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Alpha Trine

Page 7

by Lexi Ander

  "Any tools or equipment you need, let me know, and I will have someone fetch them," said Otho, seeming oblivious to the rising tension In Zeus and Hadon.

  Otho was smaller than the Asani who worked for Zeus. He had short black fur, violet eyes, and a tail twice as long as his body that curled over the top of his head. "Sure," Zeus replied hesitantly. "If you do not mind me asking, how old are you?"

  Otho glanced over his shoulder and flashed Zeus a reassuring smile. "I do not mind. I am twelve, just turned."

  Zeus was relieved. L'Eemas were brilliant, but at the age of twenty they were driven by an overwhelming urge to destroy themselves in the most spectacular way possible, with no regard for those around them. Most L'Eemas traveled back to their home world to hurl themselves into their sun.

  Otho laughed at him. "You are safe, human. No beautiful explosions scheduled for the near future."

  The engine room was pristine. Zeus had seen some poorly kept ships, but this one … He was almost positive he could eat off the floor. It only pushed him toward his visual assessment for the reason behind the fusion problem.

  Ignoring Otho, Zeus began to climb up the fusion cylinder covering to the exhaust piping.

  "We have retractable scaffolding for that," Otho shouted.

  Zeus examined the electromagnetic burns on the ceiling around the pipe. The engine had been targeted specifically. Most of the galaxies used electromagnetic weapons. Projectiles were more effective against planets than space ships. For those who were not familiar with skirmishes in space, like the Terrens, they quickly figured out that projectiles and energy weapons were practically useless when targeting another ship in space. It was hard to pin down a trajectory in the vast distances between ships. The ability to accurately target a moving ship with unknown capabilities was less than five percent. It was expensive in equipment and ammunition. Not only were destroyed ships costly and difficult to replace in short order, there was no salvage to take back to recuperate the cost of the battle.

  The use of electromagnetic cannons made the loss of life minimal, and the ships could be commandeered by the winning fleet, adding capital to their bottom line. Someone had tried to capture the scout ship, and the incident had not been reported to Galactic Patrol when the Oethra 7 docked with the station.

  "Otho, you will want to have someone check your outer plating," he shouted. "I see EM netting marks."

  Otho squeaked and chittered so fast Zeus had a hard time keeping up as he climbed down. Before his feet touched the floor, Otho had darted excitedly out of the engine room, leaving him alone with Hadon.

  "It is not safe here, Zeus. I tried to contact Azaes, but the communicator is being jammed."

  Zeus opened his equipment box as he listened to Hadon. "Yeah, I got that." He took out a long knife and belted it to his calf before pulling on a bio suit. He doubted he would need it, but who knew what was caught in the fusion exhaust.

  "I am not comfortable with you being here. You saw what I did coming in. This crew is up to something, and the longer you stay on board, the more likely you will be hurt by them."

  Zeus swung his utility belt around his waist and clasped it. "Then I had better work fast and get them out of the port."

  "Prince …"

  "I understand, Hadon, but if I am in danger, then so is this station. I have an obligation to get them up and going so they can leave." Hadon crossed his arms. "Just give Otho this list of parts that I will need and make sure the case with my dress uniform does not wander away."

  "I got it. Do you think Azaes is going to announce his engagement to Ariafella tonight?"

  Zeus laughed. "I expect so. He is so lovesick. Mestor let it slip that Father will step down and retire to Valespia and take his place on the Galactic Council once he has bonded. Father's there now visiting Haven's royals at the Imperial Palace to make arrangements. I am sure Meme's enjoying her time at home making arrangements for the commitment ceremony."

  He pulled on the gloves and secured the face plate. "Once we are home we will be busy following the directions of the women. It is been a long time since Meme had a party of this magnitude to plan."

  After he ignited the internal flame, he swung the strap for the throw-torch over his shoulder, and then grabbed a light. He swiftly climbed back up to the fusion exhaust, opened the access panel, and crawled in, securing the panel behind him. Inspecting the exhaust was simple but tedious and gave him time to plan a celebration of his own for his brother.

  He repaired the convertor and was currently headed back to the engine room. If Otho retrieved the items on the list, then he could replace the shorted panels and be done. He was sliding through the tunnel, thinking about possible gifts he could give Azaes and Ariafella when he heard the voices. Normally he would have ignored the conversation. But it was one word that made him pause.

  "I say he has seen too much. We kill him before he leaves."


  "Of course, after he has fixed the engine. I do not care what Dargon says. Did you see how the human moved? He is not a simple mechanic. We jammed his communicator, but once he is off the ship he will report our location."

  "All the data on him corroborates what we know of him. He was raised on Atlainticia and has been the master mechanic on the station for the last fourteen cycles. He does not even associate with the other humans."

  "He is a spy. A pet to the Mar'Sani princes; he does not move like a sex toy for the Royal House. He moves like an assassin. I should know."

  "You had better talk to Dargon before you do anything."

  "He is not going to care if I take out that piece of space junk. He hates the humans, probably more than I or Axis. He has been furious and in a fighting mood every time he comes in from dealing with the Terren."

  Zeus did not wait around to hear more. He tried to quietly retreat out of the exhaust and eventually gave up stealth for speed. They needed to leave now before the crazy female came looking for him, and hopefully without running into Dargon.

  Opening the hatch, he slithered out. Sealing the tunnel, Zeus started down, stopping to pry a small black disk out of a panel and placing the piece in an internal pouch on his utility belt. Dropping the last few meters to the floor, Zeus pulled off his face plate, calling for Hadon. Kneeling next to the case, he dropped the helmet inside and shed his gloves. Hadon was nowhere in sight, and Zeus became more alarmed. He knew Hadon would never leave him alone.

  "So, have you identified our problem with the engine?"

  Dargon stood in the doorway to the engine room. His brilliant green gaze trailed lazily over Zeus as he knelt in front of the open case.

  Time was up. Zeus licked his dry lips and rested his hand over the hilt of the knife hidden under the thin bio suit. He ignored the burn in his chest at the female's words about Dargon's hatred of him. Dargon hid his feelings well. It should not matter. No. What mattered now was getting off the ship in one piece.

  "Are you sure?" Dargon asked Abechan. He had sent out the Shia'Marr to watch for the psionic tracker. As a ritual magician, he was not susceptible to psionic machinations.

  "They docked, but they are not aware we are here yet. The Battion bodyguard widened his shielding range to protect his charge, which benefits us at the moment because it also blocks their scans."

  Dargon's mind worked fast, devising a plan. The engine was not repaired. Otho had retrieved all the parts Zeus had requested, but there would not be time to wait for him to finish in dock. It looked like Zeus would be going for a ride with them.

  "Find Gaex and Axis," he said. "We are leaving now. We will have to use the imperial bypass codes to be approved for the hyper-jump without the required repairs. Have them use the coordinates to location Beta Three. Throw a scrambler onto the station's psi-net before we go through the gate. It will make tracking us near impossible. I will make sure the human and Battion have been secured."

  Abechan hurried away. Dargon went in search of the two Ursids and found them in the training room. Huge,
shaggy, bearlike humanoids taller than Dargon and rotund, the Ursids were surprisingly agile and fast. Within moment's they were ready and followed him through the corridors to the engine room. They would be ideal to handle the bodyguard. He would handle of Zeus himself.

  In the engine room, Hadon seemed to be expecting them, his four arms loose at his side, long hair fluffed in agitation. A quick glance about the room revealed Zeus was not there. With security as tight as it was, Dargon knew Zeus couldn't be far. The Ursids brushed by Dargon, and he stood aside,allowing Al'haska and his brother to restrain Hadon.

  The Battion pup was more of a fighter than Dargon had anticipated. "The prince is going to have your hyde," Hadon snarled as Al'haska bound him.

  Dargon had to laugh. "Not over a pet, he will not. He will find another human to warm his bed."

  Hadon regarded Dargon as if he was the densest species on the station. "I hope I get to watch the prince eat you alive. You have no idea what you are doing." The Battion stated, laughing in deep, low chuckles. "Beware the sting of the Striker, Dar Massaga. His bite is deadly."

  Dargon watched Hadon be taken away, puzzled over his rambling. He was unaware that the Mar'Sani Prince Azaes was referred to as one of his planet's deadliest creatures, a nearly invisible snake that killed everyone who unknowingly came across it. It was an appropriate scare tactic for a prince who would be the planet's next emperor. The Mar'Sani valued the deadliness in their rulers. He would have to be careful if he came face to face with the prince, especially if he lived up to the title.

  The maintenance hatch to the fusion exhaust came open, and Zeus slithered out, hanging by one hand until he found foot and hand holds. Dargon admired how Zeus moved fluidly down the pipe before dropping to the floor.

  Zeus seemed distracted as he took off pieces of his bio-suit. His body language turned to alarm when Hadon did not answer his call. Dargon could not have Zeus upset. He had other ideas.

  Dargon stepped from the shadows. "So, have you identified our problem with the engine?"

  Zeus stilled. The alarm did not diminish but ratcheted up a notch instead. He faced Dargon with a calm expression, but his body told another story. Fear rolled off him in waves so thick Dargon choked on them. Zeus had shown interest in him before, the lust and desire easy to see and smell. What had changed?

  He licked his lips nervously. "An EM net shorted out several of the panels. I already gave a list to Otho. Once they are replaced you will be ready to go." Zeus broke the seal on the bio-suit and took it off, placing the garment back into his kit.

  "There has been a change of plans; I would like to hire you for this trip."

  "To where?" Zeus asked cautiously.

  "Valespia. I have cargo I need to drop off. If we continue to have complications with the engine, I would like to have someone with your expertise around. Otho can do everything else, but he cannot repair a fusion reactor."

  Zeus's brows made a hard V in the middle of his head. "You are going to the Galactic Imperial home world?"

  "It is our final destination. If it goes well, we will get there in about thirty standard days. I can have you back here forty-five days after that."

  Before Zeus could reply, Madux strode into the engine room, frantic. "Dargon, you have to stop Amlyn."

  Startled, Dargon asked, "What is wrong?"

  A hiss distracted Dargon, and he was surprised to see Zeus had hopped up on a surface above their heads. He crouched, looking feral as he hissed in warning. Dargon recognized the sound as a typical Mar'Sani signal for people to get the hell out of their way.

  "Zeus, what are you doing?" He went to step forward, his instinct to comfort Zeus, when Madux snagged his arm. Dargon turned to him. "What are you picking up?"

  Madux's psi-healing made him strong in empathy. "Oh, great havens, I think he may have overheard Amlyn. I am so sorry, Dargon, any move you make toward him will make things worse."

  "What do you mean 'worse'? What are you talking about? What has Amlyn done?" The continued vocal warning from Zeus and Madux's guilt-ridden look gave him a sense of foreboding he could not shake.

  "Amlyn plans to kill the human."

  The barely perceptible movement of the ship taking off and leaving the maintenance bay interrupted Dargon's questions. A noise, part challenge and part defeat, made Dargon glance back at Zeus, who wore a look of utter betrayal on his face before it disappeared and was replaced by a cold mask of indifference. "What the hell is going on here?" he bellowed.

  Zeus issued an ear-piercing cry and launched himself off of his perch at Dargon. If Madux had not been there to knock him out of the way, he was sure that the long knife Zeus wielded would have skewered him. By the time they had rolled to their feet, Zeus was gone.

  "I cannot apologize enough, Dargon. I think he may have overheard Amlyn." Madux rose to his feet.

  "What are you talking about?" Dargon accepted a hand up.

  "Amlyn planned on killing the human after he repaired the engines. She is convinced he is a spy. I thought I felt him close by when she spoke of it. He must have been in the exhaust pipe. Dargon, she said you hated him, and you wanted him dead."

  Dargon swore a blue streak. "If she harms him I will have her court-martialed and put to death! How dare she!"

  Madux took a couple of steps back, staggered by the force of Dargon's rage. "Haven help us, you are bonding with him!"

  Dargon did not know what to make of Madux's exclamation, and he was not sure he cared. "You find Amlyn and …"

  "Captain Kal-Turak, your presence is needed on the bridge." Axis sounded stressed on the comm.

  "Be right there," Dargon replied. He did not need more complications. "Madux, find the human, and you make sure Amlyn does not touch him. I do not care what you have to do to protect him."

  "Yes, Captain."

  Dargon hurried to the bridge. Over the view screen, Axis was talking to the very pissed off Prince Azaes Vondorian.

  "If you do not deliver the prince to me unharmed in the next ten microns," Azaes said, "I will hunt you down. I will wear your feathers as my coat on my Commitment Day after I deliver your head to Emperor Valdor Vondorian."

  Dargon stepped behind Axis. "Prince Azaes, I can guarantee we do not have any Mar'Sani on board. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from threatening my crew."

  "You," Azaes spat. "I should have known you would kidnap him. If he has been harmed, all of Atlainticia will scour the galaxies for you."

  "I assure you, Prince, I do not know what you speak of."

  If Azaes had been human, Dargon thought his would have been red-faced with anger. As it was, he trembled visibly with rage. "You will release Zeus!"

  Dargon snorted. "Come now, you expect me to believe your whole planet will comb the universe for one human pet?" He laughed aloud. "He deserves more and by the time this trip is over, it will be me he chooses, and you can find someone else to warm your bed." Dargon lewdly rubbed himself thought his skirt.

  The prince reared back as if Dargon had physically slapped him. Dargon thought it an overreaction. Prince Azaes leaned in close to the screen until only his face was visible. "This is your last chance to deliver Prince Zeus Vondorian to me, or I swear on all I hold holy, I will hunt you down along with every last member of your crew, and you will beg for death long before I am done with you."

  Everyone on the bridge had gone silent. "He is a Terren," Dargon said.

  "He is Mar'Sani, the third son of Emperor Valdor Vondorian of the planet Atlainticia. You have kidnapped an imperial son, Captain—not a human—not a sex toy—but my brother."

  The sound of pounding feet pulled Dargon's gaze to the bridge entrance. Zeus, pursued by Amlyn, ran onto the bridge. He had blood on him; Dargon could not tell if it was his own or someone else's. Madux came up behind Amlyn and grabbed her around the waist. Upon seeing Zeus, the Mar'Sani prince roared. Both brothers were now visible on the screen, and they fired questions at Zeus, who had his back to a wall, the long knife held front of him.

  Madux struggled to hold on to Amlyn. "Stand down, Amlyn," Dargon commanded.

  "Captain," Axis called, "the gate is active, coordinates are set, do we have a go?"

  Everything had gone to Hellion in a hand-basket. "You have a go, Axis, deploy the scrambler."

  "No!" Zeus roared. He leapt forward but was snagged by a set of blue tentacles. The Orion was suctioned to the ceiling of the bridge. A high screech scorched Dargon's sensitive ears. Three separated tentacles writhed on the floor. Zeus hung upside down, restrained by three Orion troopers.

  "Dargon Kal-Turak, you will release him," Prince Azaes growled.

  "Scrambler deployed, Captain."

  "Azaes." Zeus's gaze was trained on the screen. The Mar'Sani's expression softened. "I will be fine. I will meet you in a moon at father's retirement retreat."

  "Spy!" Amlyn screeched, wrenching from Madux's grip.

  "Orion, restrain her!" Dargon commanded.

  "Captain, gate approach is a count of twenty."

  Amlyn kicked Zeus in the head before the Orion had her, too, confined. Both princes on the screen erupted at the sight of Zeus hanging unconscious in the Orion's hold.

  Dargon stared at Zeus's livid brothers. "Prince Azaes, if you wish for Zeus to stay safe …"

  "And we enter in ten …"

  "Then you will stop the psi-trackers who are following us. If they catch us, he will die along with us." Dargon said.

  "Four … three … scrambler activated … one and enter."

  The vid screen went black when they hit the horizon of the hypergate and lost signal. The bridge was quiet as they waited for the jump to begin. Dargon had a feeling this would be the only quiet moment for a while.

  "Hyperspace achieved," Axis announced.

  Turning to Amlyn, Dargon snarled. "Take her to the brig."


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