Your Secret Is Safe

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Your Secret Is Safe Page 6

by C. Morgan

  “I just always felt so trapped by my parents. I mean, they’re good people. When they want to be. But my duty as Princess has always trumped my happiness in their eyes.”

  “And now, your father’s using that duty to command you to marry a man you don’t want to.”

  “A man I detest fervently,” I spat.

  He grinned. “I’ll never keep you from what you want to do. So long as you promise me you won’t make any decisions you’ll regret.”

  Like you. “I could never regret my decisions as of late.”

  And with a smile, he pulled me back to his body. Allowing me to burrow into his arms and feel content. For once.

  Maybe for the first time in my entire life.

  Chapter 15


  “Come on. We have to leave.”

  I shook the princess’s shoulder softly, and she groaned herself awake. She stretched, and somehow, the motion was so fluid I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.

  But I couldn’t let myself get distracted.

  After helping her out of bed and gripping tightly to her suitcase, we found our way out of the hotel. We came out through the back entrance and back toward the van. I set my sights on our destination. The docks. The sun had just set, Teyela was shrouded in darkness, and the only thing I had to do was get her on that fucking boat without people recognizing her.

  I was an absolute mess.

  But the princess seemed eerily calm.

  Every time I looked over at her, she smiled at me. The utter trust in her eyes reinforced the fact that I couldn’t fail her. This afternoon had been the best of my life. And now that Teyela was fully within my care, I had no intentions of letting her go.

  Even if it meant treason toward the King.

  We pulled up to the docks, and I grabbed her luggage. With all my possessions stuffed into nothing but an oversized backpack, we headed for the boat. I paid one of the dock hands to drive the van off before abandoning it in an alleyway. Then we climbed aboard the rickety boat.

  I couldn’t help but notice how nervous the captain looked.

  He licked his lips. His eyes kept darting. Every signal he sent me put me on high alert. I slid the luggage quickly underneath the seats of the boat. I guided Teyela to sit down near the back of the boat. And as I reached for the gun on my hip—

  Where the fuck is my gun?

  “Go! Go! Go!”


  I whipped around, watching as the King’s men spilled from the bottom level of the rocking boat. The narrow deck that led below the upper encasement suddenly filled with men, rushing myself and Teyela. I fought them off as much as I could. I heard Teyela screaming for me. I reached out for her hand, brushing her fingertips as a man dressed in gold and red picked her straight off her feet.

  “You’ll die for touching her!” I roared.


  “Teyela! I’m coming for you, okay?”

  They tore us apart. I watched them throw her into a black SUV and speed off. And me? Well, they pinned me to the ground with their knees and elbows. I fought back as much as I could until I heard a gun cock. My gun. The gun those bastards had slipped off my body. I looked up and saw the King’s personal security guard grinning at me. The one bastard on my team that never did like me.

  Then, I was ripped from the ground.

  Thirty minutes later, I stood in front of King Teyelu who was flat-out furious. With my hands cuffed behind my back and my eye bruised from the beating on the docks, I watched as his nostrils flared. As his eyes raked up and down my body. I was furious. Ready to claw that man’s eyes out.

  “Did you not think I would find out?” he asked.

  I knew better than to fight back, though.

  “Did you not think the dock owner would call me and tell me he’d been paid off by Nor? Did you not think my constituents were loyal to their crown?”

  I felt the hot air of his breath practically blow my hair back.

  “I have rewarded that man greatly for his patriotism. You should take a lesson from him, you know.”

  It took all I had not to roll my fucking eyes. That damn boat captain just wanted to cash in and walk away.

  “Let me tell you how things work around here, Collin. My orders will be followed. Every. Single. Time. And there are consequences for disobedience. There are consequences for attempting to steal the daughter of the King. Take Nor, for instance.”

  I paused. “What did you do with her?”

  “You will be silent in my presence.”

  “I will do no such thing if you’ve harmed that girl.”

  He chuckled. “You really think that little of me, Collin? After all we’ve been through?”

  “Since you’re willing to sell your daughter off for an airport? Yes, I’d say my opinion of you has slipped.”

  The next thing I knew, I felt his hand crack across my face.

  Fucker’s lucky my hands are still handcuffed behind my back.

  “You are nothing. A close-minded American trying to defile my child. Nor’s been deported, you sack of bones. Barred from returning to Anuwana. And you? Well, you’re about to find out what our jails are really like on this island.”

  “Father, stop it!”

  Teyela’s voice shrieked behind me, and I whipped around. The guards gripped my neck. Held me steady as my eyes followed her into the room. I struggled to get to her. I wanted to hold her. Kiss her. Tell her it would be all right.

  And just as the King’s hand cocked back again, I lunged.

  I leaped for him, daring him to hit his daughter. But I felt something press into my side. My body locked out. Every single hair stood up on end. And I felt my bowels release. Teyela shrieked. The King bellowed. And just before my eyes rolled back, I felt myself falling to the floor.

  With the last thing I saw being Teyela’s terrified face.

  Chapter 16


  “Teyela, may we speak?”

  My mother’s voice hit my ears, and I scoffed. I’d been confined to my suite for two days now. Ever since we’d gotten caught at the docks. Nor was gone. Banned from entering Anuwana. And I had no one to talk to. Nothing to do except worry over Collin’s safety.

  They’re being punished for helping me.

  “What is it, Mother?” I asked.

  “I know you’ve been trying to contact your father,” she said.

  “Yes, to let Collin out of jail.”

  “I also know he hasn’t responded.”

  I shrugged. “Thank you for the update.”

  “You can tuck in that attitude with me now, sweet girl.”

  “I think I’ll keep it out for a little while longer.”

  Mother walked up beside me. “I know you’re worried about him.”

  “I am.”

  “Give your father a couple more days to cool his head. I’m working with him as much as I can.”

  “Thanks,” I said flatly.

  “I could not help at all, if that’s what you wish.”

  “Be careful. Father might ban you from coming back into the castle if you do that.”

  She sighed. “May I ask why you won’t give Ratu a chance?”

  I scoffed. “Of course, you’d want to know that.”

  “From a logical perspective, he makes sense. He can take care of you. He understands what it means to be a ruler. You have to take into account that whoever you marry—”

  “Will stand by me while I rule.”

  “You know this island won’t accept a Queen as a ruler.”

  “Says you. But not me.”

  “You know, I was once in a similar place as you. I barely knew your father when we got engaged.”

  I rolled my eyes. “But now, you love him with all your heart. Right?”

  “Yes. I do. And all I want is the same for you.”

  “Mother, Ratu isn’t like Father. He’s not an honorable man. Collin was trying to prove that before father locked him away. Can’t you trust my jud
gment even a little?”

  I finally turned to face her, and she gave me a hug.

  “Your father would never marry you off to an evil man,” Mother said. “You have my word on that.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” I murmured.

  “Just give the Prime Minister a chance. He’ll be with us at the formal announcement tonight.”

  I quickly pulled away. “What?”

  “There’s a special ceremony your father’s called together for tonight. You are to attend with Ratu in order to announce the pending nuptials. Then, you’ll head to his stately island for the week to get to know the palace and his people.”

  “I won’t be attending. Or going.”

  “What you need to learn, Teyela, is that duty isn’t something that can be shirked lightly. There are consequences to your actions. Ones that run deep. You’ll be at the ceremony, and then you’ll be on his island. End of story.”

  And as my mother left me on my balcony to gaze out over Anuwana, I felt lost. Alone. Empty and angry.

  For the first time in my life, I felt I might not have the strength to keep pressing forward.

  Especially without Collin at my side.

  Chapter 17


  As I ran escape scenarios in my mind, I sighed. Even if I got out of this damn cell, I wasn’t sure how I’d get into the palace and get Teyela out all over again. But I wasn’t willing to give up hope.

  Then my cell doors opened.

  “You’ve been summoned to the palace,” the guard said.

  I stood up. “To the what?”

  But all they did was grab me by the arms.

  Damn it, I’m getting tired of being tugged around.

  They dragged me up some stairs. Through a building. And tossed me into an SUV. When we got to the palace, I was quickly placed in front of the King. Not in his office, though. But in the throne room. Where he sat with his legs spread wide and his crown on his head.

  Posturing. Just grand.

  “I have to admit, green is not your color,” the King said as he clicked his tongue.

  I stayed silent, though. Not taking his bait as I stood in my prison jumpsuit.

  “I wanted you here in order to witness Teyela’s engagement ceremony. So you understand, once and for all, that your relationship with my daughter is over.”

  I shook my head. I didn’t want to hurt the King. Deep down, I knew he was a good guy. But this was a side of him I’d never seen before. A side of him that didn’t give a shit about his daughter.

  It confused the hell out of me.

  “My daughter will marry the Prime Minister, and you need to accept that. So maybe witnessing the ceremony will help give you some closure.”

  “Doubt it,” I murmured.

  “What was that?”

  But I stood there and stayed silent.

  “That’s what I thought,” the King said.

  The guards wrenched me toward an exit before leading me into a room. A ceremonial chamber that housed some round tables. They shoved me into a seat. Forcing me to take stock of a room filled with people talking over plates of scrumptious food. As if a prisoner had not just infiltrated their ranks. They were oddly incurious about me. Oddly apathetic to my presence. I felt out of place in this drab green jumpsuit. But I leaned back into my chair nonetheless and waited for a glimpse of the princess. Of Teyela.

  Of the woman I still wasn’t willing to let go.

  Waiters moved around me, setting down plates and filling my water glass. But just as one of the waiters came by me, I felt something slide against my lap. He bent down to fill my wine glass, then slid something against my thigh.

  And when I looked down, I saw a cell phone.

  “Enjoy your evening,” the waiter said.

  I looked at him hard before he left. And I watched his head nod into my lap. I scrambled with my hands and turned on the phone, dimming the screen as much as I could. There was a message for me. A message from Nor.

  Nor: Check your email. Patrick set it up on this phone.

  And when I opened my fucking email, my eyes lit up.

  A blast of music took over my ears. Everyone silenced and turned their heads. I hid the cell phone, trying not to smile as the royal family processed in. The King, with the Queen on his arm. Teyela behind them. And behind her, Ratu. That ratty little Prime Minister.

  I barely listened to the King’s speech about prosperity and economic growth.

  I watched the Prime Minister step up for his prepared slideshow and braced myself for the entertainment. As he talked through region-wide alliances and proposed developments, my grin continued to grow.

  “The cornerstone of all this is an international airport. Better serving our region of stately islands. Through a national alliance of monarchies, our people can come together again. We can enjoy more prosperity than we had ever hoped for!”

  Then, the show began.

  The slideshow blinked before the screen went black. Every one started murmuring to themselves. The Prime Minister clicked a few buttons, and my eyes fell on Teyela. Staring at me.

  With shock and hope in her eyes.

  “Struggling, Mr. Prime Minister?” I asked.

  Ratu’s eyes whipped to me. “What have you done?”

  And as I smiled, the first document hit the screen.

  You’re a fucking wizard, Patrick.

  The first thing were bank documents. Massive amounts of money dumping into Ratu’s account. And already, I saw him sweating. The King looked around as Teyela’s eyes widened, all of them searching for answers. One by one, documents filled the screen. Emails exchanged between Ratu and criminal masterminds working in the island regions. Voices projected through the slideshow of Ratu speaking with Chinese developers. Discussing things that practically made me want to laugh.

  “If you seal this airport deal with the King, you grant us immunity through your airports?”

  “Complete immunity. For a cut of your profits, of course. You can’t traffic those kinds of items through my airport and not expect to pay a tariff. That’s simply how it goes.”

  And Ratu’s voice was clear as fucking day.

  More documents popped up. Emails. Bank statements. Shell corporation paperwork. All of it linking Ratu to several Chinese crime syndicates wanting to seek shelter on the islands. Developers ensuring him enormous kickbacks in exchange for massive cuts in taxes to build on land still owned by King Teyelu. Land he’d come to possess once he married Teyela.

  “What is the meaning of this?!” The King’s voice roared throughout the room as Patrick dealt the final blow. A phone call referencing the man’s daughter himself.

  “Trust me, Mr. Xiang. Once I marry the King’s daughter and lock her away in my castle, Anuwana is ours. Building rights will be mine to divvy out. And you will get first dibs, so long as you stick to our agreement.”

  “Twenty percent off the top of every sale. I know.”

  “Good. Keep it that way.”

  All eyes fell onto Ratu. He stumbled and blundered over his words. The Queen stood up, creating a barrier between Teyela and the ratty little man. And as my eyes found Teyela’s, she smiled brightly.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed.

  “I love you,” I mouthed back.

  “This is all false. Someone is conspiring against me. All of that was taken out of context. Spliced together, King Teyelu!”

  “That’s not true,” Teyela said. “We know you’re corrupt.”

  I soared out of my chair and tried rushing that idiotic man. But the King’s guards held me back. I snarled as the Prime Minister reached for her. Reached for the princess. Shoving the Queen off to the side and fisted Teyela’s arm.

  “Stop tossing out accusations, and accept your fate, Princess. Because the less you fight, the easier this will be on everyone.”

  “Let go of my daughter!” the Queen shrieked.

  “Ratu, back down now,” the King ordered.

  But the second
she called out my name, I punched the guards holding me. Broke their damn noses and jumped onto the table before leaping to Teyela’s defense.

  “Collin! Help me!”

  And I tackled Ratty Ratu to the fucking floor.

  Chapter 18


  The ceremony was in chaos. Men drew their guns and threatened other people to stop. Collin barreled himself against Ratu, pulling his grasp away from me. I didn’t know whether to smile or scream. Cry or cheer him on. And as I stood from my seat next to my father, my heart filled with delight.

  Did Collin just say he loved me?

  “Silence!” my father bellowed over the room and everyone froze. “Holster your guns. Now.”

  Everyone immediately put their weapons away.

  “Collin, get off the Prime Minister.”

  And reluctantly, he did as he was asked.

  “Now, what is the meaning of all this?” my father asked.

  I found his eyes watching Collin. Waiting for an answer as he stood. His eyes fell to mine, and I nodded, urging him on. Because now was his chance.

  “Your Majesty, I’ve been working with Nor and her family as well as a Secret Service contractor to uncover the Prime Minister’s corruption. The only thing he’s interested in is stealing land from the Anuwana people in order to line his own pockets. Trafficking illegal substances, like drugs and foreign items, straight into the hands of your people. And in exchange, he’s getting glorious amounts of kickbacks that are going untaxed and unrepresented.”

  I looked up at my father, but his face was stone cold.

  “He’s not helping his people or yours,” Collin said. “He’s bleeding them dry. And when he marries Teyela, he’ll do the same to this island that he’s done to his. There’s no way you can force your daughter to marry this man. I know you better than that.”

  I tore away from my father’s side and made a beeline for his body. His arms. His embrace. And as my father called for me to halt, I didn’t even bother listening. I ran straight into Collin’s arms. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as he held me close. His face buried into the crook of my neck. A smile draped across my cheeks.


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