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The Lonoki Solution

Page 1

by Sharon L Reddy

  The Lonoki Solution

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Sharon L Reddy

  The Lonoki Solution

  © 2011

  Target Yonder

  Smashwords Edition

  ISBN 978-1-58338-369-8

  Chapter One

  Kiev touched Jarun to wake him. He pulled her down and kissed her before he even opened his eyes. He smiled, stretched and opened them in that order. They were always startling, deep blue gems set in the golden frame of his face and outlined by the sweep of his long black lashes. He rolled off the platform and she backed and giggled, as he made a grab for her when he did. It was an old game and he hadn't made the grab in quite some time. If he'd caught her, they'd both have been back on the sleeping platform for quite some time. She wasn't adverse to the idea, at all, but they had things to do that morning.

  "Mother awaits us, Jarun. She wishes to get to the market early, and since Uncle Tarun is supervising the construction of the new wing of the house, you and I must go with her."

  "I'll carefully select those which she has chosen at the market. I am tempted to choose other, but Mother has such good taste in things I wouldn't be able to improve upon it. Candred whispered to me last night that she's ready, Kiev."

  "I'm not, Jarun. I love Candred and I love Trennon very much, but I am not ready to become a mother. The desire to have children just isn't there, yet."

  "Be careful, sister of my birth and loved life companion. Too many souls are torn when one chooses a third. If one loves unwisely, the duty is not fulfilled."

  "Jarun, I am not going to fall in love with a slave. I will love them. They will love me and I will love in return. Trennon is my chosen mate. I will bear him children. No one can usurp his place as the male whose seed I will want to fulfill the duty to have children."

  "You separate it so well, my loved sister."

  "Jarun, I am not fixing you dinner tonight."

  "Oh, Kiev, no one can make a stew like you can."

  "If you chop the vegetables yourself, I will make stew. Telling Mara to do it isn't fair."

  "She likes everything I tell her to do, Kiev."

  "They all like everything you tell them to do, gorgeous, and we both know it. You love every one of your slaves and they adore you. Don't close your eyes again. Only a male can choose a female slave. You are expected to seek advice on the family members we're buying though."

  "I've always liked what Mother picked out before. It makes sense to lean on her experience and good taste in any purchase. What positions are we buying?"

  "We're buying four slaves total. I like the slaves mother chose for me, Jarun, but they are going to choose other homes. They know I'll sell them if they find the right one and all of them are looking. I want one who won't ever choose another master. I want a male for me this time. I want a body slave. I need a manager in my apartments if I'm going to have children. I won't until I'm ready, Jarun. When I am, I will have them by Trennon. I'm far too practical to choose to have no children. The emotional attachment I have to you, to Candred and to him is quite firm. We know who and what we are. The moment of overwhelming love when the two and two make the cousins, is the truth of us. If one gives it to the wrong person, five have no children. I love you and will share my life with you, but I'm ready to build my household."

  "Our sex life has always been good, Kiev."

  She told her brother his sex was known to be that of a true artist, and if he wanted a compliment, he'd have to tell his slaves to stop being awed long enough to give him one. He bowed elegantly and they stood among the mirrors, which fragmented the space of his room, while she handed him clothes that had been draped on the pillows strewn across the floor by his slaves, as suggestion he wear them. The slaves used it as a form of lottery. If he chose an item one had placed there, she would be one of those who shared his sleeping platform that night. Their uncle was building him huge apartments. He had more slaves begging him to buy them.

  Slaves were commanded to have children. Slaves loved masters. The duty of the master was accept the love they gave and strengthen it so they were willing to accept the command to reproduce. Jarun fascinated, and was loved by, many female slaves. Masters and slaves had begun as the same species. They weren't any longer, and it had all been a well-intentioned mistake.

  Overpopulation had been a terrible threat. Involuntary conception had once been a survival characteristic. It had become destructive to the species. Voluntary birth control just wasn't working. A well-meaning genetics researcher had linked the release of egg and sperm, though not orgasm, to the emotion of love. It was an incredible feat, but the link had been too strong. The love had to be fostered for life to be strong enough in some people. That wasn't known until the emergency measure of increasing the libido of the species had been taken. That known, another well-intentioned mess was created when 'suggestibility' was introduced, so a loved person could help widen the gene pool by instructing one to be fertile for another. Then twin birth had been introduced. One after another, the mistakes were piled atop each other. The outcome was the way of the world.

  No one knew why some had become masters and some slaves, but it bred true and began to divide the species. Masters' strongest love was for their twins. If they were exposed to another pair of twins from the time they were infants and knew and loved them enough, at maturity they could make love as two couples and produce four children. If a master fell in love with a slave, he or she could not command the slave to reproduce with another slave.

  The master must love without being in love, because the slave knew if the real desire was for children with the slave, and not the slave have children with another. If one of the four who should have four children, eight if conception could be accomplished twice, was in love with a slave, none of them would have children. Slaves only had children if masters commanded it and they must be slaves their whole lives to accept the right of the master to give the command when it came. It must also come from the master the slave was in love with. They would not lie to themselves. They were born to the role of masters and slaves and if the not-large genetic pool of the masters was not maintained, the lonoki species would die out. They were surviving and would allow no more tampering with their genetic structure. Each solution tried had made it worse.

  Masters chose slaves to be part of loving families. Each had several and some had many. If a slave fell in love with another master, the slave was sold to that master. Slaves were twins too, but they did not require the lifetime association with the twin and another set of twins to trigger fertility, only the intense love for a master and the command to conceive. Two slaves and two masters were needed to bring a set of slave twins into the world, but the masters need not be lovers and the slaves need not even be acquainted.

  Masters owned homes, businesses and slaves. Slaves maintained those homes and worked in those businesses. They were as intelligent and educated as the masters, but they had to be slaves. Masters spent a great deal of time fulfilling the physical needs of the slaves who loved them. If they did not, the bond would not be strong enough when the order was given to conceive.

  Kiev was ready to begin choosing males to give her love. Jarun loved his girls and they were in love with him. She loved the male slaves her mother and uncle had chosen for her, but knew they were not in love with her. She didn't want them to be. It was time for her to begin choosing the males who would be part of her household all
their lives. It was time for her to choose a body slave. His primary job was watch over her slaves and help her find others who would love her enough she could command them to have children. Gedin was Jarun's body slave. She made sure none of the other female slaves lacked for attention.

  Kiev expected their family to have a great many more female than male slaves in it. Jarun was an accomplished lover and loved females, period, though his deep love was for her, Candred and Trennon. She would probably not have more than four or five males. She didn't have Jarun's gift of loving and accepting the adoration of many. Few did. Their household would be full of the children of the many slaves he loved and her males would father children for other households as well as theirs.

  Their family was extremely wealthy. The slaves would work to make it wealthier, so all their children lived well. She would choose superb males, beautiful and intelligent. She could afford to have them well-educated. Because she would choose very few and they would be the very best, she would probably have to command them often. Many would want the seed of the premium males she could afford to own. The fees received for it would go to the household fund for education of the slave children. The fee for the seed of a male always did in their economic class.

  Slaves were bred. The masters chose to whom, though often the slave suggested. The Masters' Slave Breeding Commission, usually called "the breeding council," suggested as well, though primarily just when a slave was considered premium. Slaves were becoming more intelligent and more deeply loving of their masters each generation. The one thing the masters would not do was breed for docility.

  Every generation of slaves was taught why there were masters and slaves. Every generation, masters fell in love with slaves and five had no children. There was no stigma attached. Love was never wrong. If every slave was not worthy of love, the system wouldn't work at all. Sometimes a master fell in love with the loved friend of the set of twins chosen from the narrow genetic pool with whom they would share children. Most often a master was in love with the twin.

  The capability of love was essential. One could give it the best opportunity possible, but love was the sharing of souls and falling in love just happened. It was always wonderful, and some foursomes of masters could have eight children. Falling in love with a slave was most likely among the very wealthy. Their slaves were brilliant and beautiful. Their family owned a starship-building company. Their slaves were scientists and engineers. They needed two engineers and a really good cook.

  Beyond that, Kiev wanted a male of her choosing for herself. He would be expected to be able to do anything that needed doing, from planting a garden, spending nineteen days in an enviro suit working on ship construction in space, to three days without break on a computer, when a research team needed assistance. He would be her mind and hands wherever they were needed. She was ready to choose her body slave. Her work was beginning to require more time than she had already. It was time to begin training one to be everything she wanted and needed.

  He would be brilliant, beautiful and she'd possess him completely. She'd probably have to breed him more, because his seed was needed. It was estimated that all slaves would be more beautiful and intelligent than most masters in fifty generations. Of course, masters showed "an odd tendency to just get smarter," as her mother's body slave, Lom, put it. They had become symbiotic species. If masters didn't grow with slaves, neither would last long. Fifty generations was enough time for masters to strengthen their gene pool and for children to begin to be brought together because they'd have children who were more capable of giving and accepting love, more intelligent, and more beautiful.

  The Evrun family owned a beautiful estate on a ridge overlooking the Omdan Valley. Most of the ridge was their estate. The spaceport was over the ridge behind it, on the Friends Plateau. They rode the tram down through the forest to the city in the center of the wide valley and caught the public monorail to the market. People who drove or flew into the city would spend long periods of time in very slow-moving traffic. They expected to have their slaves chosen and be on the way home before most found places to park or land. Many from outlying areas could get to the twice-yearly market only in that way.

  The tram had been built for the convenience of the slaves to get to and from offices in the city, but the entire family used it. Jarun left his car parked at the terminal at the base of the ridge. Kiev kept hers at the house. She was usually headed for the spaceport when she drove her car, not into the city for a business lunch or out with a few companions for the evening

  Chapter Two

  Dane looked over the masters and sighed. They wouldn't to buy him. They couldn't afford him. He'd be sold for his contributions to a family until he fell in love and was sold to the one he loved. If he never found her, he'd never know the moment of complete surrender to love that was the wonder of a slave's existence. He would love the children of others, but have none of his own. He went back to the book he'd been reading on the screen before the group of masters had come through the sales area and asked to look him over. Many did. He was a very expensive slave. They wanted to see why. Previous education and gained skills were posted. Beauty was to be shown.

  Dane left the chair and comp screen and walked to the front of the platform when more masters entered. He liked the look of the matron who entered first and decided she could afford him. The pair with her were about his age and the female was reading his full resume. He thought they were a bit young to actually be buying, but the matron would probably consult them in choices. A slave his age was usually intended for the younger generation. He looked the female over and grinned at the twin. He returned the grin and the matron smiled when he indicated Dane with a lift of his chin. She walked over to examine him.

  "You have a strong grounding in the sciences."

  "I would like five to seven years of additional study. I need the direction of a master and a work position to know what that study should be. I'm interested in everything."

  "I'll take him, Mother."

  "You don't have any questions for him, Kiev?"

  "No. This male is exactly what I'm looking for. I already want to take him to bed so that's not a problem. He'll love me and the work I give him. Dane, you are sold. You'll probably spend a lot more than seven years of further study. I am Kiev of Evrun. This is my brother Jarun and my mother Iliev. Are you a virgin?"

  "Yes. I've only been nineteen six days."

  "Do you desire sex?"

  "I'm going crazy. Masturbation is not enough. I need your touch, Master."

  "Good. I like the fact you want your master to be the first to love you. You only think you're going crazy now. I plan on having a great deal of fun teaching you physical pleasure. Follow us. You will be my body slave and Evrun Ship Building and my household your responsibilities. We're purchasing three other slaves today. I'll be watching for your reaction to female slaves. You must be capable of providing physical relief to my brother's slaves in his absence. If I choose another male, you must help me give him what he needs. I don't anticipate choosing another male for myself today. If I do, it will be for one of the three positions in our household. Your position is the only one I intended to fill permanently today. However, if I find the right male, or males, for our family, I won't be at all disappointed."

  Dane was stunned and barely registering what she was saying. The words "Evrun" and "body slave" tumbled through his mind and numbed his body. It was the greatest honor and most complete slavery there was. She had chosen him, was buying him, to be her body slave. That didn't happen, not like that, not in the way she was doing it. One became a body slave if a loved master had a great deal of responsibility and one proved one could handle it in the owner's name. He was surprised when she took his clothes from his hands.

  "I forbid you to wear clothes or refuse a touch on the estate. That command will not be permanent, but will be in effect, until at least the time you are no longer a virgin. You will lay with no one, until I command it. I plan to be first, but y
ou will be so wild for my touch you reach completion the first time we make love. You will sire a large number of children. You will be mentally and physically available to fulfill the need of every person in the household. You'll study physics, engineering, business, child care, massage, music, and many others. You will sleep at my feet. I don't expect your training to be easy on either of us, but it will be accomplished."

  "Yes, Master."

  "You are extremely expensive and I intend to get full value for the investment. There is no slave more valuable than a body slave in any household. You will be very busy from the start. You have a great deal to learn. My brother has nineteen females already. He's quite capable of loving many more. You will learn to please them. I currently have twelve males to be supervised. However, I don't expect to retain any of them. I've begun introducing them to other masters. There won't be more than five or six of you to help my brother keep his females from suffering physical need."

  "You're going to be spoiled rotten, Dane. My girls are all beautiful and terrific. I think you're a good choice as father for six or eight of their children. They'll think you're a good choice for a good time. They're going to have a lot of fun with you and the command Kiev gave you. Mother, you're working on not giggling."

  "Yes, Jarun. Sometimes I worry about Kiev. I know it's totally unnecessary, but I do. Then she shows me it was unnecessary in some totally unexpected manner. Do you have your mark and tags, Kiev?"

  "You're sure he's the right one too, Mother?"

  "I'm sure you are."

  "I'll mark him as soon as the purchase is complete and he's been prepared."

  Dane was very surprised. The master Kiev was sure of her choice and so were her brother and mother. It hadn't occurred to him he'd be purchased as a body slave at his first sale because he'd never even heard of someone purchasing a new slave to be one. Few people ever chose one because few ever needed one. Few had so much responsibility they needed another to be them, at times, to fulfill it all. He would be more than owned. He would be possessed by the beautiful young master. She was going to brand him as her first intimate touch.


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