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Alien Sex 103

Page 16

by Allie Ritch

  Cupping her face in his hands, he gave her one more fierce kiss before leaving the room. The moment the door shut behind him, Pixie’s trembling came back at full force. She wanted this, was determined to go through with it, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t scared. In a few minutes, she’d take her vows and lose her virginity in front of a room full of people—a daunting event for any woman.

  Fortunately, the moment she put on her wedding dress, she felt a fresh rush of excitement to counteract her nerves. With the full-length skirt she’d added over the white lingerie, the outfit had turned into a simple, elegant wedding gown that showed off her trim waist and small curves. The cliché fit: she felt radiant, like a beam of sunshine ready to ricochet around the room. Letting her inner smile show through, she stepped out and headed for the classroom.

  Pixie almost didn’t recognize it. Her fellow students were dressed in their finest, and they’d decorated the room with dozens of fresh flowers. With the lights dimmed, the atmosphere was soft and warm and romantic. And there, standing in front of everybody, Zeo waited for her in perfect stillness.

  As she walked to his side, she felt like she was gliding on air. His slow perusal made her toes curl and complimented her far better than any flattering words.

  Quinn made the announcement. “Zeo and Pixie have offered us the unique honor of witnessing their mating ceremony. They represent the very best of their cultures, and I know we all wish them a lifetime of happiness.”

  Everyone clapped, and cameras clicked quietly.

  “Here is my vow,” Zeo said.

  A couple of people chuckled at his gruff tone.

  Standing straight and proud, he didn’t seem to notice. “I will provide for you, my mate, throughout our lives together. I will protect you from harm, but I will also take pride in you when you fight your own battles. I will give you loving, and if you need the words, then I’ll give them to you too. I love you, Pixie.”

  Pixie was glad she hadn’t put on mascara. There was no stopping the tears from flowing now.

  It was her turn.

  “You make me stronger,” she told him, “and you protect me when I’m weak. I promise I’ll always try to do the same for you. I’ll listen to you, to your words and your silences, and I’ll make sure your edges never get too rough.” She gave him a watery smile. “And I’ll kick the butt of any woman who tries to take you from me.”

  Everybody laughed.

  “Mostly,” she concluded, “I’ll do my best to love you for the rest of my life.”

  Now she heard a sniffle or two that wasn’t her own.

  Reaching for Zeo’s hand, she pulled out the ring she’d hidden in her skirt and claimed him with it. She’d gone through several failed attempts at making it before she’d succeeded at translating her artwork into a gold band. Jewelry—metal in general—wasn’t her medium, but she thought she’d done a good job. She’d managed to capture a glimpse of wilderness and wrap it around his finger.

  Gazing down at it, Zeo touched the ring with quiet reverence. Then she felt the smooth slide of precious metal against her skin and looked at the addition. The simple band he gave her was without artifice, as straightforward as he was. It also linked together with her engagement ring so snuggly the two pieces had clearly been made for each other.

  Without a word, he lowered his head, and they shared their first kiss as husband and wife. The whole class cheered.

  When they finally parted, Pixie’s legs turned to jelly, and her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. Zeo stepped back and began removing his clothes.

  “It’ll be all right,” Xindra promised. She and Katra’Ruma helped detach Pixie’s skirt. “Only the first part is rough. The rest will be wonderful.” She gave Pixie’s shoulder a reassuring bump. “Nimanians secrete a special pheromone with their precum. It makes both partners climax extra long.”

  Feeling her cheeks sting, Pixie nodded nervously.

  By this time, Zeo was standing naked, and his cock looked anything but soft and unintimidating now. Behind him, Krux had removed his jacket and tie and rolled up his four sleeves. His forearms were thick with muscle beneath his cherry-colored skin.

  “Come on, sweetie.” Xindra coaxed her forward. “You can do this.”

  No longer sure, Pixie nevertheless hopped up on the padded table they used for sex demonstrations.

  Katra’Ruma held up a large bottle. “We have plenty of lubrication to make his entry easier.”

  Pixie’s gulp sounded overloud. To her surprise, Zeo appeared just as rattled as she was as he climbed up after her. His hand showed the slightest tremor when he reached out to touch her hair.

  “I’ve witnessed many mating ceremonies,” he said. “They all ended well.”

  “Okay.” Two syllables were about the best she could do. Maybe she should have drunk some more wine.

  “I do not want to hurt you, Pixie.”

  Meeting Zeo’s gaze, she saw the torment he didn’t even try to hide from her. Of course he didn’t want to hurt her. He was always so careful with her.

  Kissing him, she whispered against his lips. “Make love to me, Zeo. Take me as your wife.”

  In response, his nostrils flared, and his eyes darkened several shades. No longer tentative, he took one of her breasts in his hand and flicked his tongue into her mouth.

  Pixie gasped at the feel of soft fabric feathering across her nipple beneath his palm. Both of her nipples were already achingly erect, and it was almost too much sensation to bear. At the same time, Zeo slipped his other hand between the legs of her boy shorts and found the long open seam in between. His fingers called forth a fresh wash of cream as they touched her flesh.

  “Yes.” Zeo’s growl vibrated into her core.

  Ripping his lips from hers, he grabbed her around her waist and plucked her up in his strong arms. With a quick twist, he set her down again on her hands and knees. She felt the cushion depress beneath his weight as he positioned himself behind her.

  Oh, gods, it was happening. He was going to take her. Pixie squealed at the first brush of his … fingers?

  The intrusion still made her rock forward, but the feel of his blunt digits stroking and curling inside her was familiar. Her muscles gradually loosened, and then she was crying out in pleasure when his thumb flicked her clit. The friction increased, tension built, and her breath sawed past her parted lips.

  “Lubrication will help,” someone said.

  Which reminded her there were other people there. Pixie hadn’t thought she’d be distracted from that fact for a second, but Zeo had gotten her lost with only a few erotic touches. It gave her hope.

  He slowed the motion of his fingers, but continued to plunge them in and out. Behind her, she heard a wet, almost smacking sound and imagined Zeo spreading glossy gel all over his long, turgid cock. Unable to help herself, she glanced back for a peek … and ended up giving him exactly the cue he’d been waiting for.

  Between one moment and the next, his fingers were gone and something much larger probed the mouth of her vagina. Zeo’s body shifted over her, covering her in his scorching heat as he braced himself on one arm and clasped her hip. The pressure against her entrance mounted.

  “Try to relax,” Xindra advised her. “There’s plenty of room to stretch if you don’t fight it.”

  Pixie moaned. She wasn’t so sure. They didn’t seem to be making any real progress, and it was impossible to relax while Zeo tried to force his way in. His grip on her hip tightened. He pushed harder and harder until—


  Her outer muscle gave up the fight, causing his titanium-hard penis to pop inside her. The discomfort skyrocketed until it made her squirm. She didn’t care what they said, he was far too wide. It burned so badly she wanted to cry.

  Then realization hit her. She’d done it! Zeo was inside her. He didn’t feel good there, but at least she could survive this.

  At her back, Zeo let loose with a feral snarl.

  “I’ve got him,” Krux sa

  Quinn stood by his side. “Let her get used to it, Zeo.”

  Xindra bent down low so Pixie could see her face. “You’re doing great, sweetie. Now you need to take a deep breath.”

  “Huh?” She was lucky she wasn’t hyperventilating.

  “Deep breath now,” Katra’Ruma said.

  Maybe it would relax her. Pixie couldn’t seem to get her inner muscles to stop clasping him, which only made his erection feel bigger. Very slowly, she drew a deep breath.

  “Loosen your hold,” Varion said.

  They didn’t even give her time to exhale. In the next instant, Zeo’s hips snapped forward, ripping through her virginity and burying three times as much length as what was already inside her.

  Pixie shrieked. This wasn’t just discomfort anymore. This was pain, sharp and brutal.


  Zeo heard his mate cry out beneath him, but he couldn’t stop. Her sheath was too hot and tight, her scent too tempting. He slammed into her three times in rapid succession and would have continued if Krux’s grip on his hips and thighs hadn’t stopped him.

  “Let her recover,” the Brachoi told him.

  The faint tang of blood reached Zeo’s nose at the same time that Pixie started to sob. This was what he’d been most afraid of. He’d hurt his beautiful mate right when she was at her most vulnerable. Self-loathing made his eyes sting even as his hips kept jerking against Krux’s hold.

  “It’s all right, buddy.” Quinn tried to reassure him. “There was no way around this. You haven’t done anything wrong. Just try to help her.”

  The New Earthling male pried Zeo’s fingers from Pixie’s hip. It was all Zeo could do not to fight to regain that precious hold, but then he felt his mate’s cloth-covered mound beneath his palm. Taking the hint, he found the front of her slit and lightly rolled her exposed clit. Pixie froze beneath him.

  “Try to relax,” Benni was telling her. “The pain will fade. I promise.”

  Spri was breathing with her. “Loosen one muscle at a time. Feel the tension leaving your body.”

  Zeo thought maybe Pixie did relax a fraction under him, but his posture was so rigid he couldn’t be sure. It took all his strength of will to fight the red haze of lust and give his mate the comfort she needed. Lowering his head, he kissed her between her shoulder blades.

  “I. Love. You.” The words were torn from him one ragged grunt at a time, but he got them out.

  Her sobbing quieted. After a moment, he caught her whisper. “I love you too.”

  Although relief flooded him, Zeo knew he didn’t have much time. He was desperate to hump her, and his body wouldn’t be put off much longer. Circling her swollen clit with his fingertips, he began to pump it like a tiny cock.

  Beneath him, Pixie whimpered and remained still. Inside her sheath, though, a hot bath of nectar rewarded him.


  It still hurt, and he was still way too big, but Pixie felt the first flutter of renewed arousal when Zeo stroked her tender clit. Strike that—it was more than just a flutter. Her channel began a slow, hard pulse around his shaft that was more intense than anything she’d felt with him before.

  “Okay,” Quinn said. “Take it slow.”

  Pixie tensed again when Zeo drew out of her, but his return thrust wasn’t a vicious jab this time. It was smooth and steady and so deep she was afraid she’d never get him out. Then he withdrew and did it all over again.

  “That’s it,” Xindra told her. “Relax and let yourself enjoy it. Don’t try to control it.”

  She couldn’t if she’d wanted to. Although Pixie still felt like she’d split at the seams, her pain was swiftly morphing into an ache. The plucking of her clit and the rasp of his stubble against her shoulder somehow compounded it.

  Zeo’s pace grew faster, then faster yet. An inferno blossomed between her legs, promising paradise on the other side. Each plunge of his erection made her whole channel contract and ripple until she was sure he must feel it.

  “Zeo!” She cried his name, needing something. Needing more.

  “Let him go,” Quinn ordered.

  Pixie mewled when Zeo cut loose behind her. Obviously freed from Krux’s hold, he rode her hard. She expected it to hurt, but her body refused to be distracted from its impending climax. Although she still felt raw and sore inside, she shivered as streamers of pleasure fanned out from her womb.

  A hot spurt from his cock started an internal itch that grew worse with every stroke. Then she felt Zeo’s teeth close firmly over her pulse point, and she lost it. The most ferocious orgasm of her life plowed through her core. Her sheath seized and grabbed futilely at her husband’s cock while he reamed her. Seconds later, he thrust and held deep, and Pixie screamed.

  Spewing fiery semen, his penis lodged against her womb and shot out what felt like nubby spokes around its crown. The deep, unexpected pressure set her off again until she felt like she was having multiple orgasms on top of each other, all oscillating up and down his thick shaft. Tears ran down her cheeks, and she flinched with every new spasm. Her pleasure was so intense it bordered on agony.

  At long, long last, her climax settled down to random twitches. Poised above her, Zeo spent his last ounce of seed with a groan, and his muscles finally unlocked.

  “Please don’t.” Pixie cried when he started to pull out. She was too sensitive.

  “It’s all right, kitten.” Zeo’s voice sounded hoarse, even for him.

  He slipped his cock out of her gently, but the gliding friction still made her keen. Within moments, Zeo had a cool towel pressed between her legs to clean and soothe her.

  She collapsed onto her stomach and didn’t move as he carefully pushed a finger into her. It must have been coated with healing salve because the raw, burning sensation of her torn virginity ceased on contact.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Zeo kissed the back of her neck. “It was a good mating?” For once, he sounded unsure of himself.

  Although Pixie felt wrung out and emotionally exhausted, she couldn’t deny it. In his own words, “They’d both come very hard.” Obviously.

  “You know it was,” she told him.

  Xindra broke in quietly. “There’s a warm bath waiting for both of you when you’re ready.”

  Lifting her head, Pixie saw that everyone else had retreated to the other side of the room to give them some privacy. Now that she wasn’t caught up in the moment, she felt another blush coming on. Which seemed absurd after what they’d just done.

  Zeo stretched over her and leaned down so he could rub their noses together. His voice held equal parts smugness and amusement. “Now you have had good sex with your mate.”

  Her breath puffed out on a short laugh. “So have you.”

  “True.” He kissed her cheek. “I look forward to making children with you one day.”

  If she hadn’t been too exhausted, Pixie would have smacked him. The crazy man was always pushing her.

  “You know,” she pointed out, “boys tend to take after their mother and girls after their father. We could end up with a son who’s shy and a girl who grunts. How would you like that?”

  “Our house will be fairly quiet then,” he replied.

  Laughing, she rolled onto her back so she could look up at her husband, her mate. When she lifted her hand, he wove their fingers together so their wedding rings touched.

  “Let’s go enjoy that bath.” Kissing Zeo fiercely, Pixie poured all her happiness into that perfect caress. When she pulled back, her lips brushed his. “After that, you can walk me home.”

  The End

  About the Author

  Allie Ritch is a multi-published author of erotic sci-fi and paranormal romance. She has an active imagination and enjoys entertaining others through storytelling. Allie lives in her own little world in the Southeastern United States, where she spends time appreciating the ocean and sunshine.

  Table of Contents

  Alien Sex 103

r />   Part One

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Part Two

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  About the Author




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