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Visionary New Years

Page 5

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I walked into the open door; the gateman nodded at me as I made my way down the hall. I’m not angry. Am I? I don’t know. I’m just in character. That was just weird.

  I sighed.

  “Scarlet. Are you going to tell us what happened, or should I come see you myself?” Jaxson questioned. I heard the worry in his voice, which was a lot more tender than Christian’s previous sternness.

  “Um. Can you come, please? I don’t feel so hot right now.” I confessed.

  “I’ll be there in a minute.” He replied. I swallowed the lump in my throat, sighing. I leaned against the wall near a suite.

  Akane...and that disgusting man too. We need to look into them. Akane looks legit though...she doesn’t have a tattoo on her neck either. She’s hot, from a successful background. I still need to find out about her eyes...

  I closed my eyes, needing a moment in my thoughts. I didn’t realize I was falling forward till a pair of arms caught me; I opened them, looking up to see Jaxson’s amber ones – concern etched in those copper-like irises.

  “’re pale as fuck.”

  “Am I? Maybe I stayed in the sun too long.”

  Jaxson helped me into our suite, closing the door before lifting me up and into the living room.

  “Ethan turn off mine and Scar’s speakers. Continue with the investigation. Look into the woman Scar just met and keep tabs on the sleazebag with the tattoo on his neck. That could be our man. The rest of you keep an eye out for another hour. Meet back at base.” Jaxson ordered.

  “Got it.” They replied.

  He carried me into the room he shared with Michael, laying me down on the soft, black sheets.

  “I’m fine.” I tried to reassure him, rubbing my eyes.

  “You’re not fine...and take those contacts out. You’re irritating your eyes.” Jaxson went to the washroom, returning with the case and a glass of water.

  I sat up; quickly took them out and sighed in relief as the stinging lessened. Maybe the contacts stopped me from seeing what she was?

  I took a big gulp of the water, not realizing how thirsty I was. I finished it within seconds.

  “Maybe it was the heat. Does this happen a lot?” Jaxson asked, sitting on the edge of the bed; his hand rested on my leg.

  “Not really. I’ve fainted before but that was due to my visions, not the heat. It is pretty hot, and I was directly under the sun the whole time. Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you and the others.” I apologized.

  “We were worried when you went to the washroom with that woman.”

  “Akane? Oh, she saved me from that sleazebag who was clearly trying to hit on me. According to her, he had his eyes on me, following me around fifteen minutes prior to him bumping into me. Akane saw I needed help and stepped in. We only went to the washroom to hide. Nothing happened. We introduced ourselves and I felt a bit dizzy. Akane helped me out and asked if I was alright. I just played it off. You heard the conversation.” I explained. He nodded.

  “I’ll get Ethan to look into her. She doesn’t fit the description but just to be safe, we’ll do a background check to see if her backstory is valid. But first, you need some rest.” Jaxson concluded.

  “I don’t want to be stuck here in bed when I could be assisting with this case,” I argued.

  “Scar, we need you at one hundred percent. You know how wild your magic becomes the weaker you get. I don’t want you to accidentally short-circuit the engine or set the boat on fire.” Jaxson replied.

  “Fine,” I mumbled. Jaxson sighed, taking the empty glass from me.

  “Move over.” He whispered. I sighed, shuffling over. He slipped his phone out of his pocket, placing it on the nightstand to my left before climbing into bed, pulling me into a side embrace.

  “Listen Scarlet. I know how capable you are. You may think you’re bringing us down, but you’re not. We all care about you and need you to be in top shape. Plus, you’re a magnet for trouble.”

  “The first half was perfect. And I’m not a magnet for trouble!” I glared at him. He smirked.

  “You’re totally a magnet. As a matter of fact, I bet we can just place you anywhere on this ship and our suspect would just be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.” He joked.

  “That’s such bullshit.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  “Sure! If I win you have to kiss Michael when the clock strikes twelve.” I giggled at his shocked expression; his cheeks burned red.

  “What’s with everyone wanting to see us kiss?” He grumbled.

  “It’s hot,” I replied, resting my head on his shoulder, snuggling closer.

  “For you.” He replied.

  “Well, yeah.” I closed my eyes.

  “And if I’m right?”

  “You kiss me....and Michael after,” I mumbled.

  “I don’t see how either option is fair.”

  “You get to kiss me, and I get to watch you kiss Michael. It’s a win-win.” I relaxed; my mind began to drift.

  “Not fair. Aren’t I supposed to decide?” I heard him reply. I totally wasn’t a magnet for trouble, so I’d win this bet for sure. But, it was always safe to make sure if I lost, I wouldn’t lose such an opportunity. I wonder if I can get Christian and Ethan to kiss hmmm.

  “Longshot.” Serenity yawned.

  “Christian would ascend to the heavens if a male kissed him,” Aurora mumbled. I smirked at their commentary.


  I wanted to reply, but I was too tired. I’m just exhausted because of the heat. Just need some time out of the sun and I’ll be fine.

  I felt something press against my forehead.

  “Rest up baby. I love you.” I heard Jaxson whisper in my ear.

  With those last words, I fell asleep.

  Chapter Five


  “Anyone want to explain what happened back there? And where’s Scar?” I voiced, closing the door behind me.

  “Jaxson?” Michael called out. There was no reply.

  “Where’d they go?” Junho questioned, looking concerned. Michael made his way to the bedroom he shared with Jaxson, opening the door slightly.

  He flicked the light off, closing the door.

  “He’s asleep with Scar.” Michael acknowledged, pulling his hair tie out of his now orange hair. Michael looked best with his usual ash gold locks, but I had to admit, the light orange dye he applied for our get-ups suited him rather well. He sat down in the one-seater chair, lying his head back.

  “That was a waste of our vacation time. No suspects, and Scar’s reaction was odd.” Junho ruffled his black locks. He’d got Michael to glamour his hair black, hiding his usual brown locks. The only major difference is that it made his turquoise eyes pop out.

  He headed over to the couch.

  “Uh. I didn’t clean the couch sit somewhere else.” Ethan mumbled, opening his laptop and pulling a stool out to sit at the kitchen island.

  “I knew you had sex,” Michael commented.

  “That’s why you were late?” I questioned.

  “No...” Ethan trailed off, his fingers typed away on the keyboard as he went into focus mode. I groaned, knowing he was in his zone and wouldn’t answer us.

  “You guys are noisy.”

  We turned to see a sleepy Jaxson coming out his room, closing the door softly. He walked towards the couch.

  “Ethan and Scar had sex there. Sit at your own risk.” Junho commented.

  Jaxson paused, turning his head to Ethan who kept typing away as if he hadn’t heard any of it.

  “He’s zoned out, isn’t he?” Jaxson questioned.

  “Yup. I think he’s looking into Akane.” I replied.

  Ethan was the type where once he got into his work, a live shootout could happen right behind him, and he wouldn’t move. Not until he acquired every detail of what he was investigating.

  “I’ll scold him later. You found anything?” Jaxson questioned, walking towards where Junho sat on to
p of the two-row set of drawers.

  “Nope. That guy who bumped into Scar is our best lead. Did she tell you what happened? Why did she sound so exhausted?” I asked.

  Of course, I was worried about her condition, but the way she looked at me when she arrived with that purple haired girl made my heart stall for a few seconds. As if I’d just gotten caught cheating on her. Why the fuck would I feel that way? We’re dating technically, but I shouldn’t feel so nervous. Cece’s her best friend. What happened back there to make me feel differently?

  “That Akane girl asked her if she was okay? Did Scar almost faint?” Junho questioned.

  “Who the fuck is this Akane woman? I didn’t sense any magic flow off her, but she’s definitely a shifter.” I disclosed.

  Michael sat up without a word, walking towards the bedroom. The rest of us exchanged looks, following him and leaving Ethan to do his research.

  Jaxson turned the light on – making the light dim enough that it wouldn’t wake Scarlet.

  Michael laid his hand on Scarlet’s forehead. She stirred, mumbling something incoherent.

  “Relax, Scar. It’s just me.” Michael whispered; his hand glowed a light gold. She seemed to relax from his words, falling back to sleep. He took a few more seconds before his hand fell back to his side. He placed a kiss on her forehead before ushering us out.

  We quietly made our way back out; Michael closed the door. He walked back to his spot. I could already see the caution beginning to seep into his expression.

  “Dehydration and heatstroke for sure. That’s the main concern, but I sense magic too. Even so, it’s too low of an amount to point a finger at that Akane girl, the sleazebag or if it’s just Scar’s magic in general. Her body calls out to the elements constantly. It may be at a very low rate but it’s constant. So, even if either of them tried something, it should have little effect.” Michael explained.

  “Wouldn’t Scar’s magic combat it?” Junho questioned. Jaxson sighed.

  “It should. If it did combat it, Scar would have noticed. Because she hasn’t complained about her eyes or seeing shifter’s alternate forms so far, we can’t state anything at this point. It’s too premature.” He concluded.

  We stood there in silence, unsure of what to do.

  “Therefore, we’re back where we started?” I complained.

  “What’s up with you, Christian? You’re anxious as hell, and it’s getting to me.” Michael confessed, opening his eyes to stare at me. Jaxson and Junho looked up to face me. I ruffled my hair, hating the fact I was being put on the spot.

  “I didn’t like the way Scar looked at me back there. I don’t know, it’s probably stupid of me, but when she arrived and saw me and Cece...” I began, but trailed off, needing a moment to think of my words. The boys stayed quiet, waiting for me to collect my bearings.

  “In that split second, I felt as if I’d actually betrayed her. Maybe there’s a succubus nearby, or someone with Michael’s gift who’s able to influence my feelings. I’ve always felt confident of our relationship with Scarlet. I never once that. I don’t know whether to say I was just afraid or feared the fact she saw me with Cece. It’s just that’s how I felt in that moment. Even now, I’m still concerned that Scarlet’s upset.” I confessed, locking my eyes with the others.

  “You are pretty confident usually,” Junho mumbled.

  “And know exactly what you want,” Jaxson noted.

  “Your hypothesis may be right. A succubus could potentially be nearby influencing everything. But, they would have to be really close.” I commented.

  “Maybe Akane is a succubus? I didn’t sense anything coming from her that would give off succubus vibes.” Junho countered.

  “Succubi don’t hide their sexuality though. Sure, Akane was good looking, but if she was a succubus with the number of humans on this cruise, she’d be a walking babe magnet. Every guy would be attempting to hit on her.” Michael replied.

  “Maybe she can suppress it. She doesn’t look older than Scarlet.” I replied.

  “Can you really judge her by her looks? Cece and Winterlya are perfect examples for why that doesn’t always work.” Jaxson pointed out.

  “True. Cece’s apparently been there since Scar’s birth or longer and let’s not try and figure out how old Winterlya is.” I groaned. What I’ve learned in my twenty-nine years is never ask a woman her age. You will perish.

  “Regardless, if by chance she can hide her shifter abilities, she’s a prime suspect. The only other suspect in this situation that I can think of is the sleazebag that bumped into Scar. He could have placed a small dose of magic to make her suddenly drowsy, contributing to the dehydration and heat stroke.” Michael proposed.

  “It’s not Akane.”

  We turned our attention to Ethan, who closed his laptop, swirling on his stool to face us with a serious expression.

  “What did you find?” I questioned.


  “What?” Junho and Michael replied.

  “Nothing as in?” Jaxson prompted.

  “She’s clean. Everything she stated was legit. Akane Fukimiru, daughter of Akasaka Fukimiru who owns a pharmaceutical company and was on the original guest list for this cruise. It was changed less than a week ago, and he’s currently in Dubai for a business trip. Doesn’t state what shifter she is, but her father’s known to be a snake shifter and her mother is deceased. She’s here with a few bodyguards.” Ethan revealed.

  “She’s innocent. Great.” I mumbled.

  “We need a day to figure this all out. I don’t like Scarlet pushing herself either. I know we’ve had a wild few months and she wants to be as involved as possible, but this is her vacation and she’s supposed to be enjoying it. I want her to have some fun here, even if we’re balancing work. Tomorrow, let her relax and maybe have some time with Cece. I think after today they need some girl time.” Jaxson suggested, pinching his nose.

  “Will do.” Ethan and I replied. Junho nodded before yawning, while Michael raised his hand in agreement, resting his head on the chair again.

  “You three look tired.” Ethan pointed out.

  “Ya. I think I’ll go crash. C’mon Michael, and don’t hog Scar to yourself.” Jaxson replied.

  “I don’t hog Scar. You’re the hogger.” Michael complained, opening his heavy eyes before standing up.

  “Want me to help ya?” Junho asked.

  “The bedroom is ten steps away. I’ll make it. I’m not like my brother who can sleep everywhere.”

  “You slept in the bathtub before.” Jaxson pointed out.

  “That was an accident,” Michael argued.

  “Don’t forget the time we found him on the toilet,” I commented with a smirk.

  “That was also an accident!” Michael argued.

  “And standing,” Ethan whispered.

  “Fuck you.” Michael huffed.

  “Hey, at least he hasn’t slept on the floor yet.” Junho reminded.

  “That’s because the floor is hard as fuck. I don’t get how Daniel can sleep on something as uncomfortable as the floor. Plus, there are dust bunnies.”

  We all stared him.

  “You did not say dust bunnies.” I snickered.

  “I’m going to bed. Fuck you, and you, and you, and DEFINITELY you.” He pointed at each of us, landing on Jaxson.

  “I’m your sleeping buddy, don’t go spreading such hate before bed.” Jaxson chuckled at Michael’s frustration. Jaxson walked over and patted him on the back.

  “You dare put a marker on my face and I’ll murder you. I’m not afraid of becoming a fallen angel.” Michael vowed.

  “You’re so scary when you’re angry. Alright, no trying to murder me. Plus, with your swearing, I think you’re getting close to that position” Jaxson replied.

  “Swearing won’t make me a fallen angel.” Michael retorted, yawning.

  “Whatever you say,” Jaxson answered; humor still laced his tone as they both made their way to the
ir bedroom, saying goodnight once more and closing the door.

  “I’m off to bed as well. Two of you should try to get some rest. Christian, don’t worry about today. Scarlet should be back to her normal self tomorrow. Take her out to relax in the shade.” Junho walked over and patted my shoulder.

  “Thanks, Junho. Sleep well.” I replied.

  “And Ethan, don’t forget to clean the couch, or Jaxson will kill ya.” Junho chuckled at Ethan’s wide eyes.

  “Fuck! How did he find out?”

  “You really do zone us out when you’re working.” I acknowledged.

  “Of course. You guys are distracting as fuck. If I tried to keep up with the conversation and multitask, we’d never get shit done. I want this to be over with, so we can enjoy the rest of our holiday.” Ethan answered.

  “Night guys.” Junho waved goodnight, disappearing into his room. He’d get to sleep alone tonight; Ethan and I claimed the last room.

  I turned to face Ethan.

  “Want me to help you clean that thing?”

  “Sure. It only takes a minute or two with magic. I can air dry it. Just need a bunch of water.” Ethan disclosed.

  “Why not ask Junho when he was here?” I inquired.

  “Don’t wanna bother him. They’re exhausted. We’ve barely rested since we got here. At least, I was inside a majority of the time.” Ethan gave me a light smile.

  We heard the sound of a single snap of a finger; water materialized above the couch, growing into a large floating bubble before it popped – raining lightly on the couch till it was soaked but not drenched enough to drip all over the floor.

  “Night,” Junho called out, shutting the door. I smirked.

  “I love our team,” I mumbled.

  “Me too,” Ethan replied.

  Chapter Six

  DECEMBER 28TH, 5032

  “Come with me.”

  I stared into her gorgeous ruby eyes – sadness laced their twinkled glory.

  “I can’t.”

  I didn’t know who was speaking. Was it me? All I could see in my view was this beautiful woman with the sad eyes.

  “You did not judge me like the others. Won’t you come with me, Irina?”


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