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This Love

Page 2

by Kelly Elliott

  Cord stared into my eyes for the longest time. He seemed to do it a lot, and I loved it. It gave me a chance to stare back into his beautiful ocean-blue eyes. They reminded me of the clear blue waters of home. You’d stand on the hillside and cast your eyes out to the ocean and see the most amazing shades of blue.

  I missed Ireland. Even though I loved it here, a part of me would always long for home.

  Trevor had blue eyes as well, but they weren’t as deep as Cord’s. And they didn’t hold as many secrets.

  He finally pulled his gaze away from me and back to the apartment we were standing in.

  “It’s beautiful up here.”

  “Thank you,” I said softly as Cord chuckled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Your accent. It sounded like you said, tank you. And when you say what…you keep the H silent. It’s hard to understand you half the time.”

  My heart dropped. I wasn’t sure why Cord didn’t like me. I’d done nothing to him. At least he was finally talking to me more. A few months ago he simply would give me the cold shoulder and barely speak two words.

  “I’m sorry if you don’t like it.”

  He jerked his head back around to me. “What?”

  I felt my eyes burn with the threat of tears.

  I will not cry. I will not.

  Turning, I headed for the toilet. “I’ll be right back.” I barely got the words out as I walked down the small hallway. I shut the door and leaned against it. All of a sudden I felt wrecked. Me heart hammered in me chest and I wanted to cry so badly. I wished I hadn’t asked Cord for help and just waited for me da to come back home. Why I wanted this man to like me so much was beyond me. I deserved a man who looked at me the way I’d seen the other Parker brothers look at their wives. I felt the first tear slip and cursed.

  “It’s stress from the opening,” I told meself in a hushed whisper.

  The knock on my bathroom door made me jump.

  “Yes? Um, I’ll be right out,” I called, rushing to the sink to splash my face with water.

  “Maebh, are you okay?”

  After I got me voice under control, I opened the door. “Yes. I needed to splash me face with water. I felt faint. Let me show you what I need help with so you can get back to your day.”

  That was reasonable and very believable. It was summer in Texas and very hot.

  Pushing past him, I walked back into the living room and up to the large painting.

  “I just need this hung up.” I pointed to the wall space above the fireplace.

  His hands touched me shoulders, causing me to breathe in a big gasp.

  “I really do like your accent. I’m sorry if you thought I didn’t.”

  Me back faced Cord so I closed me eyes and counted to five. It was obvious Cord didn’t have the slightest interest in me. I wish I could have said the same thing. His blue eyes visited me dreams nearly nightly. Me body trembled when he touched me. Hell, even with him being near I reacted. Not to mention the shot of heat that rushed through me veins and left me dizzy when he did touch me. Which was rare. Very rare.

  “S’okay,” I managed to get out.

  I didn’t dare move. If I turned to face him, his perfect, soft pink lips would be inches from mine and I’d only make a fool of meself when I stared at them.


  His voice was soft and kind, and it made my stupid stomach flip. Every. Time.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, I didn’t mean to. I swear to you. It’s only that… I have a hell of a time understanding you.”

  He turned me body so I faced him. We were inches apart. It was the closest I’d ever been to him and I took the moment to study him. He was beautiful. The soft lines around his eyes hinted at what he looked like when he smiled. I couldn’t see the dimples under his unshaven face, but I knew they were there. His scruff looked handsome and me fingers itched to feel it. Me eyes lifted to his gaze.

  “I would never intentionally hurt you,” he said quietly. His stare was locked on me mouth, and I wanted him to kiss me more than I’d ever wanted anything in me entire life.

  Me chest fluttered as his intense gaze moved across my face. It went from me lips to me eyes and back to me mouth. Cord exhaled loudly as he dropped his hold and took a step back, running his fingers through his gorgeous chestnut hair.

  Lord Jesus above, give me strength with this man. He’s a weakness I’m not sure I can afford to have in me life just now.

  “Do you have the stuff to hang up the picture?”

  I shook me head to clear it. His closeness had left me dizzy and his hands had left a burning sensation where they’d been touching me.

  “Picture?” I asked, forgetting everything around me except for Cord.

  Cord smiled and the dimples came out in full force. I swayed some. Help me, sweet Jesus, this lad is so good looking. Me pants were damp just from the small contact I’d had with him.

  Me cheeks flushed with dirty thoughts, and I slapped me hands over me face, hoping to hide the blush that had crept up me neck to me cheeks.

  “The picture you asked me up here to hang up. Are you sure you’re feeling okay, Maebh?”

  I spun around and rushed into the kitchen where I grabbed the hammer and the picture hanger I had gotten out earlier.

  “Um…I attempted to put it up, but I’m afraid me balance is not so great.”

  He reached for the items and our fingers brushed. I swore I heard him hiss…like he’d gotten burned from a fire. At least that was how it felt for me.

  Cord climbed up the ladder and motioned for me to hand him the frame.

  “Tell me where you want it.”

  “I’ve already marked it on the wall…see the pencil smudge?”

  He looked back at the wall and studied it. “Oh yeah, I see it.”

  After hammering in the picture hook, he handed me the hammer. “Trade you,” he said with a chuckle that made me stupid knees weak.

  The knock on the door startled me. Who in the world would be here right now?

  “That must be Jonathon about the restaurant,” I said.

  When I opened the door and saw Jackson standing there, I smiled.

  “What in the world are you doing here?” I asked, motioning for him to come in.

  Jackson and I had gone out a few times, but we’d both decided we made better friends than anything else.

  “Hey, Cord, fancy meeting you here.” Jackson reached out and shook Cord’s hand.

  “Cord was helping me hang up a picture,” I said.

  Jackson looked above the fireplace. “You found one you liked for that space?”

  If I hadn’t known any better, I would have sworn I heard Cord growl from behind me.

  “I did. Me da sent it from Ireland the day he got there. It used to hang in me Nana’s house.”

  Jackson nodded. He wore a funny grin as he glanced at Cord. I turned to find Cord glaring at Jackson. They were having a silent pissing fight, and I had no idea why. Did they not like each other for some reason?

  “You come here often, Jackson?” Cord asked, breaking the awkward silence that had filled the living room.

  “Not often enough,” he said, giving me a wink, then looking back to Cord.

  What does the eejit mean by that?

  Cord moved past me to the door. “Now that your boyfriend’s here, he can help you with any other projects you have.”

  “Me boyfriend?” I asked in a shocked voice. “Jackson’s not me boyfriend. We’re just friends.”

  Cord’s gaze bounced between us before he smirked and shook his head. “I’ll see you around, Maebh.”

  Me mouth fell open. Did he think I was lying? Why would I lie with Jackson standing right there?

  I rushed to the door and followed him into the hall. “Thank you for your help.”

  He looked over his shoulder and smiled. God, how I loved that smile. “Anytime.”

  And then he was gone. He practically ran down the steps. Me shoulder
s sagged, and I slowly moved back into the apartment. Jackson was looking at the painting as he said, “You know he likes you, right?”

  I stopped in my tracks. “What?”

  Jackson laughed. “Oh my gosh, Maebh, tell me you noticed how pissed off he was that I was here, and even more pissed off that I’ve been here a number of times?”

  I stared at him like he was insane. “You’re away with the fairies, Jackson.”

  He drew his brows together. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “It means you’re crazy. Cord Parker doesn’t like me. This is the most he’s ever spoken to me, and he made fun of me accent.”

  Jackson laughed. “He for sure likes you then.”

  I waved him off with a flick of me wrist.

  “Have you hit your head at work, Jackson?”

  He placed his hands on my arms, gently squeezing them. “I’ve known Cord Parker for a long time, and I’ve never once seen him react like that about a woman. He’s a player…or was a player. I’m not sure if he still his, but the way he was looking at you just now screamed the bastard was jealous that I was in your house. I do believe you have caught the eye of Cord Parker.”

  I frowned. “I think you’re reading into something. Cord doesn’t like me that way.”

  Jackson shrugged his shoulder. “If you say so.”

  “I do,” I replied, me hands landing on me hips.

  “Listen, I stopped by to see if you needed any help before opening day. I’ve got plenty of muscle I can bring down here if you’ve got some heavy lifting.”

  I chuckled. “Nah, Jonathon’s crew is taking care of everything.”

  “Okay, well, I need to get going. I have a date later.”

  He wiggled his brows.

  “Really? Is she a nice girl?” I asked.

  “She is, but I hope she isn’t too nice.”

  When he winked at me, I pushed him playfully on the chest. “You’re bad, Jackson. Go on and get out of here, you bum!”

  I walked him to the door and he kissed my cheek. “I’ll talk to you closer to opening day. Check in again just in case you need anything.”

  With a nod, I replied, “Thank you.”

  When the door closed, I leaned against it and let his words replay in my head. I thought back to earlier today when it looked like Cord wanted to kiss me. Had I dreamed it? Maybe I wanted him to kiss me so badly that I made it up in me head that he felt the same way.

  I headed to me bedroom and picked out a sexy dress. I got the courage to text Amelia and ask her if she and Wade wanted to go to dinner…and maybe to Cord’s Place after. It didn’t take her long to reply that they would love to go.

  After spending entirely too much time getting ready, I stared at meself in the full-length mirror. The green dress popped against my dark hair, making me eyes stand out a little more. Me mother used to tell me I was special because I had emerald green eyes. Not many people had truly green eyes, even in Ireland.

  I bit me cheek to keep my tears at bay when I thought of me ma. I missed her and could use her advice right about now. For the first time in my life I was attracted to the bad boy in town. I chuckled, because whether Cord was good for me or not, I wanted to find out what made him a bad boy.

  “Cord Parker is certainly not a boy, Maebh O’Sullivan,” I whispered to meself.

  I gazed at me body. I didn’t think I had a sexy body, but I was certainly not bad looking. I was barely five feet four and had curves. Me ma used to tell me I had good birthing hips, just like she did. I got her brown hair, but I had me father’s eyes.

  I’d pulled my brown locks up and let a few strands hang down around me face in curls. I didn’t wear much make-up, and I was lucky to inherit me ma’s darker skin tone, thanks to her Portuguese heritage. Growing up in Ireland, I stood out among the other girls with my year-round tanned skin up against the fair-skinned lassies who lived in our town.

  After pulling in a deep breath, I slowly pushed it out. I had to know for sure if Jackson was right. I had to get Cord’s attention. If I didn’t, then I knew for sure I was barking up the wrong tree.

  The bar was packed, and I wasn’t going to complain. I fucking loved summer. It meant a lot of business and a lot of tourists…female tourists…female tourists looking for a good time, no strings attached.

  Trevor wasn’t working for once. He sat with a group of young women who looked like they had all just turned twenty-one.

  “Lori,” I shouted to the waitress working the table. “Did you card them all?”

  She nodded. “I did, and they’re all twenty-one.”

  “Keep an eye on how much they drink. Limit it, okay?”

  “Will do, boss.”

  Trevor was smiling at one of them, and I shook my head and chuckled. He pulled out his phone and read a text message. Standing, he tipped his cowboy hat to the women and made his way to the bar.

  “I’m taking off, bro. You sure you don’t need me tonight?”

  My brows pulled tight. It was a Friday night, during the summer, and he was leaving solo? This didn’t sound like Trevor.

  “Who you going to meet?”

  His mouth rose into a cocky smirk. “A friend.”

  “Uh-huh. Who?”

  He shrugged and winked at a few girls who were staring at us…openly eye fucking the hell out of us, I should say.


  “Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell are you doing, Trev?”

  He looked back at me. “What do you mean?”

  “Why are you leading her on?”

  His head tossed back to laugh. “She sent me a text, bro. I didn’t text her.”

  “Is she your fuck buddy now or something? You’re still going to her regardless of who initiated it?”

  Trevor’s face grew angry. “Don’t talk about her like that.”

  “Then don’t fucking treat her like that. What’s the matter with you? I’ve seen you go off with a number of girls since the benefit dinner, Trevor, and you’re still hooking up with Scarlett? Does she know you’re fucking around?”

  He slammed his hands on the counter. “I don’t belong to anyone. So what me and my cock do is no one’s business. Especially not yours.”

  I shook my head and gave him a disappointed look. “Had she not texted you, would you have fucked one of them?” I asked, motioning with my head to the table he’d just left.

  “Probably,” he mumbled.

  “Don’t fuck up, Trev. You know she’s mom’s best friend’s daughter and from the way she looks at you, she likes you…as more than a one-night screw.”

  “Listen, Dad, I don’t need a lecture. Scarlett’s sick, and she needed some medicine and couldn’t get a hold of anyone else, so she texted me to see if I could pick something up for her. Her folks are out of town, so I told her I would get it. This ain’t a booty call so back off.”

  My face softened. Trevor was actually going to do something without the reward of sex. Interesting.

  “I’m sorry, Trev. What’s wrong with her?”

  He shrugged. “Not sure. She said she was on a prescription, but needed something for her chest. I guess she has a cough and isn’t sleeping good.”

  “You better get going before everything closes,” I said.

  There was something in his eyes that looked like he wanted to tell me more. I knew my brother, and I knew he cared about Scarlett. There was no fucking way he’d be running out on a Friday night to play delivery boy—with no chance of sex—if he didn’t like her. A lot.

  His gaze fell to the floor and then back to me. His mouth opened, but he stopped himself. “I’m sure I’ll be back later.”

  I nodded. “Okay, see you later. Tell Scarlett I said hello, and I hope she feels better.”

  The corners of his mouth rose. “I will. Later.”

  Trevor quickly walked through the crowd and out the door. Something was going on, and I wanted to dig deeper into it, but a pretty little redhead stepped up to the bar.

“Can I get something sweet?” she called out over the music.

  “Sweet?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “You mean like sangria or a daiquiri?”

  “I guess. I don’t know. This is my first ever drink, and they told me to order something sweet.”

  I grinned. “What’s your favorite color?”

  Now it was her turn to grin. “Blue.”

  “I’ll make you a Blue Hawaiian. You’ll like it.” I looked over at the table where Trevor had been sitting and motioned with my chin. “Are you with all of them?”

  She glanced over her shoulder and then back at me. Rolling her eyes, she huffed. “Yes. And they wouldn’t let me order with the waitress. They said I had to come up and order with you. They all think you’re cute and said I wouldn’t have the nerve to talk to you.”

  I gave her a wink. “But you did.”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “I had to! They wouldn’t leave me alone. They think because we all turned twenty-one we have to come to a bar and get toasted. I don’t want to get toasted, but they insisted I have one drink, at least. I don’t want to hook-up with some random guy, so they said I had to at least kiss one guy. I sure don’t want a shit kicker kissing me!”

  I laughed. “A shit kicker? Where are shit kickers?”

  She pointed over to a group of guys who were staring back at her friends. They were all local.

  “You called it. Those are all shit kickers.”

  Her face beamed. “I’m good at reading people.”

  “I see that. Let me get your drink going.”

  After making her drink, I slid it to her.

  “Oh! It’s pretty. What does it taste like?”

  I shrugged. “Sort of like a piña colada.”

  She slid me a twenty and told me to keep the change. I put the whole twenty into the tip jar shared between the waitresses and bartenders like I always did.

  Her brows lifted. “Shit, that’s good.”

  “So, you ordered your first fruity girly drink. Now you need the kiss.”

  The way her shoulders sagged told me she really didn’t want to tackle that one.

  “I guess I might as well make my way over to one of those guys and ask.”


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