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The Biker's Kiss : A Royal Bastards MC Holiday Novella

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by Glenna Maynard

  I’ve sworn off relationships. I’ll never be another woman’s fool. I walk in and to my frustration it’s the same shit different day. I nod to Grudge and make my way to the bar to grab a beer. I spy my buddy East sitting at the end looking like someone kicked his damn puppy.

  “Hey, Roane,” Daisy purrs from behind the bar. Her nipple is hanging out of the black leather bikini top she’s wearing. I doubt she even knows or cares for the matter. She’s a club bunny. I’ve tapped her ass a few times but tonight I’m not feeling that desperate yet.

  “Gimme’ a beer.”

  “Sure thing.” She winks and when she bends over to grab my beer from the barrel of ice, she flashes me her bare ass from under her denim skirt. East doesn’t bat an eye at the sight either. It’s nothing we don’t see daily around here. Her ass is no longer new or special.

  “What’s eating you, man?”

  “Nothing. Just not feeling this scene tonight.” I look over his shoulder at his flashing phone screen. Wylla Mae is calling him. She’s the daughter of one of his ex-girlfriends. Seventeen and a real beauty queen. I’ve never said shit to East about it but we both know the girl is crushing hard on him. Fucked up thing about it is, I’ve seen them together and they have this spark. I’ve never felt that with anyone in my adult life but if anyone deserves that kind of happiness its East, but he’s fucked. Wylla Mae is about twenty years too damn young for the poor bastard. He slides his finger over the screen, hitting ignore.

  I shake my head and accept my longneck bottle from Daisy. “Not much longer that shit’d be legal,” I tell him.

  “Fuck off with that bullshit. You know I don’t look her that way.”

  He can lie to himself all he wants, but I’m calling it now. The damn minute Wylla Mae is legal they’ll be fucking.

  “You need to grab you a whore and go fuck that temptation out of your system.” His eyes cut to me in warning. “I’m just saying, man. Girl has it bad for you.” And he’s got it just as damn bad for her. He can deny it, but I see it. We all do.

  “Last warning before I put your head through the fucking bar,” he growls, and I know I need to leave the poor bastard alone. I watch as he goes behind the bar, grabs a bottle of Jack Daniels, and stumbles upstairs to his room alone.

  I shoot Daisy a smirk. “You should go see if he needs a Coke to chase that with.”

  “That’s not a bad idea, but I’m covering the bar till Pam and Link get here.”

  “Go on. I don’t have shit else to do.”

  “Thanks, Ro.”

  “Fuck his brains out. He needs it.”

  “Will do.” She gets a can of Coke from the cooler and hesitates by the end of the bar. “You know you could find a friend and join us.”

  “You know damn well East and me ain’t into that shit.”

  “It’s New Year’s. The night is full of possibilities.”

  I snort. “Yeah. Sure.” Fuck that mantra garbage. I move behind the bar as Daisy sashays up the stairs in search of East. The music is loud, and the liquor is flowing. My brothers seem to be having a great time. Even Prez and his Old Lady are dancing. Ruthie is a pure bitch, but she has a smile tonight. It’s rare to see the two of them looking all loved up with one another. It’s none of my damn business though I know Murder isn’t happily married despite the appearance he tries to maintain. I scan the bar hoping to see someone I can get lost in for a little while. All I need to ring in the new year is to get my dick wet.

  The front door opens and in struts Link and his Old Lady, Pam. Disappointment floods me and I grab another longneck and pop the cap off. Guess I’ll be spending my night beating one out.

  “Aren’t you a pretty bar bitch.” Pam laughs. I snap my head up as she moves behind the bar. “I brought you a present. I think you remember my sister, Jules. Behave yourself,” she warns. “Jules, you remember Roane.”

  Fuck me. I glance behind her and see the most stunning woman who resembles the girl I dated back in high school, but she’s all grown up now. It’s like a bolt of lightning shoots straight to my dick and zaps me when I look at her. “Where the hell you been hiding at?”

  “Cleveland,” Jules answers. Her lips quirk into this sexy as sin smile.

  Damn. She’s gotten hotter. Smoking hot. Out of ten she’s a damn thirty. I can’t help but check her out. Damn she’s filled out nicely. She’s got full hips, a luscious ass, and big tits to match. I think I’ve died and gone straight to heaven. “It’s a real pleasure to see you again, sweetheart. Anything Pam says about me is a lie.” I chuckle. It’s been at least fifteen or more years since I’ve seen her. We dated briefly in high school until she moved up north with her grandparents.

  Before she can reply Viking, Crawl, and Grudge are elbowing their way to the bar with the same thought as me. Fresh pussy. Assholes need to back up. I saw her first. They need to go find their own woman. Tonight Jules is going to be mine. Hell, I always considered her the one who got away. She was my first love. I feel like fate is fucking with me. Dangling temptation in front of me.

  “Well hey there.” Viking holds a hand out to her.

  “Name’s Crawl.”

  “Call me yours.” Grudge winks at her.

  “Easy boys. My sister is off limits. You can look but don’t touch. She’s visiting and here to have a good time. Jules is a good girl.”

  “Oh my,” Jules says, mock fanning herself. “I think it’s a little hot in here.” I’ll make her think hot in here.

  “How about a drink.” I step in front of Jules, cutting my brothers off, and blocking their view.

  “A drink sounds good. What’d you say your name is?” She teases me, pretending she doesn’t remember me.

  “Like you could fuckin’ forget me.”

  “ seem familiar.” Lips lifting in a devious smirk, her memorable green eyes meet mine. I gaze into them seeing those flecks of gold I always loved. The colors paired together is mesmerizing. I hear the guys cursing behind me as Pam tells them to order a drink or beat it.

  “What’s your poison?”

  “Surprise me.”

  “Blowjob? Sex On The Beach?”

  “Wishful thinking.” Her pearly whites graze her bottom lip.

  “Baby doll, if I wanted to proposition you, I’d do it a helluva a lot smoother than that.”

  “Oh. You got game?”

  I nod and fix her a blowjob. “You used to love my game.”

  “That was a long time ago.” Jules reaches for the shot.

  “Nu uh. Hands free. It’s called a blowjob for a reason,” I tell her.

  Her ivory cheeks flush. “All right.” She leans forward, holding her hair back with both hands, capping her mouth around the brim of the glass.

  “You trying to corrupt my baby sister?” Pam leans into me.

  “Maybe she’s doing the corrupting. She’s the one that wanted me to sneak her under the bleachers all the time to make out.”

  “Sure.” She snorts. “But do me favor and watch out for her tonight. I don’t want anyone taking advantage. Show her a good time. She needs it.”

  “You can count on me.” I’ll show her a good time all right. I’ll fuck her brains out. I’ll fuck her into January no problem. I’ll fuck her like I should have all those years ago.

  Jules plops the empty shot glass on the bar and arches her brow at me. “Done.”

  “Almost. You left a little cream right here.” I swipe the whipped cream off the corner of her mouth and lick my finger.

  “You did not just do that. I could have cooties for all you know.”


  “Yeah, herpes or something.”

  “And do you have cooties?”

  “Well no…”

  “All right then. Cootie crisis avoided. Besides, if you had cooties, Jules, I think I’d have caught them a long time ago. If I recall correctly, we spent a lot of time under them bleachers behind the football field when you should have been at cheer practice.”

ne, get over here,” Viking yells at me.

  “Excuse me a moment.” I stomp over to the table where he’s sitting with Grudge and Crawl smoking a blunt. “The fuck you want?” Cock blocking shitheads.

  “You going to take her upstairs and fuck her or do I need to do it for you.”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  The three of them bust out laughing. Assholes.

  “You sure you know what to do with her?” Grudge starts in. “I can draw you a diagram.”

  “I’ll hold your hand if you need me to,” Crawl says and takes a hit. “I can show you how it’s done. You know which is the right hole?”

  I grab the joint from him and look around to see where my girl took off to before I kill someone.

  Chapter 3


  “Roane can’t take his eyes off you,” Pam whispers in my ear and slaps my ass. I let out a yelp winning me the attention of half the clubhouse.

  “Ow. What was that for?”

  “Nothing. Listen, if you want to hook up with someone here tonight. You can’t go wrong with Roane. He’s been burned in the past by his ex, so he’s not looking for anything but some fun. I’m just saying and before you get all I’m not fucking anyone on me. Hear me out. You dated loser Sam and you said yourself the sex was awful. I’m here a lot and I hear things ya know and well let’s just say the girls around here talk and Roane…the brother can lay it down. But I guess you already know that. Didn’t he punch your V-card?”

  “Stop it. I swear you were dropped on your head as a kid. No. If you must know I was still a virgin when we dated. And you did this on purpose. You knew he’d be here.”

  “You need to get back on the horse. Go for a ride.” She cackles like the witch that she is. “Giddy up.” She motions her hand over head like she’s swinging a lasso.

  “I hate you sometimes.”

  “You love me. You know I’m right, and you hate it when I am smarter than you. But I’m older and wiser. Listen to me. You guys had chemistry then, just imagine how explosive it will be now. You’re both older and more experienced. I’m almost jealous of the amazing sex you’re going to have tonight. Fuck. You are going to have so many O’s.”

  “I’ve always fantasized about you being a real cowgirl,” Link tease and goes in for a big sloppy kiss, interrupting our conversation. The tender moment makes me a little sad. Pam is crazy but she has a man who loves her deeply. I’m not sure I will ever find that all consuming passion. I want it, but even with Sam I was going through the motions. He was too. I don’t know why were even together as long a we were. I think I was more in love with the idea of finding someone than actually being with him. Growing up our parents were always fighting. When Dad went jail and Mom took off, I moved in with our paternal grandparents and they were together over sixty years. I envied them. I’ve always wanted that kind of love for myself. But I don’t think I’m ever going to find it.

  I catch Roane eyeing me from across the room and flames lick up my neck. My sister is right though. I could have worse prospects. Roane is sexy. He has this look that you know he’d be a good lover. He’s gown into a man, but to be fair we were only kids when we dated. He puts Sam to shame in the looks department. Tribal tattoos mark his tanned skin. He has this rough edge to him. Dark eyes and facial hair that you know would scratch the right spots. Big hands. I look to his boots. Large feet. Pam always told me that big feet and big hands on a man meant a big dick.

  The thought of sex makes me nervous. With Sam it wasn’t good, but it was comfortable. I knew him. I know Roane but fifteen years is a long time. People change.

  I don’t know if I can do that again. Put in so much effort to be disappointed. Sam didn’t break my heart, but our split hurt. I’ve come to realize I broke my own heart by being in a relationship I knew wasn’t going anywhere, but I have this empty feeling. I’m lonely. A one-night stand isn’t the worst idea. Maybe Pam is right, and I need to put myself back out there again. I glance around the room. There’s plenty of sexy men here. The scene isn’t as vulgar as I imagined it to be. Sure, there’s drinking, smoking, dancing, and half naked women all around, but these are simply good people having fun. If Sam could see me right now, he’d shit his pants. He’s a suit and tie guy.

  Roane is as anti-Sam as I can get. All the men here are though and there’s a lot of them to choose from but there’s something about Roane that makes me want to see if there could be something between us, even if it’s for one night. I always thought he was going to be my first. He’s sexy and dangerous. Everything I should stay away from and yet I find myself returning his gaze and smiling. The way he’s looking at me, makes me feel wanted. It’s been some time since anyone has awakened that inside me.

  “Let’s dance,” my sister shouts in my ear and grabs my hand. She drags me out to the floor where there’s an empty space. I close my eyes and let the music carry me away. Swaying my hips side to side I get lost in the song. I look to see where Pam is and find her in Link’s arms. He’s kissing down her neck and squeezing her ass. I continue to dance alone and shake my booty to Cherry Pie by Warrant.

  A firm pair of hands land on my hips and a large body presses into me from behind. “Make an old man happy.” I turn my head up to see Grudge I think is his name. He’s old enough to be my dad but handsome none the less. I nod and keep dancing. He seems harmless enough. I bump my ass up against him figuring I may as well give him a thrill. I came here to have fun tonight. I dance through another song with him then excuse myself back to the bar where Pam is waiting with another drink for me.

  I knock it back and when I finish Roane is grabbing me by my hand and leading me back to the floor where it’s gotten a lot more crowded. Closer by Nine Inch Nails is playing. This song simply put oozes sex. The beat makes my body move in ways that should be reserved for behind closed doors. I can’t help myself. I’m feeling good and Roane is hot. He holds me close, knee pressed between my thighs. I grind against him. The beat of the music drums through my veins, pulsing through my blood as it pumps faster. His hands are on me everywhere. Desire burns between us. I want him. There’s a primal attraction that I can’t explain screaming for me to take control and take this man to bed.

  Roane is staring at my lips and I wonder if he’s as good a kisser now as he was back then. His gaze is intense. I spin around and press my ass against his crotch and holy shit either he’s got a gun in his pocket or he’s really fucking hard. His hands are rubbing up and down my sides. Lips at my ear, the man’s voice sounds lethal. Dark and gritty. He sings the lyrics that talk about wanting to fuck like an animal. The sensation of his facial hair scraping over my skin mixed with his words has warmth pooling between my thighs. I’m so damn turned on right now.

  The music cuts off and the countdown to New Year’s begins. He holds me still, an arm across my chest. His thick hardon pressing into my ass. Roane’s lips move against my neck. God his lips feel good. I count from ten with him. On five he tilts my chin upward and at one his mouth claims mine, searing my soul. Tasting of liquor, his tongue dominates mine. Deep and wet. Hard and slow the man makes love to my mouth with his kiss. It’s a kiss that makes time stand still. The kind of kiss that makes you forget who you are and where you’ve been. When he palms my breast, I return to Earth and pull away absolutely breathless. I’ve never been kissed so erotically in all my life. My knees feel as though they may give out any minute now. I could fuck him right here I’m so aroused.

  Roane doesn’t relent or give me any reprieve. Those big hands grab my face and he comes in hot and fast kissing me again with so much fire I might combust. Tongue thrusting deep in my mouth, his hands are on me. The world around us melts away. Right now, I don’t even know my own name. “Upstairs,” the word comes out in a growl that vibrates down my spine as he squeezes my hip, fingers biting into my skin with possession.

  “Okay,” I whisper. I think in this moment I’d go anywhere with him if he’d kiss me like that again. He’s a better kisser than I reme
mber. I didn’t think that was possible, but the man has skills.

  Chapter 4


  Fuck me, my pulse thrums in my ears as I navigate through the crowd. “Happy New Year,” rings out from different directions, but I don’t stop to return the sentiment. My hand swallows Jules’ as I lead her to the stairway. Feeling like I’m travelling the stairway to Heaven. Electricity shoots through my veins at her delicate touch. Her fingers hook through my belt loops and I keep her close. I feel like she never left. I was consumed by her then and now all I want is to have her. Claim her body and remind her how good we were together.

  Viking pats me on the back giving me a smug look as we pass by him. I hear Jules gasp and look down. Wendi is on her knees, lips suctioning Crawl’s dick. His fingers fisted in her hair, yanking hard, fucking the hell out of her mouth. This party tonight has been tame compared to others, but I sense a shift in the energy around us. Clothes are about to come off. Mine are too, but I want Jules all to myself.

  “You shocked or turned on?” I question, curious to hear her answer.

  “Both,” she responds, honestly.

  I make note for the future. Jules has some voyeur in her.

  We pass by an open door. East is passed out naked on the bed and hugging a now empty bottle of Jack Daniels. Daisy and Lynn are fighting outside his door. Lynn is screaming at her for fucking her man. I don’t know why Lynn keeps coming back when she knows East is never going to claim her as his Old Lady. Prez will kick both them bitches out if he sees that cat fighting shit, but it’s not my problem. Only thing on my mind is getting Jules under me. The woman has me so damn tore up I am fumbling to unlock the damn door. I don’t know what it is about her, but from the moment I laid eyes on her all I’ve thought about is getting her naked. It was always like that between us though. When we were together no one else existed.

  I jerk her through the door once I get it open. I don’t bother with the light. I immediately start removing her clothes. Lifting her shirt over her head, I pause long enough to look at her tits all pretty covered in yellow lace.


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