as GPS, SONAR, maps, charts and an inertial guidance system, which tracks the boat’s motion. So think of those crime shows where they look on a car’s GPS to see where the car has been. It’s kind of like that. We can see where we started and exactly what route we’ve taken and know where we’re headed.”

  Nic heard her tell Miss Connecticut that she didn’t believe them, that they had to have the windows covered so the group couldn’t see the top secret stuff going on outside.

  Umm, yep she was on to them.

  Nic just rolled her eyes and nodded when Kyle offered to bring up the rear so they didn’t lose anyone.

  Wu looked back at Kerry but didn’t say anything and Nic made a mental note to let his department head know how great he handled the tour.

  “It’s so big on the outside and so squishy inside,” Miss New Haven said.

  “Kind of like the reverse of a certain blue call box, except instead of one mad man we have many in our steel box,” Nic said.

  “Ohh, I like you. Quick, which are your favorites? Mine are Matt Smith and David Tennant.”


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