Visionary New Years

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Visionary New Years Page 13

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “She’s into you.” Serenity confessed.

  “And she’s the other Akane. Check her chest.” Aurora ordered.

  Let me distract her first.

  I pressed my lips against her neck. She stilled but I continued, kissing her softly on the neck.

  I pulled away far enough to look into her eyes, waiting for her disapproval. She flushed, looking away for a moment.

  “Can I continue?” I whispered.

  “Someone...could see.” She whispered back.

  “We’re the only ones in this corner. No one’s watching, and you know it.” I replied, giving her a seductive grin; my hand slid up and down her thigh in a slow sensual movement.

  “You...can continue.” Her voice was so low, I barely caught it. I grinned, leaning back in and kissing her again – sucking on her flesh.

  She moaned; her head fell back to give me better access. I smiled, my lips still pressed against her heated skin. I pulled back for a moment, opening my eyes which locked on to her chest. They began to burn – the vivid dragon tattoo emerged. Perfect.

  I climbed into her lap; her hands held my waist as she stared at me wide-eyed.

  “Irina. We...mhm” She began but I cut her off, pressing my lips against hers. Our gazes locked on one another – shock still laced those purple orbs but within seconds was replaced with desire. She closed her eyes, finally responding to my kiss. Aurora.

  “One day from now, let thy power be concealed. Such essence shall remain dormant in thy vessel. Until the clock strikes twelve on the new day of the Lunar Cycle, may thy body be weakened and unable to submit to thy host’s command.”

  I slipped my tongue into her mouth, needing to distract her from noticing the sudden magic usage. I didn’t know how well I was doing in cloaking my power, but the way her arms tightened around my waist and quiet moans told me she hadn’t noticed the spell.


  I could feel Akane’s body go rigid as she pulled away. I glanced over to see a tall man with jet black hair; the multiple blue highlights and turquoise eyes reminded me of someone. Ah, I remember.

  “Rikki! What are you doing here?” I slurred, giggling at the twitch of his eye at the nickname I’d appointed to annoy him.

  “Michelangelo sent me. He got caught up drinking, and is now flirting with all the men at the bar. So, I’m here to take you back to your suite.”

  I pouted, tightening my hold on Akane who looked confused and embarrassed.

  “But I’m having friend time. Go away.” I turned away, leaning back to give Akane another hickey. She sighed.

  “Irina, c’mon you’re drunk. You should go rest.” She encouraged. I bit her flesh, sucking hard. She muffled a moan.

  “Irina.” She warned.

  “Don’t be a party pooper, Akane. Rikki will go away eventually.” I mumbled.

  “I’m not going away.” He sighed.

  “Um, is she always like this when she drinks?” Akane asked.

  “Yup. She’s very, how would I label it...touchy.”

  “I’m not touchy. You’re just jealous you’re not kissing Akane.” I argued, pulling away, smirking at the fresh set of hickeys all over her neck. Excellent.

  “Let’s get going, Irina.”


  He sighed, pinching his nose.

  “Scarlet. Are you seriously this drunk? Can you cooperate?” Risuki voice entered my mind.

  “I want a piggyback,” I announced. He stared at me in disbelief.

  “You’re not serious right now.” He muttered in my head. I grinned, tightening my hold on Akane.

  “Piggyback or I get to stay with Akane all night long.” I purred.

  “Fine.” He agreed. I squealed. I looked back at Akane who had a relieved smile on her face.

  “It was fun, Irina. Will you be at the ball on New Year’s Eve?” Akane questioned.

  “Ball? Fancy dress time. Are you going to be there?” I whispered, licking my lips. She stared at my lips before answering.

  “Yes.” She replied.

  “Then, I’ll be there. I may have to tag along with stupid Alexander.” I grumbled.

  “I’ll bail you out.” She whispered, smiling. I hugged her.

  “Thank you, Akane. Today was awesome!” I slurred. She patted my back.

  “I’m glad you had fun. We’ll have a good time on New Year’s Eve, okay?” She gently ushered me off her lap. I grinned up at Risuki who mumbled something along the lines of I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this, before turning his back to me and kneeling down.

  “Ah. One more thing.” I pulled out my lipstick, reapplying it before presenting it to Akane. She gave me a confused look.

  “Your lipstick?” She inquired.

  “Yes. Can you keep it for me? It’s my favorite. You can give it back to me when we meet at the ball. I can’t leave without it, meaning I won’t leave until I get to see you.” I handed it to her. She blinked, looking at it for a moment but smiled.

  “Sure, I’ll keep it with me. Now, be good and don’t give your agent’s friend problems.” She leaned forward, kissing me on the cheek.

  “Yup! Farewell, Akane. Let’s have more drinking fun on New Year’s Eve.” I hooked my arms around Risuki’s neck while he secured my legs around his waist.

  “Bye, Irina. Make sure you get plenty of rest for the ball.” She replied. Risuki nodded his farewell before walking towards the exit.

  I relaxed, sighing in exhaustion. It worked.

  “You better explain this to me when you’re sober,” Risuki grumbled. I giggled.

  “Is my familiar upset he has to carry his adorable, one of a kind Elemental on his broad back?” I purred through giggles.

  “The only person I’d ever do this for is you and one other person. Be grateful.” He retorted.

  “Ah, for another Starlight god. So, when are you going to introduce me formally to Nightmare hmm?” I rested my head on his shoulder.

  “Not if you keep getting utterly drunk like – fuck, SCAR! Stop kissing my neck.” His voice boomed in my head. Clearly, he didn’t want to draw any attention and resumed mind talking.

  “Hehehehe. I kissed a Starlight god. Does that come with benefits? Wait, what happens when you and Nightmare kiss? Have you kissed before? OMG, if you guys have sex is there like a thunderstorm or something? Wait, can Starlight gods have sex? Can you guys have babies?” I rambled on giggling in between as the world spun.

  “I think you should knock her out. It only goes downhill from here.” Aurora sighed.

  “I figured. Scar. You need a long nap.” Risuki announced.

  “I’m not sleepy,” I whined out loud, biting his neck. He froze.

  “Sleep.” He commanded, immense power flowed from the single word. My eyes felt extremely heavy; my conscious drifted. I heard him sigh.

  “Goodnight Scarlet. Excellent work.”


  “Where the fuck is Michael?” I paced the hall outside our suite.

  Junho and Michael had been keeping tabs on Scarlet. I didn’t understand why Junho had to go all out and let Michael make him look like a girl but whatever those two were planning usually ended up beneficial when it came to any case.

  Michael had said he’d go get Scarlet before she got utterly wasted and had yet to return. I glanced at the clock on my phone – 1:30 AM. Seriously, where are they?

  My phone lit up – JUNNIE on the screen. I slid my finger to answer.

  “What’s going on?” I questioned.

  “Well, I think you better go get Scarlet.” Junho’s girly voice was laced with worry. I stilled.

  “What happened?”

  “Michael’s with Daichi,” Junho replied.

  “What? Why is he with that brat?” I asked. My body already moved forward in a fast sprint down the hall.

  “Michael was playing his role and seemed to catch Daichi’s interest. I didn’t think Daichi was bisexual? Michael decided to take the opportunity to get some info.
Of course, that led to a few drinks and well, Jaxson arrived to whisk him away before he got carried away. Have no idea what he found out, but he was able to put another tracker on him.” Junho disclosed.

  Dammit! I knew he was bisexual!

  “That was merely a hunch,” Cyrus commented.

  “Are you guys on your way back?”

  “Yup. Jaxson’s attempting to keep Michael distracted.”

  “Should I even ask?” I could already imagine the trouble Drunk Michael would cause, especially if he started using his gift irresponsibly.


  “Mother fucking Michael, stop kissing me.” Jaxson snarled in the background.

  “I should totally take pics of this.” Ethan voiced out.

  “Take a picture, and I’ll make sure I burn you to a crisp.” Jaxson retorted.

  “You’re just mad about the other pictures Michael and Cece use against you,” Ethan complained.

  “Fuck y- Dammit, Michael.”

  Junho snickered. I sighed. He’s doomed.

  “Totally doomed.” Cyrus agreed.

  “Scar’s in the Elite section. Once we get back we’ll come to you if you need us.” Junho reassured.

  “Don’t worry, it won’t take me long. I’ll talk to you in a bit.” I replied, saying my goodbyes before hanging up. I turned the corner, coming to a sudden stop at the sight before me.

  A tall male was walking towards me with Scarlet on his back. I took a second to assess his jet-black hair and blue highlights and his vibrant turquoise eyes that held power with a simple glance. Holy shit.

  “Now, that’s not how you greet a Starlight god, is it?” Cyrus mumbled. I groaned.

  You’re being a real pain in the ass on this trip, you know that?

  I walked towards Risuki, glancing at Scarlet’s peaceful expression.

  “Is she okay?” I questioned immediately before Cyrus made me flinch.

  “Manners.” He snarled. I sighed, dropping to one knee and bowing my head.

  “Sorry.” I apologized immediately. Risuki smirked.

  “Rise, Christian Ross. I’m only in my human form. No need for such formalities. I’d love it though if you’d take your girlfriend off my back.”

  I nodded, rising back up before helping lower Scarlet off his back and picking her up in my arms. She mumbled something incoherent before nestling her head against my chest.

  “Christian.” She whispered, falling back to sleep. I grinned, my heart finally able to calm. I pressed my lips to her forehead.

  “You’re such a troublemaker,” I whispered.

  “She is...but she did well. May I talk to Cyrus alone for a moment?” Risuki requested. I nodded, not questioning his reasoning. He’s a god. If he needs Cyrus, it most likely had something to do with whatever plan he had going on.

  I let my mind drift – giving Cyrus full control.


  I opened my eyes, bowing my head.

  “Pleasure to see you again, Risuki.” I greeted.

  “Likewise. Your plan is going well.” He replied.

  “I believe so. I didn’t think Scarlet or Michael would get wasted though.” I confessed, looking at the sleeping woman in my arms.

  “You can’t predict what Scarlet’s going to do. I try not to interfere, but Scarlet and alcohol will only lead to a public orgy, and I don’t like tampering with people’s memories.” Risuki admitted.

  “You care about her a lot, don’t you?” I acknowledged.

  “What makes you say that?” He pondered, beginning to walk towards our suite.

  “You don’t need to interfere with any of this. In fact, you don’t even need to be her familiar, but you choose to. You appear when she needs you the most, even when she’s drunk as hell. I’m surprised you’ve survived her kissing attacks.” I grinned at his flushed cheeks as he looked away, his hands in his pockets.

  “Can’t be mad at her when she’s drunk. It’s still a pain in the ass, but sometimes it’s entertaining. I just hope Nightmare doesn’t get pissed at me.” He mumbled the last part. I smirked.

  “Doesn’t Mako act similarly when drunk?”

  “Yes, but her knights are usually around to stop her from getting out of hand.” He replied.

  “I’ll vouch for you if you want?” I proposed. He chuckled.

  “Don’t worry. Laviathan is nearby. I’ll ask him to cover.” He revealed.

  “Doesn’t that mean Winterlya’s nearby?” I questioned.

  “Yes. She’s the backup if you guys potentially fuck up.”

  “You a god, you shouldn’t swear.” I reminded. He shrugged.

  “Tell that to Jehovah. Not my business.” He replied.

  “This is why Christian doesn’t take you seriously.” I sighed.

  “Doesn’t matter to me. I personally like annoying him. You know, he likes cats.” Risuki revealed.

  “He doesn’t.” I combatted.

  “I’m a god. I know what he likes and doesn’t like. He likes cats and hates being cast aside and abandoned like in the past. He’s concerned about Scarlet and thinks this whole case is going to make a rift in their relationship. That’s what he doesn’t like.”

  We stopped at our suite. I took another glance at Scarlet.

  “We’ve been through a lot. I don’t blame him for his apprehension. It just gets in the way of his train of thought sometimes. You know he hasn’t been madly in love with someone before. He simply assumes everyone will forsake him. His feelings are justifiable.” I explained.


  I looked back up to face the god before me.

  “I know Scarlet and all of you have been through a lot, the last six rotations. But don’t let your doubts and insecurities hinder you. Scarlet loves all of you dearly. Whatever happens with your plan...I can guarantee Scarlet will know it’s not either of your intentions to hurt her but for the sake of saving so many lives. I have faith in her. You should as well.”

  I nodded.

  “Thank you, Risuki.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, shall we make our way inside? The others should be here shortly. And I get to sleep next to Scarlet.” He smirked at my frown.

  “You get to be with her whenever you want,” I complained.

  Risuki laughed; the rich sound sent shivers throughout my body.

  “That is true, but let’s be real. One can never have enough Scarlet in your day. Even if she loves to annoy me at times. Anyways, until next time Cyrus.” Risuki looked over his shoulder with a pride-filled smile. I bowed my head as a bright light engulfed my line of vision. I opened my eyes to see Moonlight.


  “You’re really something. Aren’t you supposed to be with Nightmare?” I reminded.


  “She’s busy. Uh huh. Make sure you kiss her on New Year’s.” I advised, slipping my shoes off before carrying Scarlet to the bedroom.

  “Meow, meow, meow.”

  “Alright, don’t get pissed at me. Jeez. Just admit you like her already. Be like Laviathan, and step up your game.” I complained, lowering Scarlet onto the sheets of my bed. She’d be sleeping with Ethan and me for the night.

  Moonlight jumped onto the bed, waiting for me to cover Scarlet with a light blanket before he nestled between her neck and face. She smiled, turning and mumbling before she stilled.

  I felt Christian return in my mind.

  “Can we switch now?” He asked. Sure. I closed my eyes and allowed the switch.


  “The others should be here any moment,” Cyrus announced.

  “Alright. Anything I need to know?” I questioned. Cyrus was quiet for a moment.

  “Trust in Scarlet and stop allowing the past to hinder you from enjoying happiness.” He whispered, leaving my mind. I sighed, glancing at Scarlet and Moonlight who were both fast asleep. I leaned over, kissing Scarlet on her forehead. I stared at Moonlight who purred quietly. I gently stroked his soft fur, hoping
I wouldn’t wake him up.

  I hope this plan doesn’t hinder us.

  Chapter Fifteen


  DECEMBER 30TH 5032

  “Want me to help you get rid of those?” I questioned before a yawn escaped me.

  Jaxson sighed, dropping onto the couch before repositioning himself to lie down. Junho was dozed off in the single-seater while Christian had his head down on the kitchen island.

  “I just want to sleep for one hundred years, and please, rid me of these fucking love marks. I swear, remind me to beat the shit out of Michael when he wakes.” Jaxson groaned.

  I smirked, walking over to him. I sat on the floor, allowing my power to flood into my fingertips. Jaxson turned his head to the side - a trail of fresh kiss marks trailed his neck and shoulders. I held back the laughter that wanted to escape my throat.

  “I dare you to laugh. You had your fit. Don’t.” Jaxson warned. I knew he meant it.

  “Alright. I’ll save it for tomorrow when you beat up Michael.” I replied, unable to hide my amusement as I returned my concentration to helping to hide the love marks. They would vanish on their own, but my spell would make it so no one else saw it.

  “Christian, you awake?” Jaxson asked. We waited for a reply but were greeted with silence.

  “Junho?” I asked turning my head to him. He was already in deep sleep.

  “Jeez, that spell took its toll on him,” Jaxson commented.

  “Don’t blame him. You know it’s difficult to perform that spell. I’m surprised Michael was able to stay up as long as he did. He’s really learned how to glamour like a fairy.” I acknowledged.

  “Ya. How are you holding up?” Jaxson asked, turning his head to look at me. I could see the exhaustion in his heavy eyes that fought to stay awake.

  “I think we all need a rest day. This mission has been exhausting, to say the least. I still have a little juice left in me. Christian said Scarlet was able to kiss Akane with the lipstick I made.” I explained.


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