Your Secret Is Safe

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Your Secret Is Safe Page 5

by C. Morgan

“I’ll be in touch,” Patrick said.

  “I sure do hope so,” Nor said, smiling.

  “Wait, so how is the princess getting out of the castle unnoticed?”

  I paused. “Yeah, how is that happening?”

  Nor shook her head. “You guys leave that to me. It’ll take some working on the inside, and I’m the only one with access to that.”

  “Doesn’t mean you can’t tell us,” Patrick said.

  “Nor?” I asked.

  “Seriously, don’t worry. We’ve got it all figured out. Just expect us here soon.”

  “Here, as in at the hotel?” I asked.

  “Just do it, okay?” she asked.

  Patrick chuckled. “You are in way over your head with this one.”

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’m sure I’m just right for you.”

  Then she slipped off her chair and walked away. Ending the conversation before I’d asked all my questions.

  Chapter 12


  This isn’t going to work.

  I smoothed my hands over the ridiculous gold jumpsuit with red ruffles on my legs.

  I look absolutely insane.

  I trusted Nor to put this plan in motion. But now, I questioned everything.

  A dragon troupe dance. Seriously?

  When Nor told me she wanted me to participate in this dance for celebratory purposes, I thought she’d lost her mind. But when she told me to pack a suitcase of my clothes and toiletries, I thought she’d had a stroke. This was how she wanted to get me out of the castle? Underneath some dragon body where I danced around like a lunatic?

  At least no one will think anything of it.

  That was the only good part about this plan. Because Nor came from a very rich and prominent family here on the island, commissioning a dance like this to celebrate two islands coming together to promote trade didn’t look at all suspicious. Such a gift wasn’t unexpected during times such as these. I still felt nervous, though.

  Especially about what my father might do to us if we were caught.

  The makeup on my face was thick. I had my hair stuffed underneath a dark red wig. Nor shoved me in line with the dancers, and I got underneath this massive thing, trying to blend in as much as I could. I held my breath through the entire performance. We danced through the courtyard of the palace with great fanfare. Drums sounded. Beats were laid down. A didgeridoo let loose its low tones, so loud it rattled my ribcage.

  And throughout it all, I managed to navigate away from the palace. Along with the rest of the dance troupe.

  I felt a hand wrap around my arm, pulling me from underneath the dragon. And before the dancers could get a good look at my face once we’d stopped, I got dragged into an alleyway. A van pulled up. A door slid open. I ripped away from the grip, watching as Nor’s face came into view.

  Stifling a moment of laughter as a familiar sound hit my ears.

  Collin’s chuckling.

  “You’re an asshole,” I said.

  I looked over at him, watching as his eyes scanned me.

  “And you look very out of your element,” he said.

  “Shut up,” I said.

  “Come on,” Nor said. “We don’t have much time.”

  I shoved Collin into the back of the van. But inside, I was happy to see him. I waved goodbye to Nor before she ran off. Then I sat down and began undressing. Collin climbed into the front seat. Taking over where Nor had been driving. I searched around for my big suitcase, unable to find it. But I had my smaller one in the seat next to me.

  “It’s at my hotel room,” Collin said.

  I nodded. “Let’s get out of here.”

  He inched down the alleyway. “So, where’s Nor going?”

  “She’s going back to my room. She’s playing me for a little while. Sick and unable to come out.”

  “And you think that’ll work?”

  “Just go to wherever we’re headed next.”

  “You don’t want to know the plan?” he asked.

  I paused. “What is the plan?”

  He grinned. “There’s a boat that’s been arranged to take you to another island as soon as possible. Then once you get there, a pilot will be on hand to take you to Kuala Lumpur. Nor’s family’s waiting for you apparently.”

  I started changing. “And what will you be doing?”

  “I’m going with you, of course.”

  “Wait, really?”

  I looked into the rearview mirror and saw his eyes move away quickly.

  “Yes, really,” he said. “It’s my duty to protect you, whether or not I’m on your father’s payroll. My promise isn’t to him. It’s to you.”

  His words warmed me. Reassured me. They touched me in a way no man’s words ever had.

  “You should probably put clothes on,” Collin said as we turned down a back road.

  “Oh. Yes. Hold on.”

  I quickly changed into an outfit that still felt weird. A pair of leggings Nor had brought me and one of the very few shirts I owned. I slipped into a pair of my flats. I started wiping the makeup off my face, going through wipe after wipe after wipe. And after I got all of it off, I heaved a heavy sigh.

  “You look shaky,” Collin said.

  I drew in a deep breath. “I was scared during that entire performance. I just knew I’d get caught.”

  “Have you eaten today?”

  I paused. “Actually, no.”

  I expected him to respond, but he didn’t.

  Instead, we drove to his hotel in silence. I sat there, wishing I had a window or something to stare out of. Collin parked the van and helped me out, but he ushered for me to leave my things behind. After all, we’d be packing back up in this same van to get to the boat. No use hauling what we didn’t have to.

  After concealing the van in another alleyway, he led me through a back entrance into the hotel.

  The second we got into his room, he made his way for the phone. I sat on the edge of the bed, listening as he placed an order for room service. A place like this had room service? The colors of this hotel suite were pretty drab. The bed seemed rickety. There were no windows, which caught me off guard. But then, I caught Collin’s voice.

  “Yes. Coconut shrimp, mashed cocoyam, fried breadfruit, and soy sauce to dip everything in. And some rice. Yes. Both white and sauced. Thank you.”

  He ordered all my favorites.

  I stared at him as he hung up the phone. My mind kicked into overdrive as those ocean-blue eyes fell onto mine. Eyes I never thought I’d see again. And in my chest, my heart stopped.

  “What?” Collin asked.

  He knew all my favorite foods. My care was paramount to him. He wanted to protect me, whether he was being paid to or not. Oh, yes. This man cared for me. This man had it bad for me.

  And if I wasn’t careful, I’d soon fall for him.

  Is this what it means to be treated like a Queen?

  “Sorry, I’m just tired,” I said.

  “Food will be coming soon. You let me answer the door, though. Stay on the bed and out of sight.”

  I grinned. “You like that, don’t you?”


  “Me staying on the bed.”

  He blinked. “Stay out of sight.”

  And as his cheeks flushed, I had to clap my hand across my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

  Chapter 13


  A knock came at the door, and I motioned for Teyela to stay back. I opened it and took the bags of food, then paid the delivery man what he needed. Plus a substantial tip. I brought everything inside and locked the door, making my way for the dresser. And as I began opening the food, I filled one of the plastic container tops with the fresh foods that had been delivered.

  “Eat as much as you want,” I said.

  I divvied out forks and napkins and drinks. I gathered up my own food and sat in the chair, watching the princess eat. And eat. And eat. I was glad to see she had an appetite. Because I hated thi
nking about how much she’d been suffering. Her appetite taking such a hit because of all this.

  “You make sure you eat, too,” she said.

  She pointed to my untouched plate in my lap, and I grinned.

  “I will. After I make sure you’ve had enough.”

  “I won’t be able to eat half this, much less all of it. Eat, Collin. You need your energy too.”

  I dug my fork into the rice and shrimp. But I stayed away from the breadfruit. I’d never been a fan of it. It looked like a prickly pear on the outside but smelled like a rotten apple on the inside. At least, to me it did. I’d never acquired the taste of breadfruit. Whether roasted or pan seared.

  I hadn’t tried it fried, though.

  “You should have a bite.”

  Her voice ripped me from my trance. “I’m good.”

  “Have you ever had breadfruit?”

  “I have.”

  “Didn’t like it?”

  “Not a fan of rotten apples.”

  She snickered. “Come on. Try it fried. It takes on a completely different cascade of tastes when fried like this.”

  She grabbed a slice and hopped off the bed. Swinging those hips as her long legs carried her toward me. She sat on my knee, forcing me to move my plate. And when she leaned against me, she held the deep-fried thing to my lips.

  “Come on, for me?” she asked.

  I quirked an eyebrow. “I don’t negotiate with terrorists.”

  “Such an American. Come now. Just give it a try.”

  I grimaced as I opened my mouth, and she giggled as she fed it to me. The sound overpowered anything I could have tasted, though. Her giggle was the most wonderful sound I’d ever heard. I chewed the deep-fried mushy apple thing and swallowed it. But I still didn’t like it.

  “Well, at least you tried,” Teyela said.

  “Happy now?” I asked.

  “Very.” She popped the rest of the food into her mouth, not moving from my knee. “So, where are you from? You know, originally?”


  She rolled her eyes. “I know that. Where in America?”

  “The Midwest. Where seafood is less exotic.”

  “Not a fan of the shrimp?”

  “I love shrimp. I’m not a fan of snot-covered shellfish.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “You mean oysters and mussels. That kind of thing?”


  “You’re weird.”

  “So are you.”

  She giggled. “What brought you to Anuwana? Why did you want to move here?”

  You. “Wanted a change of pace with my job and my life.”

  “The island drew you back, huh?”

  You drew me back. “Something like that.”

  “Well, I’m glad to have met you, Collin.”

  “I’m glad to have met you as well, Princess Teyela.”

  She swatted my chest playfully, then made her way back to the bed. We finished our dinners, and I cleaned up, washing the plastic plates off in case we wanted food later. I came out of the bathroom and found her lying in bed. Staring at the wall where a window should have been.

  She deserves better than to be cooped up.

  “Do you remember the first event you ever attended as my bodyguard?” she asked. She didn’t turn to look at me, though.

  “I do, yes.”

  “It was right after I turned twenty-one.”

  I grinned. “And I had to carry you back to your room without the King and Queen finding out how drunk you got with Nor.”

  “I remember you tucking me into bed.”

  I paused. “Do you remember calling me your—”

  “Knight in shining armor?”

  I was shocked she even remembered that night. Because she was far gone in terms of alcohol consumption.

  “I remember every part of that night, except you technically called me your ‘shite in knighting armor.’”

  She paused. “I did not.”

  I smiled. “You did. But I knew what you meant.”

  “Did I really say that?”

  “You really did. It’s one of my favorite memories of you, actually.”

  She giggled and rolled over onto her back. And I could’ve sworn I saw her blushing. With her spread out on that mattress, the king-sized bed seemed much smaller than it had been. I walked over, toeing a line as I sat on the edge of the mattress. Then, Teyela slowly rose up. Curled her legs to her chest. Let them fall to the side as she scooted next to me. Allowing her hand to fall against my chest.

  Then, her eyes grew serious.

  “Thank you, Collin. For always protecting me.”

  I stared into her beautiful face. That tapered nose. Those plump, rosy lips. Her sun-kissed skin dazzled my vision, and her cheek called to my palm. Again. I rose my hand. I cupped her cheek. I watched her nuzzle against my skin. Her lips parted softly, letting out the softest sigh I’d ever heard.

  And instead of resisting her, I gave in to my urges.

  Leading my lips to hers.

  Chapter 14


  I gasped against his lips. I brought my own hand up, feeling the stubble blossoming along his jawline. I pressed my body closer, wanting him to part his lips. Wanting my tongue to meet his. Wanting him to wrap me in those strong arms of his and whisk me away for good.

  And he did just that.

  We sank to the bed, with my hair splayed against the comforter. His tongue invaded me. Causing me to moan down the back of his throat. His hands wandered. They squeezed softly and massaged me gently. Our lips moved together as one, with heat rising in my pelvis. Welcoming him. Readying my body for his glorious girth.

  I surrendered to him. I gave the whole of myself over to his whims and wishes. He stripped me down. Kissed every part of my body. From the crook of my neck to the valley of my breasts to wrapping his mouth around my puckered peaks. I whimpered at his touch. At the feel of his teeth softly biting against my skin. He nibbled his way down between my legs, pressing my knees open with his massive hands.

  And when his tongue slid up my slit, my hands fisted the bed.

  “Collin. Oh, my god. Shit!”

  He chuckled. “Such a sassy mouth.”

  “Collin. Collin. Harder, please.”

  “Tell me exactly what you want, Princess.”

  “I need you harder. I need more.”

  His tongue fell against my clit. I locked my bare legs around his head. He pulled me closer to him, freeing my hips and allowing me the movement I so desperately desired. Broken syllables fell from my lips. He sucked my clit between his teeth. I felt his finger breach my folds, sinking into me. Filling me. Crooking inside me. Before another joined its ranks.


  “Fucking hell, Teyela.”

  He buried his face against me. I felt my juices dripping down his chin. He swallowed me down. Every ounce I offered. And my body locked out as my back bowed. My eyes rolled back. I bucked ravenously against his face. I lost all sense of space and time as his tongue flattened out against my clit. Filling my gut with electricity and puckering my already painful peaks.

  “Yes.” I choked out the word as my back fell to the bed.

  He kissed my thighs. Cleaned my pussy lips with his tongue. And when he pulled away, I finally caught my breath. I felt the bed dipping beside me. My eyes fluttered open. I lobbed my head over and found Collin lying next to me. Shirtless. Flushed. Smelling of my scent.

  “You don’t want—”

  He shook his head. “That was for you. No one else. You’ve had a hard day. Rest until we hear from Nor.”

  I wanted to pleasure him. Please him. Make him orgasm and feel all the ways he made me feel. And yet, I also wanted to curl into him. Sink myself into his strength and never come up for air. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. He kissed my forehead just before I tucked my face into the crook of his neck. I felt safe in his arms. I felt cared for in his presence.

  I’ve always felt that way
around him.

  Not only had Collin protected me over the years. But he’d also kept his mouth shut when I wasn’t acting “becoming of a Princess’s title.” As my father would put it. He’d watched over me. Been there every morning as I walked out of my bedroom and every evening as I walked in to settle down. He’d even waited patiently outside my door while I entertained other men. Making sure they didn’t overextend their welcome.

  This man, who wanted nothing more than my safety and security, had been outside my door while I mindlessly hooked up with men who weren’t him.

  You’re grimy, Teyela.

  I began pulling away. I didn’t deserve this man’s embrace. I didn’t deserve his affections. But the more I pulled away, the more he fought me on it. I shook my head. I needed to get out of his arms. And when Collin felt me shaking my head, he weakened his grasp.

  “What is it?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’ve—you’re just—”

  I sat up, and Collin quickly came with me.

  “You can talk to me, Princess.”

  “Please stop calling me that,” I whispered.

  “Teyela,” he said.

  His voice, low and calming, seized my gut. I froze with tears gathering in my eyes. His brow furrowed in worry. His hand came up and cupped my cheek again. My tears fell from my eyes and dried on the tip of his thumb while I tried pushing all those thoughts away.

  “You,” I whispered.

  “What about me?” he asked.

  “You’ve been involved in almost every aspect of my life.”

  “For the past two years, yes.”

  “Including watching me flirt with other men.”

  He nodded. “I know.”

  “How long—did you—I—”

  How in the world did I ask him such questions?

  “I have to admit, Teyela, it wasn’t easy to keep my mouth shut. But it was never my place to tell you what to do. Or who to do it with.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “You don’t ever have to be sorry for doing what you want. I’m there to make sure you turn out all right, despite your decisions and how I feel about them.”


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