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Rescue from Darkness

Page 22

by Bonnie Vanak

  For a long time after they lay in each other’s arms, drowsing. She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring. Or if they would find Anna. But for now Belle was content to live in the moment.

  Chapter 20

  In the morning Kyle received a phone call that Jesse Dugin was in custody.

  Kyle kissed her a swift goodbye, his blue gaze serious. “Even though we have him, be careful, Belle. Stay here if you can, and if you must leave, check in with me at all times.”

  She kissed him back. “No worries. I plan to call in sick and lounge around your house. Maybe catch up with some light reading.”

  “Medical textbooks?” he asked, his tone light and teasing.

  When he kissed her again and left, Belle couldn’t stop thinking about the loss of Mike Patterson and his connection to the case.

  Something else Mike had said before he died nagged at her. Mike indicated that Anna was perfectly safe, but whoever had taken her planned to ship her out of the country.

  Mike might have been a lot of things, but she knew he’d never hurt a child. Or participate in any criminal act involving a child. People did change, but Belle believed with all her heart that no matter how desperate for cash, Mike would never aid a kidnapping if the child would end up sexually abused.

  No information had come out of questioning the women at the farmers market, Kyle had told her. The three workers had been tight-lipped. But maybe they would talk to her, as opposed to a federal agent...

  Minutes later, showered and dressed in jeans, a long-sleeved baseball shirt and with her blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, she was out the door.

  Belle took an Uber to the market. When she arrived, it was barely eight o’clock and only a few people frequented the stands. She walked to the tomato-and-cucumber kiosk.

  The three Latina women smiled at her as she approached. Belle purchased a bag of tomatoes, admiring the rich red fruit. Belle breathed in the smell of fresh fruit and vegetables and fresh air.

  “Are you Carmen, Rosa’s friend?” she asked the youngest woman.

  The two others, red bandannas over their graying hair, paused and stared as Carmen nodded. A volley of rapid-fire Spanish followed.

  “I am not with the authorities,” Belle told her in the same language. “I’m only trying to help Rosa find Anna, safe and alive.”

  Belle pulled a business card from her wallet and handed it to Carmen. “I’m a doctor. My name is Belle North. I work at the clinic.”

  Carmen relaxed, though the two others still tensed.

  “You told the FBI agent who came to the trailer park that Rosa used to work with you cleaning houses. Surely she revealed a little of her personal life to you. You were friends.”

  Silence. Carmen fiddled with arranging the fruit.

  “I know Rosa left her home because she couldn’t pay the rent.” Belle asserted. “But she paid for the tent at the park in cash and the clothing they found at the tent was expensive. Anna looked well-fed.”

  “Yes,” Carmen finally admitted.

  “Carmen, don’t say another word,” one woman admonished.

  “Auntie, hush,” Carmen replied. “We have to help Rosa. This lady can help her.”

  “I can. I only want to find Anna. What can you tell me about Rosa? Anything you can share will help us in the search for Anna.”

  “Rosa, she didn’t leave the trailer because she couldn’t pay the rent. She ran away because she was scared,” Carmen admitted. “She told us she was running away from legal people and had to keep moving and keep hiding or they would find her.”

  “Running from the law? From police?”

  The woman shook her head, making her black curls bounce. “No, no. Rosa had no problems with the law. Not afraid of police. She was afraid of Anna’s father.”

  The mysterious father. Belle suspected the man was behind all of this.

  “Did he threaten Rosa?”

  “Yes. He’s powerful man, has the law on his side,” Carmen insisted.

  Understanding flashed through her. “The court system. Rosa was afraid a judge would take Anna from her and give full custody to her father.”

  All three women nodded. “Rosa said that family wanted Anna. She had to quit her good job with the wealthy family and run away with Anna to hide her. Anna’s father wanted her.”

  “Who is Anna’s father?” Belle pressed.

  Carmen frowned. “Rosa was afraid to say his name. She wouldn’t tell us.”

  She started to ask more, but customers began flocking at the stand, and Carmen clammed up.

  No further information would be forthcoming from the trio. Yet this was encouraging news. More than Kyle had managed to coax out from these women.

  Anna’s kidnapping might not have been to hurt her. What if it was a custody battle and Anna’s real father snatched her away?

  Could Anna’s father be Mike Patterson?

  It made sense. Mike talked about wanting to have a family. He wasn’t judicious in his affairs with women, and perhaps he’d had a fling with Rosa, resulting in Anna. And when Anna showed up at the clinic, bam!

  Clutching the plastic bag of tomatoes, she took an Uber back to her house to get her car. Belle kept musing over what Carmen said.

  Rich, powerful man.

  Rosa feared him.

  Anna liked gourmet food. Beef tenderloin with chipotle sauce. Where else would Anna taste such exotic food?

  If Rosa worked for Mike, and he served dinners like that...

  Beef tenderloin with chipotle sauce. They had the same menu at this year’s fund-raising gala in Estancia Pointe for the clinic!

  Mike had been there, of course. Maybe Rosa was a server. She didn’t remember her, but she remembered the menu.

  She had to talk with Rosa.

  * * *

  Sometime later, the nurse admitted her to Rosa’s room. In her bed, Rosa sat up, watching television. Kyle had stopped by earlier to question her now that she was fully awake. Terrified of authorities, she’d refused to speak further with the police, the nurse told her. Only Belle had coaxed any information out of her.

  They were moving her today from ICU into a regular room. Kyle had assigned a full-time police officer to guard her since security was less strict on that floor.

  When she entered Rosa’s room, the woman shut off the television and stared at her with wide eyes.

  “Hi. Rosa. It’s good to see you awake. I’m Dr. North, the doctor who treated Anna,” she said in Spanish.

  “I know,” Rosa replied in the same language.

  “Dr. Patterson is dead, Rosa. He can’t hurt you anymore or take away Anna.”

  Rosa shook her head violently. “No. It’s not safe. I can’t tell you,” she said.

  “Who are you afraid of? I promise, we can protect you.”

  “No one can protect me. She has too much money. Did you find Jesse?”

  “Yes, he’s locked up and will never hurt you again. Why were you with him, Rosa?”

  Rosa looked away. “He had money. I needed money to get away. Where’s my Anna?”

  “The FBI won’t give up until Anna is found. But you have to tell us what you know.”

  Rosa compressed her lips. Her eyes darted back and forth as if expecting ghosts to emerge from all corners of the room.

  “Did you work for Dr. Patterson? Is that how you found the clinic?”

  The woman said nothing.

  “Dr. Patterson was a friend of mine. He’s dead, Rosa. If he is the one who threatened you, he can’t hurt you anymore.”

  Tears filled the woman’s eyes. “I wish I had never gone to your clinic in the first place. But I had no money and needed birth control pills.”

  Belle handed her a tissue to wipe her eyes. “You were serving at the fund-raiser for the clinic this year at Estancia Pointe, at the gold
ballroom with the crystal chandeliers. You brought home a plate of leftover beef with chipotle sauce for your daughter. Anna loved it.”

  Wide-eyed, Rosa stared. She’d hit on a vein of truth. Belle continued. “You knew Dr. Patterson from somewhere, and you worked for a company that hired you to serve at the event. Who hired you, Rosa?”

  Stomach churning, she leaned closer. “Is your real name Rosa or something else?”

  The woman’s body trembled. “Something else. Same as rich people’s cars.”

  She racked her brain for Spanish names. “Mercedes?”

  A startled blink. Bingo.

  “Mercedes, who is scaring you so much? I’m sure that person is hiding Anna.”

  “Please,” the woman whispered. “Find my Anna.”

  Belle leaned down, touched her hand. “We are trying everything. I promise you’ll be protected. Who are you afraid of?”

  Nothing. She tried again.

  “Mercedes, I’m sure your family is worried about you. Do you want me to contact them for you?”

  The woman’s eyes filled with tears. “They don’t care,” she said in Spanish. “I left them when I was eighteen.”


  “They tried to force me into going to Chile to marry someone I didn’t love.”

  “Your entire family is in Chile?”

  Mercedes nodded. “I was born here when my parents lived in Florida. They’re...wealthy. They moved back to their home country, but I grew up in Florida and didn’t want to move back. Or get married.”

  “You do understand and speak English,” Belle said slowly.

  Mercedes nodded. “I’m sorry, Dr. Belle,” she said in English. “I didn’t mean to lie to you. But my Anna means everything to me. And I’m so scared of losing her.”

  “Then help me find her. Who is her father? Was it Dr. Mike?”

  Mercedes’s mouth wobbled. “You won’t help me. Not if you knew.” The woman closed her eyes. “Go away. I’m tired.”

  “I will help you. I promise,” Belle protested.

  Nothing. Frustrated, Belle left the room and headed downstairs.

  In all likelihood, Mike must have had an affair with Mercedes in the past, and the result was Anna. Maybe she worked for Mike as a maid. With the long hours at the clinic, and his gambling habit, Mike might have grown lonely for female company.

  But it didn’t add up. Anna was six years old. Why threaten to take Anna away now? Unless Mike hadn’t known of her existence until recently.

  And how did Jesse Dugin come into the picture? If Dugin murdered Mike, why attack me? Why am I a threat?

  Everything was conjecture. The only clue she had was the fund-raising gala. Mercedes had been there.

  Mindy Worthington had chaired the event. Her mother’s friend would know exactly what caterer they used to serve the food.

  Outside the hospital, she called Kyle. He answered on the first ring. “Hi, Doc.”

  Warmth pulsed through her at the sexy drawl of his deep voice. Forget about trying to remain impartial. She’d fallen head over high heels for this man.

  Not that it would go anywhere. She had a career. And Kyle couldn’t seem to move beyond his past.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” she said softly. “Any progress?”

  “Dugin was trying to leave the country at the Miami airport, just as I thought. Homeland Security caught him, and Miami police are transporting him now up here. Should arrive in the next hour.”

  That meant Kyle was stuck at the police station. He would use all his powers of persuasion to coax information out of Jesse.

  Belle relayed what she’d found out. “I think this is more a custody issue than any other kind of kidnapping. Rosa is afraid of Anna’s father. Rosa’s real name is Mercedes. I’m sure she changed it because she was running away. She has a wealthy family in Chile but ran from them when she was eighteen. She had to have worked for the caterer hired for the annual clinic gala. Soon as I find out who that was, I’m going to call them and talk to the owner.”

  A heavy intake of breath. “Be careful, Doc. Some of those companies pay under the table and don’t like anyone snooping around.”

  “I’m not snooping. I’ll ask about Mercedes because she was a hard worker and I’m interested in hiring her personally. I might even hire the catering company for a luncheon I’m hosting for my garden club.”

  He chuckled. “You’d make a good detective.”

  “I’d rather stick to medicine. Give me a good case of illness any day over this.”

  Silence for a moment. “I mean it, Belle. Be careful. The noose is tightening, and we don’t want to risk losing Anna. Whoever has her must know that we’re getting close.”

  “I will. Just think of me as your unofficial assistant.”

  “Report to me every place you go today. I want you to call. It doesn’t matter if you go the beauty parlor or the grocery store, you let me know where you are every minute. Understand?”

  Recognizing the sharp worry in his voice, she agreed.

  “Gotta go, Doc. I’ll see you later at the house.” His voice softened to a sexy growl. “Maybe I’ll give you that massage I promised last night.”

  She blew him a kiss and hung up.

  Next she called Mindy Worthington, who answered on the first ring. “Belle, dear, how are you? I’ve been so worried since that terrible incident. I do wish you would have stayed with us.”

  Thinking of Evan and his attraction for her, she rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, Mrs. Worthington. But I need your help with something. When you hired the caterer for the Heart to Heart Gala this year, do you remember who you hired to cater the event?”

  A slight pause. “Of course I do. Why?”

  “Oh, just searching around for a good caterer for a luncheon I wish to plan. Who did you use?”

  “Just a minute, dear. Let me find their contact information.”

  A minute later, Mindy got back on the phone. “The company I use is quite busy this time of year, dear. But there’s another one I can recommend. Is there a reason you wish to use the same one?”

  “I’m actually looking for a specific employee of theirs. Her name is Mercedes.”

  Silence a moment. “Oh, I see. Well, you can try them. All Star Fine Foods. I’ll text the number soon as you hang up.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  “Hope this helps. I’m off to my spa day. Later, darling!”

  Warm sunshine heated her face as she headed to her car. Florida in February was glorious, but she saw little of it because of work. She now had the opportunity to slow down, appreciate life. Appreciate not only the opportunities she’d been given, but contemplate the future with more confidence than she’d ever felt before.

  A cardiology residency would set her on a path to a prestigious career with beaming approval from her family, and financial security for life.

  A pediatric residency would set her on a path to a career she enjoyed, not as prestigious, and always, she’d have to deal with her family’s disapproval. Their disappointment.

  But it’s my life. I have to live it, not them.

  If today were your last day on earth, what decisions would you make?

  Kyle’s words from last night kept circulating in her mind. What decisions would she make?

  Right now I’m deciding to find out if Rosa/Mercedes worked for All Star Fine Foods.

  Inside her car, she dialed the number Mindy had texted her.

  The phone rang a few times and went to voice mail. She left a message.

  Now what? The company probably had a catering assignment and might not return her call until later.

  But as she started up the car to leave, her cell rang. The number she’d just called.

  “This is Ted Clare from All Star Fine Foods returning your call. You’re looking for a catering co
mpany for an event?”

  The man had a gruff voice, with a thick New York accent. Funny how certain professions evoked certain images. She’d envisioned a prissy, fussy man with a tall white hat, not a toughened type who sounded like a dockworker.

  “Yes. Mindy Worthington told me you catered the gala for the clinic. There was a particular employee there, her name was Mercedes, you had hired. I’d like to know if you would recommend her because I’m looking for someone to cater an upcoming luncheon I’m hosting. Is she one of your employees?”

  “Mercedes? Not sure. Got a last name?”

  “It could be Rodriguez. I’m not exactly sure.” Belle gave a description of Rosa/Mercedes. “Do you keep a list of people you employ?”

  “We don’t have permanent staff, but yeah, we have records.”

  Hope filled her. “Is there any way you can search for her for me? It would be extremely helpful.”

  “Yeah. I keep all the employee records at our corporate warehouse. Meet me there and I’ll look through all of them and give you the ones you need.”

  He gave her the address and hung up.

  Kyle didn’t answer his phone, so she left a voice mail. “Hi, I’m meeting the owner of All Star Fine Foods at their warehouse in West Estancia Pointe. I’ll let you know if I glean anything from the meeting.”

  Belle hung up and drove to the warehouse. It was across the railroad tracks, isolated, with a chain-link fence ringing the building. The building appeared out of commission. No sign, either. However, a sleek Mercedes was parked out front.

  Unease crawled through her. For a thriving catering company, this business looked abandoned. Had the owner given her the wrong address?

  On impulse, she used her cell phone to Google the catering company. They didn’t have a website, but were listed as a catering company, and yes, this was their address. A few five-star reviews on Yelp, and about ten four-star reviews.

  Well, at least they were legitimate.

  A front door had been propped open, held in place by a rock. Belle walked inside. “Mr. Clare?”

  The warehouse was cavernous, dimly lit, with lights glowing from a windowed office far to the left. Belle walked over to it and went inside.


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