Visionary New Years

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Visionary New Years Page 12

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I took extra time to analyze her facial features. Her sculpted oval face, flawless skin, and complexion told me she was Korean for sure. Wait a minute...

  “Junnie?” I whispered.

  “Now you remember who I am? Took you long enough Irina. I swear, after all the signings I’ve gone to, you can’t even remember me at first glance? Well, I did have brown hair and was wearing contacts, but that’s far from the point.” She explained.

  How the fuck is Junho a girl? What sorcery is this? Damn, he’s good looking even as a girl...O.M.G, why am I attracted to females lately? Ugh!

  “You have to admit, he really is hot as a girl too.” Serenity admitted.

  “Agreed...I’d tap that,” Aurora added. Neither of you are helping.

  I stood up; my face hot with embarrassment at my internal dilemma.

  “Ah, I’m sorry. I had a lot on my mind.” I apologized, outstretching my arms, for a hug. Junho grinned, stepping forward to hug me.

  “What are you doing, Junho? Why the fuck are you a girl? And a good looking one at that! You’re catching attention.” I hissed, noticing the bypassing males checking us out.

  “WE’RE catching attention, and I’m a girl because I woke up to a pissed off Christian and no Scarlet. You think I was going to sit in our suite and wait for you to come home? I don’t think so.” She leaned back to wink at me. I blushed.

  “You better have a good reason to be here,” I replied.

  “I do. I figured out what Cyrus is up to. I’m here to provide assistance.” She announced.

  “ the others know?” I inquired, hoping this all didn’t go to waste.

  “Nope. Michael and I were assigned to watch you. But when we noticed Ethan’s lipstick contraption was missing, we knew what you had in mind. Jax didn’t want us interfering, but I think this will help make it very easy.” He pulled out something from his shirt...or bra.

  “Are those real?” I tugged at his shirt, checking out his rack.

  “Babe, you’re failing at the disguise thing, and they’re real. Now, pay attention.” Junho sighed, amusement twinkled in her brown eyes.

  “You’re explaining this to me later,” I whispered.

  “Yes, yes. I’m going to give you this concoction your BFF created. Put it in Akane’s drink when she’s not looking.” He explained, showing me the miniature bottle with a corkscrew.

  “But...wait, what does it do?” I countered. I can’t tell them that Akane may have a double.

  “It’s a truth serum. It only lasts a few minutes but can give you enough info. Only one problem.” She announced.


  “You gotta get drunk with her.”


  I snickered before laughing. She lifted an eyebrow at me.

  “I’m dead serious.”

  “I know you are. But, you have faith in drunk Irina to do the deed? Y’all better pray to the Starlight gods on this one, because I don’t see this going well with drunk me involved.”

  “Trust me. Michael has a plan.”

  “Does it involve him being a girl too? Hmm, with that thought, Michael would look pretty hot.” I commented.


  “Okay, okay. I’ll do it. But if shit goes wrong, Michael better bail my ass out.” I retorted, taking the concoction and slipping it in my bra.

  “He said he’ll make sure you’re safe and not go on a kissing spree,” Junho smirked as my face flushed.

  “I don’t go on kissing sprees! I just get filled with love and affection and like to share.” I mumbled.

  “Uh huh.” He replied.

  “Wait, how did you get in here? It’s Elite. I thought you said we couldn’t get access cause it was booked?” I questioned. Her smirk turned into a full-blown smile as she giggled.

  “Billionaire in two days. I can already feel the onset of privileges coming my way.” She hummed. I groaned.

  “If you were a girl, you’d be trouble. I wonder what your sister is like.”

  “She’s definitely trouble, and you’d love her. Now, my senses are telling me Akane is coming back.” She announced, taking the pair of sunglasses off the top of her head and sliding them on.

  “It was such a pleasure to meet you, Irina.” Junho pulled me into another embrace before whispering in my ear.

  “Be safe. I love you, and we believe in you.”

  She pulled back with a soft smile while I stood there stunned. I smiled back.

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  I knew he and the others wanted me to feel included in this mission and were giving me the reins. I wouldn’t let them down.

  “Irina? Who’s this?” I glanced to my left to see Akane.

  “Ah, it’s a fan of mine. We’ve met previously at a signing.” I explained.

  “I should get going. I don’t want to look like a stalker or anything hehehe. Oh Irina. I saw your agent in the hallway. He said don’t get too wasted tonight since your release is coming up and you need to review the final manuscript.” She reminded. I frowned.

  “Ugh. I don’t want to worry about that. I’ll keep his warning in mind. Glad you remember him from the signing.” I laughed, playing along with whatever Junho was talking about.

  “Of course. He’s a character I tell you. One look and you already know he’s one of those showstopper type people. He’s gay, right?” Junho replied.

  “Ya. He has a boyfriend and everything. He’s on the ship somewhere.” I giggled.

  “I shall take my stalker tendencies elsewhere. I need to go claim a picture of some male on male action. Farewell.” Junho gave a dramatic wave before sauntering towards the security guard. He gave her one up and down glance, bowing his head. I smirked while watching him gaze after Junho. Damn, he even has a good ass. What the fuck? Michael must have been involved.

  “Michael’s good,” Aurora admitted, her astonishment lingered in my mind.

  “Really good.” Serenity agreed.


  I flinched, forgetting that Akane was right there. I lifted my hands in apology.

  “Ah sorry. I just got lost in my train of thought for a second. I’m trying not to stress over the fact I have my book coming out on New Year’s Day. It was pretty stupid of me to scheduled it out of all the days.” I sighed. She smiled; her lips looked a tad different in the light.

  “No worries. Why don’t we go chill in the pool before we head over to the bar? We can’t get too wasted or your agent may kill you, but we can drink a bit just to relax them tense shoulders. C’mon.” She beamed; her hand slipped into mine.

  “Wait, I don’t have a bikini.” I reminded.

  “Don’t worry, I should have something that will fit your curves. Your boobs are only slightly smaller than mine.”

  “Okay,” I replied. My eyes lingered on her chest – my eyes began to burn. I blinked – noticing the same dragon tattoo that was on her chest the first time.

  Holy shit! We’re right! I blinked, rubbing my eyes.

  “You okay Irina?

  I looked back to see Akane’s concerned expression. I quickly nodded.

  “Ya. My eyes must be tired. I usually wear glasses because of all the computer staring. C’mon, I want to continue this fun little play date.” I encouraged, matching her strides.

  I noticed her eyes lingered on our joined hands before she smirked.


  “Whatever you’re might work.” Aurora disclosed. I could hear the mischief in her voice as I envisioned her smiling menacingly.

  “I think Drunk Scarlet fits this role perfectly.” Serenity agreed.

  I smiled; my plan was set up and ready to be implemented the moment we started drinking.

  Let’s pray to the Starlight gods they switch again.

  “Irina, I’m going to go use the washroom again. I think I drank way too much.” Akane revealed before she hiccupped.

  “No worries, Akane love. I’ll be here.” I motioned for her to go us
e the ladies room. She smiled before heading towards the exit of the lounge. I relaxed in the black cushions of our private booth; my eyes began to burn while I concentrated on her back.

  When she returned, I was pleased to see the tiger marking on her back, thankful she still wore her bikini and hadn’t brought a cover up like I had.

  Now we have to wait and see if they switch.

  “If they don’t?” Serenity inquired.

  I’ll still use the serum. If we can pinpoint that she’s the real Akane Fukimi, then we’ll wait for them to switch again and go with Operation mark.

  “Excellent. I’ll help when needed.” Serenity replied.

  Where’s Aurora?

  “She’s sleeping. She wants to be alert when you’re drunk so she can use it against you later.” Serenity confessed, giggling.

  I groaned, rolling my eyes. What kind of spirits make fun of their host? So, mean.

  “We love you too. Akane’s coming back.” Serenity warned, disappearing from my mind.

  Akane sat back down next to me, sighing in relief.

  “I swear, I should stop drinking.” She mumbled, the waiter coming over to our booth.

  “Can we get some cocktails? The tingle berry lemonade one? With extra vodka.” I requested. Akane gave me a look.

  “You’re going to get drunk.” She cautioned.

  “I won’t.” I argued.

  “Irina.” She frowned.

  “I won’t. I promise! I want to enjoy tonight with you. I don’t have many, just tonight.” I begged. She looked into my eyes for a moment before she nodded with a smile.

  “I know how it feels. It’s nice to take a breather with good company.” She disclosed.

  “Yeah!” I cheered; our cocktails arrived. Now, I need an opportunity.


  We both jolted at the sudden sound, Akane frantically looking for her phone.

  “Ah, it’s my Father. Be right back, Irina. I won’t be long.” She quickly stood up, sprint-walking out of the lounge once again.


  I practically jumped at the familiar sound, feeling something soft rub against my feet. I looked down to see Moonlight; his turquoise eyes glowed while his black fur blended with the darkness.

  “You know, you’re really scary when you’re down there.” I noted.

  “Meow.” He hopped onto the chair and into my lap. He curled up in a ball, relaxing.

  “You can’t be here. What if someone sees you?” I whispered. He ignored me, purring away. I sighed, unable to stop my hand from rubbing his soft fur.

  “Don’t complain to me if everyone on this ship thinks it’s crazy that there’s a cat chilling in the bar.” I reminded. I guess he’s a god; he can do whatever. Hey, Risuki. I know you can hear me. Did you cause Akane’s father to call?


  “That’s a yes, isn’t it?”


  “I don’t speak cat.”

  “Yes, now stop complaining and keep petting me.” Risuki’s voiced flowed into my mind, causing me to shiver.

  “So demanding,” I grumbled, continuing to pet him.

  “Scar. This is a good time for the truth serum.” Serenity reminded.

  OH RIGHT! Dammit, Risuki you distracted me!

  “Meow.” His head nudged my hand before he stood up, jumping down from my lap to the floor and blending into the darkness below the table. Hmph, fine run away.

  I pulled the miniature glass from my bikini top, scanning the area to make sure no one was looking my way and Akane wasn’t coming. I poured the contents into her drink, swirling the glass quickly before placing it in Akane’s spot.

  I slipped the empty bottle into my bra before pulling out the lipstick from the other side. Thank you, Starlight gods for these babies.

  I applied the lipstick, hoping I did a decent job before taking a sip of the cocktail. Fuck, this is good and strong. Note to self, don’t finish this.

  “That’s hard to believe.” Serenity commented.

  You need to be more supportive.

  “Akane’s back.” She replied, leaving my mind.

  She slumped into her seat, throwing the phone on the table before taking the drink and chugging it. I gawked at her, stunned.

  “Um, Akane what’s wrong?” I questioned; my eyes concentrated on her chest. The burning sensation took over for two seconds - enough time for my eyes to see which Akane it was. Damn, still good Akane. Which means Plan B is in effect. Serenity, if I get drunk, tell Aurora we’re switching plans.

  “Understood.” Serenity replied before disappearing once more.

  “My father. He’s just ugh. I don’t even want to fucking be here. Why can’t he understand that? I’d rather be in Japan and hanging with Trinity.” She complained.

  “Trinity? Is that one of your best friends?” I questioned. She nodded.

  “ see...I shouldn’t tell you” She stuttered; her expression looked confused.

  “I won’t say anything,” I promised.

  “Trinity and Luna. They aren’t from these parts I guess you can say but they always try to keep in contact with me when they can. My father was supposed to come on this cruise, not me. I was headed to see Trinity. Instead, I was forced to tag along on the cruise. Well, it’s not like I fully regret it, since I have a new friend.” She smiled at me before continuing.

  “I just hate being a tool. I don’t get why my father treats us so differently. We’re the same! Well, not really the same. But, ugh. I’m just sick of taking orders. And Daichi is a pain in the fucking ass. All he cares about is his needs and wants to be the leader. He doesn’t understand he’s merely a pawn in this game. I just don’t want to be a part of it. People only get hurt when they’re around me.” She whispered the last part, blinking back tears.

  “Truth...” Serenity whispered. I could sense the sadness in her voice. I felt just as depressed at her confession. We knew how it felt to be an outcast.

  “It’s okay, Akane. Maybe...after this, we can chill? Like, when this cruise is over. We can hang out until you have to go back to Japan?” I offered. She blinked, her eyes wide.

  “ barely know me? Aren’t you afraid of getting hurt?” She questioned.

  “Well, I have a good friend who seems to know people for three months before they magically disappear. I’ve been friends with her for five years and I’m still here to tell the tale. So, I’m not too worried. Plus, I can survive anything.” I boasted proudly. Damn, this alcohol’s beginning to get to my head.

  “Even...if I have a big secret? How about if you find out...and don’t want to hang out with me anymore?” She whispered, her head hung low.

  “Everyone has secrets, Akane. As long as you’re not a mass murderer, we’re good.” I shrugged, drinking a large portion of my cocktail.

  “I’m not…the other me...” She trailed off, looking away.

  “Hmm? The other you?” I questioned, tilting my head in curiosity.

  “Let’s just say, someone who’s related to me...isn’t good. But I have no power to stop anything.”

  I relaxed, taking a moment to sip on my drink. She lifted her head to glance at me.


  “Everyone has the power to stop something. If you see someone doing something wrong, turning a blind eye only makes you part of the problem. If you take a stance to stop it from happening, it shows to the world that you knew it was wrong and you wanted to prevent it from escalating into something bigger. You don’t need to be used as a tool. You’re a person, Akane, and you have the power to be the person you want to be and do what’s right in your mind. Or, you can continue being a puppet used against your morals.” I finished my drink, placing it softly on the table.

  I turned my attention to Akane who looked shocked at my tipsy words of wisdom.

  “You’re...right. Why don’t we order even more drinks? We shouldn’t be spending our time moping. I’ll be right back, I need
to use the washroom real quick.” She announced standing up.


  She looked over her shoulder to look into my eyes; those purple orbs flickered orange for a split second.

  “Yes, Irina.”

  “When this cruise is over, let me know what you want to be. The bystander who looks away, or the hero who makes a difference in this world. When you do, I’ll tell you my secret.”

  We stared at one another in silence. I watched her lip move upward into a confident smile.

  “Okay. Before the clock strikes twelve, I’ll let you know. Thanks, Irina.” She headed towards the doors.

  The waiter arrived, and I ordered a bunch of drinks. I pulled out the lipstick, reapplying it.

  Now, let’s see if you can continue to hide, Akane’s twin.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Irina, no more.”

  “Why? Akane, stop being a spoil sport. Spoil? Is that how you say it. Hehehe gimme the goodies.” I whined, reaching for the drink in Akane’s hand which was lifted out of my reach.

  “You’re beyond drunk.” She pointed out.

  “I’m not drunk. Just a little tipsy. There’s a difference. I deserve to let loose.” I argued.

  “You’re beyond drunk, Scarlet. Stop drinking.” Aurora encouraged, sounding bored. I giggled at her tone. You’re jelly I get to have a good time.

  “Not in the least. Remember Operation marked? Anytime now, before your apparent agent sees you and whisks you away.” Aurora reminded.

  Akane sighed, putting the drink to her lips and chugging it in one go. I gasped.

  “Akaanneeeeee. Why did you do that? You need to share with me.” I complained. I leaned forward; her eyes studied how close I was.

  “Irina. You shouldn’t drink anymore. You have something due, right?” She proposed.

  “What do I have due?” I retorted, leaning my body against her. She stiffened for a moment; her face began to flush as she stared at my breasts.

  “Um...something to do with your writing...” She trailed off. I smirked; my left hand slid against her bare thigh. I could sense her discomfort but could also sense attraction.


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