Love Runs Deep

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Love Runs Deep Page 17

by Gail Chianese

  “Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and Peter Capaldi.”

  “Impressive. Smart, beautiful, a Naval officer and great taste in TV and men. You should come hang out with us sometime.”

  Nic thanked Miss New Haven and stepped aside. Next stop was the gallery and mess deck where Chief Boone waited to show off his skills. On each table was an assortment of nibbles like crab puffs, bruschetta with thin slices of beef, miniature shrimp tacos and several other savory dishes, along with cookies, brownies, and the chief’s signature Better-than-Sex Peanut Butter pie.

  Chief Boone had pulled out all the stops. Too bad the desserts would be wasted.

  Oh well, more for me, she thought eyeing the pie, which was probably the only reason her pants weren’t falling off these days.

  “Where do you store your food? There doesn’t seem to be enough storage room to accommodate a crew of one hundred forty for four months.” Miss Windham asked Chief Boone when he’d finished his spiel.

  “We line the passage way and the crew walks on tops of the cans and boxes.”

  “No way. How do you stand up straight? I mean you’re pretty tall and that hallway we came down didn’t have a lot of headspace,” Miss Windham said.

  “I spend most of my time in the galley, but yeah. The first few weeks out can be a challenge.”

  “Excuse me, Chief, can Knut get a picture of you and me showcasing this wonderful spread?” Miss Connecticut, nodded toward the photographer.

  Nic mouthed the name to Kyle and gave a slight shake of her head as his eyes lit up. Now she knew why Wu hadn’t introduced everyone in the group to the skipper. Those guys in the Control room would have had a field day. For whatever reason, sailors tended to have the sense of humor of your average eight-year-old. Although, she’d admit it did help in surviving long deployments.

  “Hi, I’m Kerry. Can I ask you a question? Is it hard to be the only woman on board? I mean it’s got to be right? It’d be like being the only girl on an all-male campus.”

  “Not really. I have two older brothers who used to drag home every member of whatever sport team they were on at the time. Not much different. Lots of fart jokes, when conversations stop when you walk into a room, you know not to take it personal and do not ask what they were talking about, and be prepared to be the center of a practical joke or two.”

  “Sounds like the first grade class I student taught this past year.”

  “You’re an elementary teacher?”

  She smiled and bobbed her head up and down. “Starting this fall. Do you mind if I ask you a few more questions?”

  Nic shook her head, hoping that the girl hadn’t caught any of the news about her and that was were all this was headed.

  “Is it dark under water?”

  Lord, help the next generation, she taught.

  “Very. Light doesn’t penetrate very far.”

  “I bet buying headlights for a sub are expensive.”

  Those poor kids are doomed.

  “Umm, kind of.” Nic did her best to keep a straight face.

  “Can you guys rollover like the fighter jets do?”

  Kyle looked her way, a wry twist to his mouth, the coffee cup he was about to take a drink from suspended in space.

  Glad he found the conversation amusing, but then again he didn’t have to answer her without hurting her feelings and clearly telling her the truth wasn’t something she would accept given her window comment.

  “Uh-huh, we do barrel rolls all the time.”

  “Knew it. Tell me. Is that yummy Lieutenant Hutchinson single?”

  “He’s not married.” Even though she wanted to tell Kerry no and steer her in another direction, Nic didn’t dare take a chance that one of the crew would overhear. They’d been great through this whole mess, never showing anything except support and respect. Would they still do the same if they knew about her and Kyle? A part of her feared they’d look down on her, to question her morals if their relationship was exposed, especially if it came out how they met.

  Kerry tucked the hem of her top in tighter emphasizing her big blue eyes and deep cleavage. “Thanks for the chat. Now I’m going to go see if I can change his Facebook status.”

  Nic grabbed a cup of coffee and a slice of the pie and leaned against the bulkhead to watch the show. If she could just press a button and fast forward a couple of months, then all of this would be behind. The boat could get back on schedule. People would forget and she and Kyle could enjoy a normal relationship. Or, as normal as you could get with two people on active duty.

  Wu switched from answering questions to talking about some of the practical jokes the crew played on each other. Nic was as enraptured by his tale as the rest and didn’t even notice Miss Connecticut approach.

  “You know you don’t have anything to worry about?”

  “Excuse me?” Nic asked, baffled by the comment. She didn’t have anything to do with the pranks Wu was talking about.

  Miss Connecticut nodded in Kyle’s direction, who not only had Kerry batting her lashes at him, but several other women.

  “I don’t think Kerry is his type and the others like to flirt with pretty much anyone in the male population.” She nodded to the group as several had already turned their attention away.

  “Are you enjoying the tour?” Nic really didn’t want to talk about Kyle and what his type was or wasn’t or watch women flirt with him.

  “Yes, but I have a confession to make. When they told me about the boat switch, I was thrilled. I was hoping to meet you.”

  “Why?” It came out as a whisper.

  Unfortunately, Nic had a good idea of the answer.

  “I’ve been following the story of what happened to you.”

  Nic couldn’t answer past the lump that had swelled in her throat. Would it never end? Would she ever reach the end of the tunnel and emerge into the light?

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s the curse of being a psych major.” She grimaced and looked down, her fingers playing with the edges of her sash as if it were choking her. “It’s just that most people given the situation would have cut and run if they could, and I know you were offered a transfer. I’ve done some checking. But you didn’t. You chose to stay and I admire your decision.”


  “For what it’s worth. I hope they hang him by his balls.”

  Miss Connecticut left her with that happy thought and returned to her group. They were headed to the torpedo room next and since that was Kyle’s area of expertise he led the group. The women were more than happy to follow him. Wu hung back and waited for Nic.

  “Eat one piece too many of Boone’s pie? You’re looking a little green, ma’am.”

  “Maybe a little too much sugar and caffeine on an empty stomach. You did a terrific job keeping them entertained and informed.” Nic pressed against the wall to let a couple of crewmembers pass as they made their way from the mess deck.

  “Thank you. Last year I had to do one of those career days at the elementary school. I just told the ladies what I told the kids.”

  “I bet the teachers loved you filling their students’ heads with various pranks they could pull on each other.”

  “Yep. Not sure I’ll be invited back. I better get up there with the Lieutenant. I may be overstepping boundaries here.” At her questioning look, Wu looked toward Kyle and then back to her. “I don’t think you have any worries in regards to the Lieutenant, ma’am. He’s a standup guy and it would take more than a set of big…blue eyes to turn his head.”

  “Thanks. Go.”

  Of all the fuckity-fucking fuckups.

  Had someone seen them on the beach this past weekend? Thankfully nothing happened worth videotaping.

  They’d been so careful, she couldn’t believe anyone saw them together. Nic hung back for a few minutes. As a kid her mom had taught all of the Riley kids about Karma and the law of three. It had scared Nic so bad s
he’d made sure to always be a good person.

  Yeah, well clearly in a past life you were a bitch or a mass murderer or something and karma is collecting on your debt now.

  She couldn’t come up with any other explanation for the mess called her life.

  “Why are there beds in here? I thought this was the torpedo room,” one of the beauty queens asked.

  “Space is limited so we have to use every inch we can,” Kyle replied.

  “Where do they keep their clothes and stuff?”

  Time to dwell on that later, Nic pushed forward and stepped into the room in time to see Wu lift the rack.

  “Right here,” Wu said.

  The group burst out in embarrassed laughter.

  “Guess that answers my question.” Knut draped his arm around his girlfriend. “What do they do to fill their free time?”

  Swallowing a groan Nic hung her head and swore in her head. The rack was filled with adult mags and toys. There went their restored image.

  “And that’s a wrap.” She lifted her head to meet Kyle’s laughing eyes. “We hope you enjoyed the tour.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nic chewed on the edge of her thumbnail as she made her way up to Sub Support, wondering what her entire family was doing here. She should be overjoyed. It’d been ages since she’d seen her brothers, since all three of them were home at the same time together, but a niggling in her gut told her this wasn’t just a “Hey, we were in the area and decided to drop by” visit.

  Rounding the building she spotted Kyle’s Charger and remembered they’d had plans for the night. She had no idea what because Loverboy refused to tell her, only that it was a surprise. She pulled out her phone and hit the message app.

  Need to cancel tonight. Fam showed up unannounced.

  Come over after. I’ll be up.

  Will you now?

  Always for you. ;-)

  Smirking, she pulled the heavy door open and hustled up the stairs to the command conference room. Her mom sat at the end of the long table, surrounded by men, all of whom looked ready to do her bidding like that of a queen at court. She stood and all the men followed.

  You’d think her mom outranked them all.

  The commanding officer and his next in command excused themselves, offering up the use of the room for however long the family needed it. As soon as they had the room to themselves, Nic relaxed and hugged her mom first. Despite the smile that greeted her she didn’t missed the pinched look of maternal concern. The one that said you’re not eating enough, sleeping enough, and you’re making me worry too much. It was a look Nic was used to seeing.

  Still wondering about the sudden visit, Nic took a closer look but her mom gave no clues. She looked the same as always: chin-length black hair, not a gray hair in sight, smooth skin with just a touch of eyeliner and lipstick, and impeccably dressed in black capris with a sleeveless top. Everything an admiral’s wife should be: classy.

  Liam and Reece were both dressed in civvies and pretty casual at that, with jeans and T-shirts, which ruled out some kind of military function for them. They gave her quick hugs before stepping back to let their dad take center stage.

  Nic didn’t wait for her dad’s hug or greeting. Her nerves were fraying by the second.

  “Pops, what are you all doing here?” Unlike the other two, he was in uniform. “Did you have another ceremony to attend? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would have arranged for time off.” She rambled not wanting to discuss what really brought them to see her.

  He wrapped her in his bear arms and hugged her. “Breathe, Lily-Pad.”

  “I am.” She pushed free. “You guys are kind of freaking me out. We don’t just show up unannounced, en masse without a reason. That’s not our family. Do you all know something I don’t? Oh my God! Did someone die?” Tears sprung to her eyes.

  Her whole body shook as she fought to control her emotions. Legs like water, she groped behind her for a chair, almost falling when she missed. Liam slipped an arm around her waist and guided her to safety.

  “Chill, little drama mama. No one’s dying,” Liam said.

  Oh, she was going to smack the smirk right off his face. At her steely-eyed stare of death, he laughed and stepped back a step missing getting a punch in the arm by an inch.

  “Stop.” Her mother’s voice brooked no argument. She might be little, but the lady was mighty. “You two.” She wagged a finger at them both. “Why can’t you behave for once? Act like the adults I raised. Lily, your brothers are home on leave. Since you missed your father’s birthday, I decided we’d all celebrate now, together. I didn’t think how this might seem. We should have called. But now we’re here and we’re going to enjoy our family time.”

  The last of her comments was directed at Liam, who shrugged like he had no clue what she meant.

  Reece pulled up the chair next to her and dropped into it. “What’s the deal with you and this guy, Hutchinson?”

  “Have they set the trial date yet?” her dad asked.

  “Yeah, what is up with you and Hutchinson?” Liam pulled up another chair and took up the space on the other side of her.

  They all asked their questions at the same time, sending Nic’s head reeling. Finally she held up her hand. “None of your business, no, and none of your business.”

  “When do we get to meet him?” Reece asked.

  “Isn’t this the command he’s attached to?” Liam’s eyes gleamed with mischief.

  “Mom, make them behave.” Flashbacks to her teen years sent her heart pounding.

  For some reason her parents just grinned and did that parent look where they could read each other’s minds. Maybe they were having flashbacks too, the happy kind from when all three of them were little and the worst thing to happen was a toy got broken or the three of them fought over the TV. Easily fixed problems that didn’t rip at a parent’s heart as she imagined this mess of hers did to them every day.

  “You two will leave Kyle alone. The fact that I like him is exactly why you are not going to meet him. How long are you here for?” Nic asked the group in general.

  “Sunday night. Reece needs to get back to Kings Bay and Liam is headed to DC with us for a few days.”

  She turned to her annoying oldest sibling, giving him her most innocent look. “Sucking up again? You know you were already taken out of the will; it won’t do you any good. Or is it you Trident boys have it so easy they don’t need their XO on board these days? Oh wait. I forgot you’re on shore duty and living the good life these days.”

  “Green isn’t a good color on you Lily-Pad,” Liam reached out and poked her in the ribs, knowing it was her ticklish spot.

  “I don’t know how either of you survived to adulthood without Mom or Dad killing you off.” Reece shook his head and looked at his watch. “Fifty-four hours to go, until I either lose my sanity or we see if they finally crack and kill you two.”

  “Well you two have had Mom time and I haven’t. So I’m stealing her away and we’re going shopping while you all go do manly stuff elsewhere. Then we can meet for dinner.” She smiled sweetly at her brothers, knowing the men in her family hated shopping while their mom adored the pastime.

  Leeann Riley picked up her purse, kissed her husband and sons goodbye and looped her arm through her daughter’s. Just as they reached the door her dad’s booming voice stopped her in her tracks.

  “Lily-Pad, while you’re out give Hutchinson a call and invite him to dinner tonight. Your mom and brothers would like to meet him.”

  Her brothers smirked, thinking they’d got one up on her. So of course Nic did what any sister would do in her situation: she stuck her tongue out at them while trying to think of a great reason why Kyle wouldn’t be available for the entire weekend. The flu? A family emergency? A free trip to anywhere away from her brothers?

  * * *

  Kyle closed the message from Nic and looked down at the contents of his grocery c
art. He’d planned on surprising her with spicy shrimp tacos for dinner, followed by chocolate molten cake that would lead to a round of wild monkey sex to take her mind off the stress of waiting for the trail to be set. He could work with the change of plans. Skip the tacos. Go straight to dessert and then a round of sex.

  Much better plan.

  He switched out the ingredients in his cart, paid for everything and headed next door to the Navy Exchange. It wouldn’t hurt to pick up a few items to set the mood like scented candles and flowers. Chicks loved that stuff. While he was thinking of it, he should hit the Package Store and find a good wine to go with the dessert.

  Rumors were circulating that Stone expected a slap on the wrist instead of jail time. No telling what her mood would be like if she’d heard the news, plus time with her family.

  His would be shit if the situation were reversed. Then again from everything Nic had told him the Rileys sounded like a nice, normal family who actually liked one another. Unlike his family, where the only bond was shared DNA. He did appear to be making some kind of progress with Keith. They had moved past the terse, forced conversations to something bordering between apprehensive neighbors and irritating siblings. They’d even managed to eat in the same room together last week—a first. Their debate over sports teams resembled a Boston fan and Bronx fan trying to convince the other their team was the best, but it was a start and he’d take it.

  Taking the stairs two at a time—not for health reasons, but because the escalator was broken as always—he headed for the home goods section of the store only to come up short at the sight of a smile that sent his heart racing.

  Detouring to ladies’ clothing, he peered over Nic’s shoulder at the dress she held up. “Not that one. It covers up too much of the good stuff,” he said.

  Nic spun around with her hand on her chest. “Jeez, Kyle. Give me a heart attack. And I really don’t think my family wants to see the ‘good stuff’ during dinner.”

  “In that case, that one’s fine, but go with the red. Black is boring.”


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