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Royally Wild (Crazy Royal Love Romantic Comedy Book 2)

Page 29

by Melanie Summers

  I look into Arabella’s eyes. “Shall we?”

  “Oh yes, we shall.”

  I dance her toward the doors to the terrace that have been opened to let the cool air in. Before we can get out, King Winston stops us with a very serious expression on his face. “I see you two are back together.”

  My heart pounds, and I’m filled with a sense of dread as I let go of Arabella and turn to face him.

  He lets his face relax into a grin and holds out his hand. “Good show. You’re clearly a man of integrity and solid character, William—something you more than proved in how you handled that nasty business with the show.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I say, shaking his hand. “I want you to know, I’d do anything for Arabella.”

  “Thank you,” he says with a small bow. “You saved us from a great deal of unnecessary grief. The circle of people we can trust is a small one, but I’m glad to know my daughter has picked someone who can be in that group.”

  “Great chat, Dad, but Will and I were just leaving,” Arabella says. “Will has to be on a plane in about twenty hours, so…”

  He narrows his eyes, clearly knowing why we’re sneaking out early. Giving me a steely look, he says, “Just make sure you come back. Arabella is absolutely miserable without you.”

  I chuckle. “I promise.”

  Arabella tugs my arm, and we step outside together into the chilly night air. “Is this the way to your place?”

  Arabella laughs. “Not really, but let’s take the scenic route anyway.”

  Snow softly falls as we hold hands, and she leads me in the general direction of her apartment.

  Soon the sound of the music fades, and the clicking of her heels on the stones fills the silence. She shivers a little, and I take off my jacket and put it on her shoulders. “Are you sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable walking through the palace rather than around it?” I ask.

  She stops and looks up at me. “I’m done with comfortable. From now on, I want to take the more adventurous path.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.”


  The Part Where the Guy Takes the Princess’s (Morning) Breath Away…


  I wake with a smile, even though I haven’t exactly spent much of the night sleeping (wink, wink). The sun is up, and I turn to face Will, only to find his side of the bed empty. Huh, that’s not what I was hoping for, but I’m sure it’s fine. He’s probably in the loo.

  I sit up in bed, trying to fix my hair with my hands, hoping I’ll look sort of sexy and dishevelled, but then I notice the door to my en suite is open. And as much as I love this man, we are not going to be one of those super-relaxed, open couples who do everything together. I’m just not built that way.

  “Will?” I call, but he doesn’t answer. His flight doesn’t leave until six this evening, and there’s no way I slept that long. Nope, it’s only eleven.

  A second later, I hear the main door to my apartment open, and I hear him humming. A wave of relief washes over me as he strolls through the door with a paper bag from a bakery in town in one hand and a tray holding two coffees in his other one. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

  I grin at him as I watch him cross the room. “Good morning to you.”

  “Did you know there is the greatest Viennese bakery one block from Dwight’s place?”

  “I did not.”

  “It’s true” he says, setting the bag down on my lap and taking off his puffy vest. “They have these delicious little crepes filled with apricot jelly.”

  “Palatschinkens?” I ask, suddenly very excited.

  “I have it on good authority that you’ve been known to enjoy a good palatschinken from time to time.”

  “Gran told you that?”

  “I ran into her on my way out this morning. She was just getting in,” he says with wide eyes. “What would you say to breakfast in bed?”

  “I’d say a resounding yes.”

  He leans in for a kiss, but I block him with one hand over my mouth. “Morning breath. I’ll be right back.”

  Hurrying across the room in my bare feet, I close the door and quickly brush and rinse with mouthwash whilst running a comb through my hair, even though it’s useless because it’s stiff with hairspray and completely knotted up from all the sex. Whatever. He’s seen me look much worse.

  When I walk out, he’s got our breakfast set out in their cartons. Mine is on a tray, and next to the pancakes, is the small black velvet box I should have opened the first time. Honestly, it’s been killing me, wondering what the ring looked like. If it is a ring, that is. Maybe I misread that. Maybe it’s a key to Dwight’s place.

  My heart pounds, stirring all sorts of huge, fabulous emotions in my chest as I walk across the room to him. I point to the box, and he nods.

  “Since the cheesecake didn’t work. I figured maybe Viennese pancakes would do the trick. But is it too quick?” he asks, looking concerned. “Should I put it back and try again in a few months?”

  “No!” I shout, then I cover my mouth with both hands and laugh at myself. “I mean, now is just fine.”

  He picks up the box and stands, then gets down on one knee in front of me. He tilts his head and smiles at me, his face filled with love and hope and just a hint of fear. My muscles tingle with excitement, and I’m ready to say yes, but I wait, knowing he needs to do this his way. He takes my left hand in his and grips it gently.

  “I thought I had it all before I met you, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. You’re everything I didn’t know I needed. I love you with my whole heart, and not just because you’re beautiful inside and out. I love you for your generous spirit and your kindness and the way your heart breaks when you hear about anyone anywhere on the planet having a rough go. I love how fun you are and how serious you can be. I love it when you get that determined look on your face, and I know you’re going to manage to do whatever it is you’re setting your mind to. I love the way you laugh and the way you smile and the way you speak. And…well, I could go on all day, but our breakfast’ll get cold.”

  “We can’t have that,” I say, grinning through my tears. I take a deep breath, then kneel down so we’re both on our knees. “I thought it only right that I meet you halfway,” I whisper.

  “That’s because of your giant sense of justice,” he says, and we both laugh.

  “It’s a big draw, isn’t it? Men can never seem to resist my sense of justice.”

  Chuckling, he gives me another kiss, then tucks a lock of my wild hair behind my ear. “Well, they’re going to have to because I intend to keep you to myself forever.”


  “I do.”

  “Then so do I,” I say, reaching for his face and holding it in both hands. “Yes, I will marry you.”

  I lean forward, letting our lips touch, then I stop. “That is what you were about to ask me, yes?”

  “Yes, I was.” He gives me a long kiss.

  I pull back a little and say, “You were trying to think of my entire name, but you couldn’t remember it all, could you?”

  “Maybe,” he says. “But I promise I’ll memorize all twelve middle names before the wedding.”

  “It’s only eight.”

  “Let’s make it nine.”

  “You mean add Banks to the end?” I ask.

  “If you want,” he says with a shrug. “Totally your call. It’s your name.”

  Grinning at him, I say, “I think I’d like that, but first, can I see the ring?”

  “Oh that,” he says, pretending he forgot about it. “Sure.”

  He lets go of me and opens the box. I let out a real gasp because that is one absolutely incredible, knicker-melting rock. Tears fill my eyes and when I look back up at Will, I can see his eyes are glistening too. “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” I whisper as he slides the ring on my finger and tosses the box over his shoulder.

  I sob out happy tears, and we kiss some more.

  Oh, and now he’s pulling me onto the floor with him and I’m pretty sure our pancakes are going to get cold…

  Epilogue - A.K.A. The Part When the Guy Returns After Freezing His Junk Off in Greenland for a Month…


  One Month Later

  “There he is!” I shout at Bellford, who is standing close enough to me that I really needn’t shout. But can you blame me? The love of my life just walked through the arrivals section of the airport, where I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever while Christmas tunes play over the speaker. I got here stupidly early just in case the plane landed ahead of schedule.

  Will is walking next to Amanda, who notices me first. A pang of jealousy hits, but then she punches him on the arm the way I would to Arthur. She points at me and grins. Huh, I think I’m actually going to like her.

  Fuck it. It’s not at all regal, but I’m running. He drops his bag and rushes toward me with his arms out, and when we meet up, he lifts me in the air and spins me around while I crush his mouth with mine.

  “God, I missed you,” he says, squeezing me tight, then letting me slide down his body until my boots touch the floor.

  “I missed you too,” I answer. “So much.”

  I notice someone standing next to us, and when I look over, I see Amanda, who is carrying Will’s bag as well as her own. I let go of Will and hold out my hand. “Arabella. Lovely to see you again.”

  “You too,” she says with a grin. “I feel like I know you, on account of this guy talking about you non-stop for the last thirty days.”

  I chuckle, feeling more thrilled about that than I probably should. Dropping my voice, I look back and forth between them. “So, I know you’re not allowed to say anything before the show airs, but you can tell me. You won, didn’t you?”

  They grin at each other, and I scream, then cover my mouth.

  Will gives me a wide-eyed look. “We’re not allowed to talk about it.”

  “Of course not,” I say, doing my best to look very serious. “I shouldn’t have asked. But you did, didn’t you? Just the slightest nod. Or…wink once. You can’t make me wait, Will. Honestly, I really must know.”

  “Sorry, rules are rules,” he says with a shrug.

  My shoulders drop, and I say, “Seriously? You’re not going to tell me?”

  Amanda and Will are doing their best to hide their smiles, then she winks at me.

  “You did!” I whisper-yell and do a quick fist pump, then quickly recover. “Sorry, that wasn’t at all discreet.” I link arms with the two of them and start walking them to the front doors.

  Bellford gives me a ‘did they win?’ look.

  I wink at him. A slow smile spreads across his face as he leads us out.

  “Come on, you two,” I say as Norm opens the door. “Let’s go celebrate your…” I look around, then say, “return,” in a loud voice.

  Will laughs at me. “Good thing you’re not with the secret service.”

  “For the best, really,” I answer.

  Once we’re all tucked in the back of the limo, they high five each other and start telling me all about their victory, both of them talking over each other. I listen and laugh with them, sharing in their happiness, knowing that this is how it’s going to be with Will and me. Sometimes we’ll be apart, but no matter how far, we’ll always be together in our hearts. And I know that’s sappy, but it’s true. Because it takes a woman who is totally secure with who she is to love a man like Will Banks. And I am that woman. I’m Arabella—Princess of Avonia, Duchess of Bainbridge, UN Ambassador, and soon to be Mrs. Banks. And I’ve found exactly the right man who can handle a woman who wants to be all of those things. And together, we’re going to have it all…

  The End

  Want more Will and Arabella?

  Royally Tied is coming soon. Pre-order now so you won’t miss a word!

  Coming Soon


  Royally Tied

  A Crazy Royal Love Romantic Comedy, Book 3

  Don't miss the heartwarming, laugh-out-loud conclusion of the Crazy Royal Love Romantic Comedy Trilogy …

  After a whirlwind romance that has taken them all over the globe, rugged survival expert Will Banks and Princess Arabella of Avonia are getting ready to take a trip down the aisle.

  Planning the perfect wedding isn’t easy at the best of times, so when you include two families who couldn’t be more different, tensions are bound to run high. The last thing they need is a surprise guest with a shocking secret that will rock the royals to their diamond-encrusted cores.

  With one hilarious disaster after another ruining their plans, Will and Arabella must figure out how to pull it all together in time to say ‘I do.’

  Brimming with swoon-worthy romance, seriously funny shenanigans, and an unforgettable cast of characters, Melanie Summers is sure to make you laugh out loud and believe in love.



  A Note From Melanie

  I hope you enjoyed the beginning of Will and Arabella’s adventures. I hope you laughed out loud, and the story left you feeling good. If so, please leave a review.

  Reviews are a true gift to writers. They are the best way for other readers to find our work and for writers to figure out if we’re on the right track, so thank you if you are one of those kind folks out there to take time out of your day to leave a review!

  If you’d like to find out about my upcoming releases, sign up for my newsletter on

  All the very best to you and yours,


  About the Author

  Melanie Summers lives in Edmonton, Canada, with her husband, three kiddos, and two cuddly dogs. When she's not writing, she loves reading (obviously), snuggling up on the couch with her family for movie night (which would not be complete without lots of popcorn and milkshakes), and long walks in the woods near her house. Melanie also spends a lot more time thinking about doing yoga than actually doing yoga, which is why most of her photos are taken ‘from above’. She also loves shutting down restaurants with her girlfriends. Well, not literally shutting them down, like calling the health inspector or something. More like just staying until they turn the lights off.

  She’s written fourteen novels (and counting), and has won one silver and two bronze medals in the Reader’s Favourite Awards.

  If you’d like to find out about her upcoming releases, sign up for her newsletter on




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