This Love
Page 19
“Hey, Mommy! Oh, it’s good. Uncle Tripp did surgery on Holly, my princess doll, while Daddy showed Uncle Jonathon how to put Liberty’s outfit on the right way. Uncle Mitchell rocked Merit to sleep and Uncle Cord and Uncle Wade have been drinking all the beer.”
“Hey!” Wade and I said at once.
“Mmm-hmm. Yes. I know. Boys,” Chloe declared. All of a sudden she seemed like she was eighteen. How in the hell did she even observe all of that?
“But, Mommy, Daddy has a problem. Gage put a mac-a-roni noddle in his nose and it won’t come out. He was afraid to call and tell you.”
Steed’s face fell and Gage let out a little laugh. Almost like he knew his sister had just thrown their father under the bus.
Wade tried to hold his laughter in and almost succeeded. Steed glared at him and pointed. “Someday, asshole, this will be you!”
Holding up his hands in defeat, Wade forced himself to stop laughing.
Chloe handed Steed his cell phone. “Mommy wants to talk to you.”
Steed shook his head and stepped away.
“For Pete’s sake, man! Be a father, dude!” Tripp cried out.
Pointing to Tripp, Steed whispered, “I hope you end up with twins!”
Tripp’s smile dropped. “That was just mean, dude.”
Taking the phone from Chloe, Steed cleared his throat. “Hey, baby. Yeah. Okay. Hmmm, is that the only thing to do? Right. Okay. Got it. Nope, everything else is great. I love you too. Bye.”
That was the fastest I’d ever seen Steed get off the phone with Paxton. He pushed the phone into his back pocket and then looked around the room before his eyes landed on me.
“Paxton said Gage needs to open his mouth, and someone has to blow into it and that will push the noodle out.”
Mitchell gagged. Wade and Jonathon walked into the kitchen so fast I didn’t even have time to react. That left Tripp, me, or Steed to do the deed.
“I know you’re not looking at me, dude,” I said.
“Cord! You know CPR! Paxton said you’re the best one to do it.”
Tripp looked at me and nodded.
“Yeah, no. I mean, I’ll do whatever for the little guy, you need me to buy him the best birthday gift, I’m there. Need me to buy him his first car or pay for college, I’m all over that. Need me to talk to him about the birds and the bees and I’m your man…but that? No,” I spoke so low to keep the little ears in the room from hearing.
Steed looked at me with pleading eyes.
“Dude! You’ve cleaned his butt with green poop and you can’t do this?” I declared.
“How come you don’t want to do it, Uncle Cord? And what would you tell him about birds and bees, about how fast they fly or how much honey they can make?” Chloe asked.
We all stared at Chloe. How was she even hearing these conversations? Parker women.
The way Steed gave me those damn puppy dog eyes had me nearly ready to break. Then Chloe looked at me, her little blue eyes questioning why I wouldn’t help her baby brother get the noodle out of his nose.
“Fine. Bring him into the kitchen and sit him on the island.”
Steed grinned. “Thanks, dude. I knew I could count on you. You’ve always been my favorite brother.”
I rolled my eyes and mumbled. “Whatever.”
After Steed placed Gage on the counter, I told Gage to open wide and that I was going to blow a puff of air into his mouth. Gage laughed. I guess to him, this was funny.
Chloe was practically under me as she fought with Tripp and Wade for the up-close advantage.
Mitchell gagged again, and I glared at him. Then I leaned over and went to blow when Chloe yelled, “Wait! Should we record this?”
I stared at my niece with a disbelieving expression.
“You really are your father’s daughter,” I said as Steed took his phone out and handed it to Chloe.
With a deep breath, I looked at Gage. Damn, he was a cute little thing. “Ready, buddy?”
He nodded.
“Open!” I leaned down and blew. What I wasn’t expecting was for the noddle to fly out of Gage’s nose and land on my face.
All I heard was grown men gagging. Then Chloe screaming, “Boogers!”
Gage started laughing, and I swear a long trail of booger slime from his nose flew straight to my cheek. I wiped the noodle off of my face as I let out a girlish scream. I started gagging when I felt the wetness on my cheek and hand. Mitchell ran from the room covering his mouth as he nearly threw up.
And to think, he was a cop! I tried to get myself under control. With a deep breath, I walked over toward the sink, but when Wade looked at me with a horrified expression and gagged, I nearly threw up.
Wade pointed at my face and said, “It’s on…uuuall… your face! Dude, get it…uuuall…oh God…uuuall.”
“Stop gagging, you dick!” I shouted to Wade as I turned on the water, grabbed the dish soap, and scrubbed my face.
After scrubbing nearly all my skin off, I grabbed the dishtowel and dried my face. Turning, I noticed Steed had put Gage down on the floor, and he promptly took off after Hemi who had run in to see what all the fuss was about.
“I’m. Never. Having. Kids,” Wade deadpanned. “Never. Uuuall.”
The moment I walked into the house, Cord grabbed me. “Come on. We’re going to our secret place.”
I hadn’t even dropped me bags off in our room before he was dragging me out the door.
“Cord! I need to put me bags up.”
He glanced down and saw the Victoria’s Secret bag. “Is that for me?”
Me face heated, and I hit him on the chest. “Let me go drop these off, then we can slip away.”
Groaning, he took the bags out of me hand and rushed up the steps, taking them two at a time.
“What’s his hurry?” Amelia asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Cord was soon rushing down the stairs and grabbing me by the hand.
“Let’s go. My truck is stuck in the garage, blocked by all the damn vehicles, so we have to take your car.”
“Where are we going?” I asked again.
Cord opened the passenger side of me car and practically pushed me into it with his hand on top of me head.
“Cord!” I shouted, pushing his hand away.
He finally let me get into the car while he jogged around the front of it.
I stared at him and couldn’t help but giggle.
“What is going on?”
“I’ve been forced to watch my brothers with their kids today, I had a noodle covered in snot hit me on the face, Wade is a motherfucker for making me nearly throw up, my cock is hard, and you walked in with fucking lingerie and the house is full of my family. I’m about to lose my shit.”
Pressing me lips tightly together, I folded me hands in me lap and stayed quiet.
“I brought your lingerie, by the way.”
Snapping me head to him, I gasped. “How?”
“Shoved it down my pants. I mean, there’s nothing to the fucking thing.”
Pulling into a hotel, Cord threw the car in park and jumped out. The valet handed him the ticket as Cord tossed him the keys.
“Are you dining with us this evening?” the kid asked.
“No, we have reservations for a room.”
“We’ll get your luggage and bring it to your room, sir.”
Cord walked up to me and glanced back to the valet. “We don’t have any.”
Me cheeks heated.
“We’re staying here all night?” I asked as we walked by the reservation desk. Looking confused, I asked, “Don’t we need to check in?”
“No. I already did.”
“Ten minutes after the booger noodle made contact with my cheek.”
Biting me cheek, I laced me fingers in his.
“This hotel is beautiful,” I said, looking around for the first time. It was something I would picture me da staying in when he traveled. The marble
floors and elegant vibe told me this place wasn’t cheap. Cord pulled out a card and pushed it into the reader in the lift and hit the very top floor button.
“I don’t need to be impressed with expensive things, Cord,” I said, feeling a bit of anger pulse through me body. Me whole life I had grown up in the world of money. If given the chance to be in a single room in a hotel versus an expensive suite, I’d take the one room any day.
“Trust me, baby, I’m not trying to impress you. This was the only room they had left.”
“Oh,” I whispered, feeling guilty for me thoughts. I knew the Parkers had money; that was no secret. And I was sure Cord did well with his profits from the bar, but the one thing I loved about him and his family was that they didn’t act like they were the richest family in the area. Unlike me grandmother. She made sure to tell everyone she was from royalty. The fact that she was English and me grandda was Irish made no difference to her. She still had royal blood pulsing through her veins, and according to her, so did I. Her dream was for me to move to England and marry someone proper. That was where Sean came into the picture while I was at uni. We had been oil and vinegar. We both knew it would never work, but me grandmother had other plans.
The ding of the lift pulled me from me thoughts. Cord walked a few feet and slipped the key into the door, motioning for me to walk in first.
“Are you sore?” he asked as I took in the room. It was beautiful. Floor-to-ceiling windows spanned across the entire living, dining, and small kitchen area. The view of the water and hill country stole my breath.
“Not really,” I said, turning to see me bag sitting next to the sofa.
“Have you already been here?”
Cord smiled. “Yes. We can visit during the day with my family, but at night, at night I want you all to myself.”
I returned his sexy grin with one of me own. “But it’s not night and your ma had dinner plans.”
Stalking toward me, Cord placed his finger on me chin. “We’ll be back for dinner. Right now, I want my beautiful Irish cailin.”
When he kissed me jaw, I gripped his arms to keep me legs steady. “Yes,” I hissed. I could hear the desire in me voice, and I didn’t care. Cord Parker brought something out in me that was raw. Passionate. I was his…and he was mine.
“I made love to you earlier, baby. Right now I want to fuck you.”
Me heart pounded so loudly I was sure the entire top floor heard it. I warmed with the idea of Cord being inside of me. Dazed with the idea of him fucking me, no more worries about me virginity. I was a little sore, but I wanted him. All of him. I wanted to see him lose control and give me everything he wanted to give.
Before I knew what was happening, he lifted me in his arms and carried me through the massive suite. When he walked into the bedroom, I gasped. Roses of every color filled the entire room.
How in the world did he do this?
“Cord,” I whispered, me voice sounding raspy from emotion. “When? How?”
He put me on the floor and cupped me face in his warm, strong hands. “When I booked the room, I asked the concierge to fill the room with roses. I told him today was a special day for us and that I needed everything to be perfect.”
When he moved his mouth to mine, I let out a groan of anticipation. He kissed me like I had never been kissed before. It felt desperate, almost. Like he was trying to tell me this wasn’t a dream. That we were finally together, and that he would never break me heart. Melting into his kiss and body, I prayed for the last bit of fear and doubt to melt away.
And it did. At least for now.
“Cord,” I panted when he finally stopped kissing me. Our hands went to each other’s clothes. It was a frantic need, each of us fumbling to remove the layer of clothing between our bodies.
When Cord had successfully stripped me bare, he took a step back and let his eyes move over me body. A part of me wanted to cover up, but his look of pure desire did something else to me. It drove me own desire even more. The heavy weight of need was pulsing between me legs. One touch, and I was sure to explode into a million pieces of bliss.
Cord dropped to his knees and I gasped when he picked up me leg and put it over his shoulder.
He licked through me hot folds, and I nearly collapsed to the floor.
I was in his arms before he would let that happen. Moving us to the bed, he set me down.
“Maebh, I need to taste that sweet pussy of yours again.”
Me cheeks heated and the only thing I could do was nod. It was clear Cord liked giving me oral sex, and I wasn’t about to argue. When he spread me legs, I dropped back onto the large, king-size bed and prepared for how he made me feel. The smell of roses filled me senses and brought this experience to another level. I’d never be able to smell a rose again and not think of Cord’s face between me legs, licking and sucking until he nearly drove me mad.
“Cord!” I gasped, me orgasm building fast. I was sore, but not so sore I worried about him being inside me.
His fingers slipped into me and he pumped faster. A few burns pierced, and when I let out a whimper, he slowed down.
“Faster. Harder, Cord!” I demanded, needing him to give me everything.
“Fucking hell, Maebh. You’re playing with your tits. You gotta warn a man when you do that.”
I hadn’t even realized I was pulling and squeezing on me nipples. Me hips jerked and pumped, silently begging him to give me my release.
Then his mouth was back on me clit, and I was lost to a sea of exploding stars. Light turned to dark and then back to the most brilliant light. Me body arched off the bed, and I cried out his name in one long moan.
This man was my undoing.
I felt him grabbing under me knees and pulling me barely off the edge of the bed. He lined himself up, and I had the fortitude to gasp out, “Condom?” remembering earlier when he was insistent on wearing one. I’d never been with another man before, so I wasn’t worried about me, but Cord wasn’t ready. And I would respect that.
“I’ve got one on, baby,” he said, pushing his large cock into me body. I shuddered as he filled me whole.
“Oh Cord,” I said when he pulled out, then pushed back in. Each time going farther inside of me.
“I’m losing control, baby.”
Opening me eyes, I looked into his and took a deep breath as I let him fill me completely. His eyes looked both pained and excited.
“Then lose control,” I whispered, prepared to take him. All of him.
And Cord did. He grabbed me hips and lifted me more as he pulled out and slammed back into me. The feel of his balls slapping against me arse was a huge turn on.
“Again!” I cried out.
“Fuuuuck,” he groaned, doing it again. His rhythm was slow at first. I could feel him shake, and I knew he was afraid to hurt me.
“You’re different, Maebh. I need you to know that.”
Our eyes were locked on one another. He was pleading with me to understand his need to fuck me, hoping it didn’t make me think less of him. My mind wanted to wander down a dark path. Cord fucking other women. Hard and fast. His pleasure, when he finally came inside them.
Bile moved up into my throat and I had to push the thoughts away. He stilled, almost as if he knew his words had brought the thoughts to me.
“Look at me.”
Tear filled me green eyes as I gazed into his blue. “You. Are. Different. I love you and you’re it for me. You’re mine, and I’m yours.”
I nodded.
“Say it, say I’m yours.”
The lump in me throat kept me from speaking. Me mouth opened and closed. Cord pulled out of me, and I quickly shook me head, panicked that I had ruined the moment because of me stupid fears.
“Say it,” he demanded. “Say that I’m yours, Maebh.”
Swallowing hard, I focused on his eyes. They were filled with nothing but promises of love.
“You’re mine. And I’m yours. Forever.”
His eyes closed, and h
e let out the breath he had been holding in. “Move back onto the bed.”
Me heart dropped. He wasn’t going to fuck me after all. Disappointment rushed into the pit of me stomach. Cord crawled over me, kissing me up me leg and sliding his tongue back through me wetness. I gasped. He had just been inside of me. Something about that dirty act made a rush of wetness hit between me legs.
He slowly kissed up me body and to me lips. The kiss was soft and sweet. He pushed into me, not softly, yet not hard. He moved at a beautiful rhythm as he made love to me and kissed me.
His fingers trailed down me neck, between me breasts, stomach, and finally to me clit. One push of his thumb in a circular motion on me clit and I was lost again.
“That’s it, baby. Fucking come on my cock while you say my name.”
Me head thrashed as I did what he said. Then, he lost his control and gripped me hips. He fucked me hard and fast. It was a delicious pain that I wanted more of. Needed more of.
“Oh God!” I groaned out. “Feels. So. Good.”
“Fuck, Maebh, you feel so good.”
His words grunted out of him in a deep sexy voice. It fueled on me next build up. How in the hell could I be about to come again?
Cord pounded into me, bringing me hips to his with each thrust. He was hitting a spot that only he’d ever touched—that spot being pounded over and over with his cock had me toes curling.
“Don’t. Stop. Right. There,” I panted.
“Maebh. I can’t wait. I’m going to come.”
It wasn’t me imagination. I felt him grow bigger inside as his balls kept up their sensual assault on me arse.
“Cord!” I screamed out at the same time he cried out me name.
Everything around me stopped and the only thing I could feel was Cord inside of me. Me body humming with my orgasm. Cord’s head dropped back as he let out a long moan, spilling himself into the condom, and I couldn’t help but wish he was coming into me. I wanted us to be truly connected as one. No barriers, no hiding. We’d been hiding from each other for too long and now it was our time to share everything with each other.
His body slumped, and he rested on his elbows, careful not to put too much weight onto me.