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This Love

Page 6

by Kelly Elliott

  Me hand went to me stomach in an attempt to settle the sick feeling. When I took a step back, me eyes lifted to his. He frowned and that made me step back even more. It was like he knew what I was thinking because he narrowed his gaze.

  “You’re the first woman I’ve had in this office besides my sisters or an employee.

  Was that his way of telling me he’d never shagged a woman in here? Why would he care what I thought?

  I scoffed. “I find that hard to believe. I’ve seen you take women back here.”

  The venom in my voice shocked even me.

  Holy hell, Maebh. Settle your tits.

  His eyes filled with something like sadness, maybe even regret. “Storage room.”

  “Huh?” I asked, a confused expression coming over me face.

  His hand pushed through his hair. “Nothing, it doesn’t matter.”

  It dawned on me then. He had taken women to the storage room to have sex.

  “You don’t believe in having sex in your office?”

  What is wrong with me? Why am I asking him this?

  I waved my hands about. “I’m sorry. Don’t answer that. I don’t know what is the matter with me. You’ve left me all kinds of confused after th-that night.”

  The left side of his mouth rose slightly, and I knew he was fighting a full-blown smile.

  “You think that’s funny? Do you like kissing women and getting them all hot and bothered and then walking away? Does that get you off?”

  Cord walked around his desk and headed toward the door of his office. Where in the hell did he think he was going?

  He shut the door and turned back to face me. When he walked toward me, I stepped back until me legs hit his desk.

  “You were hot and bothered by our kiss?”

  The way his blue eyes searched me face had me panting. It was getting harder to breathe, especially with him nearly pressed against me body…again.

  “No,” I lied.

  “That’s not what you just said, Maebh.”

  I stood up straighter and squared me shoulders. “By your own admission, and on more than one occasion, Mr. Parker, you don’t always understand what I say.”

  He laughed, and I moaned internally. God, I loved his laugh. And his smile. And the way he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Why are you so interested in if I’ve fucked someone in here?”

  “I’m not,” I stated, me hands going to me hips.

  He leaned closer, a whisper away. “You’re lying. I can tell because your cheeks are turning a beautiful shade of pink. I wonder how vibrant that pink gets when you come?”

  Me mouth opened in utter shock, and I stared at him.

  “I bet they turn vibrant.”

  Cord stepped closer.

  “I’ve never found the right woman to bring into my private space and make love to, but there’s always a first time…”

  Me tongue bathed me dry lips. Cord’s eyes followed, and he let out a soft growl from the back of his throat.

  “You… You…”

  Christ, what are you trying to say?

  “May I ask you something, Maebh?”

  The way he said my name made me knees knock together. The room was spinning.


  “Did you like the kiss we shared? Did you like my hands under your dress? My cock pressed against you?”

  I wanted to say yes, but I couldn’t forget how he’d made me feel when he walked away and then pretended it had never happened.

  “I might have enjoyed it more if you hadn’t walked away from me like an arse.”

  His smile instantly disappeared.

  “Maebh, I didn’t mean to…”

  My hands went to his chest to push him back, but I jerked them away when I felt the zap of energy rushing between us.

  What in the world did this man do to me? He was dangerous. Very dangerous.

  “I need to get back to Aisling. Have a nice one, Cord.”

  He stepped out of my way, and I was relieved I wouldn’t have to argue with him.

  Me eyes burned, and I couldn’t figure out why I let this man get me so worked up. I headed for the door, but before I could open it, Cord took me arm and spun me around. He pushed me against the office door. I was having a déjà vu moment.

  “You didn’t enjoy any of that night, Maebh?”

  A sexy smile moved over Cord’s face. “Answer me.”

  Me eyes bounced all over his face as I fought to remember how in the hell to speak.

  “What are you doing to me?” I whispered.

  His forehead leaned against mine, and I noticed his chest heaving.

  “I could say the same thing to you, agra.”

  Everything stopped, and I inhaled a sharp breath.

  “Where did you hear that?” I asked.

  Cord moved away and pushed his hands into his pockets.

  “Answer me,” I demanded. “Where did you hear that name?”

  He shrugged. “You better get going, the restaurant opens in a few hours, and you’ll need to be ready.”

  My mouth hung open. He was going to call me sweetheart and not even tell me how he knew that word.

  “You confuse me, Cord Parker. One minute you make me think you want me, the next I’m like a bug you have to squash.”

  He stood there, not saying a word.

  “Do you?”

  His eyes jerked up to meet mine. “Do I what?”

  “Want me?”

  It was the boldest question I’d ever asked a man, and me neck and cheeks felt like they were on fire. But I had to know. I needed to know how he felt.

  When he didn’t reply and dropped his gaze, I had me answer.

  “I didn’t think so,” I said, with a nervous laugh. “Stupid fool am I.”


  “It’s okay. I see the women who throw themselves at you. I won’t compete with the likes of that.”

  A look of horror moved over his face.

  “I know I’m not as pretty or as…experienced…” I needed to leave before I kept spewing words.

  “What are you talking about? Maebh, you’re…”

  Cutting him off, I tried to act peppy as I plastered on a fake smile. “Have a good one.”

  And like that, I was rushing down the hallway from Cord Parker. I’d just humiliated meself, and I would never forgive meself for being so damn weak.

  It was a silly crush on a handsome boy who would never be happy with a girl like me.

  A week had passed since Aisling’s grand opening, and I was ready for a day off.

  Amelia had invited me to go to the spa with her, Harley, and Paxton. Waylynn and Corina were home with the sweet wee ones. But the rest of us were staying the night at the spa, which was a good thing, because I ached to have some girl time.

  I sank down into the hot water and sighed.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Paxton said.

  “The best! Me legs have been aching all week. I haven’t stood this much since I was back in Ireland.”

  “Tripp said Aisling was packed the other day when he stopped in for lunch.”

  Harley’s feet dipped into the hot tub, but that was all.

  “Harley get your butt in here. It feels amazing,” Amelia declared, her eyes closed.

  “I’ll pass.”

  Paxton stared at Harley. A smile grew on Paxton’s face until she was full on beaming.

  “Holy. Shit,” Paxton said, making everyone look at her.

  “Why are you staring, Paxton?” Harley asked.

  “Yeah, why are you staring at her?” Amelia asked.

  Slowly shaking her head, Paxton whispered, “You’re pregnant.”

  Amelia and I gasped.

  “It all makes sense. No drinking at the grand opening. The healthy eating. No getting into the hot tub. You’re pregnant.”

  Harley didn’t try to deny it. She smiled.

  Amelia let out a scream then asked, “How far?”

very. I’m due mid-March. We’ve been waiting until I’m a little further along before we tell everyone.”

  “You mean to tell me my mother hasn’t sniffed it out yet?”

  We all laughed, and I tried to ignore a twinge of jealousy.

  “Look at you…the secret keeper,” Amelia stated.

  I looked at Amelia and raised an eyebrow.

  Paxton and Harley exchanged looks—then turned to Amelia.

  “You know, being in a hot tub isn’t good for pregnant women,” Harley stated.

  Amelia nodded. “Yep, I know.”

  Paxton’s eyes widened. “So…why are you in the hot tub?”

  Looking confused, Amelia replied, “Because it feels good? Is this a trick question or something?”

  Harley moved along the edge and got closer. “Is there something you want to tell us, Meli?”

  Her eyes darted over to mine. “Maebh! Did you tell them?”

  “What? No!”

  “Maebh knew before me? How could you tell Maebh before me?” Paxton turned to face me. “No offense, Maebh.”

  I held up my hands. “None taken. In her defense, I walked in on it.”

  Paxton’s eyes widened. “You walked in on it?”

  Nodding me head, I replied, “I overheard Amelia on the phone talking to her agent about it.”

  “What!” Harley and Paxton shouted at once.

  “Your agent knows?” Paxton said, pulling Amelia up and trying to push her out of the hot tub. “Get out of this hot tub! It’s not good for the baby!”

  I covered me mouth, realizing that the girls thought Amelia was pregnant.

  “What in the fuck are you talking about, Paxton? Have you lost your damn mind? I’m not the one who’s pregnant!” Amelia looked at me, her eyes pleading me not to tell her secret, mine pleading her not to make me keep it.

  Paxton froze. “Wait. What?”

  “Are you pregnant, Maebh?” Paxton asked, clearly confused.

  I nearly choked. “Hardly! That would be hard to explain considering I’m a virgin.”

  Now all eyes were on me, and the heat was off Amelia.

  “What!” they all yelled at once.

  With an internal groan, I shook me head. Why did I blurt that out?

  “How? What the… Like how?” Amelia asked, stunned.

  My brows shot up. “If I have to explain that to you, Amelia…”

  Paxton and Harley chuckled while Amelia rolled her eyes. “I mean, you’re so beautiful, Maebh. You have a body to die for, so I guess I’m just surprised you’ve never had sex.”

  “Have you come close?” Harley asked.

  “Come close?” I asked.

  Paxton grinned. “How far have you gone with your old boyfriends?”

  I felt me cheeks flush.

  “I’ve only had one boyfriend and that was at uni. We kissed and messed around a bit. He wanted more, but I wasn’t ready to give him more. I cared about him, but I didn’t love him.”

  Harley shook her head in wonder. “Wow. Maebh, I think you have officially blown my mind. It’s amazing that you’ve waited.”

  “You’ve had an orgasm though, right?” Amelia asked, moving closer to me. I nodded and shrugged.

  “Just by his hand…or mine.” Me face felt hot.

  “That’s it?” Harley asked. “Oh Maebh, you’re in for a treat!”

  The lasses laughed, and I covered me face with me hands and groaned.

  Paxton pulled them down and looked in me eyes.

  “You’re saving yourself. I think that is beautiful. Don’t let go of that. Stay true to your heart.”

  I glanced down at me hands, wringing them under the water in the hot tub.

  “I’ve never met a man who made me want to give him that that until…well, you know who I’m talking about.” I shrugged. “I mean, I think I’m getting impatient.” I let out a soft chuckle.

  The three of them looked at me like they could read me thoughts. I had almost said I hadn’t met a man I wanted to give meself to until Cord. But I knew that would never happen. He may have wanted one night, but I wanted the rest of me life.

  “Men can be real assholes, Maebh. Half only want in your panties, and the other half don’t know what the hell they want. They’re scared or afraid to make commitments. Two of my brothers fall into both of those categories.”

  Me heart ached thinking of Cord wanting in a girl’s knickers for sex only. It actually made me stomach hurt.

  I forced a smile. “It’s a good thing I’m not looking to get into a relationship.” I mused. “With Aisling opening and doing so well, my focus has to be on that dream. My other dreams will have to take a backseat until the right man comes along.”

  Their eyes grew sad.

  “Maebh, for what it’s worth, I know my brother likes you.”

  I scoffed. “He has a funny way of showing it. You know, he kissed me a few weeks ago.”

  They all gasped.

  “Hold up!” Harley said, standing and motioning for us to get out of the hot tub.

  “This conversation needs to be happening back in our room with orange juice for me and alcohol for y’all.”

  “I agree!” Paxton stated, grabbing me hand and pulling me out of the warm water.

  Walking into the large sitting area, I stopped. Three sets of eyes were laser-focused on me.

  “What are you all looking at?” I asked, dropping into the oversized chair.

  Amelia laughed. “The kiss story, Maebh! Tell us about the kiss!”

  I shrugged. “It was the night he walked me home from his bar. It was confusing. He said he thought I was sexy and pressed into me. I felt his hard…you know.”

  Amelia snarled as Paxton and Harley said, “Dick?”

  “Ugh… My brother and that word,” Amelia said, shuddering.

  The girls laughed at Meli’s reaction.

  “Then he told me he only wanted to be friends. I wanted to tell him I fancied him. A lot. He looks at me sometimes like he wants to swallow me whole, and I don’t understand it. I can’t tell if he likes me, or hates me, or both at any given time.”

  “He likes you…a lot,” the three of them said at once.

  I rolled me eyes. “But then he said he wanted to be friends, and I figured that was it. I started to leave and the next thing I knew, he had me against the door and lifted me up so me legs wrapped around him. He kissed me like no man ever has. I felt it down to me toes.”

  They smiled, and that made me smile, but the memory came back with the hurt.

  “I needed air. I pulled back and whispered his name. He put me down and said something about me making him crazy, and how he couldn’t think around me. Then he left.”

  “He left?” Harley asked, anger moving over her face.

  “Then when I saw him again, he acted like it never happened. But then he did it again. He tried to kiss me in his office, too, then he went back to acting like he’s me friend only. It’s like a game of tennis and I’m the ball.”

  Amelia chuckled. “Oh Maebh, I can promise you have him a hell of a lot more confused than he has you. He likes you, and he doesn’t know how to process that. Cord has prided himself on being one of the last family members to not get tied down, always saying the married life’s not for him.”

  Me heart dropped. “I don’t know, Amelia. I think I’m more of a challenge than anything.”

  “Don’t say that!” Paxton said. “I can tell you from personal experience, the Parker men are a strange bunch.”

  “Amen.” Harley giggled.

  “I wish Corina was here. This is like déjà vu all over again!” Amelia chuckled.

  “What do you mean?” I questioned.

  “Corina and Mitchell shared an amazing night right after they first met. Mitchell got freaked by his feelings and walked away from her. Took months to get his ass out of his head and get his feelings sorted.”

  “She even dated Tripp for a bit, but they were more like best friends than boyfriend and girlfriend,”
Harley added.

  “He walked away from her after they slept together?” My heart nearly broke at the thought of Cord taking me virginity and walking away.

  “He did. It hurt Corina a lot, but I think Mitchell was even more tormented knowing what he’d done to her.”

  “What about Trevor and Scarlett? I’d like to slap that boy upside his head. Steed told me they’ve hooked up a few times, but I saw Trevor sneaking off at the bar with some bleach blonde,” Paxton said.

  It was then that I knew I had to fight me feelings for Cord. Men like him and Trevor didn’t settle for one woman.

  “Don’t think whatever it is you’re thinking, Maebh!” Amelia gasped. “I see the look on your face.”

  I forced a smile. Me heart was racing. “I like Cord. Honestly, I do, and I think I was attracted to him the first time I saw him, but I don’t think I can give me heart—or me virginity—to someone who wouldn’t cherish both.”

  Paxton, Amelia, and Harley reached for me hands. Guilt covered their faces, and I was sure they were regretting the stories they’d told me.

  Amelia blew out a breath. “We didn’t mean to scare you away. It’s the opposite, Maebh. Please don’t let his recent behavior stop your feelings.”

  Chewing on the inside of me mouth, I shrugged and tried to play it off. “It’s a crush. I’m sure I’ll move on. I’m knackered and ready for me head to hit the pillow.”

  The girls nodded. It was early, very early. We hadn’t even gone to dinner yet, but a weariness rushed over me body.

  “I think the opening of Aisling has finally caught up to me. You girls go and enjoy your dinner.”

  Standing, Paxton reached for me hand. “Do you want us to bring you any food back?”

  “Sure!” I said, trying to sound like our conversation hadn’t just planted an iron ball in me stomach.

  “Have fun, ladies. I’m going to rest,” I said, making me way up the steps and to me room. The spa had beautiful cabins, and Amelia and I had the two bedrooms upstairs while Harley and Paxton had the two down.

  When I got into me room and shut the door, I pressed me lips together and willed meself not to cry. Maybe I was taken by Cord because he was so handsome. The first time he ever looked at me and smiled, me heart melted. I’d seen plenty of handsome men. Jackson was handsome, not like Cord, but he was pretty good looking, and I enjoyed being around him. And Sean, me old boyfriend, was a looker too. Everyone always said we’d make the prettiest babies.


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