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The Cripple’s Bride_Family of Love Series_A Western Romance Story

Page 18

by Elliee Atkinson

  Daryl laughed. “He was never a ruffian. He was always a good kid. Never stole from me or anyone in town. Didn’t destroy people’s property. Looked after his little sister. He’s a good boy. I always liked him.”

  “Have you thought of where they’re going to stay when their mother is gone? They can’t stay with the Samuels permanently. Those children aren’t their responsibility.”

  Daryl nodded. “I know. I volunteered to take them on as mine. I intend to follow through. I won’t put the burden of those children on anyone else.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way, Daryl. Don’t be offended.”

  They looked at each other.

  “I just meant… well, maybe we could… build on to my cottage? Build another room onto it?”

  “You mean tear down one of the walls of your beautiful cottage and stick some ugly room onto it? No. We won’t be destroying the beauty of this cottage. That’s just not going to happen, so don’t even think about it.”

  Rachel had to admit that she was relieved. She wouldn’t tell him though. It was enough that she knew it. She wanted to keep her cottage just the way it was. She hoped that someday she would have a daughter who would like to live there as a young woman, the way Rachel had.

  “I think I have a better plan, but I don’t want to reveal it yet. You will just have to wait. I’m working on it with Charles. And don’t go asking Rebecca for information. He’s not discussing it with her either.”

  “Oh, but why can’t I know, Daryl? Maybe I can help. You never know. I’m mighty handy with tools.”

  “I know you are. I’ve seen your handiwork. But no, this is going to be… it’s going to be part of my wedding present to you.”

  Rachel’s breath caught in her throat. She looked at him with delight written on her face. “Oh my. Am I going to need to think of something spectacular to do for you in return? Is it that big?”

  “It’s that big. You might want to think of something unlike any present you’ve ever given before. And then you still might be lacking.”

  “Oh my!” Rachel laughed. “I’ll owe you. How’s that? What can I give you that will repay you for this grand present?”

  “Repay me?” Daryl gave her a wild look, throwing his head back and laughing. “You will never need to repay me for anything I do for you. Your love is enough. Because of the kind of woman you are, my life was saved. You saved my life. I will never forget it.”

  “I promise never to serve you walnuts,” Rachel said. He shuddered visibly.

  “Thank you. I never want to see another one in my life. I didn’t want to see that one. You people just wanted to torture me. I know it. I know how you all are behind my back, you know.”

  “Uh oh,” Rachel said softly, leaning closer to him. “You’ve figured us out.” She sprinkled kisses across the side of his face, throwing one arm around his shoulders. “I’m so glad you are out of the house, my love. It’s so good to see the sun shining on your face.”

  “It feels good, that’s for sure. I’m glad I get to enjoy it with you.”

  “Daryl, you are an amazing man.”

  “You’re just saying that. I’ll bet you say it all the time. Adam is an amazing man. Have you told him that?”

  Rachel laughed. “Oh no. You are the only man I can think of that is truly amazing.”

  “I think we are straying into the silly zone here, my dear. Let’s be adults again. I want to tell you what I have planned for tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” Rachel hadn’t thought it would happen so suddenly. She was anxious and stared at him, waiting to hear what he had planned.

  He nodded. “Yes, tomorrow. I know you want this done as soon as possible just as much as I do. She… she’s a good woman. But she drives me batty.”

  “Me, as well.”

  “I think it’s worse for you. You have to watch her and listen to her and I’m the recipient of a lot of positive attention.”

  “I’m sure you feel flattered by it all.”

  “I do. I can’t help it.”

  “Any man would like it,” Rachel said. “I understand.”

  “I’m glad you do. That’s one of the best things about you. You are very understanding.”

  “You’ve noticed?” she teased.

  He nodded. “I’ve noticed.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her dark hair. He breathed in and smiled. “Your hair smells like berries. How do you manage to make that happen?”

  Rachel chuckled. “You have no idea how many concoctions I have in my pantry, Daryl. It’s a good thing people aren’t afraid of witches here or they might see my pantry and think something is up. But no, it’s just various herbs, berries, medicinal remedies I’ve put together. I designed a soap that I use in my hair and it leaves it feeling clean and smelling like berries.”

  Daryl looked at her shaking his head. “You’ve been doing that for years, haven’t you?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Experimenting with different things. Trying to create something new and useful.”

  “Oh yes. When you live by yourself as long as I have, fairly isolated from most people, you come up with creative ways to entertain your brain.”

  “What a beautiful brain you have.”

  Rachel laughed. “I like to learn things. I like knowledge. It helps me hold conversations with people and I get to help out when people need something done.”

  They were quiet for a few minutes, enjoying the bright sun.

  “Oh, you were going to tell me your plan,” she said suddenly.

  He laughed. “I was, wasn’t I? Okay, so the plan is to tell Esther that we will be going on a vacation tomorrow. I am going to take her to an institution out near Dry Gulch. Do you know where that is?”

  She shook her head.

  “It’s about a day’s trip away. If we start in the morning and go through without stopping, we will reach it by afternoon tomorrow. Do… do you want to go?”

  “How would you excuse that?”

  “I’m going to tell her that since you’ve been my nurse all this time, I might need you so that she doesn’t have to do everything to take care of me.”

  “Do you think she’ll even agree to go on vacation? You’ve only been walking one day. Does Dr. Campbell think this is a good idea? Have you run it by him yet?”

  Daryl laughed. “I knew you would be full of questions. I didn’t know I was going to get them all at once.”

  “I’m sorry, dear.” Rachel smiled at him.

  “Yes, I think she’ll agree to it. Rachel, come now. The woman would agree to jump off a cliff if I told her I would love her more for doing so.”

  “It’s a good thing you aren’t that kind of man.”

  “I agree.”

  “Go on.”

  “I haven’t consulted Doc about it, but the last time he saw me, he said to give it a few more days. It’s been a few days. I’m ready.”

  “Are you in a lot of pain right now?”

  “Nope. Not at all. I’m ready and rarin’ to go.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure, Rachel. Stop worrying so much about me.”

  “Oh, I can’t help it. It seems like you don’t have very good luck.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t think it’s bad luck, really. I think it’s God putting obstacles in my way so I don’t go down the wrong path. He might get me there in a wild way, but I’ll end up where He wants me every time. I’m with you, aren’t I? He’s got to be on my side.”

  “I like the way you think. It’s like nothing can get you down.”

  “I try to stay upbeat, yeah. It’s the only way to get through the tough times. Gotta keep smiling.”

  “Do you… have you thought about whether you want children or not?” She looked up at him. His cheeks flushed.


  “I thought since we are going to get married, we’d better establish that right away.”

  Daryl looked down at her. “I don’t think that’s somethi
ng we can control. We’re either gonna have children or not, according to what the Lord wants.”

  Rachel grinned from ear to ear. “I want a little girl. I know that. I want a little girl who looks just like her daddy.”

  “Ugh, that sounds horrible!” Daryl said. “Poor girl. Why would you want to curse our daughter that way? She has to look like you. She will be a beautiful angel, just like her mother.”

  Rachel leaned against him, lowering her head to rest on his broad shoulder. “Flattery gets you whatever you want, Daryl. You know that?”

  “I had hoped so, yes. That was my goal.”

  He brought the wagon to a halt and turned to put his arms around her. “It’s a wonderful day with the woman I’ve dreamed of meeting,” he said softly into her ear. “How can I possibly ask for anything more? Will you be happy with me, Rachel? Do you really think you will?”

  She laughed softly, breathing in his musky scent. She was going to enjoy breathing that in at night when they were married.

  “Yes, Daryl. It will be bliss.”




  Rachel had put together some of her dresses for Esther, knowing most of the woman’s clothes were in tatters. She watched as Daryl lifted the bag into the back of the wagon.

  “It was nice of you to do that, Rachel. You didn’t have to.”

  “I know, Daryl, but truly the woman shouldn’t be going into this situation unaware and be wearing rags, too.”

  He nodded, sighing sadly.

  “We’re doing the right thing, Daryl,” she said softly, putting one hand on his arm.

  He looked distraught. “I know, Rache. It’s just… it’s difficult for me. I’ve seen her struggling so hard for so long and she… she’s just given up.”

  “I don’t think she was ever very strong to begin with. The trauma of losing her babies was too much.”

  He nodded. “I agree.”

  “How do you plan to get her into the institution?”

  “I’ll tell her it is a hotel. I’ll check her in and tell her I’ll be with her shortly. Then I will leave.”

  “Oh, this just feels so… so wrong.”

  “But it’s not. It’s not. She needs to be taken care of by people who know how to do it. Professional caregivers.”

  “Poor woman. I feel bad for her.”

  “I do, too, Rache.” He leaned against the back of the wagon, crossing his ankles and his arms.

  “What will you do if she sees the sign outside? There’s bound to be a sign saying the name of the place.”

  Daryl looked down at his feet. “I hadn’t thought of that. What should we do?”

  Rachel licked her lips. “Well, I suppose I could distract her somehow. I could… could be in the back of the wagon and ask her for help with something.”

  “Like what?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Sewing on a button. I’ll think of something.”

  He grinned. “You always do. I like that. We’ll stop at the Inn and have some food before we go. Make it a nice time for us all.”

  “I’d like that.”

  He pushed himself upright and put his arms around her, pulling her into a warm hug. “I’m glad you are willing to come with us, Rachel. I don’t want to do this without you. And I don’t want to be away from you for that long.”

  She returned his hug. “I feel the same way, Daryl.”

  They broke apart moments before Esther came through the front door. She called to Daryl and waved to him.

  He looked at Rachel with longing eyes before turning to go up on the porch. “Are you ready to go, Esther?”

  “Yes, dear. I have everything I need. I don’t need a lot.”

  “Rachel is going to come with us.”

  Esther looked down to Rachel, who had walked casually over to stand at the bottom of the porch steps. She smiled up at Esther. Esther didn’t smile back.

  “Why is she coming on our vacation with us?” Esther looked up at Daryl.

  “Because I’m still in pain and I might need a nurse. I don’t want to burden you when you are trying to relax.”

  “You’re still in pain? You seem to be walking fine.”

  “I’m pushing through it. Don’t you believe me?”

  Esther looked frightened and nodded up at him. “I do. Of course I do, Daryl. I would never accuse you of lying.”

  Daryl’s cheeks flushed a little and he turned away from her. “You go ahead and get into the wagon and I’ll be right out. Rachel will help you if you need help getting up to the bench.”

  “All right. If you say so, Daryl.” Esther had lost some of her zeal for the trip. She went down the steps, looking at Rachel. Daryl went inside, seemingly to retrieve a bag for himself.

  Rachel walked with Esther to the wagon. Esther didn’t want her help getting up in the wagon, even though Rachel offered her a hand. Rachel stood back, amused, as Esther tried several times to pull herself up, failing each time. Finally, she hoisted herself up and dropped herself onto the bench. Her skirt flew up and uncovered her legs. She hurriedly smoothed it down, glancing at Rachel to see if the woman was laughing at her.

  Rachel’s smile was gone before Esther could see it. “Are you settled nicely?”

  Esther nodded. “You are going to be in the back of the wagon? Surely you won’t be sitting on the other side of my husband.”

  Rachel hadn’t planned on being stuck in the back of the wagon the entire ride. It would not be comfortable. And Esther had said her “husband.” Rachel clenched her jaw, smiling at the same time. She tried not to let her irritation show.

  “Yes, I suppose I’ll be back there most of the time. If Daryl needs to rest, I may drive the horses for a time. And you will need to sleep. It’s a long way to the… hotel in Dry Gulch. But the scenery is wonderful.”

  “I’m sure it is.” Esther nodded. “I’m ready. I wonder where Daryl is? Maybe you should go fetch him. I want to go.”

  Rachel turned away, annoyed. She knew her face would reflect it, so she headed back to the house as she was told.

  She slammed through the front door and nearly ran into Daryl as he was headed out.

  “Whoa, horsy, whoa! Are you all right, Rachel?”

  “I was told to come in and fetch her husband. She wants to go.”

  Daryl chuckled, touching her chin with his fingers. “You are cute when you are jealous.”

  She frowned at him. “It’s not a pleasant feeling, Daryl. I don’t find it amusing.”

  “I know you don’t. But you’re a strong woman. And this is all about to be over.”

  Rachel pulled in a deep breath. “I can’t wait, Daryl. I’m at the end of my patience.”

  He nodded. “I know, dear. But you can do it. We can both last one more day.”

  She shook herself and sighed. “All right. I’m ready. But I’m bringing some extra blankets. She says I have to sit in the back the whole way. I can’t sit next to you.”

  “You can sit in the middle if you like. Or next to her.”

  Rachel reacted as if he’d suggested she poke one of her eyes out. “Oh no. No, no. I’ll sit in the back. Then I won’t have to watch her putting her hands all over you.”

  “She doesn’t do that.”

  “Don’t tell me that. I’ve seen her.”

  Daryl paused, moving his eyes to the side. “Well, I don’t like it.”

  Rachel laughed, swatting his arm. “Liar. Go on out. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Daryl passed by her, planting a kiss on the top of her head. “Don’t be long, love,” he said.

  She went to her bedroom with a smile on her face.

  Daryl stepped out the door and walked down to the wagon, using the stick as leverage but moving much quicker than in the past. His leg was taking some of the weight without nearly as much pain.

  He slung his bag into the back of the wagon, went around it and climbed up into the bench seat.

  “We should leave
while she’s still inside,” Esther giggled. “Then it would just be the two of us.”

  A feeling of revulsion passed through Daryl when he looked down at her. He hoped it didn’t show on his face. If it did, she probably wouldn’t notice. “No, we can’t do that. The point of this vacation is for you to relax. You can’t do that if you have to take care of me.”

  She shook her head. “It really doesn’t seem like you need much taking care of. Do we really need her with us?”

  “We do. I promise you. We do.”

  A few minutes later, Rachel was leaving the house behind and tossing her blankets into the back of the wagon. “I’m ready, Daryl,” she said, poking her head through the front opening and saying the words directly in his ear. He jumped and laughed.

  “Make me fall out of this wagon, woman,” he said. “And I’ll have to do something you won’t like.”

  “What could you possibly do?” Rachel asked, grinning at him.

  “I might have to throw you out of the back of this wagon. Show you how it feels.”

  “You’d have to catch me first.” Rachel ducked back into the wagon when he swatted at her. She could hear his laughter from inside the wagon. She was laughing and spent the next ten minutes setting up a cushiony chair made of blankets for her long ride to Dry Gulch.

  You’d better know I love you, she thought, looking at the back of Daryl’s head. I wouldn’t go through this for any other man.

  The trip was long, boring, and tedious. Rachel and Esther finished off an embroidery piece each. They took turns sleeping in the back. Rachel’s favorite times were when she was sitting beside Daryl, enjoying the midday sun, the sunset, and the stars in the sky when it became night time.

  The air was cool against her face. She smiled up at the many bright lights in the sky. “I wonder how far away those stars are.”

  “I have always found that to be fascinating. It’s something I’d like to study more often.”

  “My grandfather had books on the stars. He even documented a few himself.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  She nodded, still gazing upward. “I have some of them. I’ll let you borrow them.” She laughed. “Soon what is mine will be yours anyway. So I guess you can keep them.”


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