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Past Lives

Page 32

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  But that didn't work at all, his moves were so different from the English traditions, that Paul didn't recognize even one. So he demonstrated what he

  remembered, and the sword did indeed feel balanced in his hand.

  Having seen his style, Galan tried to adapt to Paul, and now something resembling a fight ensued. But it was clear Paul was just not skilled enough to really spar, so Galan demonstrated his techniques instead, teaching Melissa the right way to hold a blade, and running her through some basic exercises.

  She liked it a lot.

  They were very busy, paying only slight attention to their surroundings, when Galan suddenly stopped his demonstration and looked up at the blue sky.

  Melissa felt a shiver run down her back, a feeling of premonition. She followed Galan's line of sight and saw a dark shape cross the sun.

  Within a second, Paul was alight with power, and he quietly asked: 'Do we meet that here, or do we go inside? Your house is so strongly built, it will probably withstand any creature.'

  Impressively, Ophelie showed no fear at all, of course she was used to being married to a god with plenty of enemies, but still, she seemed so helpless.

  She did not hesitate for a moment and said: 'We meet it here, if we don't destroy it, it may ravage the countryside. My people do not fight, they tend to accept their fate. Excepting Galan here. What do you think, Galan?'

  'We fight here, mother. Will you call Kadmus and Damara? We may need their help.'

  Ophelie blanked out for a moment, then spoke: 'It is done. Do we attack first, together? Hit it with magic?'

  Looking a bit lost, Paul admitted: 'I'm not strong with tactics, I am well-schooled in the use of combative magic, but I have always operated on my own. You tell me what to do, and I'll do it.'

  Melissa readied her shields, and a fireball, but somehow she didn't think her strength was in her force, she needed to find a place where she could use her ability to see into things. She said: 'I'm going to hide, I'm not very experienced in magic or weapons-craft.'

  Very happy to find her sensible and level-headed, Paul watched her disappear behind a statue, then kept his eye on the approaching monster.

  For a monster it was, it had the body of a giant bull, huge wings that should not be able to lift its strong body, and the face of a man. The face did not show intelligence though, this was clearly a beast, or a demon. It looked

  to be very strong, and Paul readied a layered shield and a potent fireball.

  Behind them, Damara and Kadmus appeared, Kadmus taking an offensive stance, and Damara looking at Ophelie questioningly. Her mistress pointed at Melissa's hiding-place, and the girl lighted up and ran for cover.

  Suddenly, a potent shield came into being over the whole group, blue in colour, and layered beyond Paul's immediate comprehension. He'd have to study it to understand its composition, but not now, he knew Damara was making it, and he was glad to have his love protected by the closeness of such a potent mage, young though she seemed to be.

  Ophelie was ready for offensive magic, and Galan stayed a little behind, both swords in a fighting stance.

  The construct, for that is what it seemed to be, didn't come to talk, for it came at them with its hoofs out and its wings folded, to make more speed. It seemed over-large and clumsy, but constructs could be very fast, and impervious to magic.

  Dammit, impervious to magic! He let his power drain back into his reserves, and started to think, what could he conjure up to hurt a really big bull? To fight a bull, one distracted the front and attacked the back, or baited it until it was tired.

  Kadmus and Ophelie let fly, and as he had feared, their fireballs did not penetrate the monster's defence Paul concentrated his magic to a point before him, thinking of Hermes on their wedding day, and used his power to construct a really powerful bull-baiting dog. It materialized and immediately attacked, going for the sensitive belly of the great bull.

  The creature was shocked that something could hurt it, it was clearly used to being bombarded with power, not with constructs.

  Paul expected the others to emulate him, but the bovine smell assailing him, and the raucous cries emanating from their enemy brought home to him that this was not a construct, but a real animal. His companions didn't know how to construct a life-form from magic! They were momentarily confused, but the bull was kicking at his dog now, he'd have it killed in seconds without a serious distraction.

  'Distract it!' he cried, setting an example by flinging flashing magic at it, directing its attack to himself. Apparently they knew bull-baiting, for as his flash expired, Kadmus caused one to be in the corner of the monster's eye. It ran towards him, then got distracted by a flash on his other side, Ophelie's


  As the fireworks started, Melissa realized the creature was not very fast, nor very smart, but it was durable, resistant to magic, and it would become really dangerous once they started to get tired. She told Damara: 'Cover me, I'm going to look for a weak spot. If it sees me, distract it.'

  'Mistress, I can make you difficult to see,' Damara said.

  'Please do, then I can go closer!'

  The girl lighted up, and though she didn't feel a difference, she needed to do something, and she carefully approached the creature, checking it with sight.

  It was not a smart creature to construct, the human face restricted its field of vision, though it would see very well in front of it. It probably couldn't smell any better than a person, and it didn't have any horns or canines.

  Foolish choice!

  She recognized the tactics Paul used, baiting the creature to keep it from directing its attack, the bulldog harrying the soft underside, the rest drawing its attention away from the dog.

  Melissa could see the shields on the creature light up, they were superb, and layered, she'd dare call them impenetrable by magic. But by a weapon?

  Looking deeper, she could see the body was just that, a normal body, with organs, only there was a problem, it had two hearts! One near the head, and one near the back, and one in the back was the one that mattered.

  The layered shield did not envelop the whole body, the underside was vulnerable, they could shoot fireballs under it.

  The wings looked weak as well, the attachment to the bull's body was makeshift, and could be used to hurt it.

  Relaying this information to Paul by a mind-link, she saw it was probably not even needed, it was starting to weaken already. The human face was a caricature of a dying warrior, agony wrenching its features. The belly was a mess, the magical bulldog had ripped it open, safe to wreak havoc because the creature was constantly distracted by flashes of bright light assailing its eyes.

  But now it was getting desperate, ignoring the flashes it attacked the person its eyes fell on first, and that was herself, despite Damara's spell! She saw the huge body come right at her, ready to trample her into the ground, and she was really close.

  Scrambling for safety, a shimmering blue wall appeared between herself

  and the monster, but it did not stop though the wall crackled with lightning, the thing ran right through it, slowed only slightly by the electricity hitting its shield.

  Aiming for a tree, Melissa ran for her life, realizing she could not outrun a four-legged animal, though it was already weak.

  Suddenly she had reached the tree, and from behind it she checked why she wasn't dead. The monster had been distracted once again, but not by light this time.

  Facing it one-on-one was Galan, swords whirling around him. Prancing heavily, the thing tried to keep him at a distance, but it had taken so much damage already. Still the front of it had no vital organs, Galan needed to skewer the heart in the hindquarters.

  A flash from one of the swords, and the creature had a large cut over one eye, bleeding profusely. Melissa wondered why it didn't flee, it might kill one of them, but never all. Why would it stay here to be slaughtered?

  A movement from the house pulled Melissa's eyes towards it, and she saw Ophius
walk towards Paul. Did Hermes send him to their aid? That could not be, he could be there by himself much quicker. Ophius looked worried, and he was gesturing in a frenzy.

  Melissa decided to take the chance, the monster was deadlocked with Galan, if it attacked her Galan would get an opening towards its hindquarters.

  Running towards Ophius, she heard him say: 'The master needs Melissa, you cannot stay and fight this brute, it's done for anyway. You need to come with me, let Galan finish it or rout it.'

  Paul called out: 'Galan, can you finish this thing with Damara's help?

  Hermes is in trouble, he needs us.'

  Galan called back: 'I'm good, I'll cut it into steaks. Damara, you distract the front with one of these, I'll take the back. She came into view, and Galan tossed her one of the swords, handle first of course. She caught it expertly, and took his place at its head, slashing at the face and the rearing front legs.

  Paul dismissed the magical bulldog, and as they ran towards the teleport, Ophius explained: 'I got a summons from Hermes just now, they put pressure on Dionysus to tell the truth, he held out much longer than they thought, and when he finally cracked, a strange, powerful goddess appeared out of nowhere, right in the middle of Olympus, and when she couldn't get to Dionysus, supposedly to silence him, she took Hermes somewhere.

  He dared not use magic strong enough to submit her, so he is playing along with her, hoping Melissa can find him. We're to meet with the rest at Olympus.

  He wants you to take Katarina away from there, Ophelie, she's done her job perfectly.'

  After the familiar lurch of the teleport they looked around, and the first thing Melissa saw was Lukas' cute face, worried, but not in a panic yet. He was alone, and took her hand, almost pulling her along, saying: 'Grandfather is waiting for you. Father contacted Aphrodite to tell her he was fine but didn't dare resist, he remembered he should not use magic.

  He had no clue where he was, but he thought you might find him. We'll bring you up to speed.'

  The room with the mosaic was the same as everywhere, just a dark basement with a beautiful mosaic pattern on the floor. The only difference was that this one was lighted with lamps instead of natural light falling in through a slit in the wall.

  They entered a hall, clearly hewn out of bedrock, well-lighted with the same lamps. Their path did not go upstairs, but rather further down, and the atmosphere became a bit dank. Paul was not happy here, Melissa was glad he had been healed, or he would have been in mental agony by now.

  Lukas seemed to sense Paul's discomfort, for he let go of her hand and took Paul's. That helped, Paul's expression cleared.

  They came to a series of cells, this was probably where Dionysus was imprisoned. Lukas looked like he knew exactly where they were going.

  A few more turns, and they reached a small cell, bare but not dirty, with a simple pallet on which two men were sitting, both of whom she knew. The chubby god Dionysus, looking haggard and beat, and the wise old man she knew was Zeus, the boss of all the Greek gods. Katarina was not in sight.

  Ophius having gone back through the teleport, Lukas introduced the three of them to his grandfather, taking his time, considering the circumstances. Of course he was back to the charming diplomat, and looking great in his official capacity. He must have been an excellent herald.

  Zeus got up, and greeted Ophelie first, calling her by name, embracing her, and assuring her that her husband would be fine and back in her arms within a day at most.

  'Your daughter did really well testifying, she is a very strong woman. I

  have heard she is a fabulous artist as well, I'd like to see some of her work some day soon. I'm planning to visit the people whom this whole mess was about, anyway.'

  Ophelie bowed, and said: 'Thank you very much, Master. I hope to bring her back with me immediately, my house was invaded today and her husband was still fighting the creature as we left.'

  'What did the creature look like?' asked the ruler of the gods, 'it may help finding your husband, though we have a suspicion where he was taken.'

  'It was a very large bull, with the head of a man, and huge eagle's wings.

  It was resistant to magic, but slow and kind of stupid.'

  'Hmm, I've heard of that kind, was it a construct, or real?'

  Ophelie looked confused, she clearly did not know what a construct was.

  Paul spoke up: 'It looked like a construct, but it was flesh and blood, it smelled bovine, and it bled and screamed as it was hit.'

  'Ah, your friend, the superb artist. I'm so glad they managed to recover you in time, though I've heard you paid a large price. Glad to see you look so well, I'm sorry to hear you got embroiled in this.

  I'd like to talk to you some more, my daughter said you have all kinds of interesting knowledge, about special iron, a new kind of sailing, magic that is only known to the gods here. But first let me greet you properly.'

  And the ruler of the Greek gods embraced Paul familiarly, and said: 'I'm very pleased to meet you, Paul. My daughter is very fond of you, and of the necklace you made her.'

  'Thank you very much, Master Zeus,' Paul replied.

  And in one go he embraced Melissa as well, kissed her chastely on the cheeks, and said: 'Finally we meet in the flesh. You are very beautiful, though my daughter had already told me that before I saw you the first time. You are very welcome, for my son seems to think you have a special talent for seeing things. He expects you to be able to find him, so we can retrieve him, and punish the barbarian goddess who sowed dissent in my realm. She has much to answer for.'

  But we'll speak of that later, first things first. This rather forlorn fellow has something to say to Paul. After that, we'll join my daughter and Lukas', and plan strategy.

  Go on, Dionysus, speak your piece.'

  The inmate of the cell looked even more lost, and he showed his usual

  pathos. He fell at Paul's feet and said in a broken voice: 'Master Paul, I'm so very sorry for what my niece did to you. I let myself be taken in by Ishtar, a lush goddess from Babylon, who promised me fleshly pleasures defying the limitations of the physical body, and the worship of the most loving people in the world, the satyrs.

  Though the satyr I loved best of all people, Lykos, wasn't so loving anymore.'

  Paul looked at the grovelling heap of godhood with something like disgust, and he said: 'I will accept your apology for what was done to me, for I know your niece didn't torture me for your good, she did it to satisfy her own lust, a lust that violated every physical limitation of my body at least.'

  He was not done, not yet. Taking Lukas in his arms, stroking his curls, he soothed his lover, who couldn't help being hurt by Dionysus' undeserved words, saying: 'But I scorn you for not taking your own responsibility in this.

  Your own weakness allowed you to fall under that goddess' spell. And if the way you treated Lykos is how you treat the person you love best, I'm not surprised you needed a lush goddess to find you fleshly pleasures. Had you treated him with the respect he deserved, Lykos would still be the sweetest and most loving person in the world to you, as he still is to me. You should have seen him as he came to us, beaten, starved of love, almost dying of loneliness.

  Anyone else would have hated you for it, but despite everything that you did to him, he still forgives you and is hurt by your words. It is Lykos you should beg for forgiveness, not me, he loves you, I don't.'

  And here, Dionysus showed he was not totally hopeless, for he broke down and cried, not hysterically, but silently this time. He did not grovel, but sat on his pallet in defeat, head bowed, hands in his hair.

  He whispered: 'How could he ever forgive me for what I've done? I betrayed him so totally he must hate me. Himself, his people, his sister, his aunt, his friend, and now, his father. I betrayed them all. If I cannot forgive myself, how could anyone else?'

  Paul said stonily: 'You're forgetting your niece, you betrayed her, too.

  And you're still feeling sorry for yourself. Face him

  Slowly, very slowly, Dionysus looked up at Lukas, trying to look him in the eye, but not succeeding, not yet. Lukas gazed back at him, expression unreadable, but his eyes gave him away, he still felt hurt, sold for the promise of kinky sex, barely escaping a life of servitude and misery that Paul didn't

  even know about yet.

  But Paul had read his feeling well, Lukas had forgiven his former employer and friend, he could not love him anymore, but he did not hate him either, even with his father's life still in the balance. His father. They should save him, instead of standing here doing nothing.

  Just as Dionysus managed to look directly at him, Lukas decided they needed to go, his father was taken further and further away from him.

  The formerly jolly god saw the worry in the gentle face he had wanted to kiss more than once, the boy he had loved to distraction. What had gotten into him to sacrifice goodness itself? He wanted to touch the man who had grown from the most beloved boy, feel the stumps of the once-glorious horns.

  But he did not have the right, he did not even have the right to beg for forgiveness. First all his sins had to be known. Would he be judged for one more life, the life of the messenger of the gods, Zeus' most appreciated son?

  Still avoiding Lykos' eyes, he spoke: 'First find your father, if you can still find forgiveness in you afterwards, I'll face you, and beg you for it. I don't deserve a second of your time until Hermes is back safely.'

  Lykos left Dionysus without speaking or looking back. The gorgeous red-headed girl did look back with pity. She didn't know half of it, next time he saw her she'd look at him as the artist had done, with contempt and disgust.

  They went up now, walking at a solid pace, silent, Paul close to Lukas, Melissa pushing herself to keep up. Was the air thinner here or something?

  Passing by the teleport-chamber, they went up even further, until they entered a small but stylish room without windows, lighted with lamps, furnished with great care.

  Aphrodite and Katarina were there, and Ophelie fell into her daughter's arms. She wanted to leave for her home straight away, and Zeus summoned a servant to take the two of them to the teleport. Just before she left the room, Katarina handed Melissa something rather large and heavy, and the manner in which she did that suggested Melissa better keep the thing a secret.


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