Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2) Page 10

by G. K. DeRosa

  “I’m sorry, but I think you’re mistaken. Either that or my gramps has a lot of explaining to do.” I laughed, hoping I’d pulled it off convincingly.

  Delacroix stepped out from his circle of bodyguards and paced in front of them. “Hmm, gramps? I thought you called the Prince of Hell Luci?”

  My stomach plummeted. No one but a very small group of people knew what I called my devilish grandfather. A pit of dread the size of The Hole bored into my gut.

  “You see, Azara, I told you we had something to talk about.” He motioned down the quiet hall to a door. “Please, step into my office.”

  I eyed the janitor’s closet and arched a brow. “Seriously?”

  “She’s not going anywhere with you,” Talon spat.

  “Alone or nothing, little demon.” His claw scraped over his hairy face, nicking the dark scar across his eyebrow.

  I spun at my hovering bodyguard and placed my palms against his chest. “I have to do it, Talon. If he knows about Luci, he could know more about my family. I can’t risk it.”

  “Then I’ll go with you,” he whispered.

  Delacroix clucked his teeth. “I don’t think so, dragon. What I need to discuss with Azara is for her ears only. You can wait out here with my men. I promise I won’t harm a single hair on her fine little head.”

  A growl vibrated Talon’s massive chest. Without lowering his gaze to mine, he muttered through clenched teeth, “Fine.”

  I hated worrying Talon, I could feel his anxiety rushing through our bond, but I had to do this. I grabbed his hand and squeezed, hoping he’d forgive me.

  Be careful. His rough voice echoed through my mind.

  I followed Delacroix toward the door at the end of the hall, my heart like a battering ram against my ribs. At least I had some magic now. Worst case scenario, I could blast him with my witchfire and make a run for it. There was no way he could keep me hostage in a broom closet.

  The demon slid a key into the lock and with a jiggle, the door swung open. Dusty cleaning supplies—buckets, mops, jugs of bleach solutions, brooms and more littered the tight space. The door slammed behind us, and Delacroix pivoted toward me. His hot breath ghosted over my face, his wrinkly leather skin only a few inches from mine. He reached into his jumpsuit back pocket and pulled out a small gray pouch.

  “What’s that?”

  He turned it over without answering, and a shimmering gold powder hovered in the air. “Apertum vinite.”

  The smoky scent of magic filled the little closet, and I muttered a curse in my head. The back wall of the room slid open, and a dark tunnel appeared. Effin’ fortress! How many secret passageways were in this place?

  “Follow me.” Delacroix pointed down the murky tunnel.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Absolutely not. I don’t have a death wish.”

  A wicked grin pulled at Delacroix’s black lips. “Don’t you think if I wanted to kill you, I would’ve by now? I simply need a few moments to speak to you in private without that bothersome Triad dragon looming over us.”

  I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I considered. I had my magic, plus Talon and I still shared our blood connection. I hoped it would be strong enough to find me if things went really bad. I needed to find out what Delacroix knew about my family. I slapped my hands on my hips and shot the demon my steeliest glare. “I’ll give you five minutes before I sound the alarm, and my dragon bodyguard rips your head off.”

  He chuckled, his gleaming white teeth a stark contrast to his ebony skin. “Deal—once we reach my office.” His dark gaze scanned over me and another smile melted over his lips. “I’d still like to know what earned you the undying devotion of the leader of the Triad.”

  I bet he would. “My sparkling personality.” I returned his sardonic smile. “Now let’s get on with this. Time is ticking, and we don’t want to piss Talon off.”

  “Of course not.” He stepped into the tunnel and I followed behind, keeping a few feet between us.

  I glanced over my shoulder and was surprised to see the door to the closet hadn’t slid closed behind us. Phew. We walked a bit further, and the dim passageway opened into a larger chamber. A long table with a few chairs haphazardly placed around it sat in the center, along with a dilapidated old couch and some sort of cabinet which lined the far wall. Delacroix circled the room, lighting a few torches, and warm golden light spilled across the dank space. “Your office?” I asked.

  He nodded. “It isn’t much, but it is all mine.”

  I glanced further down the passageway which continued to snake through the darkness. I wondered if it would lead us out of this fortress. Then why wouldn’t Delacroix have escaped by now? I filed the thought in the back of my mind to discuss with Talon later.

  “Okay, we’re here, so talk…”

  He folded his beastly body into one of the chairs at the table and motioned for me to do the same.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Thanks, but I’ll stand.” This way I could make a run for it if necessary.

  “Good for you, Azara. I’m starting to see what all the fuss is about.” He eyed my tattoo which peeked out from under my jumpsuit sleeve. It wasn’t glowing yet, but a tingle of energy danced across my skin. “I’ll be honest with you, little demon. Thax hired me to find out more about you. I was under strict orders not to kill you, but rather bring you into the fold. Unfortunately, the Triad got a hold of you and put a hitch in my grand plan. Truthfully, I’ve grown tired of this situation. Thax continues to threaten me for not following through, and I’m not one that does well with threats. I’d like to get out from under the warlord’s thumb, and it occurs to me that you might be my way out.”

  “How so? And what does Thax even want from me?”

  He waved a nonchalant hand. “The oracle of the Underworld has produced another prophecy. Thax’s seer, Remy, is certain you are the subject of the vision, and it doesn’t bode well for the dark lord’s future.”

  I gulped. Was this the same prophecy that had plagued my mom all those years ago?

  “In any case, I’ve decided it is in my best interest to put an end to Thax’s reign. I grow weary within these obsidian walls, and I’ve amassed enough followers over the years that I’m fairly certain I could rise up in his place.”

  “And take over the sixth realm of the Underworld while in prison?” I choked out. Was this guy delusional? He was serving a life sentence at Darkblood and for a hellus demon that could be a few centuries.

  “Let me worry about the gritty details, little girl. Are you interested in helping me overthrow your traitorous cousin or not?”

  I drummed my fingers on my forearm, my arms still firmly crossed over my chest. If everything Delacroix had said was true, then sure. But what if he was lying to get what he wanted? I still didn’t have proof that Thax had orchestrated the night at the Fae club and my subsequent imprisonment. “First, I need to know something.”

  He nodded.

  “Is Thax the reason I’m here?”

  “Of course. He wanted you behind bars where he could keep an eye on you until he discovered more about the prophecy. You know what fickle things those damned oracles can be. You change one little thing and the course of history is altered forever. When he found out about your big night out, he sent one of his more attractive men to sabotage the evening. Eliason did offer you a drink, didn’t he?”

  Ice spiked through my veins, and a chill raced up my spine. That demon had poisoned me. I knew it! “But how did Thax know where I was?”

  “The dark lord has more spies than the entire SIA. Surely, he’s been keeping an eye on you since Remy’s vision.”

  No one was supposed to know I was in the Nether Lands with Emi. What if she was in danger now too because of me? I shoved the dark thought to the back of my mind. No, Logan would’ve told me if something had happened. He promised to have her surveilled since I got into this mess.

  “How can I trust that you’re telling me the truth? How I do know you didn�
��t set this whole thing up?”

  He raised his clawed paws and pursed his lips. “I suppose you’ll simply have to believe me. After all, have I ever lied to you?”

  Not that I knew of.

  “And why would I care about a young demon girl with a distinctive glowing tattoo?”

  True, why would he? Unless this seer had prophesied something about him too. But that didn’t make a lot of sense since he was only an upper level demon and not a creature of much consequence. That I knew of, anyway.

  “Then it was my tattoo that the seer saw? That’s what connected him to me?”

  Delacroix’s head dipped. “Smart girl.” He steepled his hands on the table, and his long nails click-clacked as he drummed them together. “What I’m wondering is what exactly that mark is concealing.”

  “Nothing,” I spat out, more harshly than intended. Way to keep your cool, Azara.

  “You can keep your business to yourself. Now, do you want me to provide you a way into Thax’s castle that will ensure your success? I know you and your Triad buddies have ways in and out of this place. I haven’t survived all these years without learning a few tricks myself.”

  The mention of Thax’s castle reminded me of something—or rather someone, important. Vander. If we were going into the Underworld, we had to bring him back with us. “One more thing.”

  He grunted and sat back in his chair. “Very demanding for someone with little bargaining power.”

  “Obviously I do have bargaining power, or we wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”

  “Touché.” Delacroix folded his thick arms across his chest. “What is it?”

  “We need to get Vander out too. I understand he’s frequently moved throughout the castle. I need you to find out where he’ll be when you get us in.”

  He let out an exasperated huff. “It won’t be easy, but I’ll see what I can do. Vander has proven to be quite a valuable resource for the warlord. How do you think I knew so much about you?”

  My brows slammed together, but I tried to hide the shock on my face. How did Vander know anything about me?

  “Ah, I see you are still unaware of an integral part to this story.” A broad grin stretched his mouth, and his tongue swept over his dark lips. “I’ll let the SIA agent share that bit of information with you once you retrieve him from the depths of Thax’s castle. Hopefully, there will be something left of him to find.”

  Oh, gods no. If Vander didn’t survive, I wasn’t sure Talon would either.

  Azara, where are you? As if my thoughts had summoned him, his voice resounded in my head.

  I’d been down here for too long. I had to go now before my dragon bodyguard lost it. “I have to go,” I blurted. For a second, I’d completely forgotten about my appointment with Maxim at the SIA. I couldn’t be late for my magic test. “When can you get me the info I need?”

  “I’ll be in touch in the next day or so. Make sure you make yourself reachable this time.”

  “Sure, no problem.” I spun on my heel and raced down the dim tunnels. Talon’s fear was rolling through my insides like a tidal wave. The emotion was so acute it was like a steel band across my lungs.

  I reached the secret entryway to the closet and hurtled through, shoving brooms and mops out of the way as thundering bangs shook the door.

  “Azara! Azara!” Talon’s shouts vibrated the small space.

  “I’m coming!” I whipped the door open and Talon barreled into me, his massive arms yanking me into his chest.

  His eyes were wide, panic streaking across those expressive irises. From over his shoulder, I could just make out the bodies of Delacroix’s entourage splayed across the floor. “Gods, Azara, I thought something happened to you.” His breath was warm against my ear as he nuzzled my neck.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Where’s Delacroix?” he scanned the dark closet.

  I pointed at the spot on the wall where the secret entrance had been, but it had vanished. “Through there. There was a door, but it’s gone now.”

  “I don’t even care.” He crushed me against his torso and pulled the door closed behind him. His lips descended on mine, the fire of hell nothing compared to the smolder of his mouth ravaging my own. He pushed me back, his body driving into me and I toppled over a tower of buckets before hitting the wall.

  I groaned against his lips as his fiery kisses consumed me, his hands exploring every inch of my body. His rough fingers dug into my hips, and I arched toward him. His lips moved from my mouth down my neck and settled along the sensitive spot above my collarbone.

  A raging fire burned in my lower half, one that only Talon could satisfy. My brain urged my lips to speak, to tell him what Delacroix had confirmed, but with his tongue running over my flesh, I was having a hard time putting thoughts together let alone forming complete sentences.

  I hitched my arms around Talon’s neck and drew his mouth to mine once more. Each stroke of his tongue against my own brought me closer to the edge. When his hands moved to my zipper, I was sure I’d explode. The zip rang out in the quiet room muddled by our haggard breaths. Talon peeled off my jumpsuit so it hung low on my hips and slipped his hands beneath my tank top. Hundreds of tiny sparks lit up my flesh everywhere he touched. Palming my behind with his large hands, he wrapped my legs around his waist and his hardness rubbed against the volcano brewing in my lower half.

  I shamelessly ground my hips against it, reveling in the building storm. I wanted nothing more than to unsheathe his dragon, but that would bring consequences neither of us was ready for. Whatever was growing between us was purely physical—or at least that’s what I told myself and triggering a mate bond would take this to whole other level.

  I moaned as he hit my spot over and over again, driving me closer to the point of no return. His lips moved from my mouth to my ear, and he whispered, “Let go, Azara.” The heat of his breath ghosted over the shell of my ear and ignited a wave of goose bumps over my skin. I bucked against him, and an explosion wracked my core.

  Talon held me tighter as I wriggled, aftershocks vibrating within me and curling my toes.

  Holy dragon babies! My legs were like rubber as they slid off his waist. He gently lowered me to the ground, holding my hands. My knees wobbled, but he held me upright snaking his arms around my waist.

  “That wasn’t bad,” I rasped out.

  He laughed, the deep sound rumbling his chest and bringing a ridiculous smile to my face. “Imagine what the real thing would be like.”

  Heat rose to my cheeks then made a beeline to my lower half. Yup, it would be amazing. I tugged my jumpsuit back up as I attempted to clear the lusty fog from my brain. “We have to talk,” I finally spat out.

  “Damn, you really know how to kill the mood.”

  I gaped at the joking, smiley stranger that stood before me. Where was the broody, surly dragon I’d come to know and love? I immediately chastised myself at the use of the L word, even if it was only in my head. “Don’t you want to know what Delacroix had to say?”

  The lusty curtain lifted over his glimmering silver orbs and the relaxed set of his jaw hardened. “Yes, of course. Tell me everything.”

  Once I finished replaying my conversation with Delacroix, Talon remained mute. He stared at me with a stony expression, and just like that Mr. Dark and Broody was back.

  “Talon, are you going to say anything?”

  “I’m not sure yet,” he bit back. “I knew I should’ve gone with you. None of what he said makes sense. How does he know Vander is SIA? And how would my best friend know anything about you?”

  It occurred to me that I’d never asked Talon what Vander was doing at the Fae club. I’d assumed he’d been called in to take me down, but what if that wasn’t true? “Do you know why Vander was there that night?”

  He shook his head, his lips pressing into a thin line. “He’s been working undercover for the past few years. He’d check in on occasion, but not even I knew what he was doing or where he’d been.”

  “I guess we’ll both find out when we get him out of there.”

  He nodded, an unreadable expression carved into his handsome face. “Come on, we gotta go if we’re going to make it to our meeting with the director on time.”

  He rose to his feet, and I followed him out of the janitor’s closet. “Are you going to tell Maxim what Delacroix told me?”

  “No. If Vander has blown his cover, I’m not going to be the one to break that to the director. Plus, I’d rather go on an unsanctioned trip to the Underworld without his knowing and ask for forgiveness later.”

  “Are you guys going to get in trouble for this?” I didn’t want the Triad in hot water with the agency because of me.

  “It doesn’t matter. It has to be done.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sitting across the desk from the SIA director again felt like déjà vu. I drew in a long breath and ran my hand through my wet, tangled hair. The demon I’d taken on today for my trial had been cake. My magic had shown up when called, and I’d roasted the Underworlder’s hairy hide. Everything had gone perfectly—almost too perfectly, and now as we sat in front of the intimidating tiger shifter as he perused the video footage, I couldn’t help but wait for the other shoe to drop.

  Relax, you did well. Talon’s mental words of reassurance did little to quell the angry hornets buzzing around my gut.

  After what seemed like the longest five minutes ever, Maxim lifted his amber gaze from the screen and settled his unsettling citrine glow on me. Surprisingly well. The director’s voice echoed in my mind. “Much better than last time, that’s for sure,” he said a moment later out loud.

  “Thanks,” I muttered, hoping I’d kept a straight face. How was I hearing everyone’s thoughts now? I strained to make anything else out, but all I got was silence.

  “I suppose that was all thanks to your training, Talon?” Maxim swiveled his gaze to my instructor.

  “We just needed to find a way to unlock her powers. Once we did, Azara did the rest.”


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