Fort William: description; garrison formed; defences; state of defences; citizens of Calcutta retire into; siege of; evacuation of women and children; a third of garrison deserts; falls; recaptured see also Calcutta
Fothergill, Dr
Fox, Charles James
Fox, Henry
France: war against; rivalry with Britain begins; sets up trading centres in India; war with Holland; control all of Southern India; Bengali settlements; pays ransom for Chandernagore; influence in Bengal crushed; forces at Plassey
Francis, Philip
Frankland, William: council member; proclaimed lieutenant-colonel; at siege of Fort William; deserts Fort William
French East India Company
French fleet: arrival; attacks Fort St George; flees to Pondicherry
Friend, Cuves
Fullerton, William
Gaves, Richard
George II, King: character
George III, King
Ghasita Begum
Ghulam Husain
Glass, Lieutenant
Godeheu, M
Goupil, M.
government, system of
Grafton, Duke of
Gray, George
Grenville, George
Guingens, Captain Rudolph: sent to help Muhammad Ali; declines to capture Arcot; refuses to send support to Clive at Arcot; at Trichinopoly; Clive’s contempt for; criticisms of; dilatoriness; quarrels with Muhammad Ali
Hancock, Philadelphia
Hardwicke, Earl of
Hastings, Warren: resident at palace of Nawab; affair with Philadelphia Hancock; appointed governor; assumes more direct control in Bengal; and Sulivan; career in India; character; compared to Clive; dismissed by Company; fights duel with Francis; achievements
Hay, William
Heber, Bishop
Herring, Thomas
Hertford, Lady
Hertford, Lord
Hinde, Governor
Hindus: Moslems make use of; initially welcome Europeans; oppressed by Moslems; merchants go out of business
Holland: defeat the Portuguese; war with France; Bengali defences; pays ransome for Chinsurah; conspiracy against British
Holt, Peter
Holwell, Josiah: in Black Hole; council member; on Minchin; in siege of Fort William; shackled; taken to Murshidabad; freed; quarrels with Drake; brings news of Black Hole to London; desire to replace Mir Jafir; bribed by Mir Kasim
Hope Hall
Hugli river: Clive’s journey up
Husain Ali Khan
Hyderabad: Nasir Jang seizes; Nizam of
Hyder Ali
Impey, Judge
India: colonial history; English enclaves; nature of warfare in; history of Mogul Empire; colonialists’ attitudes to; condition of when Europeans arrived; nature of Mongol rule; British Raj endows with elements for stability; armies
Ingham, Samuel
Jacobite Rebellion
James, Commodore
James, Lawrence
Jenner, Charles
Johnstone, George
Johnstone, John; and corruption; ignores edict about gifts; resigns
Kasimbazar: entrepot founded; and Siraj-ud-Daula; surrender of; surrounded
Keate, George
Keene, William
Kelsall, Jenny see Latham, Jenny
Kent, William
Kilpatrick, Major James: leads relief for Arcot; and Calcutta; and Hugli; at Plassey; death
King, William
Lally, Comte de
Latham, Captain Thomas
Latham, Jenny
La Volonté
Law, Jacques: at Trichinopoly; on Siraj-ud-Daula
Law, Jean: at Kasimbazar; captured; received by Clive
Lawrence, Major Stringer: arrival at Fort St David; captured at French fort; release; and Rajah of Tajore; salary cut and departure; at relief of Trichinopoly; returns to India; and Chanda Sahib’s murder; greets Clive on his return to India; fights in siege of Madras
Leycester, Ralph
Luft un-Nisa
Lushington, Mr
Lycet, Ralph
Lydbury North
Macaulay, Thomas Babington: on life aboard an Indiaman; on Black Hole of Calcutta; on Bengal; on Siraj-ud-Daula; on Clive’s duplicity; on Plassey; on Omichand; on attacks on Clive; on parliament’s verdict on Clive; on Nundcomar’s execution
Madras: Clive’s arrival in; description; Black Town; French occupation of; returned by British by treaty; recovered by Britain; attacked by Raza Sahib; news of fall of Calcutta arrives; besieged by French; and Hyder Ali see also Fort St George
Mahendie, William
Malcolm, Sir John
Manningham, Charles: council member; procaimed colonel; siege of Fort William; deserts Fort William
Marathas: first attack on empire; Arcot and; join Clive; at battle near Arni; at Trichinopoly; and Bengal
Market Drayton
Maskelyne, Edmund (Mun): imprisonment and escape; enlists as soldier; his sister Margaret arrives in Fort St George; on expedition to recapture Calcutta; Astronomer Royal
Maskelyne, Margaret see Clive, Margaret (wife)
Merchant Taylor’s school
middle classes
Minchin, Captain
Minney, R.J.
Miran: allegedly in plot to assassinate Clive; in decision to kill Siraj-ud-Daula; character; Shahzada and; killed
Mir Daud
Mir Jafar: as protector of Siraj-ud-Daula; intriguing before Plassey; and Siraj-ud-Daula; at battle of Plassey; explains conduct to Clive; money paid by British by end of rule; decision to kill Siraj-ud-Daula; character; taming Ramnarayan; conspiring against British; and Clive’s jagir; attempts to replace; opposes brother-in-law as chief minister; abdicates; reinstated as Nawab; death; son
Mir Kasim; begins reign of terror; switches capital; and taxes; moves armies to Patna; retreats to Patna; war declared on; ruthlessness; death; loots treasury
Mir Madan
Mirza Muhammad see Siraj-ud-Daula
Moden Sahib
Mohan Lal
Montagu, Duchess of
Moreton Saye
Moreton Saye church
Morse, Nicholas
Muhammad Ali: sent to help British at Fort St David; attacks French; escaped when father killed; at Trichinopoly; character; suggests capture of Arcot; refusal to send support to Clive at Arcot; undisputed ruler of Carnatic; quarrel with Regent of Mysore
Muhammad Shah
Munro, Major Hector
Muzaffar Jang
Mysore, Regent of: Arcot and; Trichinopoly and; quarrel with Muhammad Ali
Nadir Shah
Najm-ud-Daula: reduced to constitutional monarch; government deteriorates
Newcastle, Duke of
Nicholson, Captain
Northern Circars
North, Lord
Omichand: Siraj-ud-Daula HQ established in his garden; arrested; bears grudge towards British; throws in with Siraj-ud-Daula; at Fulta; offers services as mediator; intriguing before Plassey; false treaty imposed on; reaction when told of false treaty; death
Orme, Robert: makes friends with Clive; on Moslems; on Arcot; causes trouble between Lawrence and Saun
ders; tries to cause trouble between Clive and Saunders; monopolises Clive on passage to England; appointed councillor in Madras; History of the Military Transactions; as Clive’s biographer; on Aliverdi Khan; returns to Britain; complains about Clive’s neglect
Oudh, Begum of
Oudh, Nawab of
Paradis, Captain Louis
Pardoe, Robert
Paris, Peace of
Patoun, William
Pearkes, Richard
Pelham, Henry
Perrin’s Redoubt
Petrie, John
Piccard, Ensign
Pigot, George; and fall of Calcutta; and Nizam of Hyderabad; fights in siege of Madras
Pitt, William (Earl of Chatham): character; praises Clive after Plassey; and Clive’s ideas about Indian empire; as issue politician; ministry of; replaced as prime minister; on corruption in India; opinion of Clive’s parliamentary speech in his defence; incapacitation of; and America
Plassey, Battle of
Pocock, Rear-Admiral George
Pondicherry: French trading centre set up; British siege of; British capture of
Powis, Earl of
Prince, Richard
Pybus, John: early days in India; imprisonment and escape; on Arcot expedition
Pym, John
Queen Square house
Rai, Ranjit
Rai Durlabh: as protector of Siraj-ud-Daula; attempt to mediate; at Plassey; intriguing before Plassey; plot with Ramnarayan; flees to Calcutta; and Miran; minister to Najm-ud-Daula
Rao, Balaji
Rao, Buzangara: ambushed by Raza Shah; returns to Trichinopoly
Rao, Morari; at Trichinopoly
Raza Sahib: and Arcot; and Arni; war chest seized; raid on Madras; ambushes Clive; at Kaveripak; leaves for Arcot
Regulating Bill
Regulatory Act
Reinhardt, Walter see Sumru
Renault, Pierre
Reza Khan, Muhammad
Rivett, Elizabeth
Robinson, Sir Thomas
Rockingham, Marquess of
Rous, Thomas
Rumbold, Thomas
St Frais, M. de
Salabat Jang
Salim, Ghulam Husain
Sandwich, Earl of
Sarfaraz, Nawab
Saunders, Admiral Sir Charles
Saunders, Thomas: becomes Governor of Fort St David; character; opinion of Lawrence; and Arcot; orders assault on Convejeeram; orders attack on Vendalore; pettiness as Clive leaves for England
Scawen, Thomas
Scrafton, Luke
Seths: intriguing before Plassey; conspire with Shahzada; placed under house arrest; arrested; beheaded
Seth, The Jagat
Seward, Gabriel
Shahzada, designs on Bengal
Shaukut Jang
Shelburne, Earl of
Siraj-ud-Daula: character; cruelty; loathing of British; sexual appetite; wealth; arguments against British; and Krishna Das; and capture of Fort William; and Black Hole of Calcutta; and Fulta; at attack on Calcutta; withdraws from Calcutta; and the French; and Mir Jafar; decides to fight British at Plassey; state of mind before Plassey; position before Plassey; at Plassey; flees; flees to Patna; captured and killed
Smith, Captain F.
Smith, Dick
social change
Society of Trade
Speke, Billy
Speke, Captain Henry
Spencer, John
Stainforth, Captain John
Stanhope, Lord
Strachey, Henry: journey to India with Clive; Margaret Clive develops fixation for; member of parliament; marries Jenny Latham; brings news of vote on Burgoyne’s resolution; on Clive’s illness; and Clive’s death
Strachey, Jane
Strachey, Sir Edward
Styche Hall: restraint of refurbishment; Clive’s birth in; reduction of mortgage on; rebuilding of
Sulivan, Laurence: becomes chairman of directors of East India Company; character; Clive’s implacable enemy; supports government; war with Clive; loses chairmanship; elected back on to board; ruined; leaves board of governors; returns to board; connives with people Clive had criticised; ejected from board
Sumner, Mrs William
Sumner, William
Sutherland, Dame Lucy
Sykes, Francis
Symmonds, Ensign
Tabatabai, Ghulam Husain
Tanjore, Rajah of
Tanjore, regent of
Teignmouth, Lord
Thurlow, Edward
Travancore, Rajah of
Trenwith, Lieutenant
Trichinopoly: Muhammad Ali at; relief of; astrology and omens; allies at; effects of
turnpike roads
Vanbrugh, Sir John
Vansittart, George
Vansittart, Henry; character; and Mir Kasim; wishes to replace Mir Jafar; and Shah Alum; bribing of; ships elephants to King George; quarrels with Clive; elected back on to board; ruined; and Warren Hastings
Verelst, Henry
Wajid, Khwaja
Walcot: setting; Clive’s pride in; unostentatiousness of; Clive buys; refurbishment
Walcot, Charles
Walpole, Horace
Walpole, Sir Robert: George II and; deposition of
Walsh, John: character; announces the departure of the French fleet; imprisonment and escape; greets Clive on his return to India; on expedition to recapture Calcutta; as emissary to Siraj-ud-Daula; member of parliament
Wandewash, Battle of
Watson, Vice-Admiral Charles: arrives in India; pacifies money quarrel; on expedition to recapture Calcutta; in Hugli attack; row with Clive; and Siraj-ud-Daula; at Chandernagore; and the false treaty; signature forged; and Plassey; death
Watts, William: on Siraj-ud-Daula; and Krishna Das; under siege; intriguing before Plassey; in flight from Murshidabad; leaves India
Wedderburn, Alexander
West, Benjamin
White, Gilbert
Wilkes, John
Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams
Wilson, Dr
Yar Latuf Khan; at Plassey
Yorke, Ensign
Young, Arthur
Also by Robert Harvey
Portugal: Birth of a Democracy
Fire Down Below: A Journey Across Latin America
Blueprint 2000 (Editor)
The Undefeated: A Study of Modern Japan
The Return of the Strong: A Study of the Post-Cold War World
An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.
CLIVE. Copyright © 1998 by Robert Harvey. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
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ISBN 0-312-26569-7
First published in Great Britain
by Hodder and Stoughton, a division
of Hodder Headline PLC
First U.S. Edition: November 2000
eISBN 9781466878624
First eBook edition: July 2014
Clive Page 47