Wanting the Neighbor's Daughter

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Wanting the Neighbor's Daughter Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  She did as he said, standing up. Kimberly went to cover her breasts. Luke swatted her hands away. “No need to cover your nakedness around me.”

  Luke removed a foil packet from his pocket and placed it on the table. “I always come prepared.”

  In the next breath she took, he pushed the shorts he wore to the ground before taking a seat. “What do you think?” he asked, cupping his erect flesh.

  Her pussy burned with the need to be touched. Kimberly was more turned on than she ever thought possible. Licking her lips, she glanced at his face before returning her stare to his cock. “You want me?”

  “I do. Do you want me?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  He tore open the foil packet, and she watched in rapt attention as he covered himself. “Remove your costume, and come and get me.” The challenge was set.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m not going to force you, Kimberly. It’s up to you. If you want me, come here and take what you want.”


  Luke was being harsh. He knew he was, but in this day and age he couldn’t be too careful. Whatever was about to happen had to be Kimberly’s choice to make. He was ten years older than she and refused to make this decision for her. The first time they were together she would be in control. After then, everything else was fair play.

  Staring down the length of her body Luke felt a kick to his chest. Would he be able to survive his time with her? What would he do when she went back to college?

  Shaking off his thoughts he stared in amazement as she removed her costume. Her body was a thing of beauty. He adored her full curves, and her breasts were full and heavy. Sucking on them wasn’t nearly enough. He needed more from her, and this weekend he intended to have his fill of her.

  His feelings for her were irrelevant.

  “Do you like what you see?” she asked.

  “You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not, Kimberly. We’re here together. Be yourself. I won’t judge you. Be the woman I know you are.”

  The fake confidence left her. The woman standing before him was the woman he’d fallen for.

  “Come here,” he said. She stepped closer. “Open your legs, and stand over me.” Kimberly did what he said exposing her pussy to him. Staring into her eyes he eased a finger between her folds. Kimberly was dripping wet. “You want me.”

  “Always.” She licked her lips. “And I know you don’t want long term from me.”

  “What?” he asked. Luke kept fingering her pussy waiting for her to explain her words.

  “I’m not a fool. I know you’ll never settle down.”

  Her words hurt, but they were true to a point. “I’ve never found the right woman to settle down with, Kimberly. Don’t judge me on not falling for the right woman.”

  I think you’re the right woman.

  Luke teased her pussy, caressing her swollen clit. She moaned. Her hands were fisted at her sides.

  When she looked ready to orgasm he moved his fingers down to her tight cunt. Pressing one digit inside her, he felt how tight she was.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked.

  He filled her with a second finger. “I’ve not stopped. I’m making it last.”

  Pumping into her tight pussy Luke watched her response to his touch. Her stomach quivered, and her nipples were tight, hard buds begging to be sucked.

  He couldn’t wait a second longer to be inside her. Luke pressed a finger to her clit and watched her orgasm begin to build.

  “Come for me,” he said.

  Kimberly splintered apart. Her body tensed over him as he stroked her clit, prolonging her orgasm.

  Removing his hand from her clit, he guided her over his cock. Staring into her eyes Luke waited for her to lower over him.

  She took his cock inside her tight body slowly. Her tight walls fluttered around his cock.

  He returned his touch to her clit making her cry out and slam down on his cock. They both cried out. Their sounds got lost in the open space of the garden. The steaks sizzled on the barbeque, and the sun bore down on them. Luke didn’t care about anything other than the feel of Kimberly around him.

  “You’re big,” she said, gasping.

  “You’re tight, baby.” He took the finger he’d been stroking her pussy with and licked her cream off the digits. Luke moaned. “You taste good as well.”

  Sinking his hands into her golden locks, Luke pulled her close and took her lips in a searing kiss. He didn’t want her to be able to think about another guy again. Luke wanted her to only think about him with his kisses and cock.

  From his kiss alone her pussy tightened around him. “Is this what you want?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I want so much more, but for now this will do.” Her arms wrapped around his neck as she took his lips again.

  Gripping her hips, Luke eased her up his cock before tugging her down. His thrusts were hard, and Kimberly broke the kiss, groaning.

  “Harder,” she said.

  He thrust up to meet her as she slammed down on him. The sound of slapping flesh filled his ears and was combined with her moans.

  She gasped, whimpered, and dropped her head against his neck. Kimberly sucked on his neck as he fucked her. She fucked him with as much vigor, holding onto him tight.

  “Please, I want more.”

  Her words made him think of other things. Luke thought about the future and something more between them.

  Pushing the thoughts and hopes back he concentrated on the now. With Kimberly in his arms he didn’t care about the future. She was his future, and he shouldn’t be thinking about it.

  The orgasm started to build inside him. Fingering her clit, Luke was determined to bring her to a second orgasm wrapped around his cock.

  She found her orgasm within seconds of him touching her clit. Her cunt tightened around his sparking off his own release. He held her tight as she collapsed on him.

  “So, that’s what it’s like to have an orgasm with a guy?” she asked, panting.

  Stroking her hair, Luke closed his eyes fighting with the need to claim her for his own. “I told you it would be better.”

  Kimberly eased back to look down at him. Her grey gaze caught him and held him captive. There was something in her depths that he couldn’t decipher. “You did.” She leaned down, brushing her lips against him. “Want to go again?”

  Yep, she would be the death of him, but Luke also feared she’d be the one woman to hurt him deeply.

  Luke didn’t know when it started but he’d fallen in love with his neighbor’s daughter.

  Chapter Three

  Kimberly rested her head on Luke’s shoulder. Her gaze wandered over to the barbeque. “I think you’ve cooked the steaks,” she said.

  He chuckled. “I hope you don’t mind well done steaks?” he asked.

  “I don’t mind.” Luke didn’t make any move to leave her. His arms banded around her like an iron grip. Didn’t he want to leave her either?

  “I suppose I better check on them.” He eased out of her body. She watched him remove the used condom and waited as he padded inside. Her mind was too jumbled up to try to dress.

  She didn’t bother to cover her nakedness when Luke walked out still naked. He carried two plates. Kimberly watched him serve the steaks in a couple of buns, and he walked over.

  “Sorry about the burn. I was preoccupied.”

  Heat filled her cheeks at his comment.

  “What’s with the blush? Are you embarrassed to have been with an older man?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not used to this.”

  “To what?”

  “The after thing. Brad, the guy I was with, I left his dorm immediately afterward. I wasn’t interested in repeating the experience that night,” she said. The truth was she’d not wanted to curl up beside him and go to sleep. He’d been shocked by her. She’d heard the rumors going around about her at college. Kimberly had been the first girl to distance he
rself from Brad.

  “Then don’t worry. We’re not strangers, and I’m not some college kid.”

  She nodded, taking a bite of her steak sandwich. Even though the meat was well done, her mouth still watered for a taste.

  “So, what did you have planned for your weekend free of your parents?” he asked.

  Kimberly shrugged. “I was going to swim, sunbathe, and read. When I go back to college I’ve got tests to study for.”

  “Do you want to stay over here with me?” he asked.

  “What?” She gazed up at him to see him staring back at her.

  He leaned forward and teased his fingers up her thigh. She gulped down the sandwich and stared at him. “You know I want you, Kimberly. Your parents are away, and if you want more of me, stay here. What do you want?”

  “I want more of you.” She wanted so much more from him than the weekend. Her feelings for him were starting to become a problem. She thought about him constantly. Not a moment went by when he wasn’t in her thoughts. At college, between classes she found herself thinking about him and wondering what he was doing.

  “You’re going to stay with me?” he asked.

  “Yes, do I need to get some clothes?”

  “I don’t think you’ll be needing clothes while you’re here.” He took her hand, and they ate their food in silence. Her pussy tightened and flooded with warmth as she recalled what it felt like to be with him.

  Once they’d finished their food, Luke led her through to his house. She’d been inside his house numerous times. This time was different. She was going inside his house as his woman.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this. I never thought you wanted me like this.”

  Luke pulled her close stopping her from saying anything more.

  “I think you need to get used to me.” He pressed his lips against hers, and once again she was lost to his touch. “Come with me,” he said.

  Luke led her up his wide stair case. She kept hold of his hand as he made his way to the top floor.

  He opened the door on the far bedroom. “This is my room,” he said. There was a wide circular bed dominating the whole room. Along the far doors there was a set of doors that would open up on to a veranda of sorts and overlooked the small village.

  The décor was simple, white walls and a deep blue carpet. There were no feminine touches.

  “Is this where you bring all your conquests?” she asked, sitting on the end of the bed. The desire to cover her nakedness was strong. She refrained and sat on her hands stopping the temptation.

  “No, I don’t.”

  He sat beside her. Luke grabbed her calf and pulled her leg over his thigh.

  “I find that hard to believe,” she said, being honest.

  “The women I bring home I fuck downstairs or in the guest bedroom. I never bring them here. This is my personal space.”

  “Why me?” she asked, staring at where he stroked her calf.

  “You’re different.” He paused, and she glanced at his face. “You’re special to me.”

  The tension built in the room. Kimberly didn’t know what to say or do. Smiling at him, she let out a forced laugh. “I’m special to you?”

  He nodded. “I’m different around you.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” She pushed the hair off her face gazing around the room. This was his personal space, and he felt she was different from his other women. She believed him when he said he’d never brought another woman to his room.

  “Then don’t say anything.” He took hold of her chin and held her still. “And let me show you a good time.”

  Luke pressed his lips against hers, and she felt his tongue seeking entry. She opened to him. There was no chance of denying him. Kimberly wanted him badly. He eased her back on the bed.

  Kimberly followed him until she lay in the center and was surrounded by his body. Her took hold of her hands and pressed them beside her head. He held her trapped against his body and the bed.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, breathless.

  Luke kissed her once again. “I’m going to do something I haven’t done in a long time,” he said.

  “Which is?”

  “I’m going to make love to you.”


  Luke kissed her lips before moving down to the top of her breasts. He nipped and sucked at her flesh, taking each bud into his mouth and then nibbling his way to her belly button. She moaned, her hips rising off the bed. Her fingers gripped lengths of his hair. He wanted her hands all over his body.

  Her legs opened wide, and he stared down at her creamy wet pussy. Kimberly’s pussy was covered in a small thatch of blonde curls. He knew she was a natural blonde from the color of her hair. Opening her lips wide he stared at her glorious swollen clit. Her cream leaked out of her entrance and called to him to lick.

  She was so wet and responsive that Luke could deny her nothing. The woman in his arms meant too much to him.

  He pushed two fingers inside her dripping wet cunt at the same time covering her clit with his lips. Luke sucked her clit into his mouth and nibbled on the tight bud.

  Gazing up Luke watched her thrash about on his bed. The pleasure was clearly too much for her. He released her clit only then to lick from where his fingers were buried in her body and up to circle her nub.

  “Have you ever had your pussy licked?” he asked.

  “No. Never.” Her words came out in a pant and were followed by a sigh.

  He’d make sure she never forgot this moment.

  Luke licked, stroked and sucked on her clit. He paid careful attention and tried not to unleash his hunger for her. She moaned, and her body tightened. Her cunt tightly gripped him letting him know she was close.

  She erupted, sitting up on the bed as he drew the climax from her. He brought her down from her climax and moved up the bed. Luke pressed her back and covered her body with his.

  “Fuck, I need a condom.” He reached into the cabinet beside his bed, pulled out a condom and quickly placed it over his raging erection.

  Kimberly didn’t say a word. He gripped his shaft and pressed the tip to her aching cunt. In one smooth thrust, Luke was inside her to the hilt. They were naked, and she was in his bed. Staring down at her, he gazed at the length of her hair covering his pillow. This is how he’d been dreaming of Kimberly, in his arms and in his bed.

  She wrapped her legs around his back holding on tight. He’d never let her go. Luke knew he couldn’t walk away from her. Living next door watching the guys her own age drool over her was more than enough for him.

  Slamming deep inside her Luke stared into her eyes. She didn’t close her eyes or shut him out. Kimberly was with him every step of the way.

  He increased his thrusts, going deeper still. Luke gripped her hips refusing to rush. This was the loving he’d wanted between them. Nothing mattered, not their ages or the fact she was his neighbors’ daughter.

  All he ever wanted was with the woman inside his arms.

  Taking his time, Luke drew out her pleasure making her climax a couple more times before finding his release inside her body. “You’re perfect,” he said.

  They lay together on his bed wrapped in each other’s arms. The sun was setting outside, but the heat of the day still lay between them.

  “I’m going to have to go home. My dad will freak out if I don’t answer the phone,” she said.

  “I’ll come with you.” He handed her a shirt big enough to cover her delectable body. After donning a pair of shorts, he followed her through the back garden and into her house. The phone was ringing as she entered.

  “Hello?” He watched her as she spoke to her parents.

  “Yeah, I was in the shower. No, you don’t need to come home. You and Mom need this. Please, stop thinking about me and think about yourself.”

  Turning away from her, Luke glanced at all the pictures of her along the walls and dotting the fireplace. She was an only c
hild. Her parents were unable to have more children after her. He picked up the photo that was taken with her parents on her eighteenth birthday. Luke had been the one to take the photo. Kimberly looked happy and was smiling.

  “Are you regretting being with me?” Kimberly asked. The call with her parents had ended.

  “No. I was just remembering the day of your eighteenth birthday.” She took the photo and placed it back on the shelf.

  “You shouldn’t be concerned about my folks or my age. I’m a big girl, a woman in my own right. Please, don’t start to feel guilty.”

  How did she know what he was thinking?

  “You’re with me because you want to be?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’ve wanted you for a long time, Luke.”

  He took her hand, and after she locked her house Luke escorted her to his home.

  “I think it’s time I fed you,” he said.

  Her stomach grumbled, agreeing with him.

  They ate some chicken salad outside and stared up at the stars. They had changed. Luke knew that. There was no way she could go back to being Blondie or Kimberly.

  “Have you ever thought about settling down?” she asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

  “A couple of times I’ve thought about it. The women I’ve dated were not for the long term.” He took the plate from her hands and pulled her onto his lap. She wore the shirt he’d given her to cross the garden into her own. “What do you see after college?” he asked.

  “I see nursing and I’m hoping a family. I want to be a wife and a mother one day.”

  “You’ll be perfect at both.” He only wished he could make her be his in all things.

  Chapter Four

  Kimberly woke up Sunday morning and felt Luke wrapped around her. One arm was across her stomach, and she lay on the other, but he still managed to cup one of her breasts. She snuggled in deep and knew it was their last day together. Her parents were due back that evening, and her dad had promised to drive her back to college on Monday. Yesterday had been one of the best days of her life. She’d woken up in Luke’s arms, and he’d made love to her in the morning. They’d made it down to breakfast at ten and then spent the rest of the morning in the pool talking to each other.


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