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Visionary New Years

Page 15

by Yumoyori Wilson

Jaxson and Michael followed each giving me a kiss before we formed a circle.

  “Everyone ready? I have our allies in position.” Jaxson declared.

  “I’ll be your eyes and ears, and will be moving positions a few times throughout the night. If I think you’re missing anything, I’ll track you down and bring you the necessary equipment.” Ethan added.

  “Scarlet. Go along with whatever Akane wants you to do. You have the lip-gloss, right?” Michael questioned. I nodded.

  “Yup. It’s in my secret compartment.” I replied.

  “Aka her bra,” Ethan whispered. I rolled my eyes.

  “It’s the best place to put it. Don’t hate because you don’t have any compartment to hide shit in.” I remarked.

  “She’s right you know. Breasts are totally useful.” Junho winked. We groaned.

  “Alright, Junnie, feel free to be your girly self and seduce all the players tonight with your breasts,” Christian commented.

  “Fuck you.” He replied, shivering.

  “You being a girl wasn’t that bad.” I giggled at his wide expression.

  “I get enough attention when I walk in the mall. When you’re a girl it’s a whole other level of attention. Most men ain’t loyal.” He confessed. We laughed.

  “Now you know how it feels. Make sure you make your charm extra strong tonight.” Michael stressed. Junho groaned.

  “Do I have to be Junnie? Can’t I just be me?” He complained.

  “If Akane’s group is onto us, it’s better to stick with our aliases. Plus, we need all the distraction we can get. Once shit goes down, you know what to do Junho.” Jaxson stressed. He sighed but nodded. “Roger that.” He replied.

  “Christian. You know what to do. Make sure you focus.” Jaxson directed to Christian who was next to me. I could feel how anxious he was. Why is he so worried?

  I slipped my hand into his. He looked down at me.

  “Relax.” I mouthed, squeezing his hand. He nodded, squeezing back.

  “Will do.” He replied. The others must have noticed his change in demeanor, taking quick glances at each other and then Jaxson.

  “Alright, let’s go,” Jaxson concluded, ignoring the others confused looks and heading to the door. The others followed, leaving me and Christian.

  “It’s gonna be okay,” I whispered. He pressed his forehead against mine.

  “You won’t hate me?”

  “I don’t see why I would,” I replied.

  “I can’t say.” He whispered.

  “I know. Whatever it is, I won’t hate you.”


  “I promise, Christian.” I leaned up to give him a firm kiss.

  “Okay. Let’s go.” He continued to hold my hand as we made our way to the door, Ethan held it open for us.

  Time to take fake Akane down.

  “I’ll be back in a bit. I have to talk to someone real quick.” Christian whispered into my ear. I nodded, giving him a kiss. He deepened the kiss, making it longer than we’d both expected before he pulled away, leaving me breathless.

  “I love you.” He whispered.

  “Love you more,” I replied, watching him blend into the crowd of the ballroom.

  “He’s still anxious.” Serenity noted.

  “He clearly is against what he’s supposed to do for this plan. Why did Jaxson act like he didn’t notice Christian’s nerves? Christian is never anxious for missions.” Aurora wondered.

  I don’t know. You’re both right. He doesn’t even act this way when he has to kill someone. I can’t check it out though. Fake Akane is probably waiting for this opportunity. I just gotta pray this ends well, and I’ll ask about it.

  I pulled out my phone, sending a text to Ethan.

  Me: Clumsy-Bear, I’m worried about Mr. Grey.

  Ethan: I don’t get why you call me Clumsy Bear and don’t worry.

  Me: Because you’re clumsy and I like to snuggle with you. And okay...

  Ethan: Sexy-Red-Head, please don’t worry. I’ll explain before this is over, I promise. Just trust Mr. Grey and I’ll steal you from his bed tonight ;D

  Me: He’ll murder you in the next car chase and okay. Love you.

  Ethan: Love you more. P.S Don’t burn, short circuit, call upon a tornado, or cause a tsunami tonight. I’d like to live another year.

  Me: Meanie


  I jumped, my eyes looking up from my phone to see Akane. I gaped at her stunning appearance. Her hair was up in a ponytail, two hair ornaments crossed to hold the up-do together. She wore red lipstick, a light layer of blush and her eyes seemed extra bright. My eyes trailed down to her chest, noticing a hint of the dragon tattoo which seemed to be layered with makeup instead of magic. She wore a long purple gown that transitioned to black jewels at the bottom. I returned to her neck, noticing the hickey marks.

  “Akane...uh...I didn’t...” I began but couldn’t finish my words, trailing off as I blushed. She noticed my stare at her neck; her face burned red before she glanced away.

  “We were both a little drunk. were beyond drunk. You were on drunk-island, and I was tipsy. Your agent’s friend said you’re a kisser when you drink too much.” She confessed.

  I bowed my head. Fuck! Aurora! Serenity! Why didn’t you guys stop me? Oh god, poor Risuki. He’s gonna get revenge on me.

  “Because it was entertaining,” Aurora replied, seeming unconcerned.

  “In my own defense, I was asleep.” Serenity admitted.

  “I’m so sorry Akane. I didn’t think I’d get so drunk. I guess, the stress about the manuscript got to me.” I confessed, apologizing.

  “Ah, don’t worry. It was a fun experience. We should hang out more often.” She whispered the last part. I lifted my head to her wide smile; her cheeks still flushed.

  “She liked it.” Serenity whispered in astonishment.

  What? What do you mean she liked it?

  “She likes you, stupid,” Aurora grumbled.

  Hey. Don’t use that tone on me. And she can’t like me! I’m taken.

  “Your point?” She argued.

  You’re no help. I don’t date girls, you both know that.

  “Your sober side doesn’t date girls. Your drunk side is uncalled for.” Serenity replied, giggling with Aurora.

  I question my love for you two.

  “Where’s Alexander?” Akane asked.

  “Um. He said he had to meet with someone real quick. He shouldn’t take long.” I replied, looking around the crowded place.

  “Want me to wait with you?” Akane asked. I smiled, hooking my arm around hers.

  “Sure. Don’t you have a date?” I pondered. She shook her head.

  “Nope. Maybe that will change as the night goes on.” She remarked, tugging me forward towards the appetizers. I gulped, hoping Christian would be back soon.

  Forty minutes had gone by, and Christian had yet to return. I finished off my fifth wine glass, staring at the remnants with a frown. During the time, I’d texted Cece twenty times with no response, adding to my frustration. I knew she’d informed me this morning that she felt a tad better and would be around for the party tonight but I’d yet to see her and I was both pissed and worried. Maybe it was my drunk state causing me to be upset that I was sitting with Akane rather than with Christian or Cece. Either way, drinking and looking at my phone wasn’t helping with the built-up anger.

  “Irina. Are you sure Alexander is coming back? We can go look for him.” Akane proposed, her voice filled with worry.

  “I don’t know. He should have been back by now.” I whispered; my mind fuzzy. I shouldn’t have drunk so much. Maybe the alcohol is what’s making me uneasy?

  I stood up, wobbling on my feet. Akane hooked her arm around mine.

  “Why don’t we get some fresh air? It will help.” Akane encouraged. I nodded. The air would help clear my head.

  “I’m thinking of ditching the party after. Maybe if we don’t find Alexander, you’d want to come
with me?” Akane asked. I took a moment to think about it.

  “Back to your suite?” I questioned.

  “No, somewhere better. There’s a really beautiful resort island nearby. Some of the celebrities are leaving the party to go there. I wanted to go earlier before the rush you know? It would be nice to have company.” She admitted, glancing up at me. I stared into her eyes.

  “She’s serious.” Serenity announced.

  “It’s her escape route.” Aurora guessed.

  “If...if we don’t find where Alexander is. Can I at least get my things? Oh, and my cat.” I asked. She gave me a confused look.

  “You brought your cat?” She asked.

  “Ya. He has separation anxiety and hates when I leave him alone.” I confessed.

  “I heard that.” Risuki’s voice whispered in my mind.

  “Yes, you can bring him. Now, let’s try to find....” She began but trailed off, stopping in her tracks.

  “Akane?” I questioned, following her gaze to see Christian and Cece ahead.

  We stayed still, not wanting to disrupt their heated conversation - Cece’s eyes a bright silver.

  “I’m not doing this! She’s my best friend! You want this whole damn ship to fall apart? You’re fucking crazy.” Cece snarled. What are they talking about?

  “I don’t want to do this, too! You don’t get how much it’s hurting me! I can’t lose her. But I have to do this!” He argued. Lose me? Is that why he was so nervous before? My stomach flipped, my heart beating quickly as I tried to think properly. My mind felt foggy, making me confused as to why they were together.

  “Well, go find someone else to be your play toy! I’m out.” Cece turned ready to speed walk when Christian grabbed her, twirling her around.

  I opened my mouth to speak when I stopped; my eyes grew wide as I watched Christian kiss Cece. I blinked, thinking my eyes were seeing things. Cece fought his grip but he didn’t budge, pressing her against the rail of the ship.

  It took a minute before Cece kicked him in the balls.

  “I swear to Starlight, I’m gonna fucking kill you Chr—” Cece began but her eyes landed on mine.

  “Scar…” She mouthed. I blinked; tears rolled down my cheeks. Christian recovered from the blow, turning to see my face. Regret flooded his expression as he stared at me.

  “’s not...” He began but I didn’t wait; my body turned and darted as fast as my heels could carry me.

  “IRINA!” The three of them called out, but I didn’t care, using my speed for advantage as I darted through the ship.

  Calm down, calm down. There’s an explanation. Of course, there is. Christian would never betray me. They promised, all of them promised. They’ve been loyal the past six months...right? He wouldn’t do what Jake did. He wouldn’t...but how would I know. I was with Jake for five years and didn’t figure it out. Maybe Christian likes Cece? They’ve known each other for a long time. But wait...Cece’s with Vincent. Fuck! Dammit, I can’t think straight.

  I turned down the hall, ready to sprint down the path when a hand grabbed me, pulling me into a room. I called upon the flames; my burning back being pulled into an embrace.

  “Scar! Relax, it’s me.” Ethan tightened his embrace. I glanced up at him; his green eyes grew wide.

  “Christian...he...” I began but broke out in sobs.

  “Fuck, Scar, don’t cry. Listen, we don’t have much time. You need to drink something. It’ll help you think clearly.” He whispered, letting me cry on his shoulder. His phone began to ring. He cursed, lowering us to the ground and pulling me to cry into his chest while he pulled out his phone.

  “You better have a fucking good excuse, or I’ll make sure to kick your ass.” He snarled; his voice so low, I wondered if it was Ethan or his spirit.

  I heard shouting on the other side.

  “Seriously! Whose fucking idea was that? Of course, she upset! She’s not thinking straight. I think Akane must have put something in her drink. She wouldn’t react this way, especially during a mission. Just head to the other side of the boat. I’ll work on Scar.” Ethan yelled, hanging up the phone.

  He allowed me a few minutes to cry; my mind still fuzzy.

  “Scar love, listen. Whatever you drank while waiting for Christian had something in it! You’re not thinking clearly.” He whispered, soothingly rubbing my back.

  “He cheated. He promised he wouldn’t; he said he loved me. I should have listened to Akane and left with her. I hate him. You’ll all betray me.” I argued, pushing away from his chest to glare at him.

  He gave me a saddened expression, sighing before pulling a small bottle from his pocket; he pulled the cork off and stared into my eyes with determination.


  He poured the contents into his mouth, pulling me against him as his mouth locked onto mine – the sweet liquid entered my mouth. I tried to fight it, but he held me in place. I had no choice but to swallow the liquid; my body relaxed as I stopped fighting. He closed his eyes while continuing to kiss me; his tongue slipped into my mouth.

  We continued to passionately kiss, Ethan pushed me to the floor as he hovered over me; his hands around my wrists as we continued.

  A knock came from the door.

  “I swear to Starlight Ethan, stop making out with her and let me in!” Christian demanded.

  He pulled away, biting my lower lip softly before his eyes locked on mine as we tried to catch our breath.

  “We love you. All of us, including Christian. This was probably a part of Cyrus’ plan. Christian would never detour from you. And if he dares, I’ll make him regret not looking at only you.” Ethan declared.

  I calmed, the previous haze clouding my mind disappearing. Shit...what did I do?

  “Christian kissed Cece and you ran to the hills thinking he cheated on you.” Aurora disclosed.

  “Wait. What? Christian. Wait, he kissed Cece? Oh god, he’s a dead man.” I said out loud trying to imagine an angry Cece. No, better yet, Vinzent. Aww fuck, why did I react like this?

  “It was the drug. I didn’t sense it until it was already in your system, and we stopped to see Christian and Cece. I’m sorry.” Serenity apologized.

  “Something was in your drink. I bet Akane’s imposter tipped the bartender. You okay? Are you thinking clearly now?” Ethan whispered; his hand stroked a tear from my flushed cheek.

  “I...shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drink so much. Did I hurt anyone? Are you okay? Oh shit, Christian, oh double shit, Cece.” I rambled; I tried to sit but Ethan stopped me.

  “Lay down for a moment. That weird potion thing makes you dizzy by the taste of it when you move.” He revealed.

  “ETHAN OPEN THE MOTHER FUCKING DOOR, OR I’LL BREAK EVERY ELECTRONIC YOU OWN!” Christian yelled. He huffed, rolling his eyes.

  “Let’s see if I’m gonna feel like I’m on a Merry-Go-Round,” Ethan mumbled, wobbling to his feet. He struggled to get to the door, unlocking it.

  “Jeez, why I have to threat-shit! Ethan.” Christian began before catching Ethan.

  “Yup, totally makes you dizzy.” He groaned. Christian helped him back inside, locking the door with a spell before laying him down next to me.

  “What did you two do?” He questioned; his eyes landed on mine. I looked away, feeling ashamed of my reaction.

  “Scar. I’m sorry, I had to. It was the only way I could get Akane to think you’d ditch me and go with her. She’s searching for you. I’m sorry...just look at me please.” He whispered; his voice cracked.

  I quickly sat up, fighting the dizziness that assaulted my senses. Christian rushed to stabilize me; his hands on my shoulders. I used the opportunity to hug him tightly.

  “Dammit Christian. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to react that way. I...I just...I thought about how Jake...” I trailed off, tightening my embrace. He pulled me into his arms holding me tightly.

  “I know. I’m sorry. Jaxson told me to focus, but when I saw your face...I just couldn’t. I had
to make sure you knew I didn’t mean to. That I love you so fucking much.” He buried his head in my shoulder. We stayed still for a long moment, waiting for our racing hearts to calm down.

  “Guys. I know you’re having a heartfelt moment, and I don’t want to be the third wheel interrupting this amazing soap opera, but we need to get moving.” Ethan voiced, still lying down. I hadn’t noticed his hand was on my back till I turned to see him give us a small smile.

  “I told you to trust her dude. You never listen to me. And dare touch my electronics, and I’ll make sure no one can find your body.” He growled. Christian blinked, smirking.

  “You’re an ass when you’re mad you know that.” He mumbled.

  “Why don’t we try getting up? Junho should be enacting his role by now.” Ethan encouraged.

  “His role?” I questioned. Christian helped me up; his hand around my waist as I tested my balance. I gave him a quick nod before he went over to help Ethan. We gave ourselves an extra minute to ensure we wouldn’t feel dizzy before we made our way out the vacant room.

  “Where’s Akane?” I questioned.

  “She’s looking for you. She’s heading towards our suite.” Ethan replied; his eyes darted back and forth as he stared at his phone screen while his fingers rapidly tapped against the screen.

  “Can we get there before she gets there?” Christian asked.

  “We can shortcut through the ballroom. It’s perfect timing. We’ll know if Junho’s plan worked. Also, Scarlet…” Ethan turned to face me, pulling out a handgun and com device with an earpiece.

  “Can’t go stopping criminals without a weapon.” He smirked. I grinned, thanking him for taking the gun and applying the earpiece.

  “You forgot one thing, Ethan.” I disclosed.

  “What?” He asked.

  “I am a weapon.” I winked, kissing him quickly on the cheek followed by Christian before sprinting off, leaving them behind.

  “Dammit, Scar!” Christian called out. I took a deep breath as I turned the corner, heading for the ballroom.

  Time for payback.


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