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Superluminary_The World Armada

Page 18

by John C. Wright

  Maliboeus, who had been recently re-elected as a Tribune, said, “But surely the Overlord will read your mind and memory, and see your plan.”

  “He will, but by then it will be too late…”

  Aeneas felt the pulse, a tiny burst of power in comparison to the endless volumes of death energy all around him, lance through the core of Rhazakhang and slay the warlord instantly.

  Aeneas felt his thoughts being ripped, one thought chain after another, directly from his brain, as the Overlord impatiently sought the answer to this very question.

  The Overlord was an archvampire, a thing that could change its amoeboid body to liquid or solid at will, or change any part of any needed organ. Hence, any part of the vast body could be changed into thinking material. The Overlord coated not just the whole palace here, and the endless expanse of one ringworld a lightyear in radius, but many such ringworlds, forming a nearly solid nested ball of material, nearly a dozen square light years in surface area. The mental substrate of the Overlord filled a Dyson that could encompass a star cluster. The brain of Aeneas was merely a two pound lopsided sphere of gray matter!


  “Why do people keep assuming I have only one brain? That is the mistake the first assassin made the first time someone tried to kill me. The brain you are talking to is a disposable spare.”

  In his thoughts, clear and plain, Aeneas revealed the myriads of hidden brains hidden beneath hidden brains he possessed, each connected by contortion gates and warp channels to hundreds of stars in Andromeda.

  These stars were tamed and surrounded by working armatures. Their energy he could teleport inside his body, hold there, and release, and also use that same energy to power his thought probes. It was a combination of the Nine Technologies of the Forerunners which the Forerunners themselves never explored.

  “I used my ability to form living metal, bioadmantium, and applied it to Tipler Ring Material, which is a solidified form of neutronium plasma. My body literally contains a miniature sun, and I have several more suns standing by in nullspace, which will be contorted into your body the moment you receive these thoughts. Meanwhile, thought-probes driven by all the power of dozens of suns have forced their way into your mental libraries, found the information needed, and transmitted that same information back to the targeting system of the main Andromeda Armature.”


  “No, that was a lie, a bit of misinformation fed to you in the same way Lord Tellus, in his day, when he first learned of you, convinced you he was a vampire himself who merely had Earth as his private horde of snackfoods.

  “You morons. You can make yourselves smarter than living men by an overabundance of life energy, but you cannot understand how we think, how we can act unselfishly, how we can live for others. How we forgive. I am never going to find out who killed my father.

  “You see, the Forerunners told me where the living light that slays the vampires really and ultimately comes from. From living beings, yes, but what is the first source of life? Who is the source of all truth, beauty, goodness? Who ignited the Big Bang that set all time and space in motion, thereby creating the laws of nature? Only someone outside timespace and above the laws of nature could have done it.

  “You knew at one time, but forced yourself to forget, when you chose death over life.

  “I am not the top of the pyramid of vampires of my galaxy as you are the top of the pyramid of yours. We built a townhall, not a pyramid, and we made all of us lords of creation.

  “I am just a private citizen. I own a farm. I design, make, and breed beasts and birds and fish and bugs out of all fashion of substances for every imaginable environment, so that no niche, not even the photospheres of blazing suns, will hereafter be empty of abundant life!

  “I live with my wife. She weaves and composes dream-stuff, and enjoys some fame at it. By day, she hunts creatures I make. Can I show you photographic memories of my great-great-great-granddaughter, Nephelethea?”

  The brain of the Uttermost Overlord, vast beyond telling though it was, could not comprehend the concepts he was shown. A leaderless galaxy? Worlds ruled by laws, not by ruthlessness?

  A man with infinite, unbridled power who threw it all away? A king who put aside his crown to come here, and stand in the dark, in a mortuary-space of endless bones? An emperor who scorned his throne, and came here to be tormented? To become a captive, a food beast, less than a slave?

  Aeneas could see the monster’s thoughts were confused and snarled as it wrestled with the impossible paradox: the ancient abomination could not utter a word, could not construct a coherent thought.

  “As I said, I came out of retirement to volunteer for this undercover operation. Since it was my idea, I did not want to send another in my place. And by the time you see and understand this thought in my head, all of the Milky Way will be embedded into the faster-than-light naked singularity horizon of the ancient and living stars you captured. You see, the effect of a singularity unfolding is even faster than faster-than-light warp effects. It is instantaneous. It is above anything in nature and acts faster. It is ultrasuperluminary.”

  The frustration and bitter wonder of the Overlord forced itself into a coherent thought: HOW? BUT HOW CAN YOU CHANGE YOURSELF FROM A MAN TO A STAR? YOU ARE MERELY MORTAL! MERELY A LIMITED, LIVING THING!

  “Living, yes. Merely, no.”


  But the answer that was in the brain of Aeneas was not pulled forth, for the Uttermost Overlord was dead to the last trace of his immense brainspace, larger than worlds. Even had he lived, he would not have understood the answer.

  Space and time convulsed with the shocks being released from Andromeda into the heart of Milky Way. The armature of the Great Sphere encircling the supermassive black hole was destroyed as that singularity unfolded instantly, filling the light years with flame.

  Aeneas, wrapped in zones of protective force, hanging above an ocean of space now ablaze with white light, paused for a moment. He saw the inverted supermassive black hole of the core now flaming with rainbow upon burning rainbow of glorious energy brilliant and bright on all wavelengths. He saw whole solar systems of living suns and worlds rising from the deep, shining on the mental wavelengths with the pure, strong thoughts of all those Forerunner races who had fought to the last, never contemplating surrender.

  Despite that there was none to hear, before entering a warpchannel back to his home and wife, Aeneas smiled and broadcast into the universe an answer to that final question:

  “Because we live.”

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