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Dirty DNA 3: The Renegade (G Street Chronicles Presents)

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by BlaQue



  The Renegade



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  Copyright 2014 BlaQue

  Published by:

  G Street Chronicles, LLC

  P.O. Box 1822

  Jonesboro, GA 30237-1822

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  This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to depict, portray or represent any particular real person. All the characters, incidents, and dialogues are the products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any references or similarities to actual events, entities, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, entities, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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  First and foremost I want to thank my Creator. Through HIM all things are possible.

  To my beautifully, strange and dark family I love you. I am not going to go through naming each one you. You all know what you mean to me and I know what I mean to you.

  To my Angels who watch over me Daddy, NATO, Grand Ma’ Katie, Grand Ma’ Alice and Grand Dever Thank you.

  To my Pink Angels keep grinding! We got this. This is only the beginning and we have so much more ahead!

  To G Street Entertainment: Bo$$, Bo$$ Ladi, I have no words to express my gratitude. Ya’ll know what I am and there is no question about it STRAIGHT RIDER!

  To my sisters and brothers on G Street thank you for your continued support. Together we will go straight to the top!

  A very special thank you goes out to, NeNe Capri, Aaron Bebo, Niles Manning, Jai Amor, Sheena Gonzales, Shari Barnes, Ianthe Milton, Shamia Cummings, SOE Book Club, Just Read Book Club, Free Dreams Readers, My Urban Book Club, Literary Divas of Spartanburg,

  This book which is the last of the DNA series is dedicated to several readers who rock with me no matter what! Qiana Drennen, Shontavia Bladen, Lerithia Criss, Denise Henson, Rowena Perry and Pamela Perry THANKS GUYS! Without ya’ll asking me WHERE IS PART THREE? I would have never finished it. I hope I did you all proud and ended it with a BANG BANG BANG BANG!

  Jacole and Robert Laryea and your two new bundles of joy Nauticah and Oscean! Congrats on the Urban Literary Twincesses of 2014!

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine



  I don’t remember exactly when I started to hear the voices. Or the one voice I should say. I may have been about four or five years old when Takiya first came to visit me. I was living with Uncle Neko at the time; and although my uncle made sure I didn’t want for anything, I knew at such a tender age that something wasn’t quite right about the voice I would hear from time to time which got more defined and pronounced the older I got.

  Other kids had imaginary friends that they blamed for the bad shit that they did. If those same kids got caught doing something they had no business doing, they would blame their imaginary friend to keep their little asses out of hot water. My imaginary friend was real and she was always up to something.

  I had an imaginary friend that never went the fuck home and she was always into something that could get me caught up in a major way. Takiya was the one who did the bad shit and she left me to handle the aftermath! I took more beatings than the good Lord should have allowed for shit I couldn’t remember doing, but somehow got blamed for. As I got older, I would remember doing the shit and I would even remember trying to stop Takiya from doing it, but she was always faster, smarter and stronger than me. I had no choice but to do things her way or she would make shit harder for me than it already was back then.

  Takiya stayed with me through my childhood right into my pre-teens and she is still here causing more problems than ever. I am eighteen now, and she is more out of control than she has ever been before.

  Chapter One

  Who I Am

  YaYa Nicole

  My childhood was typical with the exception of some of the childish things Takiya did just to get a rise out of the little make-shift family I had left. I didn’t know much about my mother except what Uncle Neko would tell me about her, which wasn’t much. I don’t even remember her. She died when I was still an infant. My punk ass father didn’t want shit to do with me and that shit was fine by me because from what I understand, he was a nut!

  My father was supposed to be some big time rapper from D.C. who went crazy after he was shot. From what I know about the story, he was shot for some shit he didn’t have anything to do with. He just had bad luck in the female department and it almost got his ass killed.

  Uncle Neko never told me anything about my mother or father while I was growing up and that shit left me feeling incomplete. What I was able to find out about them I had to find out on my own and that shit was hard to do being that we were living in the A and my parents were both born and raised in Washington, D.C. I used to ask Uncle Neko why my father didn’t want me. He would tell me that there were some things about my parents that I just didn’t need to know. He always preached that the less I knew about them the better off I would be. I didn’t know how true that really was. It leads me to believe that my parents were involved in some ill shit and Uncle Neko didn’t want me to have anything to do with any of it! He always told me I reminded him of the aunt I was named after, YaSheema “YaYa” Clayton. He would speak so highly about my auntie, but he wasn’t too fond
of my mother ShaniQua “‘NiQue’ Watkins for some odd reason.

  From the pictures I have of my mother and aunt, I resemble my Aunt YaYa more so than my mother. I had inherited our family’s alluring grey eyes and cocky, headstrong attitude as well. The only thing I could tell that I had inherited from my mother – when I looked at her in the pictures – was her fair skin tone.

  Even though Uncle Neko, and his snotty ass wife Rhina, most likely had my best interest at heart by keeping what really happened to my mom and dad from me, I felt like there was still something missing. I wasn’t complete without knowing why I was going through the things I was going through. I needed to know who I was and where I came from. I needed to know why the crazy things going on in my head were happening. I definitely needed some answers as to what was going on with the voice in my head who called herself Takiya. Takiya was who I liked to call my best friend and my worst enemy all rolled into one. She has been around for as long as I can remember. She went from me hearing her when I was all by myself, to her being around all the time. At first, she didn’t make herself known while other people were around; but the older I got, the bolder she became. I think she started really showing off for the attention of it all. Takiya wanted people to notice her instead of them just seeing me. I think it was her way of getting the attention she craved. I know she uses me to get that attention, too.

  I haven’t told Uncle Neko or Aunt Rhina about Takiya because I know he would look at me funny. Uncle Neko caught me talking to Takiya a few times and he gave me a strange look as if he knew I wasn’t talking to myself. I think he knows there is something going on inside my head. He might even know that Takiya is the one I have been talking to, but since he hasn’t asked me anything about it, I’m not going to tell him anything about her. Besides, Takiya has told me over and over that if anyone found out about her, they would lock me up in some hospital and they would never let me out.

  So instead, I’ve learned how to control that shit. I had to block Takiya out when Uncle Neko Aunt Rhina or anyone else was around. Actually, I’ve gotten very good at keeping Takiya my little secret.

  I haven’t been able to figure out why Takiya doesn’t like Aunt Rhina very much. Takiya told me that Rhina doesn’t like me either. I don’t give a fuck if she does or she doesn’t. She just needs to leave things alone if they don’t pertain to her nosy ass. Aunt Rhina was always minding my business, and being that she has never birthed anything…she needs to fall back.

  I am glad I will be moving out of their house and away from their weird looks. I need to be able to find out who I am and where I came from. I already know that Uncle Neko and Aunt Rhina aren’t offering any information, so I know whatever it is they are hiding might explain why I hear the voice of someone who isn’t there and no one else can see.

  I know finding out about my mother’s life will shed some light on the wild shit I got going on inside of me. In order to find out who I am, I have to find out where I came from; and the only person who knows that and may be willing to talk is my father, because Uncle Neko and Aunt Rhina refuse to tell me anything valuable. Since they won’t tell me, I’m going to find out what I need to know all on my own even if it kills me.

  Chapter Two

  YaSheema Nicole

  “YaSheema, we need to talk,” Uncle Neko said.

  I knew he was going to start in on me about going to school at Howard University in Washington, D.C. This was a conversation we had several times in the last past year and I didn’t feel like having it again. He was blowing me with his speeches about getting an education and doing something with myself…just as long as it wasn’t going to happen anywhere near or around Washington, D.C.

  “Wassup, Unc?” I asked him, knowing fully well what he wanted to say before he even started in on me.

  “I wanted to know what your plans are when you leave for school tomorrow. I just don’t see why you can’t go to school down here. There are plenty of great schools right here in Atlanta. You don’t have to go to school in D.C. to get a good education; you know. Do you even know what you’re gonna major in, or is this just another way for you to ease to that city when I strictly forbid you to?” Uncle Neko asked me in a serious tone.

  How many times is he going to ask you the same ole thing? Takiya asked annoyed.

  I played it real cool and paid her no mind. It was something I have gotten so used to doing. She had a bad habit of barging in when she wasn’t needed. It was almost like ignoring a whining child after you told them no about something. You just drown them out until they eventually stop. The only problem was Takiya never seemed to just stop. She may quiet down in the background, but she was always lurking, listening and waiting on her queue to turn up and turn shit out.

  “Unc, I told you I haven’t decided what I want to major in yet. All I know is that I believe my calling is in D.C. Maybe I will try to find my father,” I said, waiting for his reaction to my plans. I knew it wasn’t going to be good.

  Just as I suspected, he wasn’t thrilled with my decision to go anywhere near Washington, D.C. The wrinkle lines formed on his forehead and I could bet that the graying hair on his head and face were all because of whatever had happened to our family in D.C. I could read it all over his face. His aging grey eyes fixed themselves on me and he made me uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me.

  “I don’t think that is a good idea, YaSheema. There is a lot of stuff you don’t know about what happened up there and you ain’t ready for it yet. I don’t see why you can’t just go to school down here so you can be with your friends,” he said again.

  “When would be a good time? You and Aunt Rhina never want to tell me shit about my mother and father! You don’t want me to ask you anything about them, and there is no way in hell I should have to walk around through life not knowing who I am or where I come from. You knew your parents. Why can’t I know mine?” I whined.

  “I think you should watch your mouth and calm your little ass down! Has it ever crossed your mind that we are trying to protect you from all the shit that went on up there? If your father wanted you to know anything about him, you would be with him and not us. There are some things that are better left alone and finding your father is definitely one of them,” Uncle Neko said sternly.

  I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes in defiance. He could say whatever he wanted, but I was going to D.C.; with his blessings or without them. It didn’t matter to me. He wasn’t the one who lived feeling incomplete, unloved and unwanted. I knew even though he had Aunt Rhina, something was missing from Uncle Neko’s life. The problem is he wasn’t ready to admit it.

  “I am only going to say this one time and one time only…there is nothing in that city for you! You can go anywhere you want, but you need to keep your ass out of the District! If you gotta go then fine…but don’t go looking for a nigga that don’t wanna be found. Got it?” he said.

  I nodded my head as though I were in agreement with him. Uncle Neko left my half-packed room and went on about his business. Uncle Neko could say whatever he wanted, but it sure wasn’t going to stop me from my mission. For the last eighteen years I have struggled with who I am. I knew exactly how kids who were adopted felt. They felt like a piece of them was missing and only finding the piece that fit into the puzzle would make them feel whole.

  Here I was with the scattered pieces and none of them fit.

  “I bet his bitch Rhina got something to do with why he doesn’t want you to go to D.C. She probably has convinced him that you would never come back if you were to get from up under their old asses!” Takiya laughed.

  I got up off the bed and made my way to where my IPod was sitting on top of some of my boxes that I packed to take along with me. I needed something, anything, to drown out Takiya. Her taunting isn’t what I needed right now. I turned the music on as loud as I could and tried to focus on getting dressed for my going away party. It was going to be the last time I saw some of my friends from Georgia until I came back home on break.
  “So you’re going to ignore me? You know Rhina is a bitch. Admit it!” Takiya said, making herself heard over the music.

  “I don’t have to admit anything. It might not be her. Did you ever think of that? It could be Uncle Neko. There’s something in D.C. that he doesn’t want me to know about. I don’t think it’s Rhina,” I said, defending my aunt. She wasn’t my favorite person, but I didn’t want to accuse her and she wasn’t the one responsible for the way Uncle Neko was acting.

  Takiya settled down after I put her in her place and I continued to get myself ready for my last night out with my small circle of friends from high school. This new chapter in my life was exciting and I was ready to get the show on the road so I could find out who I really was. I knew the answers to all of my questions lived in the heart of the Nation’s Capital and I was determined to find them.

  Chapter Three

  Ronald “Dread” Evans


  “Man, get up! You’ve been lying around all day. We need to talk,” Crack said, standing over top of me with his wife Queen by his side. They were both looking down at me like concerned parents. The female I talked into leaving the bar with me last night was still passed out on the other side of me. I can’t even say I knew her name. It really didn’t matter because I didn’t have any intentions of seeing her again anyway. She was a lousy lay from what I could remember. Either that or I had gotten so shit faced last night that I didn’t even remember if the sex was good or not. It didn’t matter because the hoe had to go.

  I nudged her to wake her and she moaned and rolled over like she didn’t want to be bothered; exposing her partially naked body. Queen sucked her teeth and Crack gave me the we have to talk look. I nudged ole’ girl and she finally sat up.

  “Look ahh… shawty, you have to go. My folks got something to lecture me about,” I said, giving Crack the evil eye. I was glad that he had come so I had an excuse to get rid of what’s her name, but I didn’t feel like being chastised like I was a child.


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