Wanting the Neighbor's Daughter

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Wanting the Neighbor's Daughter Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She’d been open with him about everything. Talking about the guys at school and how she didn’t know how to approach him. Luke talked about his work with computers. He worked for his father and helped to stop viruses. At least that is what she deciphered from their conversation. Luke talked a lot of technology lingo, which she didn’t understand.

  After swimming, Luke fucked her by the side of the pool. Whenever he touched her she was ready for him again and again. She was becoming addicted to his touch and certainly his smile.

  They then spent the afternoon dancing around his home listening to his rock music. Dancing naked felt liberating to her. While dancing, Luke took her against the wall, his hard cock slamming inside her so deep she didn’t know where he ended or she began.

  He’d escorted her home to answer the call from her parents, and they’d made their way back to his home, hand in hand.

  Later that night they watched a movie, a chick flick, and Luke carried her to bed. There, he’d made love to her into the night. She didn’t know how she was going to go back to college. Her heart was already taken by Luke.

  How could she walk away? Luke made her happy, and she was in love with him. Their age didn’t matter. She suited him. Kimberly saw it in the way he looked at her, the way he reached out to touch her whenever he got the chance.

  “Good morning,” Luke said, leaning over to kiss her.

  “I didn’t know you were awake.” She turned on her stomach to look at him. His dark brown gaze stared back at her. Nibbling her lip she reached out to caress his face. “This has been the best weekend of my life.”

  He took her hand, kissing her inner wrist. “Then it doesn’t have to end.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She saw the uncertainty in his eyes. Her heart pounded against her chest. “I love you,” she said, taking a leap of faith. She didn’t know what she would do if he pushed her away.

  Luke cupped her cheek. “I love you, too. I don’t want this to end, Kimberly. I want you to be mine,” he said.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, Kimberly held him close.

  “I thought you didn’t do commitment.” Tears filled her eyes.

  “With the other women I was with, I didn’t. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with those women. They mean nothing to me. I don’t care about them, and I certainly don’t want them to be the mother of my children.”

  “Why me?” she asked.

  “You’re different.” He pressed her palm against his chest. “For so long you’ve been inside here, Kimberly. The woman you saw me fucking in my house the last time you were here, she was the last woman I was with. I got hard thinking about you. I want you, and I know I should go to hell for my thoughts, but I can’t stop it. I love you, and it will always be with you.”

  Cutting him off, Kimberly kissed him deeply. “Then I’m all yours. I don’t want anyone else, Luke. It has always been you. There is no one else.”

  “You’ll wait for me?”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?” Kimberly asked. The conversation was so surreal.

  “I’m not going to stop you going to college. Will you wait for me? No more men or women, if you’ve been experimenting.”

  Kimberly frowned. “No, I’ve not been experimenting with women.”

  “Okay, good. Wait for me. On the day you graduate we’ll go and get married. We’ll be together.”

  “Do you promise?” she asked.

  “Yes, I promise. Now and forever, you’ll be my girl.”

  She rolled him to his back and kissed him full on the lips. “Then I want you now.” Reaching over to the nightstand Kimberly grabbed a condom from the stand. Kissing him on the lips she moved down his body until she hovered over his erect flesh. His cock stood up, tempting her. She laid a kiss to the vein along the side of his shaft.

  Kimberly licked from the line and enclosed the tip of his cock into her mouth.

  “That feels good.”

  Sucking on his flesh she took him to the back of her throat and pulled up. Saliva covered the shaft where she’d taken him. Going down, she took more of him deep inside.

  “Fuck!” Luke cursed, his fingers tugging on her hair. “Enough. I don’t want to come inside your mouth.”

  Easing off his flesh she covered his cock with the latex. Crawling back up his body she waited for him to press the tip of his cock against her entrance.

  “Take me,” Luke said.

  Sinking onto the mushroom head of his cock, Kimberly took him deep into her body. They both moaned and gasped.

  “Come here.” Leaning down she went to him, pressing her lips against his.

  Luke took the advantage and rolled her to her back. “I’m the one in charge,” he said.

  “I’m waiting.”

  He sucked on her breasts. Kimberly ran her hands up his back marveling at the fact he was hers. Luke was all hers, and she never wanted to let him go. She loved him with her whole heart.


  Luke helped her into her costume and then placed his shirt over the top covering her. Cupping her face in his palms, he kissed her lips. “I love you,” he said. He felt good for putting his feelings out there.

  “I love you, too.”

  Together they walked through the gardens into her home. He didn’t want to leave her, but they’d decided to keep their relationship to themselves until her graduation. Her father wouldn’t accept him for his daughter. No one was good enough for Kimberly. Luke intended to use that time to appeal to her parents, especially her dad. He’d try to change their minds about his past and prove he was good for her.

  The women and the partying were over. Kimberly was his future.

  “I’ll miss you tonight,” he said.

  “I wish I could sneak over. Unfortunately, I’ve never been good at climbing or doing anything covert.” She let out a sigh, resting her head against his. “I wish I was with you as well. I hate lying to my parents. They deserve to know the truth.”

  “We can tell them if you want?”

  “No, I’ll leave it. I’m not ready to see my dad commit murder.” He heard the unhappiness in her voice, and he didn’t like it. Cupping her face he forced her to look at him.

  “We’ll do this however you want, Kimberly. I love you, and I’m not going to change. You own my heart,” he said.

  “How did you change so quickly?” she asked.

  “I didn’t. The thought of losing you was too much to bear. I’m being a selfish bastard. I should let you find your own way with a guy your own age.”

  She shook her head. “You’re the only man I want.” Kimberly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

  Taking her lips, Luke gave her everything. He plunged his tongue deep into her mouth relishing her soft moans and sweet body pressed against his.

  He was doing the right thing. Luke loved her with his whole heart and soul. There was no stopping his feelings. She was part of him.

  “You fucking bastard.” The sound of her father stopped their kiss. Kimberly was yanked away from him. Her parents must have arrived during the kiss. Fuck! Her father landed a punch right in his face. Luke took the punch.

  “Dad! Stop!” Kimberly screamed, but her mom held her back. Glancing at her, Luke saw the tears coursing down her cheeks.

  “You fucking bastard. She’s my daughter, and you sleep with everything. You preyed on my daughter. I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Holding his hand up, Luke gave her father his full attention. “It’s not what you think, Mr. Aston. I love your daughter.”

  Another punch landed to his face sending him sprawling. Kimberly was on him trying to help him. “Stop it, Dad. Leave him alone.”

  “Get out of my way.” Her father yanked her away.

  Luke used the time to get to his feet. He didn’t want to hurt her father.

  “How many times have you taken advantage of my daughter?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never taken advantage of her.”

/>   “You’ve used my daughter. I saw the way you were touching her.” The words and curses kept coming his way. When her father raised his fist once more, Luke reacted.

  “I love your fucking daughter, and once she’s graduated I’m going to marry her.” His words echoed off the wall. The only sound in the room was Kimberly’s whimpering.

  “What did you say?” her father asked.

  Luke wiped the blood away from his split lip. “I love Kimberly. I’ve loved her for a long time. I’ve never touched her before this weekend. I promise you, she was safe with me. I love her with my whole heart.”

  “I love him, too, Daddy.” Kimberly moved to his side. Luke wanted to pull her close and wrap himself in her scent. He held back waiting for her dad to calm down.

  “You love my daughter?”

  “Yes. I’d never let anything happen to her. You’ve got to believe me.”

  “Get out!”


  “I need to calm down, Kimberly. He has to go until I’m ready to deal with this.”

  Luke nodded. Kimberly turned in his arms. “Stay here. I’ll be waiting for him. I swear, I love you.” He kissed her quickly and retreated out the way he came.

  Her parents would never hurt her, and it was the only reason Luke walked away.

  He went back to his home. Checking out his reflection in the mirror he winced. The bruises were already swelling, and his face looked a mess. Grabbing a bag of peas from the freezer he sat down on the couch with a brandy in one hand, and with the other he covered his face.

  The time went by, and he waited. Her father entered several hours later.

  Luke didn’t get up to greet him. Watching the other man enter Luke tensed in case he had come to kill him.

  “Kimberly told me everything.”

  He doubted that.

  “She’s in love with you. If I don’t accept your relationship then I’ve got to lose my daughter.” Luke swallowed past the lump in his throat. This man clearly loved his daughter. “Kimberly is my only child. I love her completely. I didn’t expect to come home and find her wrapped in my neighbor’s arms.”

  “I didn’t plan this. You should know that. I respect you, Mr. Aston.”

  “Call me Victor for fuck’s sake. You’re going to be marrying my daughter one day.” Victor sat down on the chair in front of him.

  Taking a sip of his brandy, Luke wondered what had changed his mind. “Why are you accepting me? I know you want better for your daughter.”

  “What choice do I have? Kimberly has told me it’s either accept you or lose her. I can’t lose her. She’s my daughter, and I may not like this, but I love her. I won’t push her away because of it. She’s never fought over a guy before. You’re the first one to come between us.”

  “Thank you, Victor. I promise you, Kimberly will be taken care of. I love her.”

  “You’re letting her go to college and finish her nursing course?”

  “Of course, I love her for her. Nursing is something she’s wanted to do for a long time. I’m not going to take it away from her.” Luke poured his soon to be father-in-law a brandy. “I think you’ll need that.”

  Victor took the glass from him.

  “Just so you know, I’ll be trying to change her mind about you. You’re too old for her.”

  Luke shrugged. “I love her, and I’m not going to give her the chance to doubt me.”

  “Just as long as you understand it’s not personal. I want what is best for my daughter. I’m not going to cause waves, but I’m going to make sure she knows she has other options.”

  He accepted Victor’s words. There was nothing else he could do. Luke imagined if he had a daughter he’d do the same.

  They clinked glasses. It was the best compromise they could come up with.


  Three years later

  Kimberly smiled as her husband wrapped his hands around her waist. She and Luke had been married three weeks ago. He’d taken her away to Spain for their honeymoon, and they were finally home. She’d tried to get him to marry her sooner, but there was no budging him. He wanted her to finish college and get her qualifications to become a nurse before they committed. His actions made her love him so much more. Her stuff had been moved into his house over the last few months. Whenever she got a chance to visit her parents and Luke she’d moved stuff into his home a bit at a time. Luke made room for her in his home. She’d been touched by the effort he’d put into keeping her in his life.

  Over the last three years Luke had been dedicated to their relationship. He called her every day, and when she made it home he spent as much time with her as possible. She also loved her father dearly. He’d clearly struggled with her relationship with Luke. Kimberly tried to make it easier for him, but no matter what she did, he couldn’t get over his little girl getting married. One day her father had gone too far, and she’d stormed out of the house. He’d tried to get her to leave Luke. It was down to Luke to make her forgive her father. After that day, her father backed off.

  Luke had stuck to his promise. The day she graduated, he arranged for them to drive to a local church. Her father did give her away, and she was thankful. Anyone else giving her away would have hurt too much.

  “Are you pleased you’re back?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I start my training in a few weeks. I’m looking forward to getting to work.”

  “I’m so proud of you.” He kissed the top of her head as they looked over his garden. “I don’t think your dad is fond of me.”

  “At least he’s trying. You’ve got to give him credit for that.” She turned in his arms.

  “To him I’ll always be the guy who stole his daughter.” His hands teased under the silk robe she wore. Luke pulled her into his room. “I don’t want your father to see what I’m about to do to my wife.”

  They left the doors to the bedroom open but drew the curtains closed giving them privacy.

  “That sounds like a promise,” she said.

  Luke pushed the robe off her shoulder. Kimberly let the fabric fall to the floor. She only wore a lacy bra and thong. Stepping out on the veranda gave her some time to deal with everything that happened. She was a wife and would be training for her nurse’s position soon. Luke was her husband, and her parents … accepted him to a point.

  “It’s more than a promise. It’s a guarantee. You’re so fucking sexy.”

  Luke removed her bra and thong tugging her over to the bed. She pushed his robe away and tried to get him on his back. Luke was far stronger as he pressed her to the bed. Within seconds he had her on hands and knees and was inside her. Luke had undergone a full physical to prove to her he was clean. Kimberly hadn’t needed the piece of paper. She knew her man when he lied and didn’t.

  His naked cock felt good pressing inside her.

  She moaned, thrusting back against him. Luke slapped her ass stopping her from taking charge.

  He pulled out of her only to ram back inside. His thrusts were hard and relentless. Kimberly loved his blazing passion.

  “More,” she said, begging him.

  His grip tightened on her hips, and his thrusts were relentless. Luke rammed deep inside her taking her over and over again. She had no choice other than to accept his heated passion.

  “I love you,” he said. His fingers teased her clit, and Kimberly splintered apart within a few strokes. Luke’s growl echoed off the walls, and he collapsed over her as his cock pulsed cum inside her.

  They made their way to the center of the bed.

  “That was amazing,” he said, kissing her lips.

  She snuggled against him, happy.


  Luke watched his wife sleep. He couldn’t believe how much his life had changed since that weekend he first took her. She’d turned him into a different person. There were things he never thought he’d want in life. He especially looked forward to becoming a father. They were going to wait until after she’d settled down into work.

e wanted it all, kids, love, and his wife by his side throughout it all.

  Leaving the bed, Luke made his way down the stairs. A knock at the door made him pause. A robe was hanging on the coat stand near the door. His wife had spent many days naked, walking around the house. He’d placed a robe by the door in case of emergencies if someone was to knock.

  His wife was asleep, but it was still early. Checking through the peep hole, Luke saw her father on their door step. They lived next door to her parents. He was lucky to be alive. Luke expected her father to come in search of him with the intention of shooting him.

  “What’s the matter, Victor?” he asked.

  Victor looked at him and back at his own house. “Where’s Kimberly?”

  “She’s asleep. Do you want me to wake her?”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. Can I speak with you for a minute?”

  “Sure.” Luke opened the door wide enough to let him pass. He took Victor through to the kitchen and waited for him to speak.

  “I wanted to apologize,” Victor said. Her father declined a drink.

  “What do you want to apologize for?”

  “You’re good for my daughter. I see the way she responds to you, and in the last three years I’ve seen a change inside her. It’s down to you. She loves you, and for that, I wanted to say I’m sorry for the face punching.”

  “That was three years ago,” Luke said.

  “I know. I’ve been hoping my daughter would leave you. I see now you’re good for her. She loves you, and for that, I’ll accept you in her life.” Victor offered his hand for Luke to shake.

  “I really appreciate this, Sir.”

  “Don’t be. My wife reminded me what it was like to date her. Her father despised me and still does. We don’t visit him much, and I’d hate for that to happen with Kimmy.”

  Luke nodded.

  “I’m going to leave you two alone. Come around for Sunday lunch. We’ll be expecting you.”

  He saw his father-in-law out. “Do you hear it all?” he asked.

  Kimberly appeared from the stairwell. She was naked, and he was even more pleased her father hadn’t seen her. “Yes, I heard him.”


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